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Hearthstone |OT5| Corrupted Deeprock Salt


I've been having a lot of fun with this little deck:

The idea is simple enough, huge minions that your opponent will completely ignore that finally get silenced, defender of argus'd + wind fury.



Statue + elemental destruction + windfury
rockbiter weaon + al'akir / doomhammer / anything with windfury
Statue/watcher with silence

Works extremely well against aggro, since they'll ignore things anyway and then get destroyed. Besides, what are they going to do with a taunted 8/8 on turn 4? Silence only helps.

Not to mention the extra silences also ensure you can always get through a wall once you draw the cards.

Hey, just wanted to comment on this deck idea. I'm glad someone else was toying around with the concept. 'Cept it was just swirling around in my head where as you've got the full-blown list.

Ancient Watcher, Eerie Statue, Fel Reaver, and Venture Co. all come from that same school of "Big beefy minion with drawback". If ignored, you capitalize with Windfury, or Silence, or Taunt. There's enough of these minions now that it isn't in your opponent's best interest to deal with them all. As well as Argus, Sunfury Protector or the Shaman-spell Ancestral Healing work for building a defensive wall. Ironbeak Owl and especially Earth Shock bring the Silences. Windfury provides the "OOMPH" -- whether it's Al'akir, Doomhammer, or a buff.


Today I finally achieved a long-time goal! It takes quite a while to get really good at this when you can only get 4-5 arena rounds on a good week :p


And I was awarded appropriately!

Probably would've hit legend this month but I've been out of town for a week and won't be back home until tomorrow or the next day. I can play on the road, but it's too unreliable on cell networks for serious play, and I'm not in the mood at night after long days in a car either.


I managed to get to legend! First time!

I had planned to try to get to legend this month, since it is holidays. First it was slow, I got into rank 10 fast with rogue raptor and other normal decks but I got stuck there a long time.

I like aggro decks since I do not have much time to play... so I crafted doomhammer and went full aggro shaman. It did not work...

Then I crafted 2 MCs and tried secret paladin, as I thought it was going to be fast. I got incredible success with this deck and an anyfin version and climbed to rank 5, but I could not get past it (maybe I could, but I was two days stuck there).

I did the math and thought I wasnt going to get to legend since I only had 5 days left.

Today I had a warrior quest, I tried an aggro warrior deck made by myself. Won 2 casual games straight and tried in ranked, won another one. I looked on hearthpwn and there was a similar aggro deck.

This deck is amazing and got me into legend! Maybe it is since i am so used to play face hunter, but now that the meta is not so reno-everywhere as the beginning of the month, it was quite easy!.

Got into 7k rank, I've seen people on somewhat 10k rank this month.


Holy crap, this deck is a ton of fun. That mulligan guide is solid too. Just went from 9 with 1 star to rank 5 in like an hour or so. Only had one loss the whole time, which was to a tempo mage who had exact lethal one turn before I killed him.

I think I might actually like druid hero power better than Hunters due to the synergy it has with weapons and it gives you a tiny bit of breathing room if you are low on health yourself. Had a couple of super close games where I thought I was out of gas but Arcanite + Heroic Strike, or Kokron + mortal strike pulled through.

First time hitting rank 5. Last game was fittingly enough against a secret paladin who had me down to 3 hp but ran out of gas since I was using cards as fast as he was and Divine Favor was useless.


It's a Starcraft 2 ProtoSS build strategy that involves going straight into Immortal production with maybe another unit type and keep pumping them to finish the opponent. You are not spending resources on anything except pressure through Immortal production hence the all in. Basically you lose the game if you run out of steam and your units perish but the idea is that you finish the game before something like that is a factor.

That's essentially how HS is now. It's not all in Aggro from turn 1, there is some board control for a couple of turns and then every deck just goes all in with Tempo. If they get controlled then run out of steam and lose but how many times have you caused a Secret Paladin to run out of steam?

If the first all-in fails, all-in again! It's the protoss paladin way!


I feel like every time I think a Paladin is about to have an empty hand, they always have Devine Favor. I swear they keep Devine Favor in their hand or something.


Arena must be joking with me.
Mana wyrm, coin, mana wyrm
Then flamecannon, frost bolt and eventually two flamestrikes. Really?


Any advice on how to deal with Everyfin is Awesome Pallys? I'm struggling against them in my various Reno decks.
You can't win against that deck with a slow/control deck. You need to rush that deck down and finish the game preferably before many Murlocs come down/Anyfin gets played. If you can manage to put down huge threats early then you might be able to pressure him enough to finish the game quickly but that is really hard when Paladin has stuff like Equality, Aldor and Uldaman.

This is one of those decks that's just there in the shadows waiting for all these aggressive decks to go away and it will come storming in. It wins against control decks because you can't out control this deck (controlling the Murlocs mean you feed Anyfin, two of those can finish off any deck).

Servbot #42

Unconfirmed Member
*not pictured Deathwing from portal that i never got to use.

Damn it feels good to rekt secret paladins like this, happy feast of winterveil indeed, their deck is still superior tough. Also the new mech mage with guerrila bots and wyrms is pretty strong, i made to rank 4 to 2 with it, probably not a high tier legend deck with the warlocks but it is fun.


Instead of Magic the gathering type of format (which goes against their wishes to sell even their older content), they could have a ban/limited list like Yu-Gi-Oh! instead.

For example, for the next 2-3 ladder Seasons, they could ban Dr Boom/Emperor, limit Mysterious Challenger/Muster to 1 for ladder only.

To avoid "confusing" players, show this "ban list" when the player clicks on ranked, and have the decks violating these rules greyed out for ladder.

Note that this banlist only affects ladder. Casual play between friends, casual mode and even tournaments are not affected by it, and the system for the banlist could be made available to tournament hosts to make up their own custom banlist as well!

But course I am fully aware that this will never happen, lol.


The only sort of "solution" to help new players that Blizzard might actually implement is to bundle the older expansions into a promotional bundle that's only payable with real money which is slightly discounted compared to buying everything separately. It'll probably consist of Naxx + BRM + X number of GVG cards + X number of TGT cards.


They could roll a selection of staple cards into the starting card pool, the opening options really are barebones at this point.


The fact that Naxxramas is still full price despite it coming out a year and a half ago is mind boggling to me. There must still be a lot of new players buying it though for them to keep it at full price.
Just made the grind from 9 down to 5 tonight. It was mostly smooth sailing except for a rough patch I hit at rank 8. After I got that straightened out, I hit a win streak all the way from rank 8 down to 5. Golden Epic achieved. I ran into a player named Drkirby around rank 8, and I thought I recognized the name from here, so I sent him a friend request, but he didn't accept it. If it was you, I'd just like to point out that I wasn't trolling, I wanted to ask if you were a gaffer. Cashed in my gold from winnings on a TGT pack and opened a legendary! Turns out it was my 3rd Acidmaw. I've opened 6 legendaries from TGT packs, half of them have been Acidmaw. That's just bullshit.


Unconfirmed Member
I didn't have the time to play much this month, but I already feel bad for having to grind against new players when I do eventually find the time.

I really wish the seasons were longer or didn't knock you back so far in rank.
It's Astral Communion Druid brawl again.

Astral communion doesn't seem that strong to me. I played a druid who had turn one astral and later drew into tree of life.

I just kept pouring on the pressure with face hunter as he used strong hero power after hero power and played big cards. It seemed like he was well on top, but eventually I won when he apparently disconnected and stopped playing.



Astral communion doesn't seem that strong to me. I played a druid who had turn one astral and later drew into tree of life.

I just kept pouring on the pressure with face hunter as he used strong hero power after hero power and played big cards. It seemed like he was well on top, but eventually I won when he apparently disconnected and stopped playing.


He's doing it wrong.

Besides the point of Astral Communion is to gain massive lead with multiple hero powers at the start. If you get a a few of them in a row especially ones that summon something you pretty much always win.


I want Blizzard to troll everyone and introduce the equivalent to Trample in Magic. Just so your taunt minions can't save you either.
So many toxic people around rank 7, i stopped replying to greetings at the start of the game since this usually means that they have a perfect opening and will spam emotes all the time. Auto-squelch feature can't come soon enough, sigh. These people also tend to play cancer decks, naturally.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
So many toxic people around rank 7, i stopped replying to greetings at the start of the game since this usually means that they have a perfect opening and will spam emotes all the time. Auto-squelch feature can't come soon enough, sigh. These people also tend to play cancer decks, naturally.
For all the effort Blizzard went through to phase out chat between competing players I find that their Hearthstone set up facilitates more bad mannered interactions between players than any other game I've played. And there's not even an option to just squelch all opponents. It's kind of crazy to me.


just drafted an arena deck with Tirion, 3 aldors, 3 seal of champions, 2 keepers and one truesilver, coghammer and consectration.

3-3 incoming I guess.


I didn't have the time to play much this month, but I already feel bad for having to grind against new players when I do eventually find the time.

I really wish the seasons were longer or didn't knock you back so far in rank.

Same. It rewards just running aggro decks and playing lots of games and honestly is shit.


This brawl is hilarious with a full-on Inspire Priest. Damn.

Load up with every Inspire minion you can (including Paletress), any board clears you got, and some sludge belchers. Enjoy the salty tears.


Made it to Rank 5 for the first time, feels damn good.

This is the most I've played this game in a month and it feels like a lot, I could not imagine the grind from 5 to legend.

Honestly the grind from 6-5 was difficult. I did it mostly with Renolock and Secret Paladin. I was 1 star away from Rank 5 a few times and ended up falling back to Rank 7 at one point. I finally ended up putting 1 Consecration in the Secret Pally list which made a big difference for me.



Just an idea I had, thinking about what I'd like to see from a Shaman class dragon. Not sure if it would be too powerful or not.
That would be too powerful. That's one stat less than 4 mana worth of stats. If the token was 2 attack the card would basically be "Battlecry: Summon a Loot Hoarder".

2/3 summon a 1/1 with Windfury. Basically would be putting 3 mana worth of stats for 2 mana which is in line with stuff like Welp/Wyrmwrest/Technician/Alex Champion.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Just an idea I had, thinking about what I'd like to see from a Shaman class dragon. Not sure if it would be too powerful or not.

For a moment I thought that your Dragonflight Shaman was just a regular 1/1 token and that your second card was something separate. I was about to tell you a 1 mana 1/1 with card draw was too strong and that your first card was slightly better than wyrmrest agent.

Then I read the cards again.

Dude, that's freaking bonkers. That's a razorfen hunter PLUS card draw for only 2 mana. That's like 4 mana worth of value if it triggers.
Yeah, you guys are probably right.

Windfury idea might be good although my initial idea was to create something slower/more control oriented yet still able to be a powerful dragon synergy card. Well that and, Shaman needs better choices for the early game that aren't super aggressive.


You can make the token a 1/2 taunt then. That's definitely annoying for Aggro to deal with and it would actually beat a Minibot. It would be a 2 mana 2/3 summon a Golshire Footman if you hit the Battlecry. Still in line with the other cards I listed 3 mana worth of stats).

Might still be too strong though. Personally I am not a fan of cards that summon extra tokens, it's just another reason to include stuff like Knife Juggler in your deck.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
You can make the token a 1/2 taunt then. That's definitely annoying for Aggro to deal with and it would actually beat a Minibot. It would be a 2 mana 2/3 summon a Golshire Footman if you hit the Battlecry. Still in line with the other cards I listed 3 mana worth of stats).

Might still be too strong though. Personally I am not a fan of cards that summon extra tokens, it's just another reason to include stuff like Knife Juggler in your deck.

I think that's slightly better than 3 mana worth of stats. It's kind of like how Sludge Belcher is a better card than Tazdingo even though it's essentially Tazdingo + Goldshire Footman for one more mana.

Keeping it a vanilla 1/1 token is fine. That's a 2 mana Razorfen Hunter. Like I was saying, I think that's still slightly better than Wyrmrest Agent, mostly because the card is a dragon itself.
Could possibly even turn the Flame Drake's Battlecry into a Deathrattle, similar to Chillmaw. Fits the idea of making it a slower card and you're not getting all the stats up front.

Plus Reincarnate/Ancestral Spirit synergy and all that jazz.
This miracle Rogue just outdrew me by 15 cards lol. And people said Auctioneer was shit after the nerf.

I faced one for the first time in I don't even know how long last night. I got lucky and one of my boom bots took out his Gadgetzan, but he still drew all but 3 of his cards by turn 10. I thought I had him because he used both Saps before I dropped Tirion, but then he overkilled me with a Malygos combo.
Miracle Rogue is a fun comeback deck, I don't play at high ranks or anything though. It seems pretty reliant on a good draw, especially versus aggro.
I was joking about it before but I wonder if you could get a Gang Up / Reno / Miracle Rogue to work. Drop Reno, Gang Up, then use an Auctioneer to draw at least two of them and you're good.

I guess the real problem would be either Miracle Rogue needs to many duplicates to be viable or Rogue in general doesn't have enough spells across the board to be a singleton deck. Granted, even if you pull off four Renos you probably aren't dealing enough damage to win.
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