lmao rafaam's reaction to magma rager being in the deck
They don't at all. Face hunter has no cannons like trogg. You need to trade to make good trog plays often. a third or more of your damage comes from two 1/3 minions.aggro shaman is actually pretty fun, it feels more synergistic than face hunter even though they play almost exactly the same
Yeah, I keep running into the Dragon Egg Token Druid.
I don't mind since it's an incredibly easy match-up for Midrange Paladin, but I am curious as to where it's coming from.
I am having way too much trouble with the Steel Sentinel.
As soon as I say that I start a new match against it and within 4 moves he has two tank minions and two Armorsmiths. Fuck this.
I got him with a mech Mage and flooded the board when he couldn't remove warper. Also goblin blastmage 4 damage count as individual hits.
This was on normal.
A steamer hit no. 2 legend with it on EU and then posted it on HearthPwn, where it was the top deck for a week or so.
This wing was probably the most fun out of all campaigns.
The third fight also shows that Blizzard could make a bot where you choose its deck and hero so you can practise against meta decks.
Except it copied my fatigue rogue and then used the shadowsteps on my zombies the same turn it summoned them lol
I wonder if you could run Wobbling Runts in Raptor Rogue. The Deathrattle would be great for it but the initial body might be too weak to play. I do love the art of the individual Runts though.
Yeah it's a shame it isn't a 6/2, the idea of popping a Raptor and having 3 grunts spawn is pretty satisfying though.No. The health too high and attack too low on the main body. Way too slow. People will just ignore the body and worry about the rest of your board or your face instead. Just play Sky Golem or Sylvanas in that slot.
Skelesauras Rex gets turn one Onyxia, and turn two Kel'Thuzad. I got Sunfury Protector and One-Eyed Cheat. Seems fair
I did that first but it back fired when he played into Succubus into Demon fuse (which I thought was ass) and I got steam rolled. This wouldn't be a problem if I was playing an actual deck and not the garbage deck that Blizzard had us using with Wisps and Footmans.Yeah Rafaam's hero power kind of makes it difficult. Thought about giving him a Freeze Mage deck and playing CW but the hero power made me reconsider. Ended up giving him a Warlock deck full of self-damaging cards like Succubus, Felguard, Pit Lords and tons of shit cards like Corruption and Sac Pact which he loved to use on the Felguard he just played
I'm pretty sure it's ARCH since in Warcraft there are a lot of ARCH people already. For example, Archmage Antonidas.
Granted I haven't played yet, so I don't know if the Inn Keeper says something specific for his fight.
The final boss?How does heroic Unleashed Rafaam work?
Which three neutral cards would you guys nerf, in order? Top 3.
I'd go:
1) Piloted Shredder: Turn it into a 4/2.
2) Knife Juggler: Turn it into a 2/2
3) Boom: When Boom dies a bomb explodes on your hero doing 4 damage.
Fuck... no slot for mad scientist. I'd make him a 1/1.
Dr Balanced, Mad Scientist and Shredder. Easily.Which three neutral cards would you guys nerf, in order? Top 3.
I'd go:
1) Piloted Shredder: Turn it into a 4/2.
2) Knife Juggler: Turn it into a 2/2
3) Boom: When Boom dies a bomb explodes on your hero doing 4 damage.
Fuck... no slot for mad scientist. I'd make him a 1/1.
Emperor Thaurissan is on the cusp as well IMO. Not a big problem right now but can eventually become one. Real issue is that Blizzard just tends to nerf combo decks and that's where Emperor shines the most.
Outside of this I don't have a problem with many other cards. I hate Unstable Portal but it would be a lot worse if it reduced cost by 2 mana for example.
Fuck this shitty brawl. Probably ran into three druids just today who was able to pull out a FON/SR combo. And all the other motherfuckers who have perfect curves in an all random deck mode.
Would 4/2 do that much to shredder? I think 3/3 would be a better change, the high attack tends to be the most annoying part of it. He single handedly is stifling the usage of 5/4s, and even as 3 drops become more commonly a 3/4 they still get eaten by him.