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Hearthstone |OT5| Corrupted Deeprock Salt


yeah thickening your deck is not all that appealing, even in freeze mage. It will help against control warrior though.


Lock and Load Hunter should be pretty good now with Explorer's Hat. You dont have to wait for turn 6 or later to do it, if you have 2 minions you can get at least 2 off on turn 4.
I am not so sure if it will be that good. You need to first have a minion active on the board and it be ready to trade into something to trigger the deathrattle in order to get the hat back in order to combo Lock n Load with it more than once in a turn.

It's a slow card that gives value over time, similar to Lock n Load. And that's just not what the Hunter is about at the moment or in the foreseeable future. Hunter already has quite a few slow but value cards but it's just more efficient play the aggressive tempo game.
Not sure how I feel about deathrattle rogue. You need a minion to stick around for a turn. And the deathrattles that are great to copy are gonna be 4 cost and up. Copying a shredder would be pretty good. Copying a haunted creeper would be alright. I guess copying a nerubian egg is one of the better 2 drop copies.

As for tomb pillagers, seems alright.

Pit snake seems bad.


Fuck I got hyped for Animated Armor and then I just saw right now that it's a Mage only card...


Also is Curse of Rafaam an anti Freeze Mage card? If the damage is triggered on their turn then it should by pass Ice Block!
Kibler's prediction http://bmkgaming.com/hearthstone-world-championship-blizzcon-top-8-predictions/

thijs advances
ostkaka advances
ostkaka beats thijs in semi-final A

kno advances
hotform advances
hotform beats kno in semi-final B

hotform beats ostkaka for the blizcon world champ in finals

Wrote thijs instead of ostkaka in the finals by mistake.

So far:

thijs vs kranich
thijs beats kranich, prediction accurate so far, same with kibler

ostkaka vs pinpingho
ostaka wins, prediction still on course, kibler predicted pinpingho to win


Forgotten Torch sure is great in arena, it's a common too, it could be used in a freeze mage maybe. What I'm interested in is tempo mage deck. Can you afford to swap a frostbolt for this? or a flame cannon maybe. It's a spell that generates more spells so it fits the game plan mostly and with apprentice it's not even bad to play a darkbomb. I like the card's idea, you can go greedy with it and cut a fireball for a value minion or even more greedy both fireballs, or just go with a burn deck with both fireballs, I like to play around with it.

Now freeze mage has a lot of card draw and this card would postpone fatigue too, it's fairly good there, Frostbolt's freeze effect and its combo with ice lance is valuable there so I'm not sure what to cut for this, maybe pyroblast.

A tempo mage with this probably needs double AI too which they often run already.

The issue is that Frostbolt costs 2 and Torch is 3. Is gaining a cheaper Fireball worth more than establishing early board control? Probably not.


Man, this expnsion seems...really bad, but have some probably OP cards, that Raptor mini shredder seems really strong with the beast tag.


Reno Jackson looking like Tom Selleck is pretty brilliant.
He was originally casted as Indiana Jones

I must say there are some interesting cards. But I really like what they are doing with the adventure wings themselves, some very fun mechanics it seems.


I need like 900 more gold to buy every wing. I'm really glad I held off from buying packs with gold for so long lol, I was planning on saving till I had enough to buy 20 or 30 packs at once.
The issue is that Frostbolt costs 2 and Torch is 3. Is gaining a cheaper Fireball worth more than establishing early board control? Probably not.

Correct. Tempo mage doesn't need the extra fireball, it has ... well tempo and big shit to win the game. It works because of the 2 mana spells to win the early game.

Freeze mage on the other hand? You could certainly add it in to give you more burst. Control Warrior is about to get 10 armour turns so you'll need something extra and it still combos with Ant.

I doubt it'll help, but people might as well try it.

So, could battlecry-Shaman be a thing? The new card is like Flamewaker for Shaman. Crowd Favourite new meta!

The problem is if it works for Shaman...and it probably will to some extent, it'll also work for other classes and work better.


I really think most of the cards announced are just low tier trash in all honesty.
Just a bunch of fun deck cards sans maybe 1-2 i would even consider just trying.

Torch has potential and i see some use in Brann.

If i HAD to try out some other cards i think i would give the raptor shredder a go as well as fierce monkey in place of a shield block or something.
(MAYBE the paladin card that turns something into a 3/3)

I really do not think any of these will be mainstays passed initial testing for me.
My card rankings:

- Mounted Raptor - great from aggro druid and even comes with pit snake.
- Raven Idol - no reason not to play this and get druid off to an even better start. It may not hang around long term, but it'll at least be tried.
- Unearthed Raptor - Enables new rogue decks and could be very strong.
- Tunnel Trogg - Could have been better (+1/+1), but great in Shaman terms.
- Brann - The Emperor/loetheb of the set with all sorts of combo potential.
- Eerie Status - The big brother of ancient watcher and a great addition for handlock and anti-aggro. If decks start running double BGH to deal with it, Handlock has already won the war.
- Entomb - It can deal with Ysera and... well everything really and is great for control match ups. I think Priests will run one.

Seems good but no
- Dart Trap - I can't see it fitting in a hunter deck and would be easy to play around.
- Desert Camel - Again, seems ok for face hunter, but probably too slow and unreliable.
- Forgotten torch - Seems a freeze mage tool only and not a great one.
- Excavated evil - Another board clear that messes with aggro card draw? Priest already has enough.
- Cursed blade - Aggro warrior can use it, but control warrior armour buffs means aggro warrior probably isn't going to be a thing. Combo warrior on the other hand...
- Djinni - Has some cool applications, but too slow and you can't really build a deck around it.
- Naga Sea Witch - Same with this card. You could do some sort of ramp druid, but the problem is generally card draw, not having the mana you need.
- Tomb Spider - I like tomb spider and think picking a beast is strong (you get amazing synergy). But where does it fit? Only really in beast druid and that is a bit meh right now.

Throw away/Arena
- Jungle Moonkin - Anything "both players" is generally crap.
- Explorers Hat - We don't want bananas.
- Animated Armor - I think this is the type of card you'll love in arena and it'll save your ass...but you'll never fit it into a deck.
- Ethereal Conjurer - Fun, but way too slow.
- Anyfin can happen - nope
- Keeper of Uldaman - Seems good, but Paladin already has 20 4 drops...and all of them are better.
- Sacred Trial - way too easy to play around and doesn't do much anyway. If you have that many minions on the board, they'll be trash or you have already lost.
- Museum Curator - Waste of time.
- Tomb Pillager - Too slow except for control decks and a rogue control deck is already full and doesn't need the coin. They need board clears.
- Pit snake - Will piss you off royally from a hungry dragon, but you'll never put it in your deck.
- Everyfin is awesome - nope, nope, nope.
- Rumbling elemental - Seems good, but Shaman has more than enough cards that already don't do the job and 2 attack kills it. Great arena pick.
- Reliquary Seeker - The worst warlock card in ages.
- Curse of Rafaam - Worse than reliquary seeker
- Dark Peddler - Not terrible, but Warlock has way better 2 drops.
- Obsidian Destroyer - Awesome in Arena, no way a warrior is dropping this at turn 7.
- Fierce Monkey - Good card, but Warrior decks are full and you might as well run the pirate taunt if you think you need it.
- Arch-Thief Rafaam - slow as fuck with slower as fuck rewards that don't even seem that great.
- Reno Jackson - Very situational and you could just run a heal bot or other related option. Probably a brawl card.
- Elise Starseeker - madness
- Sir Finley - lol. Maybe some crazy arena action.
- Summoning Stone - Kind of a cool card, but way too slow when other things are dropping on 5.
- Fossilized Devilsaur - If you have to drop something like this in a hunter deck, I'd rather it had charge and an awesome entrace. Druids on the other hand don't need it.
- Wobbling Runts - compare to force of nature and it doesn't even seem great. Great arena card though.
- Anubisath Sentinel - Not the worse, solid arena card but you can do better for 5 mana.
- Gorillabot - mech decks don't need more mechs. I think mech hunter will be a thing though, so this might get some play just to enable mech leaper bullshit with Brann.
- Jeweld Scarab - Good as a drop.
- Huge Toad - Its ok, and a shredder buff! But not something you'll pick.
- Murloc Tinyfin - Murloc knight nerf and wisp power creep.

Ancient Shade
- Ancient Shade - Should have been a shaman card with overload.

So 7 cards I think will get play with maybe a couple of wildcards if the meta changes up.


Druid: The raptor is awesome,the other cards suck pretty card.

Hunter: I don't think any of the cards will see play. The Camel is only good if your oppnent doesn't have a drop,but too many decks play them.

Mage: Some interesting cards, but I don't any of these card will be played,except for the spell and even then only in freeze mage.

Paladin: More interesting cards that nobody will ever play. Maybe the find a spot for keepter,but that's about it.

Priest: I don't think anyone will play the terrible hellfire.The 2 drop might not be good enough,but there are tons of great Deathrattle minions,so maybe he will find a spot somewhere. The removal spell is great in a control meta.

Rogue: the 1 drop sucks,but the other cards are pretty good.

Shaman: The new spell is shit.7 mana,even with the effect, is way too much. The other cards might be good enough to make the cut.
However, this won't be enough to make shamans good.

Warlock: Pretty terrible.The best card is probably the 2 drop and that card will probably never see the light of day.

Warrior: Cursed blade is just horrible. The other cards are fine in arena,but that's about it.

As for notworth neutrals:
Arch-Thief Rafaam an overpricedcard that gives you an overpriced card. Most likely not good enough.

Reno Jackson: Probably my favorite card of the set. If you get his effect against a face deck,you just win.
However,you need to build you deck around this card,which is fun,but it also makes you deck less consitent.

Elise Starseeker: Fun card,but too damn slow and even when you get the moneky, it's not great.

Naga Sea Witch: Really cool effect.Greedy decks and astral communion druids will love it.

Djinni of Zephyrs: Another step towards buff decks. Let's hope it will find a deck.

Eerie Statue: For the same reason as watcher this card will probably find a spot somewhere.

Summoning Stone: I really hope this card will find a deck,but chances are,it's not good enough.

Ancient Shade: WTF is this cards? It sucks so much. Should be a 6/6 deal 6 dmg or something,but not this!
Reno Jackson: Probably my favorite card of the set. If you get his effect against a face deck,you just win.
However,you need to build you deck around this card,which is fun,but it also makes you deck less consitent.

The same can be said about healing wave for Shaman which is WAY easier to trigger. The problem is, you either have a lot of life and so don't need it or don't get value OR you are one turn away from getting killed. Even if you are at the perfect point of low life and can take the tempo hit to play it, you also need it in your hand at that exact moment and you only get one.

So the window to use a big heal is extremely small. When you combine with the requirements to use it, which are very extreme, it is a card that'll never see the light of day in any serious deck.


Why is everyone down on Pit Snake? It's a 2/1 for 1 with deathtouch. Due to its cost it's enabling combos. Your opponent has to spend resources to deal with it. I mean the other deathtouch cards result in a tempo loss when you play them but this one is pretty solid, it's nearly always going to trade up.
Why is everyone down on Pit Snake? It's a 2/1 for 1 with deathtouch. Due to its cost it's enabling combos. Your opponent has to spend resources to deal with it. I mean the other deathtouch cards result in a tempo loss when you play them but this one is pretty solid, it's nearly always going to trade up.

Then after your 2/1 dies to druid hero power, mage hero power, rogue hero power, swipe, mortal coil, taskmaster, whirlwind, arcane missiles or flamewaker, fan of knives... there are just too many ways to deal with it.

Works in an aggro deck... maybe. Tempo rogue? It needs stickier minions.

I don't think it is poorly designed, I just don't think it'll be a competitively played card.


The same can be said about healing wave for Shaman which is WAY easier to trigger. The problem is, you either have a lot of life and so don't need it or don't get value OR you are one turn away from getting killed. Even if you are at the perfect point of low life and can take the tempo hit to play it, you also need it in your hand at that exact moment and you only get one.

So the window to use a big heal is extremely small. When you combine with the requirements to use it, which are very extreme, it is a card that'll never see the light of day in any serious deck.
Against face deck on turn 6 you are on low health (if aren't you basically already won).
At this point face deck run out of steam and his stats are great again these decks,too.
4 attack is enough to kill litteraly everything they have and with 6 health he will trade at least 2 for 1.


Entomb is very meta dependent. Control Priest have been alternating between 2 Deathlords, 1 Deathlord & 1 Thoughtsteal, and in extreme cases, 2 Thoughtsteals over the past year. If the meta slows down by just a tenth I'm most certain it will replace 1 Shadow Word: Death. Yes, it's twice the price, but you play around deathrattles, secrets and it adds another powerful card to your own deck. The 3 mana slot is already packed to the limit in the current Control Priest decks - the prospect of taking one of the cards out without losing its impact is very appealing.

It's a better version of Recycle
which is really not saying anything


As much as I would like to see the aggro nature of the game addressed in an expansion, I don't think an adventure is the place. Just give me Arena cards and some fun cards for fun decks.

Like, Reno Jackson will be really cool for the 30 legendary deck. A tree of life battlecry on turn 6 is a pretty insane saving throw against a lot of aggro situations. The Golden Monkey token is insane and, even though using it will be rare, worth playing in casuals just for the fun of it. Imagine if you get the Starseeker in an Arena draft?

The Warrior commons are going to be real good for Arena too. The Fierce Monkey stat line is just premium. 3 mana 3-4's are excellent in Arena and taunts are more valuable too. Obsidian Destroyer is token late game common with an useful ability. It's pretty good against everything but Mage.

Sr Finley Mrrglton is, IMO, a instant include in Murloc Shamon. If they get a Mage or Hunter hero power on turn one...

A lot of these cards are really good for Arena, actually. Lots of commons.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
So, could battlecry-Shaman be a thing? The new card is like Flamewaker for Shaman. Crowd Favourite new meta!

Less like Flamewaker. More like Ship's Cannon. I think the stats are too awkward and the activation too clunky to see play.


You don't have to make a deck of singles to make Reno work. Decks with fast cycling can make it work. Patron warrior can make it work but patron doesn't need heals. Rogue could make it work after having played FoKs, a drake and a sprint. Usually you're at that stage at turn 7 or beyond. It's not that gimmicky of a card. Fatigue warrior could make it work probably. It's better to run this than healbot in freezemage.


You don't have to make a deck of singles to make Reno work. Decks with fast cycling can make it work. Patron warrior can make it work but patron doesn't need heals. Rogue could make it work after having played FoKs, a drake and a sprint. Usually you're at that stage at turn 7 or beyond. It's not that gimmicky of a card. Fatigue warrior could make it work probably. It's better to run this than healbot in freezemage.

Yeah pretty much. I can see it played in some decks. It's not even absurdly bad value at 4/6 for 6. Rogue could probably play it. They play lot of cycling and singletons already (usually 1 sprint, 1 Violet Teacher, 1 boom , 1 Van Cleef, 1 Bloodmage etc...)


Less like Flamewaker. More like Ship's Cannon. I think the stats are too awkward and the activation too clunky to see play.
2/6 is hard enough to remove,so it will probably stay on the board for a turn or 2.
Give that there are already many great battlecrys,it could work.

Keep in mind Ship's Cannon would be an amazing card if we had more great pirats.
I don't think crowd favorite gets double buffed by bronzebeard since the text says something along the lines of whenever you play a card with battlecry and not whenever a battlecry triggers.


2/6 is hard enough to remove,so it will probably stay on the board for a turn or 2.
Give that there are already many great battlecrys,it could work.

Keep in mind Ship's Cannon would be an amazing card if we had more great pirats.

If I am following the conversation right, bronzebeard is a 2/4, not a 2/6.



Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
You don't have to make a deck of singles to make Reno work. Decks with fast cycling can make it work. Patron warrior can make it work but patron doesn't need heals. Rogue could make it work after having played FoKs, a drake and a sprint. Usually you're at that stage at turn 7 or beyond. It's not that gimmicky of a card. Fatigue warrior could make it work probably. It's better to run this than healbot in freezemage.

Basically, fatigue decks will run it once they run out of cards.
I don't think I am that hyped for this adventure add-on. I'm just not that into the cards. Some are interesting and there are a couple that... maybe... will be played in competitive decks.

Anyway... my top picks (no ordering) - class cards only atm

Mounted Raptor

3 drop shredder, probably playable over shade. Some might whine about this card, but I think it being more interactive than shade is kind of a good thing. Granted... now sometimes they'll get great 3 drops, although sometimes they'll get a zombie chow to screw them over too.

Desert Camel

Some decks don't even play 1 drops. But in face hunter, this always will get a 1 drop and that 1 drop could also have charge. Well, I don't know for certainty this would be played in face hunter, but just giving an example of a deck that runs 1 drops, curves out well, and still would get value off this guy. Might not be played due to symmetrical effect, but still pretty high potential to be played.

Keeper of Uldaman

I think of this like tinkmaster overspark, almost, before the nerf. You can weaken your opponents board or you can buff your own board.

Unearthed Raptor

I do like that rogue has gotten a 3/4 for 3 with its own special twist. I saw someone argue it is broken because it is vanilla stats + something. Well, every 3/4 for 3 in a class minion is that. Even spider tank has mech tag. The more I think about the card, the more I like it. You do need to have a friendly DR to copy off of, but worst case it is still just a 3/4.

Tomb Pillager

Proper stats plus an upside which synergizes with combo cards and recovers mana. The downside is that trades poorly with shredder. Maybe played.

Animated Armor

Mage seems to always get the most unique stuff. Duplicate, effigy, ice block, and now animated armor. Maybe not as good as I think, but still really nice.

Fierce Monkey

Probably a bigger deal than you might think. 3/4 + taunt is just an incredible value tbh. Probably played even outside of bolster decks. Dunno why they added beast tag to it, making webspinner and discover beast cards better.

We were talking about the new shaman card:

Yeah I realized after the fact. That card is just straight up bad.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Probably a bigger deal than you might think. 3/4 + taunt is just an incredible value tbh. Probably played even outside of bolster decks. Dunno why they added beast tag to it, making webspinner and discover beast cards better.

I can only guess that it's a wink and a nod to Silverback Patriarch.


Anyfin Can Happen sounds a lot of fun due to charge.
If it resurrects and Old Murk-Eye the other murlocs should buff it up above 10 attack and you may have a buffed Bluegill warrior on top of that for another 5 or so damage.
That's just the murlocs without any knife jugglers and weapons adding to the fun.
Is there any counter to that Paladin Mysterious Challenger thing that puts EVERY copy of their secrets into the battlefield?

It wrecks everything at turn 6.
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