Coin>innervate>innervate>Dr.7 on turn #2.
Haha that happened to me yesterday and at least 2 more times. Almost comeback but was at 10 life after that and eventually combo finished me off.
Fun fact Im a golden druid and only did that once...was inmediately bgh and lost the game.
That Secret Paladin list on Liquidhearth's power rank is ridiculous and basically unanswerable for Warrior.
Control warrior? Because patron should do fine against secret paladin. Control warrior is terrible right now sadly.
The list is very good but it's heavily dependent on having some board with all the buffs it has. So IMO that makes it less consistent in some match ups like against a more aggressive Secret Paladin.That Secret Paladin list on Liquidhearth's power rank is ridiculous and basically unanswerable for Warrior.
The list is very good but it's heavily dependent on having some board with all the buffs it has. So IMO that makes it less consistent in some match ups like against a more aggressive Secret Paladin.
Secret Keepers allow Secret Paladin to start dominating from turn 1. I can't tell you how many times I won from an early Secret Keeper getting out of control Undertaker style. And Secret Keeper is Knife Juggler status of remove immediately where people will use decent removal to get rid of it.
Competitive Spirit is also not useless because its existence means that the other guy is forced to remove a major portion of the board. A Muster with 1 Secret up is a huge threat because of it.
I cut Repentance a while back anyway.
Get 2 Shaman quests once again
Class is so busted you can't play anything but the retarded hyperface deck
Tempo Mage w/ Water Ele into Flamewaker hyperdream including coin
Standard Druid idiot gets Tree of Life from Idol
Stop giving me these fucking Shaman quests already
Not salty just annoyed by always getting these Shaman quests after rerolling. There is nothing satisfying about playing that deck win or lose as there is absolutely no decision-making involved beyond managing overload, Secredin or Druid take significantly more thought than this garbage and that's saying a lot.
ek0p's accusations about C9 not paying is more important than someone viewbotting
It looks like thanks to Massan more Hearthstone streamers are starting to use viewbots as well.
ek0p's accusations about C9 not paying is more important than someone viewbotting
Proof? I haven't noticed differing view counts for people I normally watch. Part of the problem though is that streamers claim that twitch doesn't care if you're view botting which it really should.
No one cares about E K Dansgame P
So he's butthurt that P4wny is also (allegedly) viewbotting an then proceeds to be butthurt that P4wny doesn't give the community (Ekop) something back in the form of a host.
So if P4wny was to host Ekop he would have no problems with the viewbots?
Hm, similar to Face Hunter matchup/mulligan knowledge is an actual thing in Idiot Shaman while Secredin only needs to find a curve. In terms of actual play there isn't much to it though, you trade a bit vs aggro, make use of the painfully obvious synergies, go face then hope to draw into your burn. I guess that's overall still more than Secredin does, I didn't consider matchup knowledge at first since that's pretty much second nature after such a long time playing HS.Really? I find there is much more thought that goes into Rush Shaman than Secretadin which is more or less 'play on curve, win'. Either way it has fallen in ladder because even though it is cancerous many have swapped out the cards needed to cripple it.
When you have a solid draft but lose your first game to a 10+deck/rng you don't feel that big of a difference, but at two losses chances are you'll run into a bad player and/or a bad deck for the next couple of games. First game losses are actually really common even for the top arena players since you'll get matched against any player just starting a new run, including straight 12-0 autopilot drafts.Started an arena run last night as a Paladin. Started off 0-2 when a Mage made quick work of me and a warrior coined out a Fierce Monkey turn 2 then a Frothing turn 3. I had no answers and the Beserker quickly grew to an unmanageable number. Pretty much resigned to another miserable Arena run, I then reel off 3 straight victories against a mirror, rogue, and warlock. All pretty easily too.
I'm pretty damn pleased with how this turned out.
Second game, I get matched up against a golden Warlock. I have no idea why a golden Warlock is in rank 18, maybe he's trying to rank up, maybe he's just awful, whatever. Instantly I'm like "whatever I guess this'll be a learning experience".
When you have a solid draft but lose your first game to a 10+deck/rng you don't feel that big of a difference, but at two losses chances are you'll run into a bad player and/or a bad deck for the next couple of games. First game losses are actually really common even for the top arena players since you'll get matched against any player just starting a new run, including straight 12-0 autopilot drafts.
Hm, similar to Face Hunter matchup/mulligan knowledge is an actual thing in Idiot Shaman while Secredin only needs to find a curve. In terms of actual play there isn't much to it though, you trade a bit vs aggro, make use of the painfully obvious synergies, go face then hope to draw into your burn. I guess that's overall still more than Secredin does, I didn't consider matchup knowledge at first since that's pretty much second nature after such a long time playing HS.
I have all but one class Golden and haven't made it past rank 10 the past few months because I only log on to do dailies and even then not every day.
I feel it's way more consistent than Tempostorm's list with Secret Keepers.
Without Warsong? So much weaker.Just gave this version of Secret Paladin a whirl, it does seem to play better than the one Tempostorm was flogging. That one seemed very hit and miss, and 2 Secretkeeper's seemed like wasted cards. Still prefer my Mid-Range Paladin, though. Just wish I had a Justicar in it...
In other news, played a shit ton of Patron Warriors today. Felt like an (unwelcome) blast from the past.
Why going for 5 wins?Win 5 brawl quest today, took forever, so hard to find an ally who didn't play terribly like using arcane bast on turn 1, dropping ancient mage on an empty board, crashing moonkins into zod![]()
Win 5 brawl quest today, took forever, so hard to find an ally who didn't play terribly like using arcane bast on turn 1, dropping ancient mage on an empty board, crashing moonkins into zod![]()
Ah, a 5 brawl win quest. No way with that brawl. Especially since I just read that yeah, friend matches don't count.I got that quest yesterday, instantly rerolled it. No way I was putting myself through that.
Without Warsong? So much weaker.
Also, this brawl is pretty fun. Just gave it another whirl, this time ended up mage, my partner knew what he was doing, me too, won. But close, could have killed us both if he hadn't drawn the roaring torch.
I feel they could make more of this coop stuff like a regular mode.
Ah, a 5 brawl win quest. No way with that brawl. Especially since I just read that yeah, friend matches don't count.