He played Aggro Druid, won some lost some to complete the quest.What's he playing?
Cards Kripp said he would nerf:
Savage Roar, Keeper of the Grove, Ancient of Lore, Ironbeak Owl, Knife Juggler, BGH, Alextrasza, and Molten Giant
About what most people have said minus Keeper of the Grove and Ancient of Lore. That's a bit over the top going in on Druid considering that quite a few people want Innervate nerfed too.Cards Kripp said he would nerf:
Savage Roar, Keeper of the Grove, Ancient of Lore, Ironbeak Owl, Knife Juggler, BGH, Alextrasza, and Molten Giant
Kibler kind of touches on how much it would suck if basic/classic cards had to get nerfed rather than moved into the wild format, using Knife Juggler as an example. If they nerf Knife Juggler, then he's nerfed in both standard and wild. But I also think there's an issue with current cards that are ridiculously underpowered being a part of the Standard set now and forever. We're going to have to live with Magma Rager forever. We're going to have to live with Booty Bay Bodyguard forever. We're going to have to live with Warsong Commander forever. Dalaran Mage. Silverback Patriarch. Ironforge Rifleman. War Golem. Thrallmar Farseer. Priestess of Elune. These cards are bad. They have always been bad. And they always will be bad. But we're going to be stuck with them.
How far off do we think all this is? Doesn't this go against Brode's previous video of announcing stuff too far in advance?
How far off do we think all this is? Doesn't this go against Brode's previous video of announcing stuff too far in advance?
BGH is too important as a counter to giants to remove from the game. I think you could comfortably knock down its stats to a 3/2 or something just to make the tempo BGH sting a bit more.
People are way too hard on Owl. They're just salty about hyper-aggro decks breaking through their taunts. There's a place for those kinds of decks and you need owl to enable them. And in any other scenario nobody gives a rats ass.
I agree with the other guy that making BGH hit 8 or higher target seems appropriate now that Dr Boom is banned. It will give classic cards like Illidan a chance to shine.BGH is too important as a counter to giants to remove from the game. I think you could comfortably knock down its stats to a 3/2 or something just to make the tempo BGH sting a bit more.
People are way too hard on Owl. They're just salty about hyper-aggro decks breaking through their taunts. There's a place for those kinds of decks and you need owl to enable them. And in any other scenario nobody gives a rats ass.
5 months between content launches seems like a long time. Two more months of current Hearthstone sounds like death
I agree with the other guy that making BGH hit 8 or higher target seems appropriate now that Dr Boom is banned. It will give classic cards like Illidan a chance to shine.
I liked the idea someone gave of BGH dealing 5 damage to 7+ attack minions, still a decent counter but not completely anti-fun.
In one year HS adds like 2 adventures and one expansion. Plus Standard is already using a previous Expansion (TGT) and Adventures (LoE/BRM). I think in a year Blizzard ends up adding like 300 cards or something to the game.In MtG, each constructed play period has a Base/Core set like HS, but this consists of as many as 400 cards across 5 "classes" that are reprinted. That's 80 cards to fill your deck with. HS has about half of that between Basic/Classic.
Then, each MtG expansion has another 200-300 cards it adds, again across 5 colors. HS expansions seem to be around 150, and that's across NINE classes
It works but it won't give you Naxx/GvG beasts.Oh by the way, does Ball of Spiders still work? I think it should right?
And are cards like Gorillabot just useless now?
This is a card that ensures that any minion with 7 or more attack would be BETTER by having their stat line reduced (which is unbelievably dumb).
BGH's stat-line is absolutely irrelevant. It could be a 1-1, and it would still be the same pile of shit.
Silence is a mini-BGH in the sense that it removes important, expensive effects for no mana, enabling a massive tempo shift for no good reason.
It doesn't completely shit on the design process of the game like BGH does, so it can stay - but it needs to take a hit.
Owl is problematic to the game for several reasons:
*It stomps all over Spellbreaker which serves the same purpose because it's cheap.
Good point, I keep forgetting to take that into account.That really depends on the new expansion. Only mech worth playing is Harvest Golem.
I almost crafted several mech cards to start building a mech mage deck, good thing I just found out that entire deck is going to be useless soon.I'm glad I didn't spend my dust on a GvG legendary last week, I'll just save it until the changes go into effect
Warlock's Felhunter should have silence and spell immunity.I agree with the other guy that making BGH hit 8 or higher target seems appropriate now that Dr Boom is banned. It will give classic cards like Illidan a chance to shine.
Owl is problematic to the game for several reasons:
*It's a cheap silence for EVERYONE to use.
*It stomps all over Spellbreaker which serves the same purpose because it's cheap.
*It having the beast tag makes it a combo enabler for Hunter despite Spellbreaker also not having an equivalent tag that someone else can take advantage of.
*It's not just about disabling taunt but countering cool effects in the game. It's essentially another BGH in the game that prevents usage of slower and cooler Legendaries.
I think they should just make it a Hunter card. Shaman already has two silences, Mage has two silences, Priest has 2 silences, Druid has 1 silence etc. Paladin and Warrior don't have Silence and CW can just use Spellbreaker if need be. Only class that is most affected by this change is Warlock and IMO they should get a silence card of their own (that is more interesting of course). Rogue has Sap and Vanish to get around the need for using Silence effects.
You want Savage Roar to be a worse Bloodlust? I always felt like the answer to this question has never been messing with SR much, it's been FoN.My ideal nerfs:
* BGH is removed from the game entirely.
* Ironbreak Owl is now 3 mana. Same stat line.
* Savage Roar is now 4 mana, only buffs minions.
* Knife Juggler only activates on played minions.
Pretty decent chance to get a legendary with Museum Curator in standard
Bloodmage Thalnos
The Beast
Skeleton King
Anubisath Sentinel
Harvest Golem
Huge Toad
Leper Gnome
Loot Hoarder
Wobbling Runts
Not necessarily true. Fel Reaver would actually be worse as a 6/8. You'd be dealing with the same drawback and you wouldn't have the same reach. You'd be paying that huge price for only like 3hp, effectively.
Yes, but only Sylvanas, Thalnos and Cairne are really good out of those legs. Since there will be no dark cultist, you wont have the massive class card bonus, so dunno if Curator will still be run.
We're going to have to live with Warsong Commander forever. Dalaran Mage. Silverback Patriarch. Ironforge Rifleman. War Golem. Thrallmar Farseer. Priestess of Elune. These cards are bad. They have always been bad. And they always will be bad. But we're going to be stuck with them.
Man, I can't wait to see the new expansion at his point. I get the impression Blizzard is going to put out some pretty crazy stuff.
Man, I can't wait to see the new expansion at his point. I get the impression Blizzard is going to put out some pretty crazy stuff.
You want Savage Roar to be a worse Bloodlust? I always felt like the answer to this question has never been messing with SR much, it's been FoN.
Can you point to the sentence where Kibler says "Owl should be removed from the game" or "Owl needs to be nerfed"?
With Owl and BGH back in people's sights I seriously have a challenge for everybody. Go into your decks and actually count and tell me how many of your decks actually include Owl or BGH these days.
I'll put up or shut up here. I have Hybrid Hunter, Tempo Mage, Raptor Rogue, Zoo, Aggro Shaman, Control Priest, Aggro Druid, Patron Warrior, and Secret Paladin as my lineup. I have a single Owl in my Hybrid Hunter and zero BGHs.
Can you point to the sentence where Kibler says "Owl should be removed from the game" or "Owl needs to be nerfed"?
With Owl and BGH back in people's sights I seriously have a challenge for everybody. Go into your decks and actually count and tell me how many of your decks actually include Owl or BGH these days.
I'll put up or shut up here. I have Hybrid Hunter, Tempo Mage, Raptor Rogue, Zoo, Aggro Shaman, Control Priest, Aggro Druid, Patron Warrior, and Secret Paladin as my lineup. I have a single Owl in my Hybrid Hunter and zero BGHs.
Blizzard is defined by conservatism.
That's an unfair question right now because the meta game right now doesn't demand BGH or much silence. Most games are over before Dr Balanced even comes down. It's just too tempo driven to use those cards.Go into your decks and actually count and tell me how many of your decks actually include Owl or BGH these days.
I'll put up or shut up here. I have Hybrid Hunter, Tempo Mage, Raptor Rogue, Zoo, Aggro Shaman, Control Priest, Aggro Druid, Patron Warrior, and Secret Paladin as my lineup. I have a single Owl in my Hybrid Hunter and zero BGHs.
Cards Kripp said he would nerf:
Savage Roar, Keeper of the Grove, Ancient of Lore, Ironbeak Owl, Knife Juggler, BGH, Alextrasza, and Molten Giant
They can't create any card with 7+ attack worth a DAMN without BGH being nerfed.Big Game Hunter is going to vanish instantly without Dr. Boom (unless Handlock becomes huge again). It simply won't be useful frequently enough to be worth playing. However, I can promise you that Black Knight is going to make a comeback without Sludge Belcher.