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Hearthstone |OT5| Corrupted Deeprock Salt

double tournament medic resurrect power word health or whatever mind control priest has to be one of the most infuriating decks i've ever faced lol, double faceless manipulator, i had a nice lead to start the match but after turn 5 there was no way i could out damage his healing
I just ran into a Druid deck that ran Alexstrasza. Hadn't really seen that before. Is this becoming more common or what?

That's a pretty good idea. Alex > Fon>SR>Living roots (16). GG.

On one of my f2p I open DeathWing and threw it into my Druid deck. IT WORKS! Some games you just can't save combo or you're dead to the other board (shit draws) so fuck it combo it up put them at 12 they think you have nothing left and boom DEATHWING.

Wouldn't run it on my actual account (pretty much dead card 80% of the time) but it's funny when you get deathwing from deathlord or stupid shit like that. LOL

I am running Rag in my druid deck on the main. I cut out an azure drake so only one azure.
Deathwing has its uses. You can't play around it but it will 100% lose you the game in a meta where BGH is prevalent. But if you are desperate enough to be playing Deathwing you would've lost anyway.

Deathwing is probably the best lore/actual power transition into card form though.
Deathwing has its uses. You can't play around it but it will 100% lose you the game in a meta where BGH is prevalent. But if you are desperate enough to be playing Deathwing you would've lost anyway.

Deathwing is probably the best lore/actual power transition into card form though.

Basically only use it when the game is about to hit fatigue or already in fatigue. By that time your Dr.7 probably already got BGH.
so what do you guys think about deathlord? IMO it's ridiculously unbalanced, sure the drawback is bad but by turn 4 theres very little most decks can do against an 8 health minion, in the hands of a priest it's insanely OP and should not exist IMO. maybe a class card for a class that can't heal, but being able to double its health and heal it is absolutely absurd, i think
so what do you guys think about deathlord? IMO it's ridiculously unbalanced, sure the drawback is bad but by turn 4 theres very little most decks can do against an 8 health minion, in the hands of a priest it's insanely OP and should not exist IMO. maybe a class card for a class that can't heal, but being able to double its health and heal it is absolutely absurd, i think

I have no problem with it. It's one of those things that can backfire so hard and every class has some way to deal with it.

Paladin has keeper on 4 and equality on 2 that fuck it up.

Druid has innervate that can deal with it not to mention if you wild growth on 2 you could shredder on 3 then wrath/hero/shredder for 4 to deal with it on 4.

Rouge can always sap or even just combo it up with like prep/oil.

Zoo has a lot of shit like PO/abusive.
Demon/handlock can alwayd shadow flame and honestly not a threat of killing you right away.

Mage has enough burst from hand or hell even flame cannon ×2.

Hunter has hunters mark.

Basically it just one of those 50/50 toss up if you play it and the other person has an answer you're fucked and if they dont then they are.

I don't play priest but I'm never mad when i lose to death lord because i know there been games when i pop their deathlord and get like boom or rag on turn 4. Lol...
so what do you guys think about deathlord? IMO it's ridiculously unbalanced, sure the drawback is bad but by turn 4 theres very little most decks can do against an 8 health minion, in the hands of a priest it's insanely OP and should not exist IMO. maybe a class card for a class that can't heal, but being able to double its health and heal it is absolutely absurd, i think

Deathlord is strong, but not a card I would consider worth re evaluating. He fades in and out of the meta.


Deathlords is one of the best designed cards in the game and one of the few cards that can actually hold back some aggression. It's really only good in Priest and Fatigue decks... it's not like your everyday tempo card you can throw in every deck and face roll with.

Most classes have hard removals to deal with it. If you don't then just build up your board and attack into it at once. The 2 attack makes it not that threatening.

It also only counters aggro decks, against Control decks it's really bad unless played in a fatigue deck. It can lose you the game just as much as it can win you the game.
eyyy what would you guys sub out for a second owl in aggro priest?


i know it's an LOL theory but it works pretty well, i could definitely use that second silence though, but the problem is; this deck needs every inch of damage it can get, because if you don't win t6 - t9 you won't win period, so i'm unsure of the most efficient minion to cut

it annihilates secret paladwin BTW, with all the 1 health minions and ability to heal and flame juggler running all over minibot and many ways to get lethal by bypassing tirion etc


Corporate Apologist
Cut the Wolf Rider, just put in Two Arcane Golems. I'd actually cut Dr Boom for an Owl, if you haven't won the game by turn 7 you likely aren't going to.
Cut the Wolf Rider, just put in Two Arcane Golems. I'd actually cut Dr Boom for an Owl, if you haven't won the game by turn 7 you likely aren't going to.

the reason, IMO, that dr. win is essential, is this; aggro priest doesn't run any card draw (besides PW:S). i tinkered with card draw in the deck, and , honestly it just made it too slow. now, without the card draw, you need a little bit of back end fire, which is why holy fire x2 and leeroy are in the deck, and boom is part of that. you're gonna run out of cards before lethal if you don't have those big threats, IMO. it lets you stall through turn 7 in order to drop a holy fire or massive charge combo on turn 8 to win games often enough for the deck to be ladder viable. finley helps but obviously, finley is a leggy so he only shows up once; boom helps even out that curve on games where mrrrrgl is hiding at the end of your deck

i guess worgen infiltrator will have to go for a second owl, but i'm not totally convinced of it. if you can PWS your worgen on turn 1 it's really annoying, and generally it does give 2x damage for the mana cost. but you totally need the second owl to help against the decks heavy on taunts and armorsmiths and such. tough call.


somebody asked strifecro about changes to the game and whether they should be done before the next expansion etc. he said he can't answer that because he's under NDA.


somebody asked strifecro about changes to the game and whether they should be done before the next expansion etc. he said he can't answer that because he's under NDA.
That's weird, sounds like Strifecro might have been used for testing purposes. Why else would he be under NDA?
eyyy what would you guys sub out for a second owl in aggro priest?

Not the answer you're looking for but it might help you out. If you have him, I'd try subbing out a Holy Fire for Prophet Velen. Mainly for the surprise ten damage Mind Blast. I could be wrong, but I would assume it's hard to get a lot out of Holy Fire in Aggro Priest.

Then again, I can see it being great for removal while extending your life too. I would say it's worth experimenting, especially if you keep having trouble in the late game. You know your deck better than me though and maybe having two high cost cards would break the deck. I just personally love the combo myself because it feels like the animation happens so fast when you kill someone with it.


Say, if they're rebuilding the ladder system for example they are probably going to ask top players' opinions first I guess.

He answered a question before that about what cards he thinks are not good for the game, he mentioned force roar.
Not the answer you're looking for but it might help you out. If you have him, I'd try subbing out a Holy Fire for Prophet Velen. Mainly for the surprise ten damage Mind Blast. I could be wrong, but I would assume it's hard to get a lot out of Holy Fire in Aggro Priest.

Then again, I can see it being great for removal while extending your life too. I would say it's worth experimenting, especially if you keep having trouble in the late game. You know your deck better than me though and maybe having two high cost cards would break the deck. I just personally love the combo myself because it feels like the animation happens so fast when you kill someone with it.

people have mentioned velen to me, but, the problem is this; aggro priest only works if you can win t6-t9. like face hunter, basically. you CAN'T save cards for a future combo, because the only card draw is PWS (which is OK, but, again, only because you're maximizing mana on all turns). holy fire is not efficient, but, it's used like this;

opponent has 11 health on turn 5. use holy fire turn 6, double mind blast on turn 7 to win. or holy fire to stall one turn to drop boom the next then go lethal. i've toyed around with the idea for a while because it's obscure and no one else has even really tried it, but late game combos kill it without card draw and, like face hunter, introducing card draw destroys your win condition.

like brann; brann, theoretically makes a double shadowbomber hand hit for 12 face damage on turn 5. which is absolutely bonkers. but you can't rely on a 1 off card, you can't build a deck like aggro priest around it, because if you do, the deck will be crap every time brann hides. i know it needs a tinker or two but adding late game is really working against the idea.

as the deck is, it hard counters secret pally and wrecks face hunter.


as of now i'll drop the worgen for a second owl but, i'm not totally convinced that's the best option because half of the win condition of this deck is getting massive early board and swinging for face; the second half of the win condition is insane t6-9 damage that can usually bypass taunt (mindblasts do 2.5x mana value face damage, leeroy, arcane, holyfire, you can easily do double digit face damage on turns past 6)


Haven't been playing much HS these days, but have to admit rank 15 is fun this time of the month. lots of crazy decks.

aggro paladin with elise starseeker
enrage warrior with monkey, patron, gurubashi,obsidian destroyer,

and of course i'm running lock and load hunter and spider ball hunter to complete quests.


Say, if they're rebuilding the ladder system for example they are probably going to ask top players' opinions first I guess.

He answered a question before that about what cards he thinks are not good for the game, he mentioned force roar.
ZealousD about to win that bet.
people have mentioned velen to me, but, the problem is this; aggro priest only works if you can win t6-t9. like face hunter, basically. you CAN'T save cards for a future combo
Yeah, I do agree, I just find it a bit off that an aggressive deck would run 'slow' cards like Holy Fire but as you mentioned, it sounds like it works out pretty well for what it is.

Burner Priest is somewhat interesting to me because they have very few direct damage spells (Smite, Mind Blast, Holy Fire, anything else?) but overall keep getting symmetrical card effects like Shadow Bomber and Spawn of Shadows. I do like the idea of an deck type that drags their opponent down with them or just the fact that Priests have so much healing. Speaking of which, Burner Priest would more likely be a thing if there was a cheaper card with the Auchenai Soulpriest effect because then it would be easier to work with. I really doubt that would happen though.
Finally got to rank 15 after being stuck in rank 16 for some time, intense game vs what I can only assume was some kind of weird mage hybrid? For the longest time I assumed he had mirror entity up, then I thought it was vaporize, and after like 10 turns I realized it could've only been Ice Block, which confused me even more because he seemed pretty agressive early on. Anyway, he clearly had no idea how to deal with Kel Thuzad as his Blizzard and Flamestrike cleared my board for 5 seconds before they resurrected again and he seemed intent on pinging me instead of KT for some reason. I realized the turn I won that he was 1 turn of pinging from lethal as his Pyro left me at 1 hp.

Very fun game and as always it's very satisfying to win vs people with overall better cards.

edit: maybe his BGH should've tipped me off, is that a card you only see in control mage?
Haven't been playing much HS these days, but have to admit rank 15 is fun this time of the month. lots of crazy decks.

aggro paladin with elise starseeker
enrage warrior with monkey, patron, gurubashi,obsidian destroyer,

and of course i'm running lock and load hunter and spider ball hunter to complete quests.

This was rank 16 but I went up against a Priest who played a ton of silences with his Ancient Watchers and Dancing Swords and such, pretty interesting.


bouncing around decks, i'm just not going to make it to rank 5 this season. maybe i should have stuck with secret paladin :/

I still find myself enjoying watching other people play and be annoyed by this game than actually playing myself. Let them get hosed by RNG or aggro.


I don't know how I just won this last arena game, because the opponent's deck was insane. Was up against a rogue at 7-2.

The cards he played were:
blade flurry

gilblin stalker
3x goblin autobarber
3x SI:7 agent

Hungry dragon
tomb pillager
2x azure drake
sludge belcher

stranglethorn tiger

That was one of the closest fights ever and I only won because of top deck equality+ consecrate and a top deck coghammer at the end to prevent his lethal.


I don't know how I just won this last arena game, because the opponent's deck was insane. Was up against a rogue at 7-2.

insane deck you say?

I only won because of top deck equality+ consecrate and a top deck coghammer at the end to prevent his lethal.

ayy lmao.

decks are only insane when someone else is playing them :p


taking a break with the ladder. i'm tired of looking at uthers fucking face.

i put together a 25 legendary reno/elise deck and i'm pwning noobs on casual, no fucks given.


I'm hoping they are working on more stuff they dont want to talk about, but giving a few more better cards is not solving the problem of smurfing, it's not solving the problem of full card decks that outclass what new players will get. Even by giving a few more of the better cards is not going to stop the decks that are fully constructed and are the same ones that are in Legend rank.

They really need to implement what I suggested, where passing certain ranks will make it so you can't drop lower than that rank. This will make the people that have top rank decks not be able to go back down and farm people with shit decks while they are starting out/building their collection.

Similarly if rank matchmaking was based on more than just rank and based on total cards in each persons collection and how much of a % they have gathered then it would make smurfers face smurfers

I really like the first idea - both very simple to implement and pretty bulletproof. Ie, levels 15, 10, 5 act as one-way fences, similarly to level 20, you can only drop down when a new season starts - this will effectively subdivide the ladder into several subladders which would be matched inside way more evenly (and if it's not even enough, they could increase the number of ranks to 40-50 to increase the number of the subladders).

I don't think the second idea - taking into account number of cards that a player has for matchmaking - is viable, things like that rarely work out in practice, the number of players that seems very big is usually far from being big enough to restrict matching to the point where players feel visible improvement without killing queue times dead. But the first idea is golden!


Elise and reno jackson should swap battlecries.

playing the adventure, elise is the smart sensible cautious person of the group (which then would make sense if she's the one who heals you to full health).

while reno jackson is the risky adventurous type seeking treasure. his card should have been the one chasing the golden monkey.
Elise and reno jackson should swap battlecries.

playing the adventure, elise is the smart sensible cautious person of the group (which then would make sense if she's the one who heals you to full health).

while reno jackson is the risky adventurous type seeking treasure. his card should have been the one chasing the golden monkey.

She seeks stars though


Played since beta, finally got Legend.


I used MC Paly.

Despite being 1 win off previously with far more interesting decks, this does not feel legitimate.


Like I said haven't played in awhile, but enjoyed myself and completed some quests with the following decks tonight:

Lock and Load hunter
Spider ball Hunter
Brann Juggernaut Warrior
Mech Reno Warrior
Reno Rogue

Ended up beating secret paladins, mid range hunters, mech mages, freeze mages, etc.

Just proves you don't have to play meta decks to have a good time and climb some ranks.

EDIT: also just beat a face shaman with a Brann Dragon Druid: my night is complete.


Pretty weak explanation from Ben Brode I think. If it's a battlecry, it's a battlecry. Why not make the text precise instead of this weird explanation saying it *is* a battlecry, just not a battlecry?

That´s the kinda stuff I also hope they fix with the possible overhaul. A lot of the wording on cards is inconsistent. Would be nice if they just made it so a card does what it says it does.
Have you thought of subbing out one PW:S? I know, I know, it's one of the best cards in the game, but it's an aggro deck. I suspect that would be the right choice.
Man, I think about that every day lol, but the thing is, that 1 mana card cycle helps so often because you need to spend every mana you have to be ahead and not have things like shadowbombers come back to bite you...it often helps elevate the million 1 Heath minions to survive an extra turn or trade...it probably is the weakest link though, I'll try and see if it helps.

Yeah anachai and spawn of shadows would be awesome, it's just too situational. You have to be turn 7 for spawn to do anything and even then it's just doing 4 face damage and probably getting traded by a shredder. Dr win usually forces mad bad trades and your zoo is falling behind by then, and holy fire like I said, very solid burn that can give that extra turn to win. You don't curve it you save it for lethal when your hand is nigh empty and you have a lot of mana to fill. Leeroy really was necessary to make this deck, because between him, double holy fires and mind blasts, it's so much fun to whip out a 8-16 damage turn that doesn't get stopped by taunts on turn 7+, and like I said no one expects that shit from priests, so many salty FRs.

The power word health or whatever card (1 mana +4 health per attack of a minion) honesty was tempting me a little, just to grab an extra turn or two after dropping Finley, probably an awful idea tho, the faster I make the deck the more it seems to succeed. Def wrecks face hunter and secret pally tho, I actually enjoy seeing uther, keeping my creepers and flame jugglers and not giving a damn about get down taking out 1 mana stuff

- 1 worgen + 1 owl was very important though good call


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Anyone running a fun Shadow Priest recently? Doesn't have to win a lot, but just looking for a funsie Shadow deck to try out.

I've been having some fun with this.


Few things:

1. If possible, run two Garrison Commanders. I still don't know why the hell the card is an epic, but I only have one. The double hero power flip is super useful in the lategame, and he has a lot of synergy with inspire minions.

2. Vol'jin would be a perfect fit for the 7 mana hard removal + board presence, but again, don't have him. So that's where Saraad and Paletress seemed like fun inclusions.

3. Cabal Shadow Priest is kryptonite.

The hero power strives on value, but card draw can be a bit dicey. I'm not sure if acolyte is worth it since there's room for buff cards, and Cleric naturally doesn't really work here. Tournament medic is a surprising pain in the ass for most classes to actually kill.
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