Oh, I didn't know this. Nevermind then.
since Standard will become the official format of the Hearthstone Championship Tour
So is joust a good mechanic yet?
Disagree on #2. Standard will quickly become the go-to mode for streamers.
I think some casual streamers like Day9 will try Wild mode here and there just for the lulz but the serious players will be on Standard for sure.Is Wild really that novel, though? It's the same game we're playing right now. Maybe whenever a new set comes out and people try dumb interactions with the new cards and banned stuff, but I doubt the majority of streamers serious or non-serious are going to spend much time at all mucking about outside Standard.
Nope.So is joust a good mechanic yet?
So is joust a good mechanic yet?
I can't figure out the reason behind not making old sets purchasable. I see a few explanations but none are really convincing.
1) They want to make the store easier to use. In true Blizzard style everything needs to be accessible.
2) They want to establish Standard as the de facto official format ASAP. It's a reasonable goal but the game is advertised by streamers and the streamers will all be Wild players (not exclusively, but they'll all be playing Wild) because it's what they sunk the most time and effort into.
3) They want to increase the sales of new sets because the sets might become "rarer", or the digital equivalent of it, so it's better to complete your collection sooner than later.
I think some casual streamers like Day9 will try Wild mode here and there just for the lulz but the serious players will be on Standard for sure.
even worse now? dr boom was defacto 7 mana drop, what card can replace him there?
We probably will get new Mechs in the expansion. But yeah that seems like a huge design oversight LMAO!I'm not sure why they even added Gorilla bot in LoE if they were going to remove mechs from the game. There are like two mechs in the game now, harvest golem and alarm-o-bot I think.
So no point in playing it now. It just looks like they didn't plan this that far ahead. It's always going to discover harvest golem, alarm-o-bot and itself...
I'm not sure why they even added Gorilla bot in LoE if they were going to remove mechs from the game. There are like two mechs in the game now, harvest golem and alarm-o-bot I think.
So no point in playing it now. It just looks like they didn't plan this that far ahead. It's always going to discover harvest golem, alarm-o-bot and itself...
4. The new cards they are going to print are going to be much stronger versions of the older cards, so everybody rebuys their entire set every year.
This would make old adventures a joke and they don't want to spend time balancing them or working on the AI when you'll blow away the bosses.
So they are removing them instead.
They still have Uldaman, Horserider, Knife Juggler, Murloc Knight, Secret Keeper, Divine Favor, and other cards to work with. You can still make an aggro Secret Pally list and do well, just replace those slots with other stuff.
Dr 6 is still going to be godlike if it's unchanged.
even worse now? dr boom was defacto 7 mana drop, what card can replace him there?
How DARE you forget Demolisher
I'm not sure why they even added Gorilla bot in LoE if they were going to remove mechs from the game. There are like two mechs in the game now, harvest golem and alarm-o-bot I think.
So no point in playing it now. It just looks like they didn't plan this that far ahead. It's always going to discover harvest golem, alarm-o-bot and itself...
I like the idea of Standard but I do hope they do add particular cards to the base set ala Magic. Cards like Death's Bite, Sludge Belcher, Muster/Avenge, Loatheb, etc.
Shredder can burn in hell.
It's hardly surprising given that HS has always been MTG-lite.I'm pretty sure this will lead to the inevitable death of "Wild" as a format. For the same reasons that it has died in every other card game, lack of support. While the limited format (Type II in MTG and Hearthstone's Standard), gives the designers room to support new players and new ideas without crowding the design space, I think Blizzard choosing to go this route is disappointing. They seem to have chosen a familiar concept instead of pushing the boundaries.
Hearthstone is a DIGITAL game, they have the power to change every card ever made. Un-make cards, change cards, rework cards, rebalance cards, re-order entire sets, move cards from one set to another, etc. They have myriad options that aren't available to a physical card game due to not having any physical parts. Blizzard could have done some or all of those things to make the game better or easier for new players while not completely removing old cards and content (adventures). It seems like an admission of defeat. "We couldn't find a better way than what Magic was doing. Sorry guys! Here's Magic Type II - Hearthstone Edition!" Maybe they did try a lot of these things but just aren't talking about them or found some other good reason not to do them, but they didn't seem to address that at all in anything I've read.
I just wonder why they would want stick to the trappings of a physical game when they aren't bound by those things at all. I wouldn't want them to hold some ideal of physicality so highly that they ignore all the options available to them.
yea i think streamers will go standard,
reynad specifically was just going on and on about how much he hates RNG cards like implosion and shredder
I'm pretty sure this will lead to the inevitable death of "Wild" as a format. For the same reasons that it has died in every other card game, lack of support. While the limited format (Type II in MTG and Hearthstone's Standard), gives the designers room to support new players and new ideas without crowding the design space, I think Blizzard choosing to go this route is disappointing. They seem to have chosen a familiar concept instead of pushing the boundaries.
Hearthstone is a DIGITAL game, they have the power to change every card ever made. Un-make cards, change cards, rework cards, rebalance cards, re-order entire sets, move cards from one set to another, etc. They have myriad options that aren't available to a physical card game due to not having any physical parts. Blizzard could have done some or all of those things to make the game better or easier for new players while not completely removing old cards and content (adventures). It seems like an admission of defeat. "We couldn't find a better way than what Magic was doing. Sorry guys! Here's Magic Type II - Hearthstone Edition!" Maybe they did try a lot of these things but just aren't talking about them or found some other good reason not to do them, but they didn't seem to address that at all in anything I've read.
I just wonder why they would want stick to the trappings of a physical game when they aren't bound by those things at all. I wouldn't want them to hold some ideal of physicality so highly that they ignore all the options available to them.
We probably will get new Mechs in the expansion. But yeah that seems like a huge design oversight LMAO!
If they're smart, they'll take a few cards from each season and make them part of the core class cards to keep things viable.Not sure how I feel about this. One one hand, this'll really shake things up, and gets rid of some of the really imbalanced cards. On the other hand, it kinda feels like tossing the baby out with the bathwater. Dragon Priest could be pretty strong in the new Standard... until the year ends and it becomes complete garbage because all of its dragons are now banned. Not as big a problem for people with a ton of cards already, but newer players could get screwed if a new year's turnover essentially deletes their deck. (until they move over to Wild and get wrecked by Dr. Boom)
One worry is if this gives Blizzard an opening to "re-print" cards. Like Antique Healbot isn't exactly OP, but is a useful anti-aggro tool, and is now banned from Standard. So what does Blizzard do to introduce anti-aggro tools back into Standard? Put Antique Healbot into the new set? Print an Anti-Killbot that is only vaguely different from an older card?
Why do you think that they are just going to continue to release better and better versions of old cards? The rotation ensures they don't have to do that while still forcing people to buy new cards if they want to keep up in Standard.
So can Muster
It is for the best if they ever intend to keep introducing new mechs and dragons to keep things fresh.Mechs are pretty much nuked.
Next year Dragon will get nuked when BRM and TGT are rotated out. Kibler am cry.
Yeah they kinda need to put stuff like Death's Bite and Cultists into the core cards. Even stuff like Unstable Ghoul and Duplicate. Naxx introduced some annoying cards but it introduced some essential class cards too.If they're smart, they'll take a few cards from each season and make them part of the core class cards to keep things viable.
So people keep playing/paying and getting excited.
They can power creep every single card every year now.
So people keep playing/paying and getting excited.
They can power creep every single card every year now.
So people keep playing/paying and getting excited.
They can power creep every single card every year now.
This is literally the exact opposite of the situation.
If they didn't create formats, they'd be forced to either power creep or continue making new sets with few playable cards.
If they do create formats, they can keep the power level roughly stable while also introducing new cards, as old staple cards rotate out of format.
So is joust a good mechanic yet?
Lets take a bet.
Will there 2 or more Joust Cards in the next expansion, or less?
I'm going with 0.
Anyone here going to dust their Dr Boom?
Not me man, this card has provided me with too many wins to DE. Plus I might tinker around with Wild every now and then.
Hey, I have a question. How does Discover interact with Standard? Can you discover a card that isn't in Standard?
Dude, it took them 2 years to add a scrollbar to the Collection Manager. You think they could keep up with a constantly shifting meta of thousands of cards and a myriad of possible card combinations?
Yeah, I guess they took the easy route, but if easy means less frustrating for the players, than I am all for it.
Just make tie go to the jouster in this expansion. Also bets on Inspire :V
They should just go full kusoge mode with Wild format at this point.
Allow any class to use any Legendary from any other class.
Allow up to 20 mana crystals cap.
Allow players to make a deck with upto 50 cards if they want.
Allow 4 copies of a card to be used in a deck and double Legendaries.