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Hearthstone |OT5| Corrupted Deeprock Salt


Interesting, if they were smart they would have in game hearthpwn like features where anyone can share their decks for others to see. They have arcade mode in StarCraft II, something like that here. Other people could see, rate and import the decks. Blog post seems to be not up yet.


If these are just decks that Blizzard has dreamt up then I can't see myself using it at all really.

If you’re excited about our upcoming Standard format, we have you covered—all of our Deck Recipes are Standard-friendly. As new cards are released, we may update the current Deck Recipes, or swap some out entirely, so keep on the lookout!
Sounds like it.


It's good for new players and that's about it, current deck helper is just horrific.

"Greatly Improved 'Suggest a card'" ok let's see...




"Standard friendly"

Haunted Creeper...


maybe if the recommended card thing worked people wouldnt netdeck
Yeah right... There will always be netdecking.

What's going to happen is that people will use this feature and go online to play with the deck... then get crushed because the deck isn't very good and they will go online to netdeck.


Oh, why didn't I think about that? And here I thought Kobold would be better because of the spell damage equivalence (I'm such a dummy!), but sure, Amani Berserker makes more sense. Thanks Blizzard! I'm sure this will help me make it out of rank 23!


That honestly seems like a boon for new players. When I started a couple of months ago I had no idea whatsoever of where to even start when building a deck. Having a few easy to access ideas of how decks can synergize and for which classes will be a great help, even if players move on to better decks after a while.


This is a pretty cool idea, I don't see why you guys are so down on it considering they're oriented towards helping new people get into the game. Obviously Blizzard isn't going to offer 4000+ dust optimized decks to new players... the negativity around some of these ideas astound me sometimes. We should welcome stuff like this. This game's onboarding process for new players isn't great and this is a great first step.


I recall in some interview they said they were thinking about giving new or returning players "free decks". Now with these recipes it makes more sense, maybe at some point they give away these decks. They are not exactly cheap decks either, like that hunter one which looks really bad btw, lol.


I recall in some interview they said they were thinking about giving new or returning players "free decks". Now with these recipes it makes more sense, maybe at some point they give away these decks. They are not exactly cheap decks either, like that hunter one.

I really hope this is what the feature eventually becomes. Giving players decks that can carry them to rank 15 or so for free, but making the cards not available in the collection would go a long way towards making the game welcoming to new players.
Maybe if it let you load in recommended decks by top players(Dota style) and the replacement feature wasn't worthless this feature would actually be worth a damn, as it stands it's useless to almost everyone.


when designing the game blizz actually envisioned hunter to be a controll class...
I think they envisioned every class to be able to play aggro, midrange and control. That's why some classes have cards that seem odd for them but they fit a specific archetype.


Tough crowd, heh.

Finally got off my ass and tried another class again. Went for a super basic Raptor Rogue since I don't have many cards -- very fun! Cold blood to buff eggs feels great. Hadn't even leveled the class to 10 until now, lulz.


Miracle Hunter? I can't say I'm totally surprised, Hunter secrets are pretty spooky to play against, but I just don't see any win condition there.


Tough crowd, heh.

Finally got off my ass and tried another class again. Went for a super basic Raptor Rogue since I don't have many cards -- very fun! Cold blood to buff eggs feels great.

Raptor Rogue is a lot of fun indeed. I wish I had the cards to play a stronger version of it, but eh, it's a for-fun deck anyway and the one I do have can create some pretty hilarious combos. I hope the power level in Standard makes decks like that one actually viable (not that one since it's losing some of its key cards, but ones in a similar level).


Raptor Rogue is a lot of fun indeed. I wish I had the cards to play a stronger version of it, but eh, it's a for-fun deck anyway and the one I do have can create some pretty hilarious combos. I hope the power level in Standard makes decks like that one actually viable (not that one since it's losing some of its key cards, but ones in a similar level).
I'm pretty psyched to see what cards the new expansion will bring. Hopefully some fun deathrattles! (I know some people hate them in here :p but I still want to play my museum curator, dibidi-damnit!)


I really hope this is what the feature eventually becomes. Giving players decks that can carry them to rank 15 or so for free, but making the cards not available in the collection would go a long way towards making the game welcoming to new players.

Experienced players will just make counter decks to farm those newbies then ;P

But seriously, I don't think people are "down with the idea" at all. It all comes down to implementation and how much they are willing to iterate on it. You could argue giving players bad tools could set them behind as well and make them grow frustrated quicker. There are a few people in this thread that have found some tools work against them (mainly arena draft tools) and they become disillusioned when they don't see progress in their game.

But in general, it seems like a positive thing. We've discussed how other games (YGO) "give" players starter decks and those work as yet another teaching tool for people to start coming up with their own stuff, or at least understand the core aspects of the game if copying decks is more their thing.


Unconfirmed Member
I don't know who could possibly be against this new idea. I think its great.

It helps out the aspect of the game that lots of new players find the most intimidating. The "what do I put in this deck" hurdle. It gives them jumping off points, and something to work toward when they build their collections (oh I need this TGT card, that's the packs I should buy). Maybe the decks aren't the most competitive, but they are LOADS better than the basic decks. Giving new players a goal and a non-garbage deck to build towards is great.

Then when they get higher up on the ladder and realize this deck isn't cutting it either they can BECOME LEGENDARY or whatever and learn how to make competitive decks. It's a good stepping stone. I know a couple people who play only mobile games (Clash of Clans, Puzzle & Dragons, etc) who constantly ask what kind of decks are good (and aren't great players themselves, and don't care to learn how). They will absolutely love this. More people playing at a (slightly) higher level is great. I see nothing bad in this at all, and hey when I'm bored maybe I'll give this Totems Galore deck a spin for laughs (it will be my opponents laughing most likely).


Experienced players will just make counter decks to farm those newbies then ;P

But seriously, I don't think people are "down with the idea". It all comes down to implementation and how much they are willing to iterate on it. You could argue giving players bad tools could set them behind as well and make them grow frustrated quicker. There are a few people in this thread that have found some tools work against them (mainly arena draft tools) and they become disillusioned when they don't see progress in their game.

But in general, it seems like a positive thing. We've discussed how other games (YGO) "give" players starter decks and those work as yet another teaching tool for people to start coming up with their own stuff, or at least understand the core aspects of the game if copying decks is more their thing.

Yeah but the point is that by enabling at least slightly more competitive decks to be played by anyone, it makes the game way more appealing to people without a collection, increases how much skill affects the outcome of games, makes the lower ranks less appealing for farming/questing, makes questing easier for people without some class, etc. It'd be a pretty cool feature all around.

And I do agree with QFNS. This feature is a sort of stepping stone that was missing between being an absolute noob at deck building / knowing what cards to craft or archetypes to pursue, and being committed enough to look for netdecks and what not.


I don't know who could possibly be against this new idea. I think its great.

It helps out the aspect of the game that lots of new players find the most intimidating. The "what do I put in this deck" hurdle. It gives them jumping off points, and something to work toward when they build their collections (oh I need this TGT card, that's the packs I should buy). Maybe the decks aren't the most competitive, but they are LOADS better than the basic decks. Giving new players a goal and a non-garbage deck to build towards is great.

Then when they get higher up on the ladder and realize this deck isn't cutting it either they can BECOME LEGENDARY or whatever and learn how to make competitive decks. It's a good stepping stone. I know a couple people who play only mobile games (Clash of Clans, Puzzle & Dragons, etc) who constantly ask what kind of decks are good (and aren't great players themselves, and don't care to learn how). They will absolutely love this. More people playing at a (slightly) higher level is great. I see nothing bad in this at all, and hey when I'm bored maybe I'll give this Totems Galore deck a spin for laughs (it will be my opponents laughing most likely).
Yeah, I think there's a lot of value in just showing new players a few different ways they can build their decks against. Here's a few ways to play Rogue, and some starting points to improve upon once you get used to playing. IMO that's very valuable. As I've said, when I started out a couple of months ago I was pretty much lost and certainly needed some easy pointers. I got some of them through googling for starter decks, but even that only gave me a single deck per class (although I could have googled even more at that point).


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Deck building is pretty intimidating for new players and the current deck builder is pretty bad. This seems like an improvement.


Been having tons of fun this month with a silence druid. Ancient watchers and eerie statues are incredible value if you can wailing soul them out turn 4, and even if you can't giving them taunt forces your opposition to run in to them... or silence them themselves.

Got up to rank 6 with it before getting a string of bad matches. Anyone else try this deck and may have insights on a build? My current homebrew list has done fairly well by me, but more opinions are always welcome.

Been having tons of fun this month with a silence druid. Ancient watchers and eerie statues are incredible value if you can wailing soul them out turn 4, and even if you can't giving them taunt forces your opposition to run in to them... or silence them themselves.

Got up to rank 6 with it before getting a string of bad matches. Anyone else try this deck and may have insights on a build? My current homebrew list has done fairly well by me, but more opinions are always welcome.

No zero mana silence ?
Also what kind of a suggestion is creeper anyway? The only thing those 3 cards have in common are that they're 2 drops, why not suggest Kobold Geomancer or Loot Horder?


Aren't these recipes supposed to be Standard friendly?

Yeah, the recipe is standard friendly, it only contains standard cards. If, when building the deck, it notices you don't have a card, it offers suggestions based on your collection, which could include non-standard cards. Maybe the update is coming sooner than the formats also, making the suggestion correct for the "current" standard. I don't see how this is confusing anyone, the recipes are standard friendly.


Yeah, the recipe is standard friendly, it only contains standard cards. If, when building the deck, it notices you don't have a card, it offers suggestions based on your collection, which could include non-standard cards. Maybe the update is coming sooner than the formats also, making the suggestion correct for the "current" standard. I don't see how this is confusing anyone, the recipes are standard friendly.
This is unintuitive and you know it. Can't wait until someone makes their deck, picks a Wild card then tries to go into Standard and gets denied because the game told you to put a wild card in your standard deck.


This is unintuitive and you know it. Can't wait until someone makes their deck, picks a Wild card then tries to go into Standard and gets denied because the game told you to put a wild card in your standard deck.

Let's wait and see how the formats will interact with this feature before we discuss UI elements and behavior for edge cases we haven't seen in practice :)


Corporate Apologist
This is unintuitive and you know it. Can't wait until someone makes their deck, picks a Wild card then tries to go into Standard and gets denied because the game told you to put a wild card in your standard deck.

When you build a deck, you actually have to specify if its wild or standard from the onset. You can use Standard Decks in wild though. I believe this was stated in the blog post about Standard.

What I can't wait for is someone to make a deck marked Wild with all Standard Cards, then bitch when the client won't let them queue into standard with it, because I guarantee the game doesn't check what cards are actually in the deck, only what kind of deck it is.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
When you build a deck, you actually have to specify if its wild or standard from the onset. You can use Standard Decks in wild though. I believe this was stated in the blog post about Standard.

What I can't wait for is someone to make a deck marked Wild with all Standard Cards, then bitch when the client won't let them queue into standard with it, because I guarantee the game doesn't check what cards are actually in the deck, only what kind of deck it is.

I believe either Kibler or Reynad (cant remember which) said that if you have any Wild card in the deck, you'll automatically queue into Wild, otherwise you queue into standard.


my demon zoo laddering isn't going that well, I keep going back and forth between rank 12 and 11, mainly due to bad opening draws like against a druid where i had no turn 1 and sent out a dumb spider turn 2.


I believe either Kibler or Reynad (cant remember which) said that if you have any Wild card in the deck, you'll automatically queue into Wild, otherwise you queue into standard.

Brode has said that I believe. That the game will know if a card is not standard and it will mark it as wild.
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