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Hearthstone |OT5| Corrupted Deeprock Salt

Rank 4. Not horrible I guess even though I already have two Bane of Dooms. Certainly better than last month's Poisoned Blade.



I really really hope that every class gets a way to destroy secrets. This shit is ridiculous and the fact that you have to play around them right now while the person playing them just face rolls to a win. There is no downside to secrets since how many hunters even run flare. There needs to be more counters


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The problem is things are either OP or fuck it why bother. Secrets are OP right now. Before cards like MC nobody even used them in say Paly.

Before Patron Warrior was top tier. Now? Nobody bothers.

Blizzard can't seem to strike a balance on anything these days. Makes me agree with the earlier poster that said we need full mechanical rework vs just a few new neutral cards to deal with things like silence, taunt, secrets ect...


the game is just fuck awful now, doubt I'll even play this season with all the retarded decks that are so prominent.


The problem is things are either OP or fuck it why bother. Secrets are OP right now. Before cards like MC nobody even used them in say Paly.

Before Patron Warrior was top tier. Now? Nobody bothers.

Blizzard can't seem to strike a balance on anything these days. Makes me agree with the earlier poster that said we need full mechanical rework vs just a few new neutral cards to deal with things like silence, taunt, secrets ect...
Patron Warrior is still legit.

But it can still get run over if you don't draw well.

Also I think the game can use some neutral spells as well. That would be cool to see. Too many minions in the game, not enough spells. Maybe permanent or enchantments.


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Wish they had a free arena with no rewards.

That would give people a nice alternative to playing ranked or the random ass tavern brawls.


The problem with secret pally is that every card in the mana slot doubles so they can always have the perfect curve with the best minions on each point of the curve.

Turn 1: secret keeper, zombie chow, argent squire, leper gnome, ...
Turn 2: minibot, creeper, juggler
Turn 3: muster, coghammer, aldor, divine favor
Turn 4: shredder, kings, truesilver, keeper
Turn 5: loatheb, belcher
Turn 6: MC
Turn 7: Dr. Boom
Turn 8: Tyrion, ragnaros

This are basically all the minions played in the secret paladin archetype. You can try to think on better creatures on each spot but is almost impossible.

So yeah anytime a deck has redundant drops on each slot with efficient card advantage tools it will be tier 1. No surprises here.
When I first started playing this game I had the bad habit of always trading and never going face unless there were literally no minions on the board.

I've now reached the opposite point win which I'm not trading when I really should and taking unnecessary risks. Today I left Reno on the board and he shadowflamed my board, so I lost. Really need to stop being so greedy.
When I first started playing this game I had the bad habit of always trading and never going face unless there were literally no minions on the board.

I've now reached the opposite point win which I'm not trading when I really should and taking unnecessary risks. Today I left Reno on the board and he shadowflamed my board, so I lost. Really need to stop being so greedy.

Never leave Reno on the board if you can help it. If you thought it was back breaking the first time he healed for 20, just wait until he Brewmasters Reno and does it again.


When I first started playing this game I had the bad habit of always trading and never going face unless there were literally no minions on the board.

I've now reached the opposite point win which I'm not trading when I really should and taking unnecessary risks. Today I left Reno on the board and he shadowflamed my board, so I lost. Really need to stop being so greedy.
It's sad that trading is seen as a bad habit nowadays...

Usually when new players come in they just go face all day. After a while they get better and then start going for maximum value (too much in some cases). Then they get better and go towards more tempo.

A good example is when let's say a Warlock player is going against a Mage and has Leper Gnome in hand on turn 2. The Warlock player would think "man I want to play this Leper Gnome but it dies for free to hero power". When you actually do the match you realize that you will be far ahead in the game if they spend a whole turn doing just hero power to deal with your minion (and also take 3 damage). You can tap to regain that card advantage later on but in most cases the game will be decided before either player is in top deck mode.

In Arena going for value trades like these is fine (especially as Rogue) but in Constructed if you miss your early drops then das it mane.
Secrets are the worst mechanic in the game. They are like MtG enchantments, but invisible. You can't balance them because you can't control how they proc, so they have to be inherently too strong or weak. Just delete them and add a new mechanic.

Death Knight will be the 10th class, New minion type: Undead.


Yes but you need Void Callers, Malganis and Void Terrors.
Why Void Terrors?
Why Void Terrors?

Synergy with Power Overwhelming mostly. If you cast PO on something, then attack and play Void Terror, you can force out a silence or BGH. It also works well with Void Caller if you play the Caller and then eat it with Terror to force out a Doomguard or Mal'Ganis. Back when I played Demon Zoo, I had a lot of success with Void Terror + Sylvanas.


I went to rank 14 from rank 20 today with only 3 losses. I am playing the demon zoo deck and its pretty good.

I lost two times to secret paladin of course, i just dont even care when i lose to that shit deck anymore.

My other defeat was from Freeze Mage. I actually felt helpless. He got Alexstrsza in turn 9 and then he killed me with double fireball and frostbolt. Nothing i could do really.

Anyone know how to avoid having such loses? It seems that if you cant kill freeze mage before he gets you to 15 health you lost no matter what since i dont have any heals. It was going so good he couldn't even destroy all my minnions with doomsayer. Sadness


A neutral 5 cost spell that could remove secrets would be just swell, wishy even have to remove them all, could just remove two. Wouldn't mind a minion that could destroy or negate secrets while it's alive so the person with secrets has to deal with it, like a low mana cost one that negates secrets and a high mana cost one that can destroy secrets.

Still want them to make one way ranks that you can't go back when you criss then to farm people (never letting this dream die).

Oh and can Reno's heal only be used once per match. It's demoralizing basically killing off someone a second time just to know that a Reno is coming. Worse than some of the solo adventure missions.


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I went to rank 14 from rank 20 today with only 3 losses. I am playing the demon zoo deck and its pretty good.

I lost two times to secret paladin of course, i just dont even care when i lose to that shit deck anymore.

My other defeat was from Freeze Mage. I actually felt helpless. He got Alexstrsza in turn 9 and then he killed me with double fireball and frostbolt. Nothing i could do really.

Anyone know how to avoid having such loses? It seems that if you cant kill freeze mage before he gets you to 15 health you lost no matter what since i dont have any heals. It was going so good he couldn't even destroy all my minnions with doomsayer. Sadness

Freeze Mage loss sounds like just you got wrong side of RNG stick. In general they have shit for card draw unless they burn a turn on AI. If they got to turn 9 and still had Alex both fireballs and frost in his hand that's just gg for any class.


Just got an Iron Juggernaut from an esportal against a Warlock with 14 cards left on the deck and 10 health. Guess what happened when he hero power'd lol.


I went to rank 14 from rank 20 today with only 3 losses. I am playing the demon zoo deck and its pretty good.

I lost two times to secret paladin of course, i just dont even care when i lose to that shit deck anymore.

My other defeat was from Freeze Mage. I actually felt helpless. He got Alexstrsza in turn 9 and then he killed me with double fireball and frostbolt. Nothing i could do really.

Anyone know how to avoid having such loses? It seems that if you cant kill freeze mage before he gets you to 15 health you lost no matter what since i dont have any heals. It was going so good he couldn't even destroy all my minnions with doomsayer. Sadness
Clutch Loatheb and be very aggressive early game to try to pop Ice Blocks. Stuff like Sea Giants are good because Freeze Mage has trouble dealing with it.

It's a bad match up though so you can expect to lose more often but not unwinnable.


Reno is in my top 3 BS cards that need a huge nerf.
Stay salty.

Reno is the best card they have printed in a long time. Game would be much worse if face decks didn't have to play around Reno (not that even do it, they just roll the dice and hope for no Reno).
Stay salty.

Reno is the best card they have printed in a long time. Game would be much worse if face decks didn't have to play around Reno (not that even do it, they just roll the dice and hope for no Reno).

I've lost so many times to that BS card. Way too cheap for what it does.


I've lost so many times to that BS card. Way too cheap for what it does.
Because you are going too hard on face and not trading enough. If you have big board it doesn't matter if they heal for 29. Secret Paladin does not care about Reno neither does Druid because they just deal that damage again.

Some decks like Shaman can even finish game before turn 6. Plus you are playing a much weaker, less consistent deck when you choose to play Reno. For all the games someone wins with a Reno heal, they lose just as many from not getting the right answer due to lower deck consistency.


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Because you are going too hard on face and not trading enough. If you have big board it doesn't matter if they heal for 29. Secret Paladin does not care about Reno neither does Druid because they just deal that damage again.

Some decks like Shaman can even finish game before turn 6.

Yeah as secret Paly Reno just delays the inevitable.


I love Reno and don't even run it, actually I usually have no trouble against Reno decks. I have faced plenty in the past week and easily beaten most as Tempo mage. By the time they use it I usually have at least two flamewakers out (dat duplicate value) and other big minions and they just can't catch up.
Best way to beat Reno is identify it's a Reno early. Surprise Reno is what kills people. But if you know it's coming you can plan ahead and figure out how to deal another 30.

If you vomit your hand thinking it's not a reno and they then reno for 25+ you kinda deserve to lose.

With that said..... i think Reno should have a cap on the healing. 29 is too much. Maybe 15?
The problem with Reno is he costs the same as anti kill bot and his body is significantly bigger as is his effect. His effect is fine but He should cost more mana without a doubt.


to run reno you have to replace your more effective cards with less viable ones to run less dupes.

its a fair trade off


Honestly I feel like the one-of-each-card deck restriction is enough to justify Reno's effect and body. Not that it'd bother me if they nerfed the card since I don't run it, but I think there's cards much more broken than Reno out there for sure I'd rather the team focused on instead.


The problem with Reno is he costs the same as anti kill bot and his body is significantly bigger as is his effect. His effect is fine but He should cost more mana without a doubt.
Healbots don't cripple your entire deck.

Reno for example is unusable in combo decks but Healbots can be used.

Freeze Mage can't use it, Combo Druid can't use it, Oil Rogue can't use it. Honestly it's only good in Warlock because Warlock uses life as a resource for card advantage. But no one cares about card advantage these days anyway.


Healbots don't cripple your entire deck.

Reno for example is unusable in combo decks but Healbots can be used.

Freeze Mage can't use it, Combo Druid can't use it, Oil Rogue can't use it. Honestly it's only good in Warlock because Warlock uses life as a resource for card advantage. But no one cares about card advantage these days anyway.

It's also mostly used in Warlock because they have four separate board clears. Most other class can't afford to run one-ofs for their board clears since they either don't have that many or don't have ones that curve up as well as Warlock's.

I had to laugh when that HS game designer said he thought Shaman would be the predominate Reno class. Like, how does he expect them to even survive until they draw Reno with their measly two board clears?


I think the complaint cycle at this point has been Freeze Mage -> Control Warrior -> Mid-Range Hunter -> Miracle Rogue -> Deathrattle Hunter -> Mech Mage -> Aggro Paladin -> Patron Warrior -> Secret Paladin -> Freeze Mage -> and now Reno?

Am I missing anything? Midrange Druid for a bit I guess, but that's kind of a constant background noise along with Zoo.


Just when I thought Paladin deck talk was the worst this thread had to offer

I think the complaint cycle at this point has been Freeze Mage -> Control Warrior -> Mid-Range Hunter -> Miracle Rogue -> Deathrattle Hunter -> Mech Mage -> Aggro Paladin -> Patron Warrior -> Secret Paladin -> Freeze Mage -> and now Reno?

Am I missing anything? Midrange Druid for a bit I guess, but that's kind of a constant background noise along with Zoo.
Karst is just late to the Reno bandwagon, that card got hate first week but then people adapted and it hasn't done big damage since then. Everyone is way over Reno at this point.

Secret Paladin and Combo Druid are the actual culprits at the moment. Also Anyfin.

Freeze Mage will always get hate even if the deck is tier 3.
Reno is perfectly fine. It crushes aggro decks but if you don't have board control and are already losing, all it will do is deter your imminent demise for 2 turns.


I don't use Reno, but I think it's a fine card. What is bullshit is being able to use Reno more than once per game. That is stupid.


Face Hunter was definitely in there at some point.

its kind of impressive how much hate face hunter still gets even though its not even that viable anymore. not even the best aggro deck anymore.

anytime someones ragging on aggro decks or lauding reno jackson people still go "haha suck it face hunters!"

face hunter really tortured peoples ladder climbs in the past lol


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
I think the complaint cycle at this point has been Freeze Mage -> Control Warrior -> Mid-Range Hunter -> Miracle Rogue -> Deathrattle Hunter -> Mech Mage -> Aggro Paladin -> Patron Warrior -> Secret Paladin -> Freeze Mage -> and now Reno?

Am I missing anything? Midrange Druid for a bit I guess, but that's kind of a constant background noise along with Zoo.

I remember Mech Mage whining. Those were the good ole days. Where the most problematic deck wasn't actually a problem. Can you imagine Mechwarper being a 2/2 these days? Lol
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