Made a Reno Priest Control deck with the new Entomb card and Excavated Evil. Let's see how this goes!
How did it go?
Made a Reno Priest Control deck with the new Entomb card and Excavated Evil. Let's see how this goes!
Anecdotal, but in the 20 games or so where I've played with the deck, I don't think there was even once where I was like "man I sure hoped that was a soul of the forest instead". In any case, I've swapped out the sea giant with a swipe, feels like the extra reach through taunt would be nice (or the occasional comeback-swipe).Yeah, I've been ranking up with that Druid Egg deck and having really good success with it. I don't know if I could cut a Soul of the Forest though. It's such a key card in the deck, creating super sticky boards that your opponent just has no way to deal with. It is true that the second one can end up as a dead card, especially if you draw it early, but those games are so few and you ideally want to play it on turn 6-7 every game so having 2 for the consistency factor is key IMO.
Also the deck's creator said he was going to swap in a Sir Finley today and I think that makes a lot of sense. I just tried it out and got Hunter's hero power each time, which helped tremendously in closing out the win. Warlock would also be a good one to get. The token generating ones in Paladin and Shaman synergize well with your buffs and the other ping classes are decent enough. The only hero powers you absolutely don't want are Priest and Warrior and since you get 3 to choose from, you are guaranteed to get a better hero power every time.
In any case, I've lived the dream:
Thinking of including one consecration somewhere, not sure if its needed though.
This board is amazing.In any case, I've lived the dream:
Do you think you'll ever get to the point where you can use Anyfin Can Happen?
I won 100% against Hunters. I stole a bunch of Dr Booms with Entomb but I only got to re-play it once. Had one of my best games ever against a Dragon Priest, combined Reno Jackson and Justicar effort saved me in that game.How did it go?
Sure, against a control deck that manages to board wipe. Its basically a late-game drop the same as Tirion is for the deck (and most people lose against secrets paladin before they ever see that being dropped), except that you're bringing back a full board (which can sometimes be crappy) that the control deck now has to deal with, which is often better than just a single threat.
Man I'm like 0-2 tonight against priest. The fuck is this shit!
"The Light shall burn you!"
Has there been any amazing decks emerge yet?
From a CW perspective I'm still thinking justicar/quartermaster shenanigans is stronger.
The problem may be midrange already destroys control decks, so what is murlocadin really going to beat?
I don't know, I put the deck together in like 3 minutes off the basis of a secrets paladin deck skeleton and put in murlocs.
Also, Anyfin provides paladins with something it never really had before: (potential) burst damage from an empty board. (Quatermaster burst requires the tokens to stay alive)
Depending on:
1) Which murlocs you have played (and died or is still on the board)
2) Which ones RNG brings back with Anyfin.
Worse case scenario: You summon all non-charge, non-buff murlocs
Average scenario: You summon at least 1 charger and 1 warleader + a few others. (2-10 charge damage)
Best case scenario (for this deck): 2x bluegill, 1x murkeye, 2x warleader and 2 other murlocs (24 charge damage)
Remember that this is just some secrets version that I whipped out in like 3 minutes, the OTK challenge on reddit one is more control/stall based with heals/taunts and exactly 7 murlocs in the deck, you could probably get away with playing 5 of them (bluegills/murkeye/warleaders) in some midrange version and still do ok.
Do you mind posting your list, either here or in private? I've been meaning to try Mech Hunter, Priest, and Druid. Or I could try to come up with my own list and we could compare notes later.
Im playing control priest (non dragon) and its fucking amazing right now. no more doing passing turns and its highly reactive and proactive.
still refining it and its missing the last week 2 drop.
Fair enough. I'm not saying it can't work, because it looks like it can.
Here is the latest version:
So Anyfin Can Happen won't repeat Murlocs if less than seven have died, will it?
I lost though, he had exact lethal. I could have taken the chance and kill the argus and hope he didn't have lethal, but I was too far behind in health IMO. Oh well.
Im playing control priest (non dragon) and its fucking amazing right now. no more doing passing turns and its highly reactive and proactive.
still refining it and its missing the last week 2 drop.
No Velen's chosen?Holy shit, Twin Mech: Rise of the 3/4's is fun to play. I already liked the deck before Gorillabot but now it really seems to do well.
This is how the list is currently, still tweaking it though:
No Velen's chosen?
You'd have to drop something but what about sir Finley to get a better hp?Fair enough. I'm not saying it can't work, because it looks like it can.
I'm just wondering if overall it'll work better than other decks. The problem with those murlocs is they can't really control the board. So although you'll have burst, it'll probably be against some taunts on the other side or you'll have already lost.
Will be fun to see if it can work out.
Here is the latest version:
Standard mech stuff:
2x clockwork gnome
2x cogmaster
2x annoy-o-tron
2x mechwarper
2x micro machine
2x spider tank
1x mech yeti
2x piloted shredder
Standard broken stuff:
1x Doctor Boom - also two mechs...
Tech cards:
1x ironbeak - activates kill command and fuck secret paladin.
Magic stuff
1x Brann
2x metaltooth leaper
2x Gorillabot - card draw and remember, hunter cards get priority and they only have one mech! So lots of leapers.
2x Tomb spider - Not a mech? No but I look at it this way. It has great Brann synergy and you will either get "big beast" which can help you or "small beast" which activates kill command for burst. Chances are? You can get both.
2x kill command - burst
2x animal companion - just too good.
2x glavezooka - Basically to try to keep your mechs alive and gain tempo.
The strategy is simple, flood the board with mechs, reload with gorilla and tomb spider and try to burst with kill command when you inevitably run out of steam. Brann is used with tomb spider and gorillabot to reload but you want to save it for +4 attack with metaltooth, or the dream +8 combo onto a board of small shit.
I mulligan hard for glavezooker, because otherwise you tend to have no chance. You do get mechs down on the board, but they just get eaten up by other minions.
Besides card draw, the big problem is the hero power just doesn't work with this deck. You need that mage ping to keep your mechs on the board. Will keep trying though, I enjoy playing it.
I added conjurer to my tempo Mage, now I've only got one four drop. I'm leaning towards water ele for the first time over shredder, is that crazy? Also teching flamestrike in bc of so much cancer and boom just bc. Perhaps I should drop boom since he doesn't provide synergy with anty and walkers but, I have duplicate and mirror image as my secrets.I am eating all these shitty Murloc decks alive with Patron Warrior and Tempo Mage, I love it! Wish I had Hungry Crab to tech in for extra punishment!
Holy shit, Twin Mech: Rise of the 3/4's is fun to play. I already liked the deck before Gorillabot but now it really seems to do well.
This is how the list is currently, still tweaking it though:
The new wing has several murloc umm whats with all the murloc decks, seen a bunch of paladin and shaman ones in ladder 15-20.
so umm whats with all the murloc decks, seen a bunch of paladin and shaman ones in ladder 15-20.
Love is in the Air
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Blingtron's Beauteous Brawl - Blingtron is ready to rumble! He changes your hero power to "Get a random weapon." AND he gives you random weapons!