I really like the idea of Fel Cannon. There's another cannon like it, and if you ran 4 cannons, it's kind of interesting to think about what a game would play out like if RNG fell in your favor.
I really like the idea of Fel Cannon. There's another cannon like it, and if you ran 4 cannons, it's kind of interesting to think about what a game would play out like if RNG fell in your favor.
I remember Warlock being in a pretty mediocre spot post-Warsong nerf/pre-LoE.It's a big reason as to why Warlock has always had viable archetypes in the meta and probably always will.
Man, playing druid, people just concede when they go kinda low in hp and can't clear my board even though I don't have lethal. I won like 6 or 7 games today. I guess they thought the garbage I was holding was roar or something? lol, this midrange hunter guy had me at 10 or so, I charged my druid of the claw and he conceded. I was looking to get lethal next turn as it wasn't a good idea to drag the game with highmanes and stuff potentially coming down but I didn't have lethal.
Now mirror games are even more hilarious, I got 4 dude on board, the guy just conceded.
This last game was just dirty, instead of going force/roar for control, I accidentally played two force... the guy instantly conceded, I just threw that game but won anyways!! Druid mind games are real.
This is like rank 6, I guess having too much experience is kinda bad sometimes LOL!
I heavily changed my deck to counter aggro, it works great. I'm playing with two belchers and no shades. I win control games anyway. I'm playing aspirants again, it's really good against aggro. I actually have a chance against tempo mage like this. I also run MCT and Kezan even! I was getting quite a bit of hunter and mages. I like my deck right now. The double root, double drake version is too slow and greedy for these ranks I guess. Probably woks better in legend.
Savage Roar is going to change to like, your beasts have +2 attack or similar. They're not going to just up the mana cost, it's a problematic card.
They won't touch Force.
I mean Combo is stupid broken but that's because a) Druid's curve cheats out big minions which will hit face a bunch of times and b) it scales with the board. It's not like Secredin which usually keeps Balancer and then draws into a guaranteed curve, Druid runs a lot of 4+ drops and ramp cards so you can end up with the infamous "bad Druid player" hands quite easily. On the flipside between Lore, Wrath and Drakes you're bound to draw into the combo eventually.When I play Druid, I keep Force of Nature and Savage Roar in my mulligan 100%, and then just try to have something to play in the early game, doesn't matter what. I don't care if I give up a turn or two in the early game, if I get the combo my chances are pretty damn good.
When I play Druid, I keep Force of Nature and Savage Roar in my mulligan 100%, and then just try to have something to play in the early game, doesn't matter what. I don't care if I give up a turn or two in the early game, if I get the combo my chances are pretty damn good.
It would be such a money-maker. 1000g or $10 entry fee, and you get to open 10 packs worth of cards for the new set + use the game's entire basic and classic uncommons. Winner gets entry fee back, second place gets half, etc. People would do it just for the chance at 10 free packs, but if you did something like a 16-man tournament, double elimination, Blizzard would make a ton of cash.I'm interested, but don't think I'll have the time. I've been playing around with the draft tool a bit and it is really cool. makes me wish they would implement a sealed format in the client some day.
I agree. I'd like to see them just cap Savage Roar's scaling. Make it buff 3 random minions for +2 attack or something. That would make the FoN+SR combo deal a flat 12 damage, whether you have extra minions on the board or not. This is in line with other 2 card burst damage combos (double Fireball, Grom + Task, etc.).
But knowing Blizzard, they will probably just nerf the card into unplayability.
Tomorrow is Tuesday and I better hear some announcements soon.
And by announcements I mean nerf list.
Ratsmah just started his final challenge run:
He's playingand needs 8 wins to get 100 in 10.WARRIOR
2 bullshit Paladins and now this Mage?
Arena in a nutshell
Doesn't he have a delay?
How does this stream sniping work?
You have a deck ready with the same result as the guy you're sniping, then you just queue up at the same time and hope you get matched together.
For example, the Mage might have had 1-0, then quickly conceded two games when he saw ratsmah going towards 1-2.
I won against Hafu once. Didn't check her stream until afterwards. :3
That sounds hilarious.Kripp has a few dedicated snipers that will wait for him at 10 wins with a really strong deck
That really isn't the best way to play it though, you want innervate, wild growth, maybe a shredder etc in your opening hand.
I probably should have clarified, I don't mulligan for the combo. I just don't throw the pieces out. Most games are too fast to risk not getting them. The exception is that if I'm against Priest, that game is not going to be over in 10 turns, so I'm going to throw them out to get Shredder and Wrath.
i'm running some misdirection hunter tonight, except i subbed in captain greenskin for arcane golem. i don't see why you wouldn't, greenskin makes eaglehorn bow even more amazing
i almost want more traps just to make EHB super OP but i'm not sure. tracking is pretty slick cos you can drop it after EHB and snipe greenskin and things like that.
i think i'm gonna experiment with a -1 abusive +1 freezing trap
That would make it a really weak early game removal option. Opponent plays Darnassus and you wouldn't be able to kill it.Wonder if Blizzard will nerf Rockbiter to give a minion +3 attack instead of a character.
Wow, this kind of people should get a life.
That would make it a really weak early game removal option. Opponent plays Darnassus and you wouldn't be able to kill it.
I think it shouldn't be equippable if you already have a weapon.
I'm guessing we'll hear about the nerfs last. It's more likely we'll start hearing about the new cards first.Tomorrow is Tuesday and I better hear some announcements soon.
And by announcements I mean nerf list.