Pretty high curve.So I drafted this disgusting Warlock deck.
Wanna guess how many games I won with it?
Only one. FML
But I also feel like people are focusing on Arena right now.
Pretty high curve.
Uh, not really? Two one drops. Five two drops and five three drops. 6 four drops. That should be a very solid early game. And my void caller meant that those expensive demons aren't necessarily played from hand.
Haha...Because constructed is awful
I guess I'm used to a lower curve. /shrugUh, not really? Two one drops. Five two drops and five three drops. 6 four drops. That should be a very solid early game. And my void caller meant that those expensive demons aren't necessarily played from hand.
I'm not an arena expert, but I feel like your early game isn't that good, since you don't had many chances to snowball from your 1 mana minions, and even the 2 mana minions doesn't had that many good stats besides mechwarper (I had learned to valorate more health that attack on arena)
And your 2 mana minions are not that really good, Heck, 2 of those card imo are not really 2 mana cost drops (boneguard liutenant has awful stats unless you activate the hero power, making it an 3/3 for 4 mana) and sunfury protecter requires you to had minions on board, so you will never use her on turn 2
One thing that concerns me about the future of Warlock is that most of the class cards are terrible. Good Warlock decks are mostly neutral cards, and that says a lot about the design of the class right now.
red bull production is awful
Yeah, you're absolutely thinking like a constructed player right now. You draft what 2 drops you can get. You can't always get shielded minibot level 2 drops. Boneguard and Sunfury absolutely get dropped on Turn 2.
all those are pretty good 2-drops.And your 2 mana minions are not really that good, Heck, 2 of those card imo are not really 2 mana cost drops (boneguard liutenant has awful stats unless you activate the hero power, making it an 3/3 for 4 mana) and sunfury protecter requires you to had minions on board, so you will never use her on turn 2
Nop, I'm thinking as an arena player that knows that you will had lots of problems with anyone who starts with a zombie chow or a jousted gadgetzan jouster, backstab, shielded minibot, a rogue that had a weapon buffed by the 1 cost pirate (which you had no way to remove on turn 1 if they start) or other good early drops, then he plays on curve and you will had troubles recovering, specially since you only had 2 cards that can ping (mortal coil and argent horserider) even mad bomber can screw your 1 hp minions.
Okay, wow. This deck is absolutely freaking sick.
Omelette? Don't really get the name, but looks pretty good.
In a deck I went 12-1 with, I only draft 1 one-drop (abusive sergeant), and in my 2 drop slot I had River Crocolisk, Faerie Dragon, and Mad Scientist (with 0 secrets).
If you think my early game for my warlock deck was too weak, explain that to me.
Boneguard and Sunfury Protector very good 2 drops to draft and they will absolutely be dropped on Turn 2 when I am given the opportunity. Tempo is king. I am not going to fuss about incremental amounts of value that early on in an arena game.
Argh, just let us hear the players talk. You can't do commentary on the players' design process that's better than hearing their actual design process.
Argh, just let us hear the players talk. You can't do commentary on the players' design process that's better than hearing their actual design process.
What if charge minions got -1/-0 at the end of the turn they're played?If they do put Murk-Eye in Standard they have to nerf/change it. No way around it.
All comes back to charge being the worst mechanic in the game.
So as new player, what the best way to spend my gold now?
So as new player, what the best way to spend my gold now?
I've been averaging more than one legendary for a few arena drafts now. Almost feels like they've increased the odds.
I mean a lot of them are downright unusable. Felguard is a game-losing card.Thats because Warlock has arguably the best hero power, so it gets weaker/riskier cards to compensate.
I mean a lot of them are downright unusable. Felguard is a game-losing card.
All the classes have shitty class cards. While its true Warlock probably has the most, Life Tap is so much better then every other hero power that good ol Gul'Dan can make up for it with ease.
Then again, Warlock is losing two of their most powerful class cards, Imp-plosion and Voidcaller and have been handed nothing but garbage aside from Dark Peddler since.
Imp Gang and Dark Peddler will be the old guard.
Most of the time I still don't know what Rogue's are doing and I play Rogue from time to time!I'm coming to the conclusion that Rogue is great to get out of the lower ranks. I'm most likely just projecting but my opponents seem unsure to what's happening when I'm playing it (Raptor Rogue right now). I know when I was starting I had no earthly idea wtf Rogues were doing.
Firebat 2014 Hearthstone champion cant count.![]()
Firebat 2014 Hearthstone champion cant count.![]()