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Hearthstone |OT5| Corrupted Deeprock Salt


There are just so many issues with Joust.

*The whole design hinges on the fact that you have a heavier deck than normal. Except that it will never actually work because even in the heaviest decks you need some low cost utility minions. In addition, cards like Dr Balanced ensure that even rush heavy decks have some late game hitters to close out games. Maybe this type of meta will switch but if anything if the meta slows down from how it is now then that actually makes Joust even WORSE.

*Cards like Gadgetan Auctioneer work against other Joust cards. You play Tuskar Jouster and Gadgetan in same deck then you run the risk of getting Gadgetan while playing Tuskar Jouster. Talk about anti synergy.

*The Joust bonus is attached to game winning attributes rather than having marginal upgrades. There's a HUGE difference between Master Jouster getting Divine Shield AND Taunt versus coming down as a Booty Bay tier card. The Tuskar Jouster heal is substantial and something that you absolutely cannot afford to whiff when faced against an aggressive deck because that's where you need that bonus the most.

*Then there are cards like Warhorse Trainer which makes you go "what the hell was Blizzard thinking with this card?" Jousts can't work in aggressive decks so having a minion gain charge as a Joust effect makes very little sense. Charge can work if the stat distribution is right but that's a 5/3 for 4 mana.... awful stats for a card meant to be in a slow deck. Another card that runs counter to what Joust is supposed to do.

*The whole issue of ties resulting in a loss puts the Joust in favor of the opponent rather than person who played it. Assuming both decks are equivalent... the person playing the Joust card actually has only around a 40% chance to win! At the bare minimum the Joust mechanic should've been designed to at least win ties.

*The random range is too high. Joust should pick one lowest cost + one highest cost minion from both decks then average out the cost to decide winner. After that Joust, those set of cards can't be used again and it goes to the next lowest/highest cards until the values flip and the cycle repeats.

*The way Joust works when there are no minions in either decks. If both decks don't have a minion then the Joust card should win by default. Having entire card mechanics be punished because of a late game state (which these decks are designed to do anyway) is really bad.

*Animation takes too long still.

*The whole issue of the cards being unveiled to both player. This should be something that only the player who Jousted sees. It would be cool to have Jousting at least be used as a scouting tool.

*Generally speaking a Joust card is awful when it loses and insane when it wins. For Joust cards to be playable the card has to be decent/slightly below average when it loses and well above average when it wins. An example would be for a Warhorse Trainer: It's a 4 mana 4/2 with Charge. Basically a Huffer that costs 4 mana instead of 3. If you win the Joust it gets turned into a 5/3 minion (so gaining +1/+1). This way the card could be used in face decks to play aggro and they can gamble on the Joust even though they will usually lose anyway. Control decks on the other hand can also use this as a board control tool if they want and can get the added stats to maybe have the card stick around after killing a smaller minion. Another example would be Tuskar Jouster healing 3-4 HP by default and healing 8 if it wins the Joust.

Nail on the head.

Since it is not a keyword on the cards I'd much rather see them revisit it properly once TGT rotates out and focus on supporting Inspire if anything or just give us new, well designed, keywords and support them well the coming two years.

Joust always felt more like a flavour thing than a legitimate, well designed, mechanic.


Must get 5 wins with Warlock and some other class. Decided to do it with Malylock. My matchups were Face Hunter, Face Hunter, Face Hunter, Face Hunter and to mix things a little bit up Face Hunter.


Hey I just noticed, your end of season chest represents the highest rank you've ever been during the whole season, not what rank you are at the end of the season:


So why the hell is everyone laddering at the end of the season?!?! Go do it in the middle, it still counts!


End of season all the good players are in legend and those left play fast decks like zoo or secret paly and similar, no druids or control warrior around. If you can target them it's easy legend. I got legend end of season last month, playing oil rogue, I almost exclusively played against zoo and secret paly, it was pretty good for me, I had stupid win rate in almost 80 percent from rank 3. Then start of next season with the same deck I was getting poor results.

Something like freeze mage is really good right now too.


End of season all the good players are in legend and those left play fast decks like zoo or secret paly and similar, no druids or control warrior around. If you can target them it's easy legend. I got legend end of season last month, playing oil rogue, I almost exclusively played against zoo and secret paly, it was pretty good for me, I had stupid win rate in almost 80 percent from rank 3. Then start of next season with the same deck I was getting poor results.

Something like freeze mage is really good right now too.

OK, but is there one of these decks that doesn't require legendaries I don't have? I've only got the adventure legendaries plus Captain Greenskin, Cairne Bloodhoof and Dr. Boom.


ok something weird happened

i won a brawl game and then it rewarded me all the naxx cards again...

i now have 4 of all the cards and two of each legendary from there.

this is obv a glitch but will it go away once i re-log in?

otherwise its dust city baby!


ok something weird happened

i won a brawl game and then it rewarded me all the naxx cards again...

i now have 4 of all the cards and two of each legendary from there.

this is obv a glitch but will it go away once i re-log in?

otherwise its dust city baby!

You can't dust adventure cards can you?


ok something weird happened

i won a brawl game and then it rewarded me all the naxx cards again...

i now have 4 of all the cards and two of each legendary from there.

this is obv a glitch but will it go away once i re-log in?

otherwise its dust city baby!
This has been happening to a lot of people since yesterday. It probably has something to do with that bug where people "lost" their Adventure cards for a while.


Well okay, how do I find a deck that a) isn't bad and b) is freeze mage? I mean if searching for "freeze mage" doesn't even work...?

EDIT: these are the search parameters I used:

Uhhhh you can't play Freeze Mage without Alexstraza and Antonidas, at least not conventional Freeze Mage. It's like saying you want to play Secret Paladin without Mysterious Challenger. Sure you can just make a deck with everything else but it's obviously not going to be good.

Also instead of Heartpwn try using HearthstoneTopDecks because at least it filters out decks to Pro Players only

edit: And in any case, Freeze Mage is a bad deck to ladder with if you don't know how to play it.



This is a pretty standard list. Some of the normal substitutions are Bloodmage Thalnos > second Loot Hoarder or Pyroblast > second Flamestrike.

Uhhhh you can't play Freeze Mage without Alexstraza and Antonidas, at least not conventional Freeze Mage. It's like saying you want to play Secret Paladin without Mysterious Challenger. Sure you can just make a deck with everything else but it's obviously not going to be good.

Also instead of Heartpwn try using HearthstoneTopDecks because at least it filters out decks to Pro Players only

edit: And in any case, Freeze Mage is a bad deck to ladder with if you don't know how to play it.

*throws hands up in frustration*

Okay, so is there a deck that I can play that I have cards for that targets the decks that are currently in use on the ladder as mentioned previously:

miladesn said:
zoo or secret paly and similar, no druids or control warrior around.


OK, but is there one of these decks that doesn't require legendaries I don't have? I've only got the adventure legendaries plus Captain Greenskin, Cairne Bloodhoof and Dr. Boom.

Zoo doesn't require any legendary minions at all. Just throw the best value bullshit you've got together with some buff cards and call it zoo. There's a reason why it's so popular.
Zoo doesn't require any legendary minions at all. Just throw the best value bullshit you've got together with some buff cards and call it zoo. There's a reason why it's so popular.
I'm at rank 10, and every Zoolock deck I find is thoroughly optimized. My deck is a bit ghetto, with only Loatheb as a legendary, and it is making the journey a struggle.


Aggro Druid feels just as strong and just as consistent as Secret Paladin in the early game and then you reach the mid game and just kinda run out of cards and wish you had an equivalent to Divine Favour in your class.

(It's still pretty good)


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
This Secret Paladin went and played double blessing of kings on zombie chow against me... as a midrange druid.

Why would you do that? You know I have three huge answers for that shit in my deck, right?


Draft Aggro Rogue


Priest with Excavated Evil (rare), Auchenai (rare) + Circle, Death and Lightbomb (epic) within 10 draws

Are you for fucking real


Neo Member
I got a $10 amazon gift card, thinking of buying a set of booster packs in hearthstone, note that im a super duper casual. within a whole month i might play 10 games give or take (although lately i've been playing more often since i installed it on my phone). I normally lose most games, I've gotten about 7 or 8 of the normal booster packs from the quests, I was wondering if I should buy the normal booster packs or one of the other 2 (the mechanical one or the other which i forget whats it called)?

also whats up with those $25 adventure things, is that single player content, also is it worth buying that?

Eddie Bax

Recently started up a European account to go with my U.S. account and just got my first spectate quest. Please add me if you don't mind me looking over your shoulder - EddieBax#1403 .
Hey I just noticed, your end of season chest represents the highest rank you've ever been during the whole season, not what rank you are at the end of the season:

So why the hell is everyone laddering at the end of the season?!?! Go do it in the middle, it still counts!

I'm guessing that some people think that by the end of the month all the better players have climbed up to the top ranks, leaving the lower ranks "easier".
I'm guessing that some people think that by the end of the month all the better players have climbed up to the top ranks, leaving the lower ranks "easier".

Usually the first few days to a week of a season are the 'hardest,' since all Legend players fall back into ranks 25-1. So there's some truth to that. However, some also believe that the last week to days of a season are also rather difficult considering people who grind in the last moments will also play the best decks to rise faster too. I don't know the validity of these but I would say they make sense.

I would argue that the time of day makes a bigger difference than what week of the month it is, but I don't pay that close of attention.


OK, but is there one of these decks that doesn't require legendaries I don't have? I've only got the adventure legendaries plus Captain Greenskin, Cairne Bloodhoof and Dr. Boom.
If you do all your daily quests and buy packs with the gold you should be averaging a legendary per month. And you should have aquired enough dust to craft most things you would want by now.


Neo Member
Hi there, long time lurker here. I'm looking for someone to spectate for a quest on Americas server. IGN is Geddoe#1170.


RNG giveth and taketh. Control priest vs control priest, they Thoughtsteal my Elise and play it. We fight over board control for the rest of the game, including me Entombing their Deathwing and later on playing it to an instant Death, around five turns of heal + pass on both sides (the apparently classic priest play), then both of us getting the monkey at the bottom of our decks. I lost, but laughed my ass off all the way and I hope my opponent did too.


If you do all your daily quests and buy packs with the gold you should be averaging a legendary per month. And you should have aquired enough dust to craft most things you would want by now.

That's rubbish, you can only get a pack a day (or two packs if you get lucky and get a 100 gold quest). It's 40 packs between legendaries, not 20, so it's definitely more than a month. And nearly all the packs I get nowadays are duplicates, but with really low value cards that don't give much dust.


That's rubbish, you can only get a pack a day (or two packs if you get lucky and get a 100 gold quest). It's 40 packs between legendaries, not 20, so it's definitely more than a month. And nearly all the packs I get nowadays are duplicates, but with really low value cards that don't give much dust.
Rate of Legendary per pack is 1 out of 20. Your are guaranteed a Legendary if you somehow got really unlucky and went 40 packs without one.

Also to get a Legendary per month you kinda have to get rank 5 every month for the 400+ dust. That plus dusting a bit over 20 packs per month can net you 2 Legendaries per month. That's the rate I have been going at. Last month I got a Van Cleef and crafted a Black Knight.


Rate of Legendary per pack is 1 out of 20. Your are guaranteed a Legendary if you somehow got really unlucky and went 40 packs without one.

Also to get a Legendary per month you kinda have to get rank 5 every month for the 400+ dust. That plus dusting a bit over 20 packs per month can net you 2 Legendaries per month. That's the rate I have been going at. Last month I got a Van Cleef and crafted a Black Knight.

Ah well there's where your calculations are going wrong. I've never gotten above rank 12. So that's why I don't get a legendary a month (hell I barely get one every 2 months).
Rate of Legendary per pack is 1 out of 20. Your are guaranteed a Legendary if you somehow got really unlucky and went 40 packs without one.

Also to get a Legendary per month you kinda have to get rank 5 every month for the 400+ dust. That plus dusting a bit over 20 packs per month can net you 2 Legendaries per month. That's the rate I have been going at. Last month I got a Van Cleef and crafted a Black Knight.

I want that rank 5 so bad. Matches have been +1 -1 +1 -1 +1 -1. -_-

Also, I beat another Face Shaman. This time Voidwalker into Abusive Sergeant, followed by an Egg into another Abusive Sergeant, pretty much took control of the board for the rest of the game.

Also killed a Druid on turn 6 after coin double Flame Imp. I love that card when I get it at the start.
So the FAQ got updated.

Will Reward set cards such as Gelbin Mekkatorque and Old Murk-Eye be part of Wild or Standard format?
All current Reward set cards, including Promo cards, will be restricted to Wild format.

When Standard format arrives, the Captain’s Parrot and Old Murk-Eye cards won’t be given for collecting their associated classic cards, but can instead be crafted (and disenchanted).

Acquiring the Promo cards Gelbin Mekkatorque and Elite Tauren Chieftain remains unchanged: the normal versions of these cards can still be crafted or disenchanted, while the golden versions were acquired via special events and cannot be disenchanted or crafted.

RIP Anyfin Paladin


So the FAQ got updated.

RIP Anyfin Paladin

I was almost going to craft a second warleader and a first coldseer to get old murkeye and got anyfin because it seemed like the thing to do for standard, but i'm glad i held off. New expansion might have another charge murloc though?
Pretty sure that was already known, but good thing Anyfin is a dead card in Standard.

Why is Shadowform bad?

Its not. There is a deck that if it works, you completely lock down the board because dealing with 3 dmg anywhere for 2 mana each turn is hard. But Priest just isn't there yet for it to truly work, especially when you can get heal for 4 with Justicar


So the FAQ got updated.

RIP Anyfin Paladin
Huge news. That severely nerfs Anyfin Paladin.

Why is Shadowform bad?
3 mana to do absolutely nothing that turn if played on turn 3. It's a long term investment and you can get bodied before the card pays back itself. Plus a lot of cards in Priest synergize with their base hero power so once they get Shadowform they have a difficult time using stuff Cleric.

I have run across Shadowform Priest decks and they play it with Inspire based minions like Tournament Medic and Kodorider. . Also run additional heals like Holy Fire. The deck isn't that good but it has taken me by surprise a couple of times.


Just because Murk Eye isn't available doesnt mean anyfin is a dead card, it is literally the exact same thing that happened to the formerly fun and interactive grim patron warrior OTK's. Now you will summon a shit ton of murlocs some of which can hit you, some of which that can't. With a slower meta and a much smaller card pool (with no dr 6) anyfin will still be viable.
Pretty sure that was already known, but good thing Anyfin is a dead card in Standard.

Its not. There is a deck that if it works, you completely lock down the board because dealing with 3 dmg anywhere for 2 mana each turn is hard. But Priest just isn't there yet for it to truly work, especially when you can get heal for 4 with Justicar
Does Justicar buff Shadowform?
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