Anyone want to list the big cards each class lost. I don't have the time to compile a list apart from what comes off the top of my head.
ok there are like 5 mechs now!
One thing that I didn't see any answer for is reward set actually. Can you play E.T.C. in standard? Not even Blizzard cared to answer that.
I believe Blizzard has been on the right track since LoE. Those cards showed some real thought and the Discover mechanic the right way to do RNG. Personally, I am looking forward to our HS future. The game is heading to a great place.And you think Blizz will stop releasing RNG cards like those in the future expansions that will be a part of standard?
Nothing will change. The clearly haven't learned any lessons with power creep and will continue to make cards with the same mentality they have now. Only big difference is players get royally screwed over with their collection and will have no choice but to start paying Blizz for card packs of the newest set in order to have any chance at being competitive in standard mode since you can't use the cards you obtained from the set prior. The only other alternative would be to dust the majority of your cards every time the standard block switches to the next which fucks you over from doing wild mode in which case, bye bye variety in modes to play.
Not being able to purchase old set packs and adventures with gold is asinine and resorting to the god awful disenchant to creation dust cost can fuck off. They go through with this they need to make adjustments to the cost in crafting cards but they won't because every year Blizz has been showing their greed knows no bounds. They want people to be forced into buying a ridiculous number of packs from the current set on the rotation and be forced to dust a ridiculous number of cards to make the ones they actually need since that will equal much more profit for them since one can no longer pay 100g for a G&G pack and get that one legendary, or pay 700g for that Naxx wing for Loatheb.
Mad Scientist finally gone. I could cry. No Kezan sucks tho, but one can't have everything.
what if blizzard "fixes" everything and it's still just all aggro?
I think inspire will get like 3 new cards. One should be Inspire: Discover a <NEW EXPANSION MECHANIC> card.
what if blizzard "fixes" everything and it's still just all aggro?
what if blizzard "fixes" everything and it's still just all aggro?
Warrior: Death's Bite
Shaman: Crackle, Reincarnate
Priest: Dark Cultist
Paladin: Avenge, Muster for Battle, Shielded Minibot
Hunter: Webspinner
Warlock: Voidcaller, Imp-losion
Druid: Poison Seeds, Anodized Robo Cub
Rogue: Tinker's Sharpsword Oil, Goblin Auto-Barber
Mage: Duplicate, Flamecannon, Snowchugger
Those are the ones I know of that got at least some play.
Discover a Legendary Minion
Discover a Weapon (Warrior class card, maybe?)
Discover a Battlecry card
Discover a Legendary Minion
Discover a Weapon (Warrior class card, maybe?)
Discover a Battlecry card
Malganis too for Warlock. Priest lost light bomb (ouch add that to base set)
I think the biggest neutral lost was haunted creeper, belcher, death lord, zombie chow, unstable ghoul, nerubian egg and mechs.
Damn it Malganis too? Shit its one of the few legendaries i crafted.
I wonder what Mage is going to do at this point.
Pretty much all of their currently played decks got hit hard.
What even was the in Meta Mage before GvG, I can't even remember. Was it still Freeze?
I wonder what Mage is going to do at this point.
Pretty much all of their currently played decks got hit hard.
Yes, though I guess there was also value-removal Mage where you played really standard high value minions and then used things like Fireball and Flamestrike to try and win on board control.
Or, put another way, essentially imagine a Mage Arena deck run in Constructed.
Is Arena going to be standard only?
PC Gamer: Can you give me any more insight into the rebalancing work youre planning for the Classic and Basic cards?
BB: We are discussing this right now. Its going to be a bigger balancing move than weve ever done for Hearthstone, but not wildly bigger. The goal here in general, with the whole Standard format, is to make the game able to shift more dynamically when new content is released. When we are looking at cards in the Basic and Classic sets, some of those cards are so powerful, and are used in so many decks, that it makes it hard for us.
If Piloted Shredder was in Basic or Classic, it would be on the list of cards to nerf because it really does affect our ability to make sets that have four-drops that are really going to shake things up. So I dont know exactly which cards were going to nerf, and I dont know exactly how many, but thats the kind of thing were looking atjust to make sure that Standard is able to reach its goal of being a dynamic format?
PC Gamer: Okay, but are we talking more than 10 cards? Less than 20?
BB: Certainly less than 20 but definitely more than 2. [Laughs]
Were not planning on buffing cards. In general buffing cards comes with a lot of downside.
PC Gamer: How about the Druid combo?
BB: Ill say that Druid in general is one of our biggest concerns for being dynamic in a format where we have rotating sets, because so many of the cards that Druids are most drawn to are from the Basic and Classic sets. Its really important to have strong Basic and Classic cards, but they have a higher percentage of very strong Basic and Classic cards than any other class.
Miss me boys and girls?
Wild will never be barren, at worst it'll become an eternal hell of curvegod bots farming rank 5 rewards.