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Hearthstone |OT5| Corrupted Deeprock Salt

You have to wonder about a guy getting to quarters with mech shaman, face hunter and zoolock :|

I'm not sure that was the plan.

They should let players substitute some cards between rounds. Might add some actual skill to what is going on.
Random thoughts/musings after looking through some of the cards.

Djinni of Zephyrs. Any chance this sees play? Could be a really powerful effect in the right deck. I guess the problem is finding that deck. Priest and Paladin seem obvious. What about Shaman? Ancestral Spirit synergy? It's not like the stats are bad either.

Desert Camel. Obvious Face Hunter synergy but what about something that isn't aggro? Obvious synergy with something like Injured Kvaldir but even forcing out a Zombie Chow that's buried in your deck could make a later game Hunter somewhat more reliable? I guess the same applies for your opponent too though.

Fierce Monkey. Maybe what taunt Warrior needed to get off the ground? 3/4 with taunt for 3 seems really, really good. Even if not specifically taunt Warrior, maybe it's good enough to birth a midrange Warrior deck?

Museum Curator. I really like this card but do the stats kill it before it even sees the light of day? Doesn't fit in dragon Priest. Could control make use of it? Probably can't replace Wild Pyromancer, especially in this meta.

Rumbling Elemental. Is there even a remote chance it could be good? Thinking more on it, Shamans do play a lot of battlecry minions. Tuskarr Totemic, Defender of Argus, Azure Drakes, Loatheb sometimes, Fire Elementals, Dr. Boom, maybe Neptulon. Still, it probably needed another attack point. 2 attack at 4 mana is rough.

Sir Finley Mrrgglton. Might Shaman and Rogue find use for this? It's way, way better than Sideshow Spelleater and being able to choose between three hero powers probably means you're going to get one that is better than Totemic Call or Dagger Mastery. Maybe Justicar Trueheart could even fit in that type of deck to leverage it even more. It will have to be tested obviously but I feel like there's a reasonably good chance to get something like Reinforce, Lesser Heal or Armor Up!, all of which scale really well with Trueheart. Even upgrading Shapeshit or Fireblast wouldn't be terrible. It could all amount to nothing but I think Sir Finley might open some doors for Shaman and Rogue.

Summoning Stone. Really cool card but what kind of deck does it fit in? Do you just throw it down and hope it lives and if not oh well? It just seems like a really tough card to leverage unless you want to combo it with a bunch of low mana spells which then, how good will it be? I'm really curious to see what people do with it.

Unearthed Raptor. Does this just change the name of the game for Rogue? I can definitely picture a deck running Nerubian Eggs, Piloted Shredders, Sludge Belchers, Sylvanas and Anu'barak. Granted you only get two raptors but all of these cards are pretty good on their own. Being a 3/4 for 3 with such a powerful effect just seems too good not to use. Certainly potential there to breed a whole new type of Rogue deck.
Shaman got nerfed in this adventure. Like, they some how are going to be worse relative to a few other classes getting better. Unless there's some crazy synergy in the neutral cards that I haven't found yet, Shaman are even more dead than they already were.

I'm literally running a basically unmodified Mech Shaman right now with only GvG and earlier cards... because nothing has come out to improve upon that deck and no other Shaman deck is better than that. Shaman is my favorite class. It's just still so bad and that makes me sad and I guess also super salty. :(


Random thoughts/musings after looking through some of the cards.

Djinni of Zephyrs. Any chance this sees play? Could be a really powerful effect in the right deck. I guess the problem is finding that deck. Priest and Paladin seem obvious. What about Shaman? Ancestral Spirit synergy? It's not like the stats are bad either.

Unearthed Raptor. Does this just change the name of the game for Rogue? I can definitely picture a deck running Nerubian Eggs, Piloted Shredders, Sludge Belchers, Sylvanas and Anu'barak. Granted you only get two raptors but all of these cards are pretty good on their own. Being a 3/4 for 3 with such a powerful effect just seems too good not to use. Certainly potential there to breed a whole new type of Rogue deck.

Djinni seems like it could be really good in Priest or a buff-focused Mid Pally but I'm not sure what would be cut for it. Sludge Belcher is a really important anti-aggro tool but maybe if you run this with Defender of Argus it would be okay to cut it?

Unearthed Raptor will be another piece of the eventual Mid/Control Rogue deck. If they can get a good exclusive 2 Drop with a Deathrattle, they'll have a really nice ramp into the late game where the second Raptor will have some great Deathrattle targets.


That 3 drop for Rogue is just going to enable them to play a deck that is the same shit as other decks and then have an Oil tacked in there. Like I said it's exactly the type of card that the game did not need yet is still getting it anyway.

Nerubian Egg/ Dr 3/ Dr 4 / Dr 5 (Belcher) / Dr 6 ( Sylvanas) / Dr 7
That 3 drop for Rogue is just going to enable them to play a deck that is the same shit as other decks and then have an Oil tacked in there. Like I said it's exactly the type of card that the game did not need yet is still getting it anyway.

Nerubian Egg/ Dr 3/ Dr 4 / Dr 5 (Belcher) / Dr 6 ( Sylvanas) / Dr 7

Apparently Blizzard's idea to fix Rogue was to make it more like every other class


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Shaman got nerfed in this adventure. Like, they some how are going to be worse relative to a few other classes getting better. Unless there's some crazy synergy in the neutral cards that I haven't found yet, Shaman are even more dead than they already were.

I'm literally running a basically unmodified Mech Shaman right now with only GvG and earlier cards... because nothing has come out to improve upon that deck and no other Shaman deck is better than that. Shaman is my favorite class. It's just still so bad and that makes me sad and I guess also super salty. :(

Tunnel Trogg is quite good. I wouldn't underestimate that card. That said I do think it's isn't quite as good as the cards Druid, Hunter, and Rogue got. Not that Druid and Hunter really needed any help.


I'm actually re-evaluating Rumbling Elemental at the moment. While I think it would've done better in the 3-mana slot, because there's already too many cooks at the 4-mana spot for Shaman, it could still function at 4-mana. You'll notice it was given 6 Health, probably to evoke some sort of longevity which the Hearthstone team seems to think 6 Health achieves. The last couple of adventures/expansions Shaman has been getting 6 Health minions, such as Thunderbluff Valiant and Fireguard Destroyer.

So, why am I giving it a second look? Because the effect is finally something other than a +Stats effect. Random Damage is reminiscent of Flamewaker, Eydis Darkbane, and Mad/der Bombers, and it can be a powerful effect depending on the activator. Rumbling Elemental's activator is Battlecry effects. Now, while Shaman's have their fair share, they aren't exactly stellar in combination. Fire Elemental's is great, but it's pretty cost-intensive. Neptulon's is slow, Mistcaller's is slow, Totemcarver's needs Totems, nobody uses Windspeeker, and Fireguard Destroyer only buffs himself. You'll see a pattern here.... none of them are cheap cards. They are equal to or greater than Rumbling Elemental's cost. Thus, using them in combos means requiring more and more mana -- not great for an aggressive tempo meta.

But. I've always been of the belief that adding a single card can improve the allure of old, past cards. Mysterious Challenger made Secret Keeper an actual threat for example. Likewise, I think Rumbling Elemental's random damage can be augmented by another version of the card: Ship's Cannon. This card works well only with Pirate-cards. However, what do a good majority of Pirate cards contain? Battlecry effects. But even more important, they are CHEAP cards, too. Meaning they can be fantastic activators for either Ship's Cannon or Rumbling Elemental.

On top of that, they also synergize with weapon cards, of which Shaman has ample access to. And it just so happens that some of those weapons have Overload. Meaning the other newly introduced Tunnel Trogg card, along with Unbound Elemental, can benefit at the same time.

Long story short: TT and UE make older Overload cards more attractive (Lightning Storm, Forked Lightning, Spirit Wolves, Stormforged Axe). RE makes Battlecry effects more attractive, especially the cheaper ones. Combine a little bit of each and you might have something that can work.
Nothing like a mech Mage blowing their wad, being out of cards and in a losing position and then top decking Dr. Boom with 18 cards left in their deck.
Long story short: TT and UE make older Overload cards more attractive (Lightning Storm, Forked Lightning, Spirit Wolves, Stormforged Axe). RE makes Battlecry effects more attractive, especially the cheaper ones. Combine a little bit of each and you might have something that can work.

You need to add Brann in there as well. Cheap pirates with battle cries will synergise very well with it, not to mention the regular Shaman cards.

The 7/7 also has some potential synergy with elemental destruction.


You need to add Brann in there as well. Cheap pirates with battle cries will synergise very well with it, not to mention the regular Shaman cards.

The 7/7 also has some potential synergy with elemental destruction.

Yes, I agree. I think Brann, being what he is, is a nice addition to many effects, especially Draw Card effects.

You'll notice that each Discover effect is almost always a Battlecry. Thus, you get to draw from 3 cards twice in a row if Brann is there. Likewise, Engineers, Azure Drakes get top billing along side him.
Weapon OTK Warrior with Brand and Bloodsail?

Death's Bite or Gorehowl up, play Brand, Bloodsail, Charge, Double Inner Rage

Death's Bite version : 4 dam + 10 + 2 + 4 = 20 damage burst

Gorehowl : 7 dam + 16 + 2 + 4 = 29

Toss an Upgrade for 23 on DB and 32 for Gorehowl
doesnt hyped not really play anymore

He took a break due to his lowering performance and lack of enjoyment from the game (Relatively high win rates last year and early in this year dropping to negative rankings until October when he took time off from professional play).


Deathrattle rogue won't be a real deck. Sure it sounds great on paper... if you get a perfect curve otherwise it's just bad. You can't fit all these minions in a rogue deck anyway, you need quite a few spells and that will ensure you won't be curving perfectly with minions. If you make a midrange minion heavy deck it will be just weak as rogue doesn't have the longevity or a hero power that favors that kind of play. Good luck with your dream egg/raptor openings.


Weapon OTK Warrior with Brand and Bloodsail?

Death's Bite or Gorehowl up, play Brand, Bloodsail, Charge, Double Inner Rage

Death's Bite version : 4 dam + 10 + 2 + 4 = 20 damage burst

Gorehowl : 7 dam + 16 + 2 + 4 = 29

Toss an Upgrade for 23 on DB and 32 for Gorehowl
That's interesting.

You can probably also do Worgen OTKs with stuff like Abusive Sergeants and Brann.

Worgen + Inner Rage = Worgen goes up to 6 with Windfury. Charge carge takes it to 8 damage plus Charge. Brann + double Abusives gives it +8 damage for a total of 16 damage. That's OTK without even using a weapon.

Sure it sounds great on paper... if you get a perfect curve otherwise it's just bad.
So like Paladin?

Mech Rogue is already sort of playable as is Pirate Rogue. Deathrattle minions tend to be superior to both of those because they are actually sticky. The reason why this might not work is that Rogue needed a different 2 mana deathrattle minion to combo with that 3 mana deathrattle minion. Nerubian Egg combos well with it but aside from Oil and Cold Blood it doesn't combo that well with the Egg. Haunted creeper might be a better fit.


Paladin doesn't need many spells to be playable. Paladin has a hero power that fills the board and can use their mana all the time. That' why they curve well without any card draw and have board presence all the time. That style of play won't work here. Just start making a rogue deck and you will see you need like 10 spells minimum. Midrange paladin runs like 4 spells tops in comparison. If you cut those spells your deck is just really weak. You can't play without deadly poison, sap, eviscerate etc while paladin can play with just running many minions which will ensure reliable curves.

Pirate rogue and mech rogue playable? OKAY.
That's interesting.

You can probably also do Worgen OTKs with stuff like Abusive Sergeants and Brann.

Worgen + Inner Rage = Worgen goes up to 6 with Windfury. Charge carge takes it to 8 damage plus Charge. Brann + double Abusives gives it +8 damage for a total of 16 damage. That's OTK without even using a weapon.

My roommate has been playing a lot of Worgen Warrior and we were arguing over which one would be better. I like the weapon variation better since it runs a lot of cards that are good already. Bloodsail isn't awful if you have to play it on curve against Aggro, every Warrior deck runs Death's Bites, Inner Rage generally finds a use as well. I'd have to plot everything out (I was too busy playing Super Dungeon Explorers and watching the Championship to get a working list), but I feel like the Weapon is more of reliable deck at this point (despite Worgen OTK already being established to some degree).

I'm not sure how I feel about Deathrattle Rogue. My gut reaction is that it's a no-go and really doesn't offer any advantages over the option laden attack that Oil Rogue offers or even the sheer inevitability that newer Control Rogue lists are starting to bring to the table. The Raptor offers a few interesting roles outside of sheer board presence though. Turn 2 Explosive Sheep followed by Turn 3 Raptor makes winning against Aggro a cinch. Turn 2 Loot Hoarder/Bloodmage followed by Raptor gives a "free" Arcane Intellect (your opponent might Hero Power them, but then you just drop the 3/4). Attaching it to Piloted Shredder and Sylvanas gives it late game potential. I'll think about it more when I'm not dead tired.

Pirate rogue and mech rogue playable? OKAY.

StrifeCro ran to Rank 2 last season with Pirate Rogue. Not sure if he hit Legend with it or now. It's a strong deck, absurdly strong in some cases, but inconsistent due to the nature of the synergies it runs off of. A fine ladder deck, but nothing that is going to be brought to tournaments for the same reason most Pro players aren't bringing Secret Paladin.

No argument with Mech Rogue. Iron Sensei is an awesome card, it just doesn't work. If your opponent has removal, they'll kill it. If they don't, you were probably going to win anyways.


Paladin doesn't need many spells to be playable. Paladin has a hero power that fills the board and can use their mana all the time. That' why they curve well without any card draw and have board presence all the time. That style of play won't work here. Just start making a rogue deck and you will see you need like 10 spells minimum. Midrange paladin runs like 4 spells tops in comparison. If you cut those spells your deck is just really weak. You can't play without deadly poison, sap, eviscerate etc while paladin can play with just running many minions which will ensure reliable curves.

Pirate rogue and mech rogue playable? OKAY.
Why are you bringing up Midrange Paladin when there's a top tier Paladin deck that runs 10+ spells? You know what else runs 10 or more spells in a Midrange deck? Druid with double Savage, double Force, double Wrath, double Swipe, Living Roots, double Wild Growth, double Innervate. Or how about Patron Warrior with double Whirlwind, double Inner Rage, double Battle Rage, Slam, Bash, sometimes Brawl, double Execute.

Pirate and Mech Rogues are just a few more solid minions away from being pretty strong. Unlike Pirates and Mechs there are much stronger death rattle minions out there as many are strong standalone.

You don't even need the dream with this 3 drop. You can copy a Haunted Creeper or a Leper Gnome.

All I am saying is that if this card gets used it will be in that form of deck. Maybe it's good maybe its not but the point is that the deck this card enables isn't interesting and it's stuff we are used to seeing already.


Why are you bringing up Midrange Paladin when there's a top tier Paladin deck that runs 10+ spells? You know what else runs 10 or more spells in a Midrange deck? Druid with double Savage, double Force, double Wrath, double Swipe, Living Roots, double Wild Growth, double Innervate. Or how about Patron Warrior with double Whirlwind, double Inner Rage, double Battle Rage, Slam, Bash, sometimes Brawl, double Execute.

Pirate and Mech Rogues are just a few more solid minions away from being pretty strong. Unlike Pirates and Mechs there are much stronger death rattle minions out there as many are strong standalone.

You don't even need the dream with this 3 drop. You can copy a Haunted Creeper or a Leper Gnome.

All I am saying is that if this card gets used it will be in that form of deck. Maybe it's good maybe its not but the point is that the deck this card enables isn't interesting and it's stuff we are used to seeing already.

Secret paladin runs those spells because of a certain card. How is that applicable here? Rogue doesn't have minibot or muster either, this card won't help with that.

Druid's gameplan is entirely different, they have bulky under costed minions and have the longevity and mana cheat to play this kind of game. Druid card have the best flexibility in the game, just look at that Raven Idol, it's ridiculous. Even then midrange Druid can draw really badly in which you just drop dead. Happened a lot in this Blizzcon even.

Rogue's card set is built around gaining tempo advantage... for a turn or two before you finish the game. You can't play the long game of board battles. This card isn't going to change that, you will be obliterated by just about any class. Just start making a deathrattle rogue deck based around a 3 drop, it just won't make much sense. What if you never draw this 3 drop? There is not much synergy here for you. Dr. 6 this is not, paladin can still play their game without Dr. 6 and their secret compliment their board presence.

The deck isn't interesting sure, it's not a even a reliable deck if you ask me. Maybe in future.
Rogue's card set is built around gaining tempo advantage... for a turn or two before you finish the game. You can't play the long game of board battles. This card isn't going to change that, you will be obliterated by just about any class.

Wrong. Absolutely wrong in regards to being able to win long games. My winrate against Control Warriors and Control Priest with this list is probably somewhere around 90%. I only really lost when I first started playing the list, and every time was due to fatigue. Control Rogue

It even has a good matchup against Secret Paladin, but suffers against Midrange Druid, Dragon Priest, and to an extent Midrange Paladin (if you can't deal with 1/1s before Quartermaster).


This card's value is very similar to Muster if it hits a single Deathrattle. If it hits a bigger Deathrattle it's even more. Haunted Creeper isn't even that bad of a 2 drop and if you follow it up with that new 3 drop you can have a sizeable board in no time.

And with a Annuburak you can combo it to win in the late game if you need to though I suspect that if this card is run it will be in a more Tempo/Midrange/Deathrattle deck. Similar to the Grim Patron deck which is a Tempo/Midrange/Enrage deck.


Muster is good because it doesn't have to hit anything, it's not a situational card. It's always good to play it and you get full value, and don't forget light's justice, a free ping for 4 turns is great tempo. All the Doctors are like that, this card is more similar to a houndmaster if anything else and that card has far more synergy with hunter cards than this does and you just run one at most, it's definitely not a bad card but building a deck around it? I don't think so. How many deathrattles you can fit in a rogue deck?


Muster is good because it doesn't have to hit anything, it's not a situational card. It's always good to play it and you get full value, and don't forget light's justice, a free ping for 4 turns is great tempo. All the Doctors are like that, this card is more similar to a houndmaster if anything else and that card has far more synergy with hunter cards than this does and you just run one at most, it's definitely not a bad card but building a deck around it? I don't think so. How many deathrattles you can fit in a rogue deck?
Unlike Houndmaster, this 3 mana card is great stats for a 3 so even if you drop it naked you won't feel disgusted with yourself afterwards. That's why this card is great.

Here's a deck I came up with using that card (kept 2 cards open for the new card). It's basically just Oil Rogue with a bunch of Deathrattles in there and that card.

You can probably make a more late game control variant with Anubarak as well or you can make a more aggressive variant.


don't know about Leper Gnome, that's not really an aggressive deck. I'd go with clockwork gnome, people play it now in oil rogue at times. 1 mana combo enabler that gives you another combo enabler is pretty good specially because you don't have as much cycling as oil rogue (no FoK, 1 Drake).

So lets say haunted creepers in place of violet teacher maybe, it might not be so bad and no fan of knives and other possible cards like Edwin, Farseer, deckhand etc to Sylvanas and raptors . Well I can't say how well that works from here but it's definitely way slower than oil rogue. When you're playing a slower deck you'd need heals, one belcher might not be enough for that. I'm not sure how much more sticky is this than oil rogue, typically the only 'sticky' minion you need there is a loatheb or violet teacher.


I always have to chuckle to myself when people complain about the 'aggro' meta and I jump into ranked play. The meta is more diverse than anybody gives it credit for.


I always have to chuckle to myself when people complain about the 'aggro' meta and I jump into ranked play. The meta is more diverse than anybody gives it credit for.
It's not an aggro meta it's a tempo meta. With the way that Hearthstone works, often that is the same.

The two control decks are CW and Freeze Mage, rest is all some form of Tempo deck.


Thought I would try some crappy low budget dragon priest deck in 16 bracket and the competition so far is:

Control warrior
control warrior
echo mage
freeze mage
control warrior

ya, bullshit 30 minute matches that go into fatigue and I will lose no matter what... rather plaay against cancer. Going to switch back to an aggro deck that has a chance against them.


Lock and Load Hunter should be pretty good now with Explorer's Hat. You dont have to wait for turn 6 or later to do it, if you have 2 minions you can get at least 2 off on turn 4.


Forgotten Torch sure is great in arena, it's a common too, it could be used in a freeze mage maybe. What I'm interested in is tempo mage deck. Can you afford to swap a frostbolt for this? or a flame cannon maybe. It's a spell that generates more spells so it fits the game plan mostly and with apprentice it's not even bad to play a darkbomb. I like the card's idea, you can go greedy with it and cut a fireball for a value minion or even more greedy both fireballs, or just go with a burn deck with both fireballs, I like to play around with it.

Now freeze mage has a lot of card draw and this card would postpone fatigue too, it's fairly good there, Frostbolt's freeze effect and its combo with ice lance is valuable there so I'm not sure what to cut for this, maybe pyroblast.

A tempo mage with this probably needs double AI too which they often run already.


Yeah Forgotten Torch is alright, only issue in Tempo Mage is that many games will be over before you get to draw the last quadrant of your deck and the other portion of the Torch could be in that last pile of cards.

With Freeze Mage you are much more likely to draw your cards so it's feasible that you can get two activators out of it.
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