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Hearthstone |OT4| The warsong has ended, please patron other decks

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Honestly some famous streamer can make a pure Face Druid deck, do well on Ladder for a bit and it will get copy/pasted by other players and then Tempostorm is going to rate it high on their rankings.

That's pretty much how that Aggro Paladin deck rose in ranks. And the Mech Shaman deck before that. And the Malygos deck before that. And the 10 different Hunter deck variants before that.


There's nothing inherently overpowered in Aggro Paladin, it's just pretty good right now. Maybe Muster for Battle, but that's it.

Shielded minibot is a good card, not mad scientist op, but it's strong for sure. Divine favor is also a really good card vs control.


Really excited about the cards announced today. Even that crap Shaman weapon is interesting.

I want to see what else Blizz has in store for Priest. Flash Heal can put in some work with Auchenai.

I haven't even heard of Aggro Paladin until last week. People are going to take whatever flavor of the week they see that gets results and try to run with it. It's a good thing and a bad thing.


I think you guys are thinking about the Shaman weapon wrong. It's a 2-damage machine and it just keeps giving until the end of the game. You either keep the weapon up and use face or it gets destroyed and you can use your hero power. I don't think people will run other weapons besides maybe Doomhammer, but it'll be a beatdown deck and I think it'll be fun to play.


I think you guys are thinking about the Shaman weapon wrong. It's a 2-damage machine and it just keeps giving until the end of the game. You either keep the weapon up and use face or it gets destroyed and you can use your hero power. I don't think people will run other weapons besides maybe Doomhammer, but it'll be a beatdown deck and I think it'll be fun to play.

It's insane in arena that's for sure.
Shielded minibot is a good card, not mad scientist op, but it's strong for sure. Divine favor is also a really good card vs control.

Not just vs control, it's also against other midrange or tempo decks that can't dump their hand fast enough, provided you have a fast hand of course.


It's insane in arena that's for sure.
You give up your entire turn 4 only to get a 2 damage hero power another 3 turns later, I dunno. Whacking minions with the 2 damage charges eats into your health (which hurts doubly after missing the power turn on 4) while still requiring additional cards to kill anything worthwhile that isn't a leftover 3/2. And Shadowform, a much more efficient way of gaining the same hero power, isn't great in arena at all.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I would not draft it over either Yetis... and it's an Epic card.


There are a lot of decks that have been around since Beta. Here are a few decks that have been around since the beginning:

Handlock - Tap into cards and play Giants out in the mid-game.
Control Warrior - Use weapons and cheap removal to survive until the late game, where you unleash a powerful legendary every turn.
Freeze Mage - Even with all the freeze spells getting mana increases, this deck has never truly gone away.
Shockadin - Lots of divine shield and cheap minions. Flood the board, make value trades. This is pretty much the same as the new Aggro Pally.

What's important is that Blizzard has continued to release cards that enable new decks.

Zoolock(Naxx) - Zoo already existed as an OK deck, but Naxx reshaped it into something new. Eggs and Deathrattle minions allowed for old buffs to get extra value and the deck grew to dominate the board instead of rushing face.
Mech mage (GvG) - Used mages existing removal spells and the new mech synergies to create an a fast paced aggro deck, that had lots of reach for lethal.
Patron Warrior (BRD) - A single card and a bug fix turned a bad combo warrior deck into a very dominating Deck that is everyones favorite deck to hate. One turn kills and crazy amounts of draw, patrons getting in here, and berserkers hittings faces.

You'll continue to see all of the old decks grow and change with each expansion as well. The current Shockadin is a really good example. Here is one of the original decks:
If you compare it to the newer ones you can see how it changed.
Worgen Infiltrator was replaced by Southsea Deckhand once Paladins had more access to weapons.
Argent Commander was removed because 4 damage wasn't enough for the high cost, replaced by a better finisher like Leeroy or Arcane Golem.
Bluegill Warrior was replaced by the Shielded Minibot, a purely better minion for sure.
Avenging Wrath & Hammer of Wrath were replaced by faster more efficient spells like Muster for Battle & Blessing of Kings.

This was in response to WesternHeretic about old decks. I just got distracted while writing it :)


remember me
Zoo was more than "ok" before naxx. It was probably the single most played deck besides the old op buzzards/hounds combo midrange hunter.


Marvel 3 has had more different characters winning EVO than pretty much any other fighting game ever made... ironically enough.

Consider Boom merciful that you still draw breath!

The Marvel parallels don't stop there. What about Knife Vergiler "I need more juggles!"? Or Morrigantonidas F-F-F-F-Fireballs? Mayor Thaurrisan AKA The Mayor of HEARTH. Or P.A.T.R.O.N. "Plastered Attendee That Runs On Nofun" Super-SMOrc? Hulk Belcher? Piloted Wackbot with Hyper Sodium Deathrattle? Frothing Berderper Barrage? Fiery Phoen-axe AKA "I CAN control it!"


You give up your entire turn 4 only to get a 2 damage hero power another 3 turns later, I dunno. Whacking minions with the 2 damage charges eats into your health (which hurts doubly after missing the power turn on 4) while still requiring additional cards to kill anything worthwhile that isn't a leftover 3/2. And Shadowform, a much more efficient way of gaining the same hero power, isn't great in arena at all.

Charged hammer is a combo card.

It is a storm forged axe (3 mana 2/3 weapon plus shadow form (3 mana spell)

Except it costs only 4 mana, has an extra durability and the shadowform is delayed. But it's also like drawing a card (shadowform) because it's these 2 cards in 1.

It's biggest weakness is it is slow, but it has such high value I think it will see play.


Zoo was more than "ok" before naxx. It was probably the single most played deck besides the old op buzzards/hounds combo midrange hunter.
Zoo was always around and always good, but the way it played changed pretty dramatically. Every deck took 2 or 3 cards from Naxx, but Zoo was one that seemed to take the death rattle and run with it. Maybe it's just more noticeable because of all the buff cards, but being able to trade with Eggs or the front half of a spider while building your board took the deck a tier above where it was.

No one should ever mention Buzzard/Hound combo. Undertaker Hunter should also never be mentioned. We need rules for this stuff :)

Miracle used to be a classic deck as well. RIP.
haha and some decks just die over time.


No seriously Zoo was uncontested top tier way before Naxx

All it did was become more cancerous in the deathrattle sense while other classes gained options that in turn would have made the old Zoo style weaker in the changing meta (a perfect example of this are Death's Bite and Belcher)

Charged hammer is a combo card.

It is a storm forged axe (3 mana 2/3 weapon plus shadow form (3 mana spell)

Except it costs only 4 mana, has an extra durability and the shadowform is delayed. But it's also like drawing a card (shadowform) because it's these 2 cards in 1.

It's biggest weakness is it is slow, but it has such high value I think it will see play.
Yeah and now think about how happy you are when you draw a Stormforged Axe on turn 4+
Just fought a Warlock in Arena with Nat Pagle, Feugen and The Beast. None of those are very good but still

he also had 2 magma ragers so I guess it balances out


No seriously Zoo was uncontested top tier way before Naxx

All it did was become more cancerous in the deathrattle sense while other classes gained options that in turn would have made the old Zoo style weaker in the changing meta (a perfect example of this are Death's Bite and Belcher)

Yeah and now think about how happy you are when you draw a Stormforged Axe on turn 4+

Obviously in the current meta it would not be played. But in an inspire meta all about using hero power in long drawn out games, it's super good.
Also, when totem shamen is #1, 2 attack is perfect for killing totems!

It will be unplayable if the mets doesn't change, but I think it will, maybe just a little.


needs to show more effort.
Zoo was definitely stronger pre-naxx relative to the decks it was competing against. Yeah it got good naxx cards but all the other decks got really strong anti-aggro cards to fight zoo for early board control.


Yea Zoolock has always been around.

It used to be used with the old Blood Imp which was insanely OP and Soul Fire was 0 mana. It was Zoolock that caused those cards to get nerfed.

Midrange Druid with Combo has also been around for quite some time.

The decks that were killed were the following:

Old UTH Beast OTK
Warrior Giants OTK
UTH + Starving Buzzard Controlish Hunter deck
Miracle Rogue
Freeze Burn Mage (back when Pyro was 8 and Freeze spells were 1 mana cheaper)


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
I want to see if they print a Dragon with Inspire. Even if a lot of cards tagged by that seem too slow, I would like Dragon Pally to get a little more of a push. The dragon consort discount would basically eat the hero power cost which, if the effect is good, could be great.


I want to see if they print a Dragon with Inspire. Even if a lot of cards tagged by that seem too slow, I would like Dragon Pally to get a little more of a push. The dragon consort discount would basically eat the hero power cost which, if the effect is good, could be great.

It mostly just needs a Dragon with Taunt.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
It mostly just needs a Dragon with Taunt.

I was thinking if inspire gave another minion taunt but just a straight taunt might be better. But yeah, when I tried to get the deck to work taunts/heals were really crucial. It'd be nice to see some BRM stuff crop up either way.


A 2/3 for 2 mana that has +1+1 and taunt if you are holding a dragon would be the best card for dragon control.

Or something like that.

Edit: or a 1/3 maybe if that's too good.


So I was thinking. The only popular-flavor F2P PC game that Blizzard is missing is a Survival MMO. They already have the staple card game, TF-style shooter, and MOBA.

How likely would it be for a Diablo themed Survival MMO to be in the works?


That Warrior card is bonkers. 3/3 with charge for 2 mana! People are going to build decks around this.

It is a bit strange, though. A dragon deck is generally going to be slower. That would lead you to believe that this would be used for removal. It's better if it lives, but a Win Axe solves the same problem.

Maybe there will be a lower curve dragon deck that will use it.


It is a bit strange, though. A dragon deck is generally going to be slower. That would lead you to believe that this would be used for removal. It's better if it lives, but a Win Axe solves the same problem.

Maybe there will be a lower curve dragon deck that will use it.

I immediately checked out a Dragon Control Warrior deck to see how this would work inside it. It would basically be an additonal Fiery War Axe which would be good vs aggro but the major problem with it is that there aren't enough Dragons that can fit in the deck, and there's also the problem of what you could cut to fit Alex Champion into the deck. One awesome thing about it is that it would work as a Freezing Trap trigger.



There has to be some additional dragons coming out in this expansion for Blizz to make that specific Warrior card. Otherwise it's going to suck because there's not enough dragons to build a deck around where you would include that card.


Is the thread title change implying that TGT is looking good? I'm still of the opinion that nearly all the cards are underpowered/overcosted and the meta is hardly going to shift after it's out.


Is the thread title change implying that TGT is looking good? I'm still of the opinion that nearly all the cards are underpowered/overcosted and the meta is hardly going to shift after it's out.

It's already better than GvG for not having dumb shit like shredder/boom.


We have mechs from 1 mana to whatever. mechs with taunt, mechs that heal, mechs that do whatever. We have giant mechs. We have minions that summon mechs. Now not all of them see play but options are there to build any kind of mech decks. Other tribes are just so poor next to it.

We need dragons with taunt and healing dragons. Dragons that cost 3 or less. There is only faerie dragon and that's not a bad two drop but there are so many better two drops in the game. Current dragon decks are all trash and very slow and draw dependent. You need like 10 (5x2) dragons for other cards to reliably work and currently it doesn't exist for a decent playable curve or their functions or stats are just not any good.

Maybe someday we get a set based around Cataclysm with more dragons. Not holing hope for this set. There is only one dragon so far that's not any good for this problem.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I don't think they want to turn dragons into "just another minion type". Magic had a similar self imposed limitation where they made sure their flagship types, (Dragons and Angels) were all big and beefy.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Living Roots is crazy good in Token Druid. Violet Teacher. Double Living Roots. Power of the Wild.

And Alexstraza's Champion is INSANE, holy shit.


There is probably going to be class card dragon for warrior in the set. Paladin and priest got theirs in BRM. Mage got one now, there is gotta be one for each I guess. It's probably not any good. With all the other taunt related cards for warrior so far, it could be a taunt actually.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
There is probably going to be class card dragon for warrior in the set. Paladin and priest got theirs in BRM. Mage got one now, there is gotta be one for each I guess. It's probably not any good. With all the other taunt related cards for warrior so far, it could be a taunt actually.
I would take a Warrior specific taunt dragon as a replacement for Sludge Belcher.


The more I see Living Roots, the more I like it. I think it'll strengthen my deck without having to sacrifice my core spell focus, and will allow me to tweak and branch out if the meta gets nasty.
Man that paladin card is going to take aggro paladin to the top of the meta.

Guessing if you coin muster then drop that on turn 3 that's pretty scary looking board. But I'm not sure why you would keep that unless you just draw it... then derp. Guessing something like Argent Squire/Leaper on 1, then coin muster on 2, then drop that fucking thing on 3.


It's just raid leader with 2 more health. You can try it right now...

Actually I think it's more usable in mid range and control than face, just like quartermaster. Face doesn't run 3 drops other than arcane golems.
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