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Hearthstone |OT5| Corrupted Deeprock Salt


Maybe Entomb will get nerfed at some point.

For 6 mana it results in absolutely stupid swings.

Then again I guess it's not just Entomb. It's what Entomb brings to what Priest already had. Either way I expect control Priest to be around for a long time because of it.
Yes let's nerf one of the few good removals in the game to make the control archetype even worse.
Yes let's nerf one of the few good removals in the game to make the control archetype even worse.

I'm not exactly calling for a nerf, I'm just saying I could see how it would be the target of one. It's absolutely ridiculous swing/value at 6 mana.

Entomb a Tirion? Game over. Entomb a Highmane? Game over.

But like I said. It's not Entomb by itself. It's Entomb in Priest and I think what some people have been saying is spot on in that Priest is becoming insanely reactionary. Control Priest is essentially becoming a deck that is going to destroy control decks with Entomb/Shadow Word/Lightbomb and destroy aggro decks with Deathlords/Pryomancers/Velens. Not necessarily a bad thing of course but if it begins to excel against every archetype then maybe issues start to arise from that.

Regardless, I expect control Priest to continue to grow in popularity because of it. Which in turn is going to bring out even more Warlocks.


As someone who plays control priest almost exclusively, yeah, entomb is really good.

Though I wouldn't worried given that there are much better (and much more annoying) decks out there you are going to see a lot more of.
Yep, it took skill to set up the game winning combo, and we can't be having skill letting you win.

You're being silly. The problem with patron wasn't anything to do with skill, but because of its power level and capabilities to often one shot, often regardless of whether you have taunts. The power of the deck was absurd and secret paladin doesn't even compare. Really no deck in the history of hearthstone really compares tbh, including all the pre-nerf hunter decks.
Maybe Entomb will get nerfed at some point.

For 6 mana it results in absolutely stupid swings.

Then again I guess it's not just Entomb. It's what Entomb brings to what Priest already had. Either way I expect control Priest to be around for a long time because of it.

Very few cards get nerfed, and unless I remember wrong, all of them were cards that enabled killing your opponent with no possibility of counterplay. OTK enabling cards in other words. Warsong Commander, Leeroy Jenkins etc. I guess undertaker was an exception to that rule. Entomb removes stuff, it doesn't kill your opponent. I don't think Entomb will ever be nerfed. Entomb existing may just mean that priests will get crappier cards from now on to offset the insanely good removal.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
The heat is off MC right now because people want to play FOTM decks enabled by LOE but that shit is going to come back.
Very few cards get nerfed, and unless I remember wrong, all of them were cards that enabled killing your opponent with no possibility of counterplay. OTK enabling cards in other words. Warsong Commander, Leeroy Jenkins etc. I guess undertaker was an exception to that. Entomb removes stuff, it doesn't kill your opponent. I don't think Entomb will ever be nerfed. Entomb existing may just mean that priests will get crappier cards from now on to offset the insanely good removal.

Well I mean, you're right of course. Blizzard will never touch it unless the ladder and/or tournaments somehow becomes 100% Priest.

More so I'm just thinking it could eventually get to the point where it deserves a nerf, not unlike some other cards seeing play these days. It's not there yet but I would say it's the strongest card Priest has now, absolutely. To the point where control Priest will be relevant for as long as the meta isn't completely aggro, but even then it's not like control Priest is bad against aggro. Quite the opposite actually.

I think it goes without saying that control Priest is in an extremely good spot right now.
Well I mean, you're right of course. Blizzard will never touch it unless the ladder and/or tournaments somehow becomes 100% Priest.

More so I'm just thinking it could eventually get to the point where it deserves a nerf, not unlike some other cards seeing play these days. It's not there yet but I would say it's the strongest card Priest has now, absolutely. To the point where control Priest will be relevant for as long as the meta isn't completely aggro, but even then it's not like control Priest is bad against aggro. Quite the opposite actually.

I think it goes without saying that control Priest is in an extremely good spot right now.

As someone who plays exclusively priest outside brawls and random daily quest completion, yes, I agree if priest becomes too dominant because of one card then the card should be nerfed. But I don't think we are there yet.


tired of rogue, midrange paladin it is for the day. I feel it's actually not bad against control priests. I won every game, just grind them down with hero power. seems to works fine. lightbomb that, I don't care, here 2 more dudes. and those late minibots just remain in my hand.


Priests could always crush non Handlock control decks... just put in two Mind Controls, two Though steals, two Deaths, two Lightbombs and you will always win against Control.

It's how Priest handled aggro and combo that was an issue. Entomb doesn't actually help against Aggro though it's solid against Midrange.

And I say all of this while being a huge proponent of the card when it was unveiled and had it in my top 5 cards of LoE.
Three warrior quests

time to bust out Control Warrior

Now that LoE is done, thoughts on Reno and Elise in CW?

Edit: Oh wait, its terrible to fight paladins with this deck. Silly me, what was I thinking


rank 11 with full stars. Face hunter vs control priest. It came down to him not getting/having/getting Justicar and me not drawing any beasts to finish him with 5 dmg spell card for three rounds extra turns well past 10, quite awkward, finally drew an owl. I don't know if i'll make rank 5 this time.

and lost two in a row :p i knew i was doomed.


...uh, is there a glitch with silence and Noble Sacrifice or something? I silenced a Sen'jin and it attacked into me for free, with Noble Sacrifice up. Then another minion attacks and it procs.


...uh, is there a glitch with silence and Noble Sacrifice or something? I silenced a Sen'jin and it attacked into me for free, with Noble Sacrifice up. Then another minion attacks and it procs.

Did you have 7 minions up? With a full board noble sacrifice cannot proc.
Only just got around to playing the Tavern Brawl. Jesus fuckin' wept, what a pile of crap that one is.

And you don't even get a free pack for this... then again, it's not like Christmas is about giving people stuff or anything.


Three warrior quests

time to bust out Control Warrior

Now that LoE is done, thoughts on Reno and Elise in CW?

Edit: Oh wait, its terrible to fight paladins with this deck. Silly me, what was I thinking
In that case,play Patron Warrior.
Still not a great match up against secret paladin (they are about equal I belive), but certianly better than control.
Man I just had a nuts match. Me as control priest vs a face hunter, he had me at 1 hp and I kept healing when he had explosive up. Topdeck wars for 6 turns until I got Justicar.


damn this game is annoying, double savage roar.....this was after innervating out a force of nature to get rid of my board control earlier too O____O


Still losing to aggro Shaman.
Faced ★SIX★ paladins (half-midrange, half secret), 1 face hunter, and 1 ultra-control priest this morning.

Paladin still going stronk.

I got my "Win 3 as a Mage" quest.
It is not happening, unless I rank all the way back down to 20 or so.

Tempo mage vs. druid >
Mad Scientist dies to Aspirant → Mirror Image → Aspirant → game over

Tempo mage vs. priest >
"Loss of tempo" due to 32 health Deathlord

Tempo mage vs. warrior >
Fiery War Axe removed all early game "tempo"

Tempo mage vs. Mech mage
Goblin Blast Mage removed all early game tempo

Grinder mage vs. all
Too slow for aggro. Not enough control to beat control.

What does that leave -- Frost Mage?
Guess I'll just reroll. :/ Can you still reroll? If I tap the "X" will I get a new one?


I just learned that if stalagg and feugen die at the same time on the field- you summon two thaddius'. A poor priest I just faced learned the hard way!!


this tempo mage just now had both mana wyrms, mad scientists, flamewaker, ragnaros, boom and archmage in top 13 cards. duuuude. give me a break.

next game secret paladin, hand is all keep. yeaah. it's a sign that's enough hearthstone for the day.


Priests could always crush non Handlock control decks... just put in two Mind Controls, two Though steals, two Deaths, two Lightbombs and you will always win against Control.

It's how Priest handled aggro and combo that was an issue. Entomb doesn't actually help against Aggro though it's solid against Midrange.

And I say all of this while being a huge proponent of the card when it was unveiled and had it in my top 5 cards of LoE.

Yeah, Museum Curator seems to have helped against aggro and midrange decks. Priest never had a legit 2-drop and Curator is a pretty good one especially if it can pull you an extra Deathlord or Belcher.


24 Hp against a druid manage to clear his board except for the stealth 2/3 he got out of a shredder, have a big board and Tirion ready to drop next turn to finish it out.

Druid of claw in cat form, innervate, force, innervate, savage for exact lethal. Fun game.

Servbot #42

Unconfirmed Member
i beat a token druid twice in a row with oil rogue, the second time i came down to 1HP. I honestly feel bad for the dude because loosing twice in row must suck big time.


okay, I'm back to playing patron again. bye bye druid. (I'm playing rogue/paladin on US, druid/patron EU btw in case you're confused about all this switching lol)

I'm now playing without frothings, really wasn't all that good to me. yeah once in a blue moon it won some games but the deck is too slow overall, you need to be much faster. So I'm playing with two Kor'krons now and one shredder, zero frothings. Against cancer it's a lot better now, to be able to charge that thing like two more weapons in the deck and against control it can likely deal 8 damage and I still have that one shredder. I often found myself not to be able to finish the games fast enough, just 3-4 damage short of Gromm range and this definitely helps.

Just had two matches against freeze mage, one was a fantastic player, concedes in mulligan. Seriously well played.
The other one played through fatigue when I had 40+ armor and used up all of his fireballs to clear stuff and in the end pyro'd himself. why he kept playing I have no idea.


I got my "Win 3 as a Mage" quest.
It is not happening, unless I rank all the way back down to 20 or so.

You can do old-fashioned Freeze or you can do the LYBS aggro/combo deck. I've had good luck with both of them, but it's not easy to find that point where you need to stop letting the other guy think he's going to win, stall for time and set up the win.


Entomb is fine, museum curator isn't :p

it just allows you to fill up your deck almost entirely with removals and answers then you can pull whatever absurd minion you need on the spot from these dudes, deathrattle minions are mostly absurd in this game. Consistently seeing Toshley, Sylvanas, Chilmaw, belchers, deathlord and the like. Now that along with other priest cards helps build really strong card advantage and control the game. People were asking for a meta with viable control decks, here it is. Control decks are only possible through absurd card advantage in this game which is only available to warlock and priest right now. They're here to stay and I feel they can counter secret paladin too mostly, there is so many aoe in both of these decks.
And everything was Paladin.

The annoying thing is even in the best circumstances, the Paladin win rate is going to be like no less than 40-45% because they curve out so damn well you can just get overrun by Dr. 6 and what have you.


And everything was Paladin.

The annoying thing is even in the best circumstances, the Paladin win rate is going to be like no less than 40-45% because they curve out so damn well you can just get overrun by Dr. 6 and what have you.

Yeah, I played Control / Dragon priest hybrid this morning and paladin still managed to steamroll me with Knife Juggler / Muster / Quartermaster. I died on turn 6, one turn before I could play Chillmaw.

Both the Secret Paladin and Midrange Paladin are winnable now, though I feel like Secret is easier than Midrange.

I think CP is stronger now, but they still can't lay down any sort of defense before turn 3 (Death Lord or MC + Velen's.) I feel like turns 3 - 6 are really tense, especially with Paladin running a lot of divine shield. Once you start hitting the AoE phase, you can usually start to stabilize.

Aggro Shaman and Face Hunter are still pretty rough.
Just won three games in a row in ranked but each time at the end of the match it puts me back to 3 stars of rank 14 and fills in the fourth star instead of progressing me to rank 13 - anyone familiar with that issue? (EU)


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Just won three games in a row in ranked but each time at the end of the match it puts me back to 3 stars of rank 14 and fills in the four star instead of progressing me to rank 13 - anyone familiar with that issue? (EU)
Relog. Real progress will be shown iirc.
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