Well the game is going through reverse power creep after the format change and maybe card advantage might actually be a thing this year.Card advantage in 2016 constructed EleGiggle
if they just made it refill 2 mana crystals it'd be pretty fair imo, it's not like druid doesn't have plenty of ways to gain card draw anyhow.
if you're sad you pulled cho look up some fun cho decks and have some fun in casual. i've faced some decks that while they aren't competitive, they put me in hilariously bad spots if the cho dude set them up correctly, don't be sad you pulled him put together some LOL decks and enjoy the times you draw into stupid situations that totally handcuff your opponent![]()
And everybody is a game designer, it's so easy!
Thank you. Both of you.
I've chatted with Ben Brode a couple of times at work, I truly don't believe he's incompetent or just in it for the money. Dude seriously loves card games and HS in particular.
I don't think anyone here believes Brode and his team are lazy or incompetent because that's just ridiculous, I think the HS community would appreciate more communication.
I've literally read both sentiments on Gaf. : p
HS community wanted more frequent balance changes but that clearly wasn't feasible when formats were being planned. That caused friction between the community and Blizzard. People thought Blizzard was being lazy and stubborn with the balance changes when they were thinking more long term.
This is what happens with lack of communication, people start making assumptions.
HS community wanted more frequent balance changes but that clearly wasn't feasible when formats were being planned. That caused friction between the community and Blizzard. People thought Blizzard was being lazy and stubborn with the balance changes when they were thinking more long term.
This is what happens with lack of communication, people start making assumptions.
Developers being lazy is like the last thing I will jump to. It's a pretty gross sentiment.
Stubborn however isn't really inaccurate when it comes to Blizzard.
He had a pretty great curve at the start. But like I said, I got him to lethal range twice.Malganis and jaxx are both a 9 drop though unless you get it in hand and a void caller which is still a 4 drop. And if they are holding all of these then they are essentially holding dead cards until they have the mana to play them. You play Zoo right? Your deck is built around having the board and playing aggressive. Reno isnt so just because the life points may be close in the end doesn't mean it was a close match. Different decks have different win conditions. Like someone who plays a demonlock might seem like they are close and in the verge of losing but they could of had control the whole time while the other player doesn't realize it.
I personally look at any match in 3 category at any point. Who has life advantage? Who has board advantage? And who has card advantage?
For example a game where you might have life advantage but the other player has board and card I wouldn't say the player with the life advantage is winning or played great.
Then again you can always top deck lethal from burst.
Reno, with Kel'Thuzad, so you might as well include one, I guess. I dropped an Owl on it immediately.Without watching a match from both perspectives it's difficult to say who out played who.
Not sure why that guy was using Dreadsteed though.
No wipes. Just a better deck.yeah unless that warlock was making bad trades there's no way you can say you outplayed him. It's pretty common and in many cases better to let a face deck build up a board (without it getting too crazy) before wiping it with a hellfire/lightbomb/equality+consecrate and so on.
Well of course, Recycle is garbage.entomb is the dumbest card ive ever seen in my life, if that costs 6 mana then Recylce should cost 4
im done for the night
Well if you don't like Entomb you only have to wait a year until it's gone from Standard.
Card advantage in 2016 constructed EleGiggle
So will the classic pack EVER leave rotation?
If not I feel like I should get every card in the set before getting that year's pack.
You still have Living Roots and Unleash the Hounds though.Since most Deathrattle minions are gone now, Knife Juggler won't be as bullshit. You won't have haunted creeper on board then play KJ for a free two dmg.
You still have Living Roots and Unleash the Hounds though.
Since most Deathrattle minions are gone now, Knife Juggler won't be as bullshit. You won't have haunted creeper on board then play KJ for a free two dmg.
ZealousD got tagged too?
Dang this is tag central, whens mine
Somehow I existed on GAF for 9 years and 24k posts and never got a tag.
Not sure if closure?
He had a pretty great curve at the start. But like I said, I got him to lethal range twice.
Reno, with Kel'Thuzad, so you might as well include one, I guess. I dropped an Owl on it immediately.
No wipes. Just a better deck.
Nah maybe if it only targeted enemy minions it would've been acceptable but it could also target friendly minions and Paladins could play turn 2 hero power then turn 3 Tinkmaster on the token to potentially get a 5/5 and win the game off of that play.I kinda wish Tink hadn't been nerfed. It was a BGH that required a bit of luck.
Sounds like he outplayed you hard. He knows he has the late game, as Reno lock you want to get as low as possible before using your best cards. This way he has you over committing until you run out of steam, and he succeeded.
Not with Standard. Just drop it with a new set cycling out a bunch of old cards. Make the new set an adventure mode that only has the new class's cards plus like 1 card for all other classes. Throw in a few basic cards for getting the class to ten.
I mean, there are a ton of ways to add a new class. I am purely speculating, but I really can't see a new class anytime soon. At this point with Standard they can add the class at any time going forward and the amount of cards the new class will be thrown up against will always be roughly the same.
That's a good point, I didn't even consider the Wild implications.It's possible, but they can't do this and also claim to care about supporting Wild as a format.
Why is it so hard for people to admit that you can completely outplay a person and still lose because they have paid for better cards?Sounds like he outplayed you hard. He knows he has the late game, as Reno lock you want to get as low as possible before using your best cards. This way he has you over committing until you run out of steam, and he succeeded.
I haven't been around HS for long enough to say it about that team, but from playing Blizzard games since Warcraft all the way to now, they have on more than one occasion been very hesitant and stubborn to change something that was in some way broken. Even when things were brought up to them in betas about how certain things could be abused they shrugged it off as they were more right than the people telling them what the issues were. At the very least they do end up fixing the issues but it usually takes a while.
Why is it so hard for people to admit that you can completely outplay a person and still lose because they have paid for better cards?
Um, I know this game is P2W, or at least you need a ton of time into it to get the good cards. Unless you want to show me someone winning a tournament with the basic cards you start with.Because it's not what happened? If you think this game is p2w, especially because of Reno, well, it makes me think you're very new to the game. And frankly, you're coming across as pretty arrogant in your assumption. Why can't you admit it's possible you were outplayed?
God I can not fucking wait until Standard. Paladin better not see a single decent card in the next expansion either.
Secret Paladin will still be a good deck to play mark my words.
Unless they nerf MC.
I think a cool way they could implement death knights is to run with the "hero class" concept. Make it something special that you earn after meeting some set of conditions, like hitting level 10 with every class. Then you have to play a mini-adventure to unlock the class.
Fair enough.Nah maybe if it only targeted enemy minions it would've been acceptable but it could also target friendly minions and Paladins could play turn 2 hero power then turn 3 Tinkmaster on the token to potentially get a 5/5 and win the game off of that play.