I have had very good results against secret paladin with renolock, that one divine that they might run doesn't even matter. Renolock is more mid range compared with handlock, I've realized secret paladin has a hard time dealing with a 5 drop 4/7 or twilight drake even, you can clear their board 3-4 times over, MCT usually is live here and tank them into late game where they can't deal with. Midrange paladin is different but that's become relatively unpopular again, haven't seen one in some time. I actually won them too. With all the control priests you don't want to play midrange paladin.
Druid is the worst match up but it's doable still, you just need more taunts and use them better. Lists with senjin are better here. What might surprise you actually is freeze mage, that's not a great match up either exactly as renolock is pretty slow. You can get forced into playing reno before alex, it's hard game for freeze mage too but I think they're favored a little if they know what they're doing. Fortunately most freeze mage players on ladder are really really bad.
Overall is a great deck to climb with as lower ranked players can't really plan for it, it's a complex deck to play against like freeze mage I guess. Druid is still a better climber overall, I've been doing really well against paladin with that too actually. I wouldn't play paladin because I don't want to play mirror matches all the time and hate it actually.
I don't think either deck has a really really bad match up, even zoo or tempo mage aren't THAT bad for druid. Patron is really awful for druid but that's still rare. You want a bad match up, try playing patron against priest or control warrior, you want to choke yourself. that's BAD. With druid or renolock you always have solid chance at winning anything really.