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Hearthstone |OT5| Corrupted Deeprock Salt


Believe it or not, sometimes when people say "well played" they mean "well played".

Yup, I even emote ''Well Played'' if opponent makes really good turn against me, or on random brawls has really silly good luck. Also drop the same emote when I have lethal on my turn, and usually do that too before I give up on the match.

Not all HS players are angry emote taunters. Some of us just like saying hello and well played.


The emotes are fairly tame. Nothing to get riled up about. I agree that an auto-squelch button is long overdue, but that's merely because it's distracting when I'm trying to plan out my own turn - not because I feel taunted/ridiculed.


I say well played when I win or lose, if someone gets mad about that then they shouldn't be interacting with people to begin with.


You know when you I say well played? My second to last turn when I'm probably going to kill them next turn but depending on what's in their hand and the board state they definitely have a chance to kill me. Those are the close games where everything was fairly evenly matched and it actually seemed like a good game.


Nothing like getting a few curve-god-adins in a row to make you question playing ranked again before they fix the game.

I love it when a match starts with a "Hello". Usually means good sportsmanship.
"Well met" literally translates to "I have minibot and muster, you're fucked."
You mean, time to play Freeze Mage. Alexstrasza doesn't do much in a dragon deck.

I do have a mage legendary that would work well with that.

Alexstasza's usefulness isn't because she's a dragon, its because her affect is certifiably insane and leaves behind a powerful body.

This is too bad because I was eyeing the Black Rock Mountain expansion and it seemed like a good reason to finally spend some money on the game.

if it gets nerfted with the new format you hit the dust jackpot

I only spam emotes playing my friends, otherwise I just about never emote at all. I'll return a Hello or Well Played if given one, except when I'm using Secret Pally or Face Hunter where I don't emote anything ever. Those decks already piss people off so much that I just try to end things as quickly as possible so they don't do something like rope out every turn and waste my time.
Yeah I always say hello back but never say it first, to be fair though "Hello" is absolutely BM when it's not at the very start of the game(especially if you do it after you make a "good play").
I only start BM when the other player has done it first and thinks they are going to win, but don't.

Or if I'm playing Rogue, because her quotes are so great.


My favorite line next to GIVE ME A BIG HUG.

Nothing like getting a few curve-god-adins in a row to make you question playing ranked again before they fix the game.

"Well met" literally translates to "I have minibot and muster, you're fucked."
Hmm. That might be true.


After a few games of Malylock I hope Darkbomb and Healbomb get a replacement in the next expansion. Such a fun deck. Beats even Renolock for me.


I do have a mage legendary that would work well with that.

This is too bad because I was eyeing the Black Rock Mountain expansion and it seemed like a good reason to finally spend some money on the game.


I think most people take Ysera in a dragon heavy deck over Alex

Cat Party

I usually say Hello when the opponent pulled off an insane turn, or if the RNG gods smite me especially badly. I only say Sorry before winning if I lucked into the win.


I only ever used well played when I was running reno/handlock. That was really the only time I saw plays or playful rng interesting enough to deserve it. The only rule for emotes is that the top decks are always BM-ing, no matter what. Uther and Malfurion basically have to wait for standard.

I've seen two Black Knights yesterday and today. What is going on?

Everyone's just getting ready for the return of Sunwalker to the meta.


I just hope we get some taunts worth a damn in the expansion. Or we are also going to have to settle down and play Senjns/Sunwalkwers again.


I was trying some bad dumb Elise deck in casual, then my opponents conceded three games back to back right in the mulligan. I was like wtf. Is Golden paly with legend card back that scary? Whenever I see one I just assume they are bad at this game and got it all with secret paly lol. Legend card back usually tells me the players isn't very good actually. I don't actually use it much myself. Classic card back usually means the guy is really good. yeah.. even if your opponent is better than you, this is hearthstone, anyone can beat anyone...

I should put my tryhard card back on and go on rank 20 to farm those portraits I guess, wondering how much faster it would go. I haven't been to rank 20 in months. I think last time was before ranked rewards.
Regarding emotes, I always emote "Hello" and always emote "Well played" if they win. I only emote "Well played" if I win if they do it first because I found a lot of people seem to get offended if I do it first when winning (source: sissy Gaffers that play Hearthstone).

But I really don't care what people emote to me. If they spam me with stuff I just spam them back and I think we both have a great time.
Whenever I use Unstable Portal and I can't use the card I hover over it for a few seconds and then say "I'm sorry." Same with any card like Nefarian or Spellslinger.
Regarding emotes, I always emote "Hello" and always emote "Well played" if they win. I only emote "Well played" if I win if they do it first because I found a lot of people seem to get offended if I do it first when winning (source: sissy Gaffers that play Hearthstone).

You shake hands and say good game after every game, win or lose. That's just how sportsmanship works.


"Anyone can hit legend"

nah they really can't... Not saying it takes a huge amount of skill or anything but most people are really really fuckin bad at this game.


"Anyone can hit legend"

nah they really can't... Not saying it takes a huge amount of skill or anything but most people are really really fuckin bad at this game.

The variance in skill isn't too much say between rank 8-9 even to legend or that that skill gap even matters in average game of hearthstone. I saw so many bad players on top of ladder, straight up awful but they can still win a lot of games obviously. Getting legend doesn't mean anything in this game really. Specially right now with available decks. Anyone can hit legend if they really want to. Legend rank is highly overstated in this game, so ridiculous people concede to a card back.


Yeah before ranked rewards and multiple pure faceroll decks average players duked it out around like rank 15-10, but nowadays everyone and their mom is grabbing that rank 5 chest and legend cardback with a random Tempostorm t1 list ez. Between rank 10 and legend you barely see any skill difference as decision-making has been all but purged from the game.


People with Naxx Heroic card back are OG. Too bad that card back is ugly. I use the LoE Heroic card back because it looks snazzy.



Just got that notice when I turned on the game today. Finally getting the message out
Once you hit legend, are you there for the rest of the season?

I just hope we get some taunts worth a damn in the expansion. Or we are also going to have to settle down and play Senjns/Sunwalkwers again.
I think class taunt cards would be good. Give them abilities that fit with the class.
Once you hit legend, are you there for the rest of the season?

I think class taunt cards would be good. Give them abilities that fit with the class.

Yeah you can't lose the Legend rank, only go down among Legend players. If you've seen a Legend player, they have a number. That can go up and down but you can't go back to Rank 1.
Chances of classes without weapons getting weapons? Like staves that don't do damage but have special effects?

Possible? There's nothing stopping them. Something like a staff for mage that gives +1 spell power and loses a charge everytime you use a spell or a wand for priest that lets you trade without taking damage.

All classes use weapons but the ones that use them to thwack people with are all accounted for. Surprised there's no shield for Warrior.

Bulwark of Azzinoth - Epic 6 mana. Can't attack, 3 attack 4 charges. Whenever your hero is attacked, deal weapon damage to the attacker. Don't jump on me for this being shit or OP I didn't bother thinking it through, just an idea.
Yeah I just feel like there's a ton of things they could do with weapons besides "punch thing with face", it'd be a shame if they never tried anything interesting with it.


I had the Icecrown card back, I don't even remember playing, and even less getting to at least 20 back then. I Know I played then to get the wow mount thats associated with HS, but I didn't even realize I had at least gotten to 20 back then just with the shitty cards you get from the tutorial.
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