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Hearthstone |OT4| The warsong has ended, please patron other decks

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Warhorse trainer (pal) -- 4hp could be worthwhile but trades poorly with shredder. The +1 attack seems to be more useful in a trading scenario rather than going face so I am thinking this is more of a midrange or control deck.

Flash heal (pri) -- Seems to be a premium instant heal bringing auchenai soulpriest back in a big way and more burst into the class.

Living roots (dru) -- So an arcane shot with an upside for when the 2 attack is useless on the current board. Or you can look at it as a 1 mana card that brings 2/2 stats to the board, something we don't have a neutral of. I think it is good. When you remove a 3/2 while preserving 1 mana over wrath to establish board, I like it. Maybe an aggro druid deck will be a thing as well.

Fist of Jaraxxus (lock) -- Seems really strong in classic warlock. Turn 5 doomguard can potentially hit for 9-13 damage instead of 5. The card can be held on to til it is ensured to happen, reducing the rng weakness of that deck. Double soulfire for 1 mana. God.

Charged Hammer (sha) -- Hard to evaluate this card. It doesn't trade very well at the mana cost it is at. You'll want that hero power but the earliest you can get it is turn 7-8. And you'll still probably really want to avoid harrison despite there being an upside.

Alexstrasza's Champion (war) -- Sure, but patron warrior doesn't run any dragons. And control warrior doesn't run enough. Of course a dragon type warrior is possible, and a 3/3 is solid, but is it worth running over the other two warrior archetypes - dunno. Aggro warrior with a dragon effect perhaps.


Motherfucker. Got muster comboed in arena. And just after I played right into his repentance, because I thought he had avenge.



Opponent play Sneed's and bunch of other things on board.

I do my patron combo, kill his sneed's which drops Majordomo and I win the game right that turn LOL.

Sneed's is trash tier after BRM.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
I assume this is some sort of inside joke?

I don't think I have seen one Mad Scientist in constructed recently.

I think Flash Heal is going to see a lot of play. I mean as a common card it's going to show up in Arena quite often, and I can already see the terrifying Priest T5 that kills a Yeti and develops a 3/5 from an empty board (Soulpriest -> Flash Heal). I'm sure there be a bunch of aggro Priests around using it to go for face in constructed too.


One thing I forgot to comment on earlier. During the hots/hs stream earlier today, the dev mentioned that they like to design and release cards that support an expansion before and after its release. There aren't a lot of examples, but I wonder what might be the "pre-cursors" for the next expansion card-wise in TGT. Maybe some haven't been revealed yet. The most obvious connection is if the next adventure will be Icecrown Citadel. In that case, the theme itself is the connection/support.

I wonder if we'll see some scourge cards or death knight flavored cards that don't quite work yet, but will gel nicely with cards from the ICC adventure.



I just opened a golden Mimirons Head

The animation into VOLTRON is ridiculous!


I've only ever gotten two golden legendaries, and I'm so glad one was Mimiron's Head. It's glorious. The first game I took it into, I got the transformation going. So good.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Opponent play Sneed's and bunch of other things on board.

I do my patron combo, kill his sneed's which drops Majordomo and I win the game right that turn LOL.

Sneed's is trash tier after BRM.

But soon Sneed will be able to drop Aviana!

...though Fizzlebang is pretty bad.


Reynads card review is seriously on point with how I've viewed the cards. Darnassus Aspirant being the strongest card revealed, and Eadric being insanely good in control Paladin.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Reynads card review is seriously on point with how I've viewed the cards. Darnassus Aspirant being the strongest card revealed, and Eadric being insanely good in control Paladin.

I think Reynad has overrated Darnassus Aspirant a bit. Don't get me wrong, I think it's a strong card, but he called it the strongest 2 drop in the game, which it is not. It's a general purpose Mechwarper but even then it's not as strong as Mechwarper because it is inferior to Mechwarper in the late game since you can't combo the effect on the same turn and the effect doesn't really work on multiple cards at once.

Eadric is also overrated. You have to humiliate either 2 cards at 6 attack or more or 3-4 minions at lower attack values to really get value off of him. 3/7 is NOT good stats for 7 mana, that's bad. That only passes the vanilla test at some level between 4 and 5 mana. And this guy costs 7.

He, like Trump and some others, are also really down on Gadgetzan Jouster. I think he's probably one of the most underrated cards in the set right now. Everybody keeps saying they'd rather run Zombie Chow but I think Gadgetzan Jouster is a clear pick over Zombie Chow in some decks where Zombie Chow is run, like Ramp Druid. Everybody admits that Zombie Chow is basically a dead draw on anything but the earliest turns in the game because you don't want to heal your opponent for 5. So people are always looking for an excuse to only run a single zombie chow. You don't have that problem with Gadgetzan Jouster. And a 1/2 for 1 mana isn't even that bad of a drawback, especially not compared to the potential upside.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Starting a new arena run. Very first game. I go first. Play zombie chow.

Opponent plays Mad Bomber. All 3 hits strike the zombie chow.

This is gonna be one of those days, isn't it?

Gadgetzan Jouster is trash.

I explained why I think it's good, and you dismiss it out of hand without explanation. Seems legit.


7-1 atm with my Paladin arena run. I'm really happy with how the deck turned out, even though it's not an amazing deck. I miss stuff like Shielded Minibots, Blessing of Kings, Conscecrates and Muster for Battle, but I did draft for some pretty good synergy imo. Managed to drop the Sea Giant for 4 or 5 mana most of the time and the Frost Elemental, Argent Protector and Ancient Brewmaster combo does wonders. Also had some sick board clears with the Madder Bomber and Avenging Wrath against those aggro decks with low HP minions. Hope I can get to 9 wins at least for the boost in gold. :>


Eadric is also overrated. You have to humiliate either 2 cards at 6 attack or more or 3-4 minions at lower attack values to really get value off of him. 3/7 is NOT good stats for 7 mana, that's bad. That only passes the vanilla test at some level between 4 and 5 mana. And this guy costs 7.

But it's all in one card. It's a pseudo-boardwipe which leaves you with a 3/7. Not good stats? Why? Everything left on the board needs to attack it 7 times to kill it. There's no boardstate that it doesn't completely enter and dominate aside from Ragnaros and Ysera.

Too be fair he nailed the last set:

Warhorse Trainer - Looks good, but in reality is a situational raid leader and the +2 health isn't good enough to overcome the awkward mana cost (For Paladin). Could get play, but I don't see how it fits in so I'd be surprised to see it too often.

Flash Heal - Really good priest card and even has synergy with confuse. Likely to get run quite often. Pretty much gives soul priest taunt from turn 9 on.

Living Roots - Looks like it would fit in nicely to a savage raw deck, just to pump out some more cheap minions. It does look like Druid is going to be slower and wrath is already a thing, so it'll probably be a situational include in very specific decks.

Fist of Jaraxxus - The hardest one to judge. It'll be awesome in certain situations like a double fisting doom guard but often you'll just be better with something you can play. If you do get down to just this in a hand, chances are you are just playing cheap minions you could play anyway. I'll suspect it'll be a novelty - Brawl card.

Charged Hammer - 2 damage isn't going to do anything so it is way too slow. It also doesn't fit in amongst the other weapons for the class. Great for arena though.

Alex's Champion - Looks good, but it isn't going to fit in "Control + some dragons warrior". It is a piece of the dragon puzzle, but we'd need to see another good one to make a proper dragon warrior deck.

Gadgetzan Jouster - Trash. You are playing a 1/2 to sometimes get a 2/3 and giving information to your opponent. There are better one drops for just about every class and deck.

But it's all in one card. It's a pseudo-boardwipe which leaves you with a 3/7. Not good stats? Why? Everything left on the board needs to attack it 7 times to kill it. There's no boardstate that it doesn't completely enter and dominate aside from Ragnaros and Ysera.

It isn't a pseudo-boardwipe. It reduces the damage on the board, but against decks where it matters, they'll buff those minions next turn and no fucks will be given. If they are still there, you didn't do enough on turn 7.

One thing I forgot to comment on earlier. During the hots/hs stream earlier today, the dev mentioned that they like to design and release cards that support an expansion before and after its release. There aren't a lot of examples, but I wonder what might be the "pre-cursors" for the next expansion card-wise in TGT. Maybe some haven't been revealed yet. The most obvious connection is if the next adventure will be Icecrown Citadel. In that case, the theme itself is the connection/support.

A million bucks says the rogue class challenge is all burglars.


On Darnassus:

in the late game since you can't combo the effect on the same turn and the effect doesn't really work on multiple cards at once.

Since it's the same wording as Wild Growth I assumed it drew you a card if played on turn 10 which would make up for that?

It isn't a pseudo-boardwipe. It reduces the damage on the board, but against decks where it matters, they'll buff those minions next turn and no fucks will be given. If they are still there, you didn't do enough on turn 7.

What decks are those? I assume you're talking permanent buffs because an Abusive Sergeant isn't really a big deal in the long run. The fact is that it slows your opponent down to a screeching halt, and in a deck with LoH, the 5/5 Jouster, Truesilver, Equality + Consecrate, that's a huge deal.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Everything left on the board needs to attack it 7 times to kill it. There's no boardstate that it doesn't completely enter and dominate aside from Ragnaros and Ysera.

If you're reducing stuff that's only 2 or 3 attack a humility is mostly inconsequential. Especially if there are only 2-3 minions on the board. You just really don't do very much. If you're throwing it down on a massive board something like consecrate or equality is going to do a lot more damage. Your opponent basically has to be massively ahead in order for him to be good, and you have to make a TON of trades before you clean up the aftermath At 3 attack he's not going to threaten other big drops that come down after him, like Dr. Boom..


Well obviously it's not replacing Equality + Consecrate.

Why does he have to be massively ahead? It only sets your opponents minions attack to 1. If you have something on the board and your opponent has as well going into your turn, you get insane value when trading after playing it.
What decks are those? I assume you're talking permanent buffs because an Abusive Sergeant isn't really a big deal in the long run. The fact is that it slows your opponent down to a screeching halt, and in a deck with LoH, the 5/5 Jouster, Truesilver, Equality + Consecrate, that's a huge deal.

If you are running that deck and your opponent has a board full of stuff, you are already dead.

Argus, abusive, power overwhelming, blessing of might, one of those minions being a rhino, velens chosen, powerword shield, cold blood. Then you consider spell power minions, emperor balanced, patrons into berserkers, 1/7 boom and his boom bots, antonidas...

There is a heap of stuff the relies on minions being on the board. You start leaving around 1/6's and you are in big trouble.

Now you might say that people don't run all those cards (Patron aside), but the second we get slow ass jouster decks you can see what will happen. I don't think it is that great.


But it's all in one card. It's a pseudo-boardwipe which leaves you with a 3/7. Not good stats? Why? Everything left on the board needs to attack it 7 times to kill it. There's no boardstate that it doesn't completely enter and dominate aside from Ragnaros and Ysera.

Everything left on the board won't attack it. The only wipe in the game is a real wipe and paladin can wipe everything. The card is really not useful. It's good on the off chance that you have some minions and there is some on the other side, you play this then kill them. This card isn't going to win you board control by itself, only Dr. Boom or maybe Sylvanas can do that. And even then Kel'Thuzad is way better.

Let's say you play this on a board of giants, what will happen is that you either get hit with silence on some and power overwhelming on others and die anyway. It's not going to save the game. Peace keepers are just far more useful with board control, really how often you think mass humility is any good? if you're overwhelmed it's time for equality. It's enough to get through any match if you use them well. This legendary is very situational to be even close to a auto include. There are far more reliable always good options and it doesn't bring anything new to paladin.

To get real value from it, it needs to work on 4+ minions. Any decent player won't make the mistake of committing that much to the board unless they are sure they can win. Zoo doesn't care if you humiliate their board. Patrons? they don't care either. All that is left is activator for berserker anyway. Hunters rarely have more than 2 minions. Mages and druids are same. Face paladin doesn't care about humility either. It's just waste of 7 mana you could do a lot more with.
So there is no chance we get the expansion next week then right?
I'd be really surprised of they did. They'll want to get in as many pre-orders in as they can, which I feel takes in more crazy card reveals alongside a release date to push people on the fence towards it. If it was next week, they would of hammed it up on the GamesCom stream since they would of had a ton of exposure. Sadly we have one more week.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I can't think of a deck that's actually threatened by Eadric.

Mech Shaman, maybe, and they're going to try to kill you before Eadric drops anyway. Druid is another, it's good for resetting a stealthed Shade. But it's not going to stop Force Roar.

No one cares if you Eadric their Sylvanas or Thaurissan or Antonidas.

I mean it's not unplayable like Bolvar was, but it's far from Tirion.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
What you guys dont know is that there's a Stampeding Kodo Heard card for 8 mana that destroys all enemy minions with 2 or less attack.

See this would make Eadric much better. I recall one of the earlier Control Paladins did actually use Kodo for like... 2 weeks before it ripped.
See this would make Eadric much better. I recall one of the earlier Control Paladins did actually use Kodo for like... 2 weeks before it ripped.

Kodo was very common in control paladins prior to gvg. After GVG bgh became more useful, but before that it wasn't often ran at least on ladder. In a tournament setting the meta was much more divergent especially with paladins which were built to beat specific decks.
See this would make Eadric much better. I recall one of the earlier Control Paladins did actually use Kodo for like... 2 weeks before it ripped.
I thought it was longer than that. Figured the Humility/Peacekeepee with Kodo combo was a staple. Freed up the use of your Equalities.

Yeah but it's a druid class card.
Now that would be hilarious to see, and heartless by Blizzard.

However, the more I think about it, the more I like it because it pushes 2v2 into being real. Then we'll have the amazing Ealdric the Pure + Confuse / Druid Kodo combos!


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Gadgetzan Jouster - Trash. You are playing a 1/2 to sometimes get a 2/3 and giving information to your opponent. There are better one drops for just about every class and deck.

In a deck like Ramp Druid, you are usually getting a 2/3 with no downside and only sometimes getting a 1/2. And a 1/2 isn't even that bad. Getting a 1/2 is better than giving your opponent 5 health in the late game. It's going to usually be a 2/3 against aggro decks and against control it's not completely dead like zombie chow is.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Does a Handlock really care if you know they have a giant somewhere in their deck?

Or Jaraxxus?

I think not. I don't think they would care one bit.


So the tradeoff is pretty clear:

Zombie Chow is better early (100% chance of being a 2/3) but jouster is better late, as zombie chow can be literally unplayable in many late game situations due to its drawback. So yes, Zombie is better if you happen to draw it right away, but worse if you don't.

I don't think it's obvious how that will play out. Depends on how reliable jousting can be, and many other factors.
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