It can have charge but it can't hit face (like Ice Howl). I like that it can be used as a board clear. I would compensate by giving FoN 3 attack so it can be 3 3/3 Treants.
Classic/basic card nerf wish list:
Innervate - refills empty crystals instead of giving full ones. That way there is no turn 1 way to spend 5-6 mana.
So Amaz made a video to smear Firebat, it got backfired and Firebat is now actually playing for Reynad replacing him in Red Bull tournament. How some say hearthstone isn't sports when it has all this drama, lol!
I won on my first try with Mage freeze deck. My logic was that since weapons are free, freezing the opposing hero is game-winning. I turned out to be right, and I don't even have any mage cards.I will instantly concede to the first player I meet in this Brawl who's not playing Rogue, just out of respect.
5 games, 5 rogues.
edit: 6
I won on my first try with Mage freeze deck. My logic was that since weapons are free, freezing the opposing hero is game-winning. I turned out to be right, and I don't even have any mage cards.
LOL Mage ALWAYS finds a way in these Brawls!I won on my first try with Mage freeze deck. My logic was that since weapons are free, freezing the opposing hero is game-winning. I turned out to be right, and I don't even have any mage cards.
Finally saved up enough gold to get an Adventure, was originally going to get Naxxramas but after seeing the coming changes I got League of Explorers instead.
It's weird because I'd been set on Naxx for so long![]()
I imagine they're that high because they going back to having one archetype instead of two, at least without knowing what's in the new set.Found this on Reddit:
Winners and loses of the removal of Naxx and GvG.
Warrior too high up in there IMO.
The only big loss was lightbomb and maybe deathlord, and I'm sure that at least the first one will appear in some form in the new expansion or even be replaced by excavated evil
Also, Dragon Synergy will be better now
I wonder if sites like Tempostorm will still publish tier lists for Wild format. I hope they don't because then the meta will be defined by the players playing the mode and not Reynad + crew. That might actually increase diversity and promote more experimentation.
There's a very good possibility that Wild might have more variety than Standard at some points in the meta games. The OP cards answer other OP cards and there are just more answers available. If stuff like BGH/Alex/Combo is nerfed, then something like Handlock could be uncontested in standard.
Like I know people hate Secret Paladin and Druid right now but compared to previous phases of HS these past few months had more class variety. Previously you would have completely gimped classes that would see no representation online.
Past few months I saw these decks being played which was the highest amount ever in HS:
Secret Pally, Anyfin Pally, Midrange Pally, Combo Druid, Aggro Druid, Tempo Mage, Mech Mage, Freeze Mage, Oil Rogue, Raptor Rogue, Miracle Rogue, Zoolock, Renolock, Handlock, Control Warrior, Grim Patron Warrior, Aggro Shaman, Control Priest, Dragon Priest, Midrange Hunter, Face Hunter etc.
Issue always was that minion tempo game play dominated but you still had lots of flavors of it and other playstyles too.
Ya, I think the real reason for retiring naxx and gvg was they made way too powerful of cards overall. If they didn't go full retard with those the game would have been a bit more balanced.![]()
Holy hell, I can't buy GvG packs anymore once standard hits? I miss quite a bit GvG and crafting only is expensive AF.
Now I feel sad, should I invest my gold into getting some more GvG or simply go into TGT right away.... fuuuuuck.
That basically ruins Innervate. I think they should make it similar to Preparation but for minions. They could change the text to "The next minion you play costs 2 mana less." You would still be able to ramp with it, but you couldn't use it for ridiculous finisher combos.
That would get rid of the ridiculous FoN + Roar + Innervate + Roar, but other than that I don't think it's really enough. Maybe if FoN summoned 2 3/3 minions.
Yeah probably. Depends on what 4/5 drops they have in the expansion.I will say, with the loss of deathrattles, inspire seems a LOT more attractive now.
Dahbomb, I'd also like to mention Evil Heckler and Pit Fighter got a lot more attractive now as well.
So Amaz made a video to smear Firebat, it got backfired and Firebat is now actually playing for Reynad replacing him in Red Bull tournament. How some say hearthstone isn't sports when it has all this drama, lol!
I won on my first try with Mage freeze deck. My logic was that since weapons are free, freezing the opposing hero is game-winning. I turned out to be right, and I don't even have any mage cards.
That was also my first deck with brawl, seemed pretty obvious to be one of the best. Just made a Tempo Mage with 2 Snowchuggers, Water Elementals, Mirror Images, and even 2 Frost Elementals.
Take a break from the game for a year then come back when Reno is banned out.I just want to reiterate: fuck Reno.
Why? Because I hate one card?Take a break from the game for a year then come back when Reno is banned out.
There are Reno Druids? First time I have heard of it.Why? Because I hate one card?
I don't even mind Dr. Boom. I beat Dr. Boom all the time. I've never beaten a Reno Druid, Warlock, Paladin, or Warrior so far.
My deck isn't good enough to play it slow. I need to take the hits I can get. Once I have a non-basic deck, then I can do that sort of thing.There are Reno Druids? First time I have heard of it.
Aside from Warlock these decks aren't even good. You are playing right into Reno play if you get crushed by it all the time. First step is recognition that a deck is Reno (if you don't see any duplicates for a while assume Reno) and when you do that, you don't go all in on attacks. That should be the playstyle against Warlock anyway because under 15 HP they start getting cheap Molten Giants and they can wipe your board + heal back up.
Please tell me how you are "out playing" your opponent.The thing that bothers me about Reno is that I can completely outplay my opponent for the first 8 or so turns, and then he gets this card that's like "LOL, none of that mattered!" Meanwhile, I'm probably at 10 health because I have to Life Tap constantly to keep board advantage due to my weak creatures. It's maddening.
It's not even possible for my deck to do 15 in one turn unless I have enormous RNG.Please tell me how you are "out playing" your opponent.
And I don't mean slow as in try to play a control game.. I mean only play as much stuff on the board to pressure/threaten without actually flooding or going all in. Save chargers in hand, save Power Overwhelmings in hand. If you keep the Warlock around 15-20 then they are less likely to play Reno due to greed and you can kill them with a surprise burst combo.