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Hearthstone |OT5| Corrupted Deeprock Salt


A lot of those lists still run Prep, at least the ones I've seen. It may be less important but it's still their strongest tempo tool next to Backstab, and that's what Rogue is all about in the end. Without those you're literally playing arena.

Which ones exactly? I just took a look at some of those deck lists by top players and none run them. Prep is a dead card in a minion heavy list.


Boombot hits my KT for 4 ruining my board

Obligatory fuck you gvg

Edit: Cult Master from portal, fuck me I guess.

I can top that.. I had the following curve played against me.. Mana Wyrm, Unstable Portal, Argent Commander, Shredder. When I killed the Shredder, he got a Sorcerer's Apprentice. This fucking game!


Which ones exactly? I just took a look at some of those deck lists by top players and none run them. Prep is a dead card in a minion heavy list.
Any non-face list really, granted it's been a while since I've looked at Rogue lists that aren't Miracle variants so I guess things have changed?

The idea was that Rogue can't play a competitive minion-only game, so you'd still run cards like Flurry, Backstab, Eviscerate and sometimes Sap for the tempo swings, and since you burn through cards fast with that and a low-ish curve you included a Sprint or two as well.

I'd say you only wouldn't at least consider Prep and parts of the tempo spell kit in Face and Pirate Rogue... the former is not even a terrible deck but it's just outclassed by Idiot Shaman nowadays.


From reddit:

Not exactly shocking news but at least we know we won't have to expect the announcement and release the week following like with LoE.

Edit: Congrats on the portraits!

Seems I might have guessed right and the change would occur at the start of a new season rather than the middle of an existing one.


I'd say you only wouldn't at least consider Prep and parts of the tempo spell kit in Face and Pirate Rogue... the former is not even a terrible deck but it's just outclassed by Idiot Shaman nowadays.

It's hard not to be outclassed by the most ridiculous turn 1 and 2 in the entire game. Rogue is a delicate string bean, Aggro Shaman is a fat side of beef.


Seems I might have guessed right and the change would occur at the start of a new season rather than the middle of an existing one.

Yeah, looking at the calender 1st of April is on a Friday and the 1st of May on a Sunday. I think launching it in the last week of March makes the most sense since everybody is at the office on Friday anyway when the new season starts should there issues.


April 1st works for me. That's more than enough time for me to get to my gold goal of 4.5k. Might reach 5k if I get lucky.

And I get a whole month to say goodbye to me e-sportals :'(

Also, I know we're losing more than Mad Scientists, but I'm starting to think secret-less Tempo mage might turn out to be pretty decent. I find myself with my secrets on hand so often and played around so consistently I'd be alright with exchanging them for decent 3 drops or better 2-mana spells. Can't wait to see what the new expansion brings.


Played against some guy called 'Kolento' on EU ladder, he was playing freeze mage, it was probably the real Kolento. I was playing druid so it was pretty easy. He's not streaming so hard to say.


April 1st works for me. That's more than enough time for me to get to my gold goal of 4.5k. Might reach 5k if I get lucky.

And I get a whole month to say goodbye to me e-sportals :'(

Also, I know we're losing more than Mad Scientists, but I'm starting to think secret-less Tempo mage might turn out to be pretty decent. I find myself with my secrets on hand so often and played around so consistently I'd be alright with exchanging them for decent 3 drops or better 2-mana spells. Can't wait to see what the new expansion brings.

Yup, I can also try to get to 4k myself. Would be a nice amount to just drop all at once on new cards


Not too impressed with Dr. Boom in arena, unlike Tirion it doesn't immediately win the games, it takes a turn or two which is a bit underwhelming. He's ok though...

smfh, what kind of sacrifices have you made to get these kind of drafts. Seriously.

Here I´m sitting with another Snapjaw, tournament attendee and footman because I didn´t get anything better. Haven´t seen a legendary in ages and the last one I drafted was a fucking Rivendare.


Played against some guy called 'Kolento' on EU ladder, he was playing freeze mage, it was probably the real Kolento. I was playing druid so it was pretty easy. He's not streaming so hard to say.

Actually it would be fairly easy if you looked at his id number after playing him.


All golden heroes, now that's some commitment

I've been playing since closed beta and only made the final push for golden Warrior this year. Rogue is close, I'll grab that one relatively soon but I don't think I'll ever go for the full set. I'm so-so on Hunter and actively dislike playing Paladin and Shaman, I don't think I've even cracked 100 wins on the latter.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
MAYBE some Raptor lists but those are not good decks.

Raptor Rogue is underrated. It is very strong against Reno and most Control decks. Maybe not quite as strong as Midrange Hunter but it is in the wheelhouse as having similar winrates.


Today's brawl was easy. I picked lower mana on spells and my opponent picked give each player unstable portals. I was playing mage and that was a huge mistake on his part. My flamewalkers were on point.

My pack was less than nice. I barely have any cards, and today 4 out 5 of my cards in the pack were stuff that needed to get disenchanted.


First brawl attempt, i chose tempo mage they chose warlock..and their bonus pick was -1 cost to all spells.

O__O I chose -1 to all spells too because that was a great idea. They got board control fast and my next bonus was to turn all minions to baby murlocs.


Brawl is interesting but I don't think I'll be playing much of it. Maybe a bit more to toy around with the combinations. Luckily won my first match with my untouched tempo mage, because I could see it getting pretty frustrating. My opponent chose the "reverse life-attack after each turn" and I ended up with a mana Wyrm that would get buffed life whenever it was my opponents turn and crazy attack on mine lol

Pack was below average, but I did get my second Dire Wolf Alpha! Yay :p
First attempt at the brawl and my opponent seemed to have no idea what to do and kept roping, glad they conceded when I dropped a Ragnaros


Yup fuck druids, between innervate and wild growth, you just out value your opponent. Totally fair to see a boom on turn 4

Wow, the very next match is against another druid that did the same thing. WTF is going on?

I would kill for the ability to say "i don't want to play vs x class", That would be my ultimate dream


First Brawl was an epic, knock-down drag out fight to the brink. My Freeze Mage vs. Secret Paladin. I chose spell cost reduction, he chose +2 armor every turn and it made it an uphill battle. He also Facelessed my Antonidas and rained hell down on me for five turns. Finally killed him from 15 health with Thalnos + Fireball + Fireball + ping.


It's actually insane how limited classes are after so many expansions. I'd only call Mage a complete class, sure most people just faceroll with Tempo Mage but that's what the ladder system rewards, you can really do a lot with that class and have decent success.

You can make a case for Warlock being there as well, it's definitely close since Reno was printed. They are going to lose Demons unfortunately but they've got such a wide range of tools and the best hero power that it takes probably the least amount of new cards out of all classes to establish a new archetype.

Paladin is the most binary shit, board board board face face face with the occasional value trade no matter which version you play (except for Anyfin which is getting gutted).

Shaman lmao, only became playable once it got Trogglord and enough burn to raze a city. Only a single viable list.

Rogue is eh, only the combo lists are competitive and those are all rather similar in playstyle. There are tons of different Rogue lists but they're all low tier and full of unfinished ideas.

Warrior at least retained an alternative to the eternal Control archetype, albeit an arguably much less exciting one since the execution of Warsong. Anything else they tried with the class fell flat on its face.

Druid, one word: BrokeBack

Priest is fair, they got decent variety and Blitz did a good job with Dragon Priest, the only issue is that all lists are just that: fair. And fair just doesn't cut it in Hearthstone. It's okay though.

And Hunter will continue to be Hunter for a long, long time.


It's actually insane how limited classes are after so many expansions. I'd only call Mage a complete class, sure most people just faceroll with Tempo Mage but that's what the ladder system rewards, you can really do a lot with that class and have decent success.

You can make a case for Warlock being there as well, it's definitely close since Reno was printed. They are going to lose Demons unfortunately but they've got such a wide range of tools and the best hero power that it takes probably the least amount of new cards out of all classes to establish a new archetype.

Paladin is the most binary shit, board board board face face face with the occasional value trade no matter which version you play (except for Anyfin which is getting gutted).

Shaman lmao, only became playable once it got Trogglord and enough burn to raze a city. Only a single viable list.

Rogue is eh, only the combo lists are competitive and those are all rather similar in playstyle. There are tons of different Rogue lists but they're all low tier and full of unfinished ideas.

Warrior at least retained an alternative to the eternal Control archetype, albeit an arguably much less exciting one since the execution of Warsong. Anything else they tried with the class fell flat on its face.

Druid, one word: BrokeBack

Priest is fair, they got decent variety and Blitz did a good job with Dragon Priest, the only issue is that all lists are just that: fair. And fair just doesn't cut it in Hearthstone. It's okay though.

And Hunter will continue to be Hunter for a long, long time.

I would disagree that blizzard did a good job with Dragon Priest. It's fun, and barely passable as a deck you can ladder with compare to say mech mage. They made dragons too clunky. There are not enough dragons or dragon varieties compared to mechs (18 dragons that a priest has access to, 9 of them being the legendaries), then having the restrictions of "if you have a dragon in your hand" also greatly hurts the decks potential (like why does wyrmrest agent need a dragon to get taunt, why not let it be a low mana taunt that gets an attack buff or health buff if you're holding a dragon?). Mechs are way more fleshed out, and having a much wider variety from low, to mid to high mana cost. (specially at low mana cost).

Don't get me wrong, dragons are fun, but the deck has been doing ok in spite of blizzard's choice of design.


Oh man this Brawl is dope.

I used Handlock and got the armor ability. Then in late game I used minions have Charge/Taunt ability to end the game. Worked out pretty well.

I am very interested in seeing what people do with this Brawl. The health switch after every turn is really annoying because it puts certain cards out of BGH range like Illidan. I struggled against a Priest who had Skeleton Knight discovered from a Curator and that thing just wouldn't die!


Probably a safe assumption that we're getting "Fate" cards in the new expansion.

I highly doubt it. I would like to see "battlefield aura" cards, but I imagine their effects would have to be dramatically less than the ones in this brawl, and some of these don't really qualify, they're more like crazy spells.


I would disagree that blizzard did a good job with Dragon Priest. It's fun, and barely passable as a deck you can ladder with compare to say mech mage. They made dragons too clunky. There are not enough dragons or dragon varieties compared to mechs (18 dragons that a priest has access to, 9 of them being the legendaries), then having the restrictions of "if you have a dragon in your hand" also greatly hurts the decks potential (like why does wyrmrest agent need a dragon to get taunt, why not let it be a low mana taunt that gets an attack buff or health buff if you're holding a dragon?). Mechs are way more fleshed out, and having a much wider variety from low, to mid to high mana cost. (specially at low mana cost).

Don't get me wrong, dragons are fun, but the deck has been doing ok in spite of blizzard's choice of design.
I dunno tbh, sure there are more varied mechs but most of them suck ass and the tribe never worked well anywhere except in one strictly defined list with very little space for tech/individual deckbuilding touches (Mech Mage).

Due to its aggro nature you can always play Mech Mage though while Dragon Priest only thrives in face-heavy metas which we haven't had for a while. Any other time it's just an alright list, you're right that there's much room for improvement but overall I prefer this approach to brute forcing lists via utterly broken value+tempo bombs like MC.


Yeah 1 win is enough for me this Brawl, it's just way too easy to lose if you're the one winning and your opponent gets that 2nd fate.

Looking forward to the Kripp rage tonight though!


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Lol, I keep seeing that injured/desert camel list now. Haven't lost to it yet atleast.

Oh man this Brawl is dope.

I used Handlock and got the armor ability. Then in late game I used minions have Charge/Taunt ability to end the game. Worked out pretty well.

I am very interested in seeing what people do with this Brawl. The health switch after every turn is really annoying because it puts certain cards out of BGH range like Illidan. I struggled against a Priest who had Skeleton Knight discovered from a Curator and that thing just wouldn't die!

I lost a game due to taking charge/taunt and then finding out that the Jaraxxus hero power doesn't count towards that.


Fatigue warrior is pretty hilarious is this brawl. Actually having some fun playing Reno warrior, but only if I get the Armor Up fate.


I'm playing a Tempo Mage with Violet Teachers and Auctioneers for this Brawls. It's gone really well so far.

I tried doing a Miracle Rogue. Ended up in fatigue vs. a Warrior who had 30 health + 50 armor and still had 10 cards in his hand. Never again.

As usual, Freeze Mage has been pretty boss. Not 100% but always in the hunt.


In the current brawl, made a tempo mage and I've been picking the coin power. Having a 5 or 6 coins in hand and then dropping Flamewaker or Antonidas is pretty fun.


In the current brawl, made a tempo mage and I've been picking the coin power. Having a 5 or 6 coins in hand and then dropping Flamewaker or Antonidas is pretty fun.

It didn't work for me in Freeze or Miracle because I couldn't throw away cards fast enough, and I kept milling myself. Tempo would work better because you don't hold onto cards.


Fatigue warrior is pretty hilarious is this brawl. Actually having some fun playing Reno warrior, but only if I get the Armor Up fate.

I made a deathrattle rogue with anubarak, because fatigue decks seem to be the common choice for this brawl.

EDIT: Spectator quest gave me Malygos, woot!


There are 6 fate cards and 6 dire cards (you get after you get below 20 HP, these are like super fate cards);

Fate auras:

Both players get 10 Unstable Portals in their decks
Both players gain 2 armor per turn
At the end of the turn, all minion attack and HP are swapped
Spells cost 1 less
When a minion dies gain a coin
When a minion dies, the owner gets a banana

Dire cards:

Minions gain Deathrattle: Random card in your hand costs 0 mana.
All minions have charge and taunt.
Whenever a minion dies, its owner draws a card
Both players get 3 Unstable Portals in hand
All minions have Windfury
Turn every minion into a Tinyfin

This is basically 5 Brawls in one!

Now that I know all of these effects... I feel like Mill decks would be really strong in this if they get the right auras. The coin aura combined with draw aura means they can end game pretty fast.


It didn't work for me in Freeze or Miracle because I couldn't throw away cards fast enough, and I kept milling myself. Tempo would work better because you don't hold onto cards.

Yeah, the only draw in my tempo deck was Spellslinger and Ethereal Conjurer so I could hang onto my coins, and I still ended up burning a couple cards here and there.


I made a deathrattle rogue with anubarak, because fatigue decks seem to be the common choice for this brawl.

EDIT: Spectator quest gave me Malygos, woot!

Hah, nice. Finally joined the ranks of those ppl who've gotten a legendary off their Brawl packs. Wooo, gonna have some Miracoli fun in Standard!!



I wonder if they would ever make a system where you could sign up to battle other people in past brawl matchups. I would love to be able to play the charge/taunt brawl at any point.
barely won w/ face hunter. Pack was bad except a nice 400 dust from a golden shaman epic that's a 7/8 taunt lol. Thinking about keeping it for standard then was like nah it'd still probably be bad


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
barely won w/ face hunter. Pack was bad except a nice 400 dust from a golden shaman epic that's a 7/8 taunt lol. Thinking about keeping it for standard then was like nah it'd still probably be bad

Earth Elemental is not too bad. Worth keeping if you don't have two non-gold versions already.
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