I think we glossed over the biggest news: Kripp has a puppy!
That puppy is bigger than my full sized dog, that thing is going to be a monster
I think we glossed over the biggest news: Kripp has a puppy!
Can you point to the sentence where Kibler says "Owl should be removed from the game" or "Owl needs to be nerfed"?
With Owl and BGH back in people's sights I seriously have a challenge for everybody. Go into your decks and actually count and tell me how many of your decks actually include Owl or BGH these days.
I'll put up or shut up here. I have Hybrid Hunter, Tempo Mage, Raptor Rogue, Zoo, Aggro Shaman, Control Priest, Aggro Druid, Patron Warrior, and Secret Paladin as my lineup. I have a single Owl in my Hybrid Hunter and zero BGHs.
If we want to consider e-sports like a sport than this is literally not a problem (like rng)it also leads to bad matchups.
I for one welcome our returning Druid overlords.
I for one welcome our returning Druid overlords.
They can't create any card with 7+ attack worth a DAMN without BGH being nerfed.
It cripples your card design options the same way that Mad Scientist does.
Pick Priest and then the match making will pair you against Druid guaranteed.paladin literally makes up 60% of my matches, and i cant even tell you the last time i vsed a druid
how do you even stay out of combo range without healbot and belcher?
can't even buy a turn with loatheb.
paladin literally makes up 60% of my matches, and i cant even tell you the last time i vsed a druid
You've just been "unlucky" then.paladin literally makes up 60% of my matches, and i cant even tell you the last time i vsed a druid
The thing is it changes every month. One month Secret Paladin might get played in 15% of games on the ladder, and the next month itll be off by 10% up or down.
Its tough to know when that becomes a problem. You hear things online like Secret Paladin is played in 80% of games or something, and we look and its not even a quarter of that many, and were like OK, there are other decks played more often than this, there are other decks with higher win rates than this, is this really what we want to be nerfing? And if we do, do those decks that are actually better become a real problem and we have to nerf those too?
Blizzard basically stated outright that Druid is going to get the stick with their basic/classic cards when the new expansion rolls do you even stay out of combo range without healbot and belcher?
can't even buy a turn with loatheb.
Been telling people every month to play Secret Paladin but people are too stubborn. You guys just ruin the statistics and impact balance changes.The thing is it changes every month. One month Secret Paladin might get played in 15% of games on the ladder, and the next month it’ll be off by 10% up or down.
It’s tough to know when that becomes a problem. You hear things online like ‘Secret Paladin is played in 80% of games’ or something, and we look and it’s not even a quarter of that many, and we’re like ‘OK, there are other decks played more often than this, there are other decks with higher win rates than this, is this really what we want to be nerfing?’ And if we do, do those decks that are actually better become a real problem and we have to nerf those too?
These Blizzard stats are meaningless to me without them actually releasing them. They used the same exact excuse for Grim Patron deck (where I would actually believe their statistics because Grim Patron wasn't that popular and most people lost with it) but still nerfed it hardcore. Gamer: In terms of the data then, what was the most oppressive combo in Hearthstone? Buzzard-Unleash? That felt like it was everywhere.
BB: That was pretty bad. I do think Undertaker was probably the worst, but different decks get nerfed for different reasons. Its actually quite complicated. Some decks are not really a problem at most levels of play on the ladder, but are actually a much worse problem at the very highest levels of play. Things like Patron Warrior had incredibly high win rates if you were one of the top two players in the world and then much lower win rates for most other players. So its a complicated issue. We take lots of measurements and what we dont want to be doing is just looking at the best deck and nerfing it every three weeks. Theres always going to be a best deck, its just not a sustainable strategy.
Pretty sure that's bogus too because even at tournaments Grim Patron while dominant wasn't the best decks at these tournaments. Stuff like Midrange Hunter was doing a lot more work at the time. And those stats were public record so it's not like Blizzard could hide that. And I remember this because we used to have debates over Grim Patron constantly and the win rate statistics were always brought up.Things like Patron Warrior had incredibly high win rates if you were one of the top two players in the world and then much lower win rates for most other players.
Based on purely just removal of Naxx/GvG and not any other changes to classic cards:1. Paladin. Paladin's strength came from playing strong, valuable minions on curve in the early game. Now they have no Avenge, Zombie Chow, Minibot, Muster, Shredder, Loatheb, Dr. Boom, Coghammer or Quartermaster. Ouch.
2. Priest. Priest is losing Dark Cultist, Velen's Chosen, Lightbomb and Deathlord, so that sucks for them. With Naxx being removed, Museum Curator is also taking a hit.
3. Warlock. Losing darkbomb, Voidcaller, Imp-plosion and Mal'ganis will suck, but its not like they lost Life Tap. He'll do fine.
4. Mage. Yes, Mage is losing strong cards like Flamecannon and Unstable Portal and Mech Mage is dead in the dirt right now, but Freeze Mage is looking to have a good time in these changes.
5. Rogue. Losing Oil sucks, but I think they can make up for it.
6. Warrior. Losing Death's Bite and Shieldmaiden REALLY sucks, but I think that will be offset by not having to deal with annoying shit that hampered it.
7. Hunter. Losing Glaivezooka, Haunted Creeper and Webspinner will suck, but hardly impact Hunter's current state at all imo.
8. Shaman. I don't think they are losing anything substantial here, aside from Crackle.
9. Druid. Ok, Druid will probably take a hit somewhere, but as of right now this changes like, nothing for them.
Even the best players in the world would misplay regularly with Patron decks. That was one of the best parts about watching the deck in tournaments.Pretty sure that's bogus too because even at tournaments Grim Patron while dominant wasn't the best decks at these tournaments. Stuff like Midrange Hunter was doing a lot more work at the time. And those stats were public record so it's not like Blizzard could hide that. And I remember this because we used to have debates over Grim Patron constantly and the win rate statistics were always brought up.
It would be really weird next to Spellbreaker. There'd be no need for the Owl.My ideal nerfs:
* Ironbreak Owl is now 3 mana. Same stat line.
Hoping they stay away from the usual increase cost/lower stats adjustments we've seen so far.Everyone know's Druid cards are being nerfed, and Blizzard tends to nerf card into unplayable status these days
So they are including a new xpac along with this right? I assume some alternatives will be introduced.
I expect a new (usable) Warrior weapon, more attempts at Priest and Rogue 2 drops and some new Joust cards to try and force the mechanic again
The thing is Rogue falls apart the second you take away anything from their core kit. For Druid it depends, they need some form of ramp but if they slightly adjust only one of the thee ramp cards they'll still be fine, and combo in its current form as we all know needs to go. Druid will manage.Listening to all these players who supposedly were at the summit seems like Druid is going to get hit with the nerf stick really hard.
Though the same logic should be applied to Rogues as well. Every single Rogue deck comprises of the following cards:
2x Backstab, 2x Eviserate, 2x Prep, 2x Poison weapon, 2x Blade Flurry, 2x SI7, 2x Fan of Knives, Sprint etc.
Like half of the cards are already used up by these classic cards. That's a problem for Blizzard going into the future.
Year of the Kraken? Where was that said also when the new Standard year begins. Each new Hearthstone year is symbolized by one of the zodiac constellations twinkling in Azeroths night sky. The moment when a new constellation comes into alignment heralds the start of the year and a time of jubilation and raucous revelry wherever Hearthstone is played!
This inaugural Standard year will be known as the Year of the Kraken, so get ready to make some waves!
Year of the Kraken? Where was that said
vegan dog, seriously?I think we glossed over the biggest news: Kripp has a puppy!
If there was one card I could save from oblivion it'd be Sludge Belcher. It isn't terribly strong but a great tool against many decks including druid.
What say you if you could save a card from each class and a neutral what would you save?
If there was one card I could save from oblivion it'd be Sludge Belcher. It isn't terribly strong but a great tool against many decks including druid.
What say you if you could save a card from each class and a neutral what would you save?
I'm gonna need a summary for all shit that's been happening for the past 2 days... someone plz.
is it time for shieldmasta to return?
I'm gonna need a summary for all shit that's been happening for the past 2 days... someone plz.
No way in hell. Adventure cards becoming dustable is already massive considering Blizz hasn't nerfed non-basic cards in ages.Since I am just interested in continuing with standard play, I wonder if they will give us some dusting bonuses. Wild play seems daunting and I'd rather dust the stuff that gets removed from standard play so I can fill my classic holes.
Everyone know's Druid cards are being nerfed, and Blizzard tends to nerf cards into unplayable status these days
Since I am just interested in continuing with standard play, I wonder if they will give us some dusting bonuses. Wild play seems daunting and I'd rather dust the stuff that gets removed from standard play so I can fill my classic holes.