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Hearthstone |OT5| Corrupted Deeprock Salt

. said:
I think thats the first time i've ever actually enjoyed my reward.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Why not just pick something from the past broadcasts? It's not like watching these streams live really matters. Unless you really like Twitch chat for some reason.
edit: Looks like she's about to start streaming.

I got golden crackle and ancestral knowledge as ranked rewards. No Blizzard, I'm not interested in playing aggro shaman.

There's actually a twitch rechat app that keeps the chat for vods if people want that.
Keep getting golden hero's with entirely golden decks on casual (EU) tonight. It's been 3 in 4 matches so far.

I'm just trying to complete a Warrior daily before bed...


Another one in the long series of "what the fuck is that guy doing at 3-2".
This mage had 2 flamestrikes, fireball, frostbolt, 2 ethereal conjurers... and that's just the first half of the deck. Oh, and his first couple of turns were literally mech mage with good draw.


Zombie Chow into Shielded into Muster into Keeper.

Man people are just so much better at this game then me.

Guess I'll just rope you to make sure I learn the most out of this game, you dumb piece of fucking shit Paladin.


got spellbender, tournament medic and deadly shot from my EU chest. Another month of trash. That legend NA chest better be good.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Man, even if Secret Paladin does make grinding to legend easier than it has ever been, I sill don't want to do that grind. Sitting down and playing this game for more than a few games at a time is so frustrating. Even if you are playing secret paladin.


I got both of my legends with decks that I really enjoyed playing, this time was oil rogue, last time was patron. Grinding with druid or paladin is just really boring. I only went for try hard for one day this season. I just play 10-20 matches a day otherwise and after a while that you get pretty good with a deck you get a really good win rate, I had like 80 percent win rate lately, it was a quite smooth climb and of course luck and match up helped. I climbed to 2 without really trying. Playing on phone helps too if you have dead time throughout a day. I'm not going to sit behind a desk and play this game for 5 hours straight like streamers do.

So yeah just like that, I have reached sea giant chest on two servers every month since August and I could craft a whole lot of cards with them. Huge boost to my collection.

I don't think I will ever try for legend again though, maybe if the ladder is revamped.


I'm one of those that finally decided to step into the dark side with Secret Paladin. Only slightly less scumbag of a deck since I'm too cheap/unlucky to get a Tirion. I even decided to work towards legend from rank 5 this past week with how easy everyone said it would be. Reached it for the first time last night.
That's cool, I guess that's something I'll never do again. Or even play Hearthstone for a few days. It was still exhausting playing that much in such a short period of time.


That's way too much HS for one day.

it's enough games to do dailies on both servers. I barely play any other games, it doesn't feel too much to me at least, average game takes 4-5 minutes, something like 45min to 1 hour a day, I know when to concede. If there is some other release that I want to play I just leave hearthstone.


New metasnapshot is out, it's not even worth linking. You can tell what it's like.
I swear there's a fucking Konami code for the hunters to get Huffer EVERY SINGLE FUCKING TIME.

I don't think I've ever gotten this salty over a non fighting game. Jesus Christ


That just shows how utterly broken (and terrible) this brawl is. It's all about finding the most broken draw engine to get the 4 or so cards needed for OTK.


it's enough games to do dailies on both servers. I barely play any other games, it doesn't feel too much to me at least, average game takes 4-5 minutes, something like 45min to 1 hour a day, I know when to concede. If there is some other release that I want to play I just leave hearthstone.


New metasnapshot is out, it's not even worth linking. You can tell what it's like.

is it still Christmas?


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
That just shows how utterly broken (and terrible) this brawl is. It's all about finding the most broken draw engine to get the 4 or so cards needed for OTK.

Pretty much, card draw is disgusting so it naturally builds towards OTK combos from hand that you can't really disrupt.

I saw the shadowfiend deck after someone posted it on reddit and started to get totally stomped. Card is beyond busted in that format, lol.


I wish this brawl never ended. I'm having so much fun. I just flooded a board with boom bots using Brann + Shadowstep + Dr. Boom on turn 2. I'm having so many silly games with stuff like that.

Edit: Just had a Paladin put me to 1 health with Alextrasza and a bunch other bullshit. He had like 6 1-1 minions on the board, used a Conceal and emoted like 5 times before my turn. I blade flurried + Reno'd. Instant concede. So gooooood.


Even though the brawl is ridiculously broken and I don't have the cards to play it, I'm glad it's a thing. It's really fun to watch that nonsense.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
When do we get Ranked rewards tonight?

I found out today that you can't make more than 100g in a day from the 3-win streak 10g daily. Which means I probably played ~50 matches today.

The servers for NA reset in 2 and a half hours. It's the same time quests and such pop up too.


When it hits modnight for whatever time zone you are in.
That's not true, it's always for Midnight in the Pacific time zone.

I always get mine at 2 AM because I am Central.

In any case I made a last minute dash for rank 5 and succeeded with Priest. I went full anti meta and put in all anti aggro cards in the Priest deck. Not even Thoughsteals in it (too anti tempo, useless against stuff like Secret Paladin).


This is the least I have played the game in a long while. I dreaded playing Ladder and I wasn't wrong. Aggro Shaman, Secret Paladin, Tempo Mage, Combo Druid, Hunters etc. I faced a couple of Oil Rogues, a couple of Control Priests like me but overall it was very, very aggro heavy.

Oddly enough I did play a Dreadsteed Warlock whom I crushed because I stole both of his Dreadsteeds ROFL!

Also this deck was meant to counter Secret Paladin but I lost quite a few times against Secret Paladin god draws/luck. This deck I was running had 10 board clears plus Wild Pyros with cheap spells yet it couldn't handle Secret Paladin sometimes. I am convinced now more than ever that there's no way to fully counter Secret Paladin and anyone claiming such should be ignored permanently on the subject matter. There was a point in the run where I faced 3 Secret Paladins in a row and lost 3 close games due to top decks and I was going to give up on the deck but didn't. I probably won more against Secret Paladin than lost but your board clears have to line up and the Entomb has to be in hand when MC gets played.
I play 1-2 games a day, maybe. Sometimes not even that. Usually just enough to complete a quest (completing one while hopefully making progress on another). The game is in desperate need of a shake-up, Blizzard needs to be announcing something pretty soon


That's not true, it's always for Midnight in the Pacific time zone.

I always get mine at 2 AM because I am Central.

In any case I made a last minute dash for rank 5 and succeeded with Priest. I went full anti meta and put in all anti aggro cards in the Priest deck. Not even Thoughsteals in it (too anti tempo, useless against stuff like Secret Paladin).

This is the least I have played the game in a long while. I dreaded playing Ladder and I wasn't wrong. Aggro Shaman, Secret Paladin, Tempo Mage, Combo Druid, Hunters etc.

After i got my golden warrior at the start of the month i haven't touch ladder for like 3 weeks, still rank 11 and i'm pretty sure i'm still on a win streak. maybe next season i'll try ladder again.


What does the game need?

1) Cut prices on the Adventure modes already, it's sort of ridiculous.

2) Deck slots though supposedly they are coming.

3) This one is a big one and isn't an easy fix but they need to do something about inherent minion creep vs spells.

4) Need to fix classes like Shaman and Hunter so they aren't so binary in playstyle. Like 70% of Hunter's cards are unusable.

5) IMO they need to change some of the dust disenchant costs especially at the lower end. You get 20 dust from disenchanting a Rare, it should be 25. And crafting a common should be 25 dust.

6) Depending on how this format thing will pan out, Blizzard really needs to balance the game more often. People are getting tired of Secret Paladin and getting comboed by Druid. The combo and MC should've been nerfed months ago.

7) This is more future proofing but they need to do something about match ups where it boils down to fatigue count and not actual board play early on. I think Discover is a cool way to counteract that. This is the opposite spectrum of the aggro game and if control gets too good then every game will be fatigue and players will lose interest even quicker. Right now Warrior and Priest are already at that level where they can fatigue very frequently.

8) Hopefully future cards aren't so swingy in RNG. Having games decided by what minion gets Juggled by Knife Juggler or how many Imps Implosion rolls is not my idea of a fun time.

9) Some in-game decktracker so we don't have to use 3rd party. Man wouldn't that be something!

10) Please let us spectate our friends as they draft Arena cards!

Extra; Tournament mode

Really though there are just problematic card that are just below the OP line but still really annoying. Stuff like Juggler, Mad Scientist, Implosion, Crackle are just really annoying to deal with. This is the kind of thing that needs a big overhaul to fix and can't be fixed by just putting out more cards.

What Arena Overhaul?
Some more flavor to Arena because it has been left untouched for a while. Also they should really consider redistributing some rarities to balance Arena (like Bolster should be an Epic not a common).

I will also add that Casual mode needs an overhaul as well.
What does the game need?

1. A re-balance. Cards rotated into the classic pool, Naxx is free, BRM is half off, cards buffed, cards nerfed.

2. Arena re-balance. Tacked on to #1, Blizzard needs to just make separate Arena rarities. Keeper of Uldaman is the best example I can think of, it's an adventure card, meaning the rarity doesn't really mean shit, so it has NO business being a common.

3. Swifter response to patching, and a public test server. On some level I can appreciate Blizzard taking a hands off approach for a while on cards that may seem overpowered but come the fuck on. Mad Scientist and Dr. Boom have been out for a year, Mysterious Challenger and Paladin in general is running rampant and playing the most OP minion on curve destroys nearly all tactics. A Public test server would be good to actually get people playing these cards before sending them out into the wild. Note this doesn't mean cards should be hamstrung when nerfed, but this IS Blizzard, so that'll never happen.

4. Better rewards, arena and constructed. Self explanatory, even with chests you don't have a lot of incentive to grind up ladder and I'm sure we've all gotten to 10+ wins arena to be handed 200 dust and some coins.

5. Tavern Brawls. Stop repeating, or if you are going to repeat, stop repeating shitty ones. Make deck building brawls have every single card available for use rather you own them or not, this is supposed to be the fun mode right? Also, for the love of God, just ban certain cards for certain brawls so they can be playable beyond one strategy.

6. Mechanic reworks. Specifically thinking of deathrattle, silence, charge and joust. First three for being too damn good and the third for being too bad. I am unsure how to go about this, but charge has been a problem a lot of nerfs (Leeroy, Warsong, Charge + Giants) and existing cards like Force of Nature. Deathrattle promotes vomiting high value minions like Shredder and Haunted Creeper on to the board that are obscenely hard to remove and trade well, leaving few options for swift and easy removal. Less of a problem with the Undertaker nerf though. Silence is, well...I don't think they ever intended silence to be used to drop a 2/1 that will negate any massive taunt. Joust is bad. You play a Joust card to get a slightly better version of an existing card (Gadgetzan Jouster -> Zombie Chow, Master Jouster -> Sunwalker) on success but a strictly worse card on failure. Healing Wave, Tuskarr Jouster and King's Elekk are the only joust cards I have seen see any sort of play at all, and even then they are hardly worth it. Joust needs to either have the person who initiated the Joust win on ties, or simply do the joust again.

Shout out to secrets because I always thought they were a stupid mechanic but Mad Scientist and Mysterious Challenger made them so much worse

7. Nozdormu. Either fix this piece of shit or remove him from the game. As is, he is an allowed exploit.

8. Animations. Tacked onto Nozdormu, some animations take WAY too long. You could make the argument this could have held back Patron, but the old Patron is long gone.

9. Death Knight. Because Death Knights are rad, and there's nothing that would fuck the meta up into a state never before seen then throwing in a new challenger.

10. Shaman. Do I even need to explain

11. Ladder. Its bad. A new player at Rank 20 can run into a Control Warrior farming golden portrait, who they cannot even be expected to beat.

12. Deck slots. This meme was never funny. I just want more deck slots.
1) Cut prices on the Adventure modes already, it's sort of ridiculous.
As a new player, I agree. :p

2) Deck slots though supposedly they are coming.
I'm confused. Don't we have this?

3) This one is a big one and isn't an easy fix but they need to do something about inherent minion creep vs spells.
Not sure on this one.
4) Need to fix classes like Shaman and Hunter so they aren't so binary in playstyle. Like 70% of Hunter's cards are unusable.
Right on.

5) IMO they need to change some of the dust disenchant costs especially at the lower end. You get 20 dust from disenchanting a Rare, it should be 25. And crafting a common should be 25 dust.
I think it should be half the value. :p
6) Depending on how this format thing will pan out, Blizzard really needs to balance the game more often. People are getting tired of Secret Paladin and getting comboed by Druid. The combo and MC should've been nerfed months ago.
That is a long time.

7) This is more future proofing but they need to do something about match ups where it boils down to fatigue count and not actual board play early on. I think Discover is a cool way to counteract that. This is the opposite spectrum of the aggro game and if control gets too good then every game will be fatigue and players will lose interest even quicker. Right now Warrior and Priest are already at that level where they can fatigue very frequently.
How do you stop that, though? Priest skill is naturally about delay.
8) Hopefully future cards aren't so swingy in RNG. Having games decided by what minion gets Juggled by Knife Juggler or how many Imps Implosion rolls is not my idea of a fun time.
Knife Juggler should have a "kill target" when cast, and all daggers go there. Might need to be 3 cost to balance that out, though. If the target dies, Knife Juggler is highlighted and asks for a new target.

9) Some in-game decktracker so we don't have to use 3rd party. Man wouldn't that be something!
What's this?

10) Please let us spectate our friends as they draft Arena cards!
#1 request from me. ;-D


Yeah Tavern Brawls that require you to make a deck should have the whole collection unlocked for you.

Better yet they can restrict some cards so that everyone is not picking Alexstrasza in a particular Brawl.
Agree on deck tracker. I use deck tracker because its so handy. Tells me how many cards I have in my hand (why isn't this a thing?) how many cards my opponent has and in our decks without scrolling over them, my chance to draw a card in my deck, the chance the opponent has a card or does not, what I have left in my deck....

This may sound like cheating but you can do it with pen and paper and everyone runs these scenarios in their head anyway.


We only have 9 deck slots and we have 9 classes. So if you are the type to use all classes here and there you can only have one deck per class. It's a big nuisance when you have some experimental decks mixed in. Not nearly enough deck slots.

In game deck tracker already exists through 3rd parties. It keeps a track of your deck list, what cars have been drawn and what cards remain. Plus additional stats like winrate of your deck based on class match ups and other stats. Pretty cool stuff and many players use it. Not deemed illegal by Blizzard so they should just provide their own.
I have no clue whats up with deckslots. If its some kind of issue they cant change because it fucks up the game then thats kind of scary such an important think is coded like that.

Reminds me of the backpack in WoW being the same size since Vanilla because they are afraid to tamper with it since it might delete items.
I hope they charge at least 3,000 gold or $15 for each additional deck slot. That'd be super great.

I have no clue whats up with deckslots. If its some kind of issue they cant change because it fucks up the game then thats kind of scary such an important think is coded like that.

Reminds me of the backpack in WoW being the same size since Vanilla because they are afraid to tamper with it since it might delete items.

Blizzard is just bizarre with some of their coding decisions. It takes several minutes to rejoin an in-progress Heroes of the Storm match because it is based off of the StarCraft 2 replay system. Backpacks in WoW are still 18 slots because Blizzard is afraid they'll wipe your items if they modify it. No extra deck slots in Hearthstone because it's some monumental coding project to add more spaces.

All really bizarre and crazy things that seem so simple from the outside, but are apparently highly complex from the inside.
Something I don't care all that much about, but was wondering what the hell happened: Alternate Hero's. Magni, Alleria, and Medivh were released in JUNE!! What happened to the others?


Sweet, still slumming it in the basic deck hell hole of 20-18 and I got accused of faking rank for easy kills. I don't think i've felt better playing HS than that moment.
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