I'm pretty sure this will lead to the inevitable death of "Wild" as a format. For the same reasons that it has died in every other card game, lack of support. While the limited format (Type II in MTG and Hearthstone's Standard), gives the designers room to support new players and new ideas without crowding the design space, I think Blizzard choosing to go this route is disappointing. They seem to have chosen a familiar concept instead of pushing the boundaries.
Hearthstone is a DIGITAL game, they have the power to change every card ever made. Un-make cards, change cards, rework cards, rebalance cards, re-order entire sets, move cards from one set to another, etc. They have myriad options that aren't available to a physical card game due to not having any physical parts. Blizzard could have done some or all of those things to make the game better or easier for new players while not completely removing old cards and content (adventures). It seems like an admission of defeat. "We couldn't find a better way than what Magic was doing. Sorry guys! Here's Magic Type II - Hearthstone Edition!" Maybe they did try a lot of these things but just aren't talking about them or found some other good reason not to do them, but they didn't seem to address that at all in anything I've read.
I just wonder why they would want stick to the trappings of a physical game when they aren't bound by those things at all. I wouldn't want them to hold some ideal of physicality so highly that they ignore all the options available to them.