I've been having a lot of fun with this little deck:
The idea is simple enough, huge minions that your opponent will completely ignore that finally get silenced, defender of argus'd + wind fury.
Statue + elemental destruction + windfury
rockbiter weaon + al'akir / doomhammer / anything with windfury
Statue/watcher with silence
Works extremely well against aggro, since they'll ignore things anyway and then get destroyed. Besides, what are they going to do with a taunted 8/8 on turn 4? Silence only helps.
Not to mention the extra silences also ensure you can always get through a wall once you draw the cards.
Hey, just wanted to comment on this deck idea. I'm glad someone else was toying around with the concept. 'Cept it was just swirling around in my head where as you've got the full-blown list.
Ancient Watcher, Eerie Statue, Fel Reaver, and Venture Co. all come from that same school of "Big beefy minion with drawback". If ignored, you capitalize with Windfury, or Silence, or Taunt. There's enough of these minions now that it isn't in your opponent's best interest to deal with them all. As well as Argus, Sunfury Protector or the Shaman-spell Ancestral Healing work for building a defensive wall. Ironbeak Owl and especially Earth Shock bring the Silences. Windfury provides the "OOMPH" -- whether it's Al'akir, Doomhammer, or a buff.