I almost she'd a tear for the last one. The Dr stayed Balanced until the day they had to remove it from the game!
Wow, no more creepers/minibot and muster. This actually guts secret pally.
The main thing that sticks out reading that is Druid since they've always used basically the same cards forever, the combo really will need to change with this. But it's definitely an exciting turn.
I'm also confident that Secret Paladin will still dominate Standard ladder. You just swap out Minibot and Muster for whatever is the best 2 and 3 drops still available, and replace Avenge with another secret or run less. It still works because other classes will also have less powerful cards available.
inb4 it's still 9 deck slots per format
Wow, no more creepers/minibot and muster. This actually guts secret pally.
The main thing that sticks out reading that is Druid since they've always used basically the same cards forever, the combo really will need to change with this. But it's definitely an exciting turn.
The arrival of Standard format will also be an excellent time for us to take stock of Hearthstone. While normally were quite conservative about making balance changes to Hearthstone cards (and well continue to be in the future), were planning to take the new Hearthstone year as a golden opportunity to re-evaluate a number of cards in the Basic and Classic card sets, including class cards, and make some long-considered adjustments.
It's 18 total so unless you only intend to play one format, it kind of is.
Hopefully they nerf some of the Basic/Classic Hunter cards cuz Face Hunter is gonna dominate without healbot
As in you can't freely distribute decks but pick a format, then get to the same old 9-deck selection screen, so you don't even gain anything by focusing on one format.
With how the UI looks that would be kind of odd, but not impossible:
And no Healbot, Void Callers, Nerubian Eggs, Haunted Creeper, Dark Bomb, Imp-losion, Mal'ganis means ALL types of Warlocks, Reno, Handlock, Demon Zoo, are completely fucked.
At this point I can say that if there aren't huge balance changes to other cards, a lot of classes are completely unviable on ladder.
I have to assume other balance changes are incoming because no way stuff like Secret Paladin and Combo Druid should be allowed to exist in this new format.
I think aside from this the only two other problematic cards that exist are Knife Juggler and Divine Favor. Can't wait to see these revised balanced changes.
I am looking at the GvG and Naxx list, I am almost taken a back by the amount of bull crap Deathrattle/RNG fest cards they introduced. Like these formats had stuff like CRACKLE AND IMPLOSION in them.
I guess Knife Juggler would be a lot weaker anyway without Muster and Implosion.
They still have Uldaman, Horserider, Knife Juggler, Murloc Knight, Secret Keeper, Divine Favor, and other cards to work with. You can still make an aggro Secret Pally list and do well, just replace those slots with other stuff.secret paladin without minibot, muster and avenge? yeah, don't think it will be that much of a problem anymore.
I'm also confident that Secret Paladin will still dominate Standard ladder. You just swap out Minibot and Muster for whatever is the best 2 and 3 drops still available, and replace Avenge with another secret or run less. It still works because other classes will also have less powerful cards available.
Its really, really cool. We think youll like it. Youll find out what it is soon
Now more naxx card![]()
I think making the Adventures completely unpurchasable is a bad idea though. Blizzard should still offer them for like $10.
Why would they be stuck in Wild? Standard is the default format and will have a lower "entry fee" (time or money) since decks won't require single wings from a billion different adventures.I feel bad for the free to play newbies. They will be stuck in the wild ladder being farmed by people that just want to play secret/murloc paladin. This is going to frustrate people into leaving the game or frustrate them into having to buy into the new expansion.
Now more naxx card![]()
I think making the Adventures completely unpurchasable is a bad idea though. Blizzard should still offer them for like $10.
All old adventure cards will become craftable.They will probably give them away or something.
They don't have Oil though.Rogues are godlike now
How will purchasing Adventures work?
You will be able to purchase Adventures that are part of the current Standard format normally. Adventures that are not part of Standard will no longer be available for purchase. If you already own at least one wing of such an Adventure, youll have the option to unlock the remaining wings using in-game gold
Note that you can also craft and disenchant cards from Standard format Adventures, as long as youve already earned them by completing the necessary challenges.