So here's an interesting question - what is that ideal deck you'd like to run once you have the cards? Is it an original one, or are you aiming for a popular deck? If the former, I'm curious to see what your list would be. I always appreciate original decks!
Well, I originally got into the game because I was talking to Dahbomb about how I miss playing counterburn in MtG, and he said "That's basically freeze mage in Hearthstone". So I got into the game to play that.
Then, through inexperience, I burned my dust on some stuff I shouldn't have, like Abominations (I still want to find a use for these...). I made it to Rank 17 with a ghetto freeze mage deck, but I just couldn't keep control of the board against Face decks with charge characters. I felt like my weak deck was holding me back, and that control decks are intricate things that need all of their gears to be working for them to function well. As such, I decided to play something more dumbed-down, something that can function even with missing parts: an aggro deck.
However, I like to have long-term goals in the games I play, and I noticed the Dreadsteed card. In MtG, I had a strong love for creatures that are annoying and hard to kill, like Nether Spirit and Palinchron. They don't have to necessarily be strong, but I love playing "control" decks in a way that is more about "you can't control my method of control", if that makes any sense. In comparison to fighting games, I really don't enjoy playing straight-forward keepaway/zoners like Ryu, I prefer oddball styles like zoning with Bison.
So my goal was to make a Dreadsteed deck, but I haven't seen a good one yet. I've looked at two by Kripparian, and at least a dozen on various websites. None of them actually seem like great decks to me, although they often win because of the Dreadsteed + Kel/Baron combo. So, without a firm destination, my goal was to work toward all of Naxx + Dreadsteed to get the basics of the Dreadsteed combo, and then play with one of the three ideas I've had:
1) Dreadsteed + Minion AoE (Abomination, Unstable Ghoul, Hellfire, etc.; more slow and board control in style, and focuses on the capacity for Dreadsteed to survive anything and ping away).
2) Dreadsteed + Demonlock (Sacrifice synergy, Void, Mal'Ganis buff, etc.; faster and more aggro in style, and focuses on the ways Dreadsteed can buff or be buffed by other Warlock cards).
3) Dreadsteed + Deathrattle Deck (Nerubian Egg, Haunted Spider, etc.; kind of zoo-like, and this would use the 3/5 Naxx Abom taunt for Taunt + Deathrattle + Resurrect combo, and focuses mostly on the resurrection property Baron/Kel have).
The only one I made an actual deck list for is the Demonlock one, which I don't have access to since I'm at work right now.
Then Blizzard announced that Naxx is dead, so I'm feeling a bit aimless in where I want to go in the game now. I'm kind of 50/50 split on whether to stick with Naxx and make the deck I wanted to make, or to start planning for Standard + the next expansion. I wish Blizzard would give me a timeline, because that would really influence my decision. That is, if we have until April or May for Naxx to be obsolete, then I might make the Dreadsteed deck because I could enjoy it for a few months. If the set is coming out next month, then I should just stick to my basic aggro deck and wait it out.
Thanks for asking that question. It helped me organize my thoughts a lot. I still don't know where I want to go in the future. I would say that having my own style of play is very important to me. I really hope that Blizzard keeps something around for Dreadsteed, or that the card is re-evaluated to be a 3 cost card (I believe it was originally 5 for a 1/1?) with its combo mechanics gone.