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Hearthstone |OT5| Corrupted Deeprock Salt


Removing Uther's WELL MET for Christmas has nerfed him significantly in the BM meta isnt that enough
That sucks. Well Met is so universal. Can be used as a greeting or a counter greet. Can be used instead of well played (in both ways), can be used for BM or genuine congrats.


You know nerfing mad scientist would make the matchup of Mage/Hunter vs Paladin ... be more in favor of Paladin. Especially if a juggler can ping off the mad scientist and you save a trade.
Also, with a 1/1 Mad Scientist, think of the Hobgoblin synergy!


New wing tomorrow.

Eerie Statue could be a Renolock inclusion.

Raven Idol is a pretty good card overall at least for Arena.

Curse of Rafaam might be a cool anti Freeze Mage tech.

Desert Camel not looking too hot right now as almost everyone has some 1 drop. Unless people want to go all in with Injured Kvaldir.

Museum Curator also has some potential.

Legendary sucks this time though. The previous 3 were great though. At least there will be some Starseeker decks online that I will happily crush into submission.
The curse is only usefull against 1 deck, that's way too specific.
I hope we see a few more curse cards in the future, but they should really do something else as well.
I mean, spamming DOT's is kind of a warlock thing afterall..

There is some potential for both legendaries.
Starseeker could be great in a control vs control game, because you often end up with a lot of useless cards in your hand.
At the very least she will make for some awesome trollden videos.

Rafaam could also work in control decks that don't have a finisher.


I gave up on priest for now. Dragon is getting demolished with so many reno, aggro and so on. Just not as good as other decks too. And Control/Holy priest needs so many gimmicks that you really need to get lucky... have Auchenai in hand, flash heal and light of the naaru... otherwise it's bye bye too. Sad because it's my favorite class but it's going nowhere right now for me.
I gave up on priest for now. Dragon is getting demolished with so many reno, aggro and so on. Just not as good as other decks too. And Control/Holy priest needs so many gimmicks that you really need to get lucky... have Auchenai in hand, flash heal and light of the naaru... otherwise it's bye bye too. Sad because it's my favorite class but it's going nowhere right now for me.

I'v changed my dragon priest to a Malygos Priest, the shell is the about the same but now I can burst the reno decks when they dont think they need to heal and you still have all the early taunts to deal with agro.


I'v changed my dragon priest to a Malygos Priest, the shell is the about the same but now I can burst the reno decks when they dont think they need to heal and you still have all the early taunts to deal with agro.

Nice! Ive seen some people working on a burst priest deck with priest, but some said that priest still need some cards. Care to share the decklist? :D
Nice! Ive seen some people working on a burst priest deck with priest, but some said that priest still need some cards. Care to share the decklist? :D


I made a few changes that was the original, I'm the type of guy that deletes all my decks and remakes them so id have to go check the tweeks.

But you still get in early damage from twilights and you can either finish it off with azrure drakes or velens spell power and blast them or hold off to draw the full combo.

I was running another version with holy smites for more burst but if your not getting huge draws off priestess it makes the deck clunky.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
I just spent like $40 for 4k dust and a pit lord.

I am a consumer whore.


they need to change mad scientist deathrattle to "put a random secret into the battlefield". It could be any secret from any class. Every class could use it!

EDIT: it would still be OP
they need to change mad scientist deathrattle to "put a random secret into the battlefield". It could be any secret from any class. Every class could use it!

EDIT: it would still be OP

50% chance to give your opponent a secret instead of you. It works against paladin because they have max secrets so 100% chance to get 1 secret. You're welcome Blizzard.

Or, reveal a minion from both decks, if yours costs higher add a secret from your deck into play. Joust it.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
they need to change mad scientist deathrattle to "put a random secret into the battlefield". It could be any secret from any class. Every class could use it!

EDIT: it would still be OP

That's barely a nerf at all. Hell it might even be a buff. You don't even have to run a secret in your deck.


1/2 mad scientist is reasonable. the function is not going away, that much is set. that new priest 2 drop being a 1/2 shows how bad mad scientist is.


The curse is only usefull against 1 deck, that's way too specific.
I hope we see a few more curse cards in the future, but they should really do something else as well.
I mean, spamming DOT's is kind of a warlock thing afterall..

I think that there is a possibility that curse of rafaam will find play outside of freeze Mage tech. I can see scenarios where it is used to force a tempo play.

Imagine throwing a curse against a paladin running into turn 2 or 3. Usually a chance to drop a minibot, juggler, or muster. If they keep playing minions the curse stacks damage. If they get rid of the curse you have a chance to get out that 3 drop to start to contest the board.

Not great against control who usually hero power turn two, but I think it can affect more than just iceblock.
Encounter at the Crossroads....really?

You could at least pretend you give a shit Blizzard.

Yeah it sucks. I would presume they would choose a 'repeat' brawl right now to let peeps check out the new LOE cards but if that is the rationale, at least wait to repeat a brawl until the final wing is out.


You know what... I am tired of these lazy ass Brawls.

I am going to come up with 5 Brawls (that took me 5 minutes each to come up with).

Role Reversal:

Build a deck as normal. However at the start of the game, exchange 15 cards from your own deck at random with your opponent's deck.

Why: Originally I thought that the entire deck would swap but then people would build a deck of really garbage minions/cards that would do no damage and they would win by just pinging the opponent. So if half of the cards are exchanged and you don't know which one.... well you can't make a garbage deck anymore. However this really increases the potency of class specific cards like Shield Slam and Poison Blade which only your class can really use.

Double Trouble:

All Battlecries, Deathrattles and card draw effects are doubled. Also maximum HP, deck size and maximum mana crystals are also doubled!

Caveat: The deck you choose for this Brawl is duplicated to have 60 cards in it (so if you have one Ysera now you have two of them)

Oh and Dr Balanced is banned in this.

Mass Confusion:

All minions have their attacks and HP swapped!


Pick a hero power... then pick a class!

And because I know Blizzard loves RNG so much:

King of Thieves:

Both decks are filled with 27 Burgles and 3 Nefarians.


I gave up on priest for now. Dragon is getting demolished with so many reno, aggro and so on. Just not as good as other decks too. And Control/Holy priest needs so many gimmicks that you really need to get lucky... have Auchenai in hand, flash heal and light of the naaru... otherwise it's bye bye too. Sad because it's my favorite class but it's going nowhere right now for me.

I've been having luck with Control Priest. Zombie Chow, Pyromancer, Deathlord, Holy Nova, Light Bomb, Shadow Priest / CoH - there are a ton of options for going anti-aggro. You'll weaken yourself against other Control decks though if you go too far.

I'm running CoH x 2, Z.Chow x 2, Pyro x 2, Injured BM x 2, Deathlord x 2, ASP x 2, H. Nova x 1, Lightbomb x 2, and Belcher x 2.

I have to rely on CSP x 2 / Shrink x 1 and 2 Entombs for late game control. I struggle most against Handlock and Control Warrior.

Still a work-in-progress! Your mileage may vary.
Good luck!

(I give up on Priest all the time, but I always go back. lol)


Actually after spending 2 more minutes on King of Thieves I realized that you should give them a full deck of thieves:

King of Thieves deck (both players get this deck)

2x Mind Vision
2x Gang Up
2x Convert
1x Lorewalker Cho
2x Thoughtsteal
2x Burgle
2x MCT
2x Epic Games
2x Shadow Madness
2x Cabal Shadow Priest
1x Spellstealer
2x Faceless Manipulator
1x Gallywix
1x Sylvanas
2x Entomb
2x Nefarian
1x Rafaam (cause he's a thief
1x Mind Control
Up to rank 4, almost 3 today. Might push for legend again finally this season, especially being so close already. Cancer druid just so gud. More success than face hunter or anything else. Hardest matchups are priest if they draw decent, and cancer shaman I think. Secret paladin usually not very good vs. it.


I've been thinking maybe Rafaam isn't that bad of a card, you get to choose depending on game state what card to get, it can be pretty good. I feel it could work in Reno paladin maybe.

giving +10/+10 to a token to end the game potentially. seems possible for paladin.

filling your board with 3/3s can be very good too if it's some late game stalemate.

dealing 10 random damage is the worst one, but still in some situations, like against freeze mage is like a pyroblast, all of it goes face. Again paladin can control the board well and clear the other side for this to hit face. As a board clear overall it's ok too but you don't really want that. you don't play a 9 drop to get a mediocre 10 mana board clear.

Now compared with Ysera, stats are worse, cards are worse too but there is no RNG. From Ysera, you generally want Ysera awakens for burst and board clear, nightmare and dream can be handy too, emerald drake is ok to fill the board and laughing sister is just bad mostly. So you might play Ysera and get a useless card for 9 mana or play this card and get something you know it can win the game next turn potentially, I think it can be playable. maybe in control warrior even, Building a 3/3 board for CW seems really good against paladin too, no?


I've been thinking maybe Rafaam isn't that bad of a card, you get to choose depending on game state what card to get, it can be pretty good. I feel it could work in Reno paladin maybe.
Rafaam isn't a bad card if the meta was slower. It's not so it sucks.

In Control vs Control this is a very good card.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
There are so many constructed brawls you could generate just based off of ideas from existing cards

Enter the Coliseum (at the end of each turn, destroy all minions except each player's highest attack minion)
Ancestor's Call/Alarm-o-bot (minions cannot be played, each turn, pull a random minion from each player's deck)
Recombobulator (at the end of each turn, all minions transform into other random minions of the same cost)
Enhance-o-Mechano (minions you play gain windfury, taunt, or divine shield at random)
Ogres (all minions have a 50% chance to attack the wrong enemy)
Felguard (every time you play a card, destroy a mana crystal)
Injured Kvaldir/Blademaster (minions lose one health when summoned)
Argent Watchman (minions can only attack after you use your hero power)
Brann Bronzebeard (battlecries trigger twice)
Majordomo (At the start of the game, each player's hero is replaced with Ragnaros, but with way more health)


I randomly decided to play a thief Priest because I got inspired.

After playing like 6 matches... god damn Convert is such an awful card.
Up to rank 4, almost 3 today. Might push for legend again finally this season, especially being so close already. Cancer druid just so gud. More success than face hunter or anything else. Hardest matchups are priest if they draw decent, and cancer shaman I think. Secret paladin usually not very good vs. it.

What's the cancer druid deck?


Man Shaman getting Hunter hero power off of the 1/3 Murloc is such horse shit.

Seems like what was holding back Shaman was in fact its hero power.
LOLOLOL just had a game where my opponent (Druid) innervated out a shredder and Lorewalker Cho pops out. He couldn't combo for the rest of the game... I just refused to kill it.

At the end he got fed up and FON + SR and just did nothing to let me do the combo to him next turn. Basically a nod to this is bull shit.
A 2/3 and a 2/1.. so it's a Dragonling Mechanic plus Wild Growth for 4 mana and 2 cards. It's a good play.

And it's a beast!

For the .00000001% that Druid is running a beast deck! No really why the hell do Druids have so many beast card. Beast Druid is never going to be a thing Blizzard!


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
This Druid just silenced his own Darnassus Aspirant with an Ironbeak Owl.

That's a first for me.

A druid silencing the aspirant or a druid running owl?

And it's a beast!

For the .00000001% that Druid is running a beast deck! No really why the hell do Druids have so many beast card. Beast Druid is never going to be a thing Blizzard!

Actually a Beast Druid running Saber, Jungle Panther, and Stranglethorn Tiger synergizes very well with the wombo combo line of play. The deck is just a little too fair right now. You end up cutting cards like Aspirant as well as Wild Growth and/or Innervate in order to meet your beast synergy requirements. Kind of like a Mech Mage that cuts Mad Scientist in order to fit in all the mechs it needs.
felt pretty good today when playing against an aggro shaman b/c I actually thought about my mulligan and made some right choices. Still almost lost if the guy pulled a doomhammer b/c my luck has been ass the past days and they always roll 6 on crackles
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