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Hearthstone |OT5| Corrupted Deeprock Salt


Get rekt hunter.
Joust could have been great if Blizzard hadn't insisted that almost all the joust cards be unplayable in their base state.

It's a mechanic they could use again to some success though. Make more stuff like King's Elekk pretty much.

Joust was only really added so one day Shaman can get epic pirate joust cards, with overload.

Blizzard are always thinking ahead.


So i get the card that gives you 10 mana crystals on turn 4 and discards your hand in this Brawl.Up to that point i could choose a thousand good cards, most of them legendary etc.

I play the card and all it get is shit 1-2 cost cards that are of no use to me and of course i lose the game.What the hell?


Am I the only person who assumes the worst when an opponent that you've just beat adds you as a friend on Battle.net?

I never accept...

Nah, if I had a great game, win or lose, I add the person if they weren't being dicks in the game.

So the same goes for accepting requests. No assholes so far.
Am I the only person who assumes the worst when an opponent that you've just beat adds you as a friend on Battle.net?

I never accept...

The first time that someone added me was after a game that I lost. It was actually a great game that went right down the wire. So I assumed the person was adding me for a friendly purpose.

Nah. This person called me a trashlord for playing some taunts (heaven forbid!) and quickly deleted me. Okay.

Since then, I refuse to accept any requests after a match. I just assume the worst.
Am I the only person who assumes the worst when an opponent that you've just beat adds you as a friend on Battle.net?

I never accept...

I always accept. Nothing they can say would bother me and the salt is delicious. And, sometimes, they're nice people that just want to know more about my deck or have a laugh about some crazy RNG.


Did they decrease arena gold rewards?

Last 12 win run was only +265 gold 1 pack, then the 3 runs after that were 9 7 8 for ~155 gold each


how greedy one can be... this midrange druid guy kept both of his shades hidden for the whole game, right before the turn he lost. DUDE wat. that's not how works. How optimistic can you be to think those are not going to die to blade flurry... they were like at 8 at some point and he didn't attack my face. Well, thanks I guess.


Why are you reading my tag instead of the title of my post?
I'm so proud of myself. My first foray into the 10+ ranks. Hell, getting INTO the 10+ ranks was harder than the actual 10+ ranks. I hovered around 12 then bobbled for a bit before just streaking up to 9 after I subbed out some change to my AnyFin - Reno deck ( -Argent Protector, -Dr.Boom, +Sir Finley, +Doomsayer [Yeah I know, why the fuck didn't I have DS in before?]).

But seriously, Sir Finley is freaking awesome. He's anywhere from a 1 or 3 or 5 mana play. He's changed bad matchups into good ones and it lets me play A LOT more greedy. I kind of just pick from what I think helps the matchup but I need to put some serious thought into eventually. Better yet, I don't think there's any bad hero powers to pull. The worst are Rogue and Shaman of course and Paladin is already excluded. So my options become, draw more cards, gain more health, or do more damage. In that regard I guess Mage is the 3rd worst.

Wonder how much more I have to do before this is a "legitimate" deck :lol. Reno has saved me from soooooooo much Aggro. Lets me use my weapon like an insane person too. My playstyle takes a complete change once I can use Reno. Hearthstone can be kinda fun, y'all.

EDIT: I do still my ass handed to me by Tempo Mage and Mid-Range Druid. Then again I think everyone does. Think I've seen 3 Rogues? Reno saved me each time. All the Secret Paladins haven't been drawing well so I can't speculate on that.


I'm really happy anyfin can happen exists now. It's good to know that there is the deck that will wreck all these resident sleeper priests no matter what. Like now they have double excavated evil too... like the entire deck is just 'answers' now, that's the win condition. I like control decks but not like this, fully reactive decks deserve to fail.

I hope this is the last time priest gets a removal card of any kind. Any more and they can remove any remaining minion in the deck and just run those.


double entomb, holy nova and light bomb is pretty fun man.

yeah it doesn't win much, but man when it works out your opponent gets maaaaaaad lol


Corporate Apologist
As someone who plays Resident Sleeper Priest, all you gotta do is Entomb a Warleader.

Sadly that only works if they run 1 anyfin. It seems like the deck is now running 2 of them.


Why are you reading my tag instead of the title of my post?
Or pull an Anyfin with a Thoughtsteal...
As far as I'm concerned that's literally the only win condition of Anyfin vs Control Priest. It gets my knickers in a bunch.That's what the Tirion is for though. Entomb bait.

That freeze mage match hurt my head though. I kept playing around a Counterspell that apparently didn't exist. All while avoiding Anyfin because Ice Block. That was a true PITA fight. I only won because Finely gave me Druid and that gave me armor and I kept the board constantly flooded. Thank god for Reno.

I'm sticking with this deck-list for the foreseeable future. The only other cards that are on the potential chopping block are Keeper of Uldaman and Blessing of Kings. But neither are going anywhere because there's really nothing better to replace them. Taking out Dr.Boom was probably my best move ever. My curve was literally one 7 mana card too high.


Priest can never win anyfin player with entomb unless the paladin player is bad with the deck. Just suicide your key murlocs with pyro and it doesnt matter what priest entomb. One warleader less wont save them. The only true win condition of priest is thoughtsteal anyfin(thats why always keep anyfin in my opener vs priest).


I'm really happy anyfin can happen exists now. It's good to know that there is the deck that will wreck all these resident sleeper priests no matter what. Like now they have double excavated evil too... like the entire deck is just 'answers' now, that's the win condition. I like control decks but not like this, fully reactive decks deserve to fail.

I hope this is the last time priest gets a removal card of any kind. Any more and they can remove any remaining minion in the deck and just run those.
There so many ways to counter these reactive decks that I am shocked that people even complain about it.

You can mill them, you can play Jaraxxus, you can play Combo Druid, you can play Anyfin, Freeze Mage against non Warrior decks etc.

As opposed to trying to counter Secret Paladin and still get run over by god draws.


Why are you reading my tag instead of the title of my post?
So a couple of days ago when I was playing, all the Freeze Mages had Counterspell; made AnyFin real hard to get off. Now none of them have Counterspell and I've been Flamestrike'd which has never happened before. Other prominent examples include that apparently Malygos is a thing and the complete absence of Pyroblasts. Does the ladder consist of the majority of people literally using the exact Tempostorm decklist?
So a couple of days ago when I was playing, all the Freeze Mages had Counterspell; made AnyFin real hard to get off. Now none of them have Counterspell and I've been Flamestrike'd which has never happened before. Other prominent examples include Malygos and Pyroblast. Does the ladder consist of the majority of people literally using the exact Tempostorm decklist?

Freezemage don't normally run counter spell to start with maybe you just had a weird experience on that day.

Usually freeze mage just run barrier/block while tempo mage runs mirror/counter spell and then there's echo that runs block/duplicate.

Of course there's also yolo secret mage that runs everything under the sun but that more for lulz.


Im really salty in the moment.

Faced an Murloc Pally who always has the perfect answers to my board. And Equality + Pyro is so disgusting. "Oh you have several minions with highlife? Just let me spend 4 mana to remove them"
Ended the game right after my opponent did this. Won't put up with this bullshit. Makes me feel stupid that I don't spent my mana on Paladin because I enjoy other classes more.


Im really salty in the moment.

Faced an Murloc Pally who always has the perfect answers to my board. And Equality + Pyro is so disgusting. "Oh you have several minions with highlife? Just let me spend 4 mana to remove them"
Ended the game right after my opponent did this. Won't put up with this bullshit. Makes me feel stupid that I don't spent my mana on Paladin because I enjoy other classes more.

I still remember that was the only thing Pally's had going for them in vanilla. How times have changed.
I thoughtstealed a win with an anyfin with my aggreno priest deck the other day. I was up second so I just held on to my coin and tried to keep the board clear then let the salt flow on my turn nine lol.


if anyfin was a shaman spell, could they even play it though?

paladin has the tools to draw cards reliably, people finally found a good consistent use for solemn vigil! Then they have great tools to wipe the board clean for cheap too. Not like elemental destruction that maybe works maybe not with roll 4-5 rng. They can also heal and draw cards at the same time which shaman can't. Shaman could heal with healing wave or draw cards with AK. It comes down to that you will have a deck with a lot of bad cards that are sub optimal at what you want to do with your game plan.

Shaman only excels at early face damage.


Junior Member
All I've seen for days is druid combos, control priests, and secret paladins. Meta is garbage again. Zzz...

Glad I haven't spent a penny on this game since BRM.


I think we don't give Blizzard enough kudos for the strength of the cohesiveness and theming of gameplay mechanics in the last couple adventures and expansions.

prominent in Naxxramas, Joust for the Grand Tournament, Discover in League of Explorers.

This is good stuff, you guys.


I still preferred TGT to LoE for the meta.
TGT meta was decent when Warsong was un-nerfed. After it was nerfed, Secret Paladin took over and has not really budged from that spot... becoming the exact same meta as it is now only now we actually have some control decks doing some work thanks to stuff like Reno.


Blegh.. queuing into freeze mages when you just want to clear out stupid quests is so frustrating. Doubly so when they are terrible freeze mages and draw out the game even longer than normal.


First time a Deathwing drafted in arena actually did something for me. It won 3 of my 11-3 run.

Funny seeing people going all in by flooding the board with their whole hand, and then down comes Deathwing.
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