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Hearthstone |OT5| Corrupted Deeprock Salt



Any suggestions to improve my Beastmaster/Secret deck?

Have about 80% winrate in trench

I'd remove Misdirection, Snipe, Deadly Shot, Fencing Coach, Cobra Shot, Ball of Spiders and Acidmaw.

You could sub in Snake Trap, Animal Companion, Knife Juggler, Highmane and Doctor Boom. Maybe Lock and Load too since your deck is full of spells.

Speaking of Hunter secrets, what do you guys think is the best configuration of secrets for Midrange Hunter? I'm currently running 1 copy of Freeze, Snake and Bear Trap.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
People roping on casual mode.


I went into casual with a pirate rogue and went against a golden warrior that almost roped turn 1 to coin war axe on buccaneer, then I hero powered turn 2 and conceded on his turn after he spent forever probably contemplating armor up.


That feel when a mage frost nova + doomsayer you, but you kill the doomsayer... only for their effigy trap to spawn another doomsayer.


People roping on casual mode.


Honestly it might be because they're doing something else while playing and don't give a shit. Like watching a movie or whatever else on a 2nd monitor. It completely disrespects the other person's time, but what do they care about another person across the internet? I still think the default turn timer is too long especially for early turns.

And Patron is gone anyways so who needs all that time? :p


I'd remove Misdirection, Snipe, Deadly Shot, Fencing Coach, Cobra Shot, Ball of Spiders and Acidmaw.

You could sub in Snake Trap, Animal Companion, Knife Juggler, Highmane and Doctor Boom. Maybe Lock and Load too since your deck is full of spells.

Speaking of Hunter secrets, what do you guys think is the best configuration of secrets for Midrange Hunter? I'm currently running 1 copy of Freeze, Snake and Bear Trap.

What is your win condition with this deck? Annoy your opponent to death with an endless wave of secrets?

Seriously though, you are going to get outvalued hard by most decks out there. My suggestion would be to remove a lot of the low value cards and replace them with some higher value substitutions. Something like:

- Ball of Spiders, - Cobra Shot
+ Savannah Highmane x2

- Snipe x2, - Misdirection, - Fencing Coach
+ Knife Juggler x2
+ Animal Companion x2

- Acidmaw
+ Dr. Boom

Thanks, I'll try subbing some cards in and out.
Unearthed Raper: 3 mana 3/4 - Copy a friendly deathrattle effect
This card will turn death rattle rogue into a thing. It has good stats no matter what and it has good text. This card is going to be broken as hell when it copies a Nerubion Egg and even weaker copies like the Spider will make it incredibly hard to win back the board.

Jesus, what a card this would be. =/
That treasure map seems completely useless, it has a giant spiral-shaped hole in the middle.

Obviously it was Reno Jackson who cut out the way to the treasure so he could keep it all for himself!

I'm a little bit salty that Harrison Jones isn't in this. That, or they could of at least used Budd Nedreck. Thinking about it, Reno Jackson is probably Budd Nedreck, but with a more acceptable name.
I'm pretty surprised Undead tribal and Elemental tribal haven't been added yet. Undead might be the most numerous tribal and Elemental would probably be equal to dragons in number AND conceptually buff shaman. I haven't ran any numbers yet though.

A lot of great cards like Loatheb, Sylvanas, Thalnos, Sludge Belcher and Zombie Chow would be undead and Fire Elemental, Ragnaros, Geddon, Al'Akir and Neptulon would be Elementals. It could be cool.

If they did ever do an ICC adventure we would get even more Undead cards too. I expect a Horde vs Alliance xpac at some point as well.
I'm pretty surprised Undead tribal and Elemental tribal haven't been added yet. Undead might be the most numerous tribal and Elemental would probably be equal to dragons in number AND conceptually buff shaman. I haven't ran any numbers yet though.

A lot of great cards like Loatheb, Sylvanas, Thalnos, Sludge Belcher and Zombie Chow would be undead and Fire Elemental, Ragnaros, Geddon, Al'Akir and Neptulon would be Elementals. It could be cool.

If they did ever do an ICC adventure we would get even more Undead cards too. I expect a Horde vs Alliance xpac at some point as well.

Yeah, I think Blizzard is holding back quite a few tribes in order to have more stuff to put out over time. I too am awaiting the undead tribe, and I'm also dying for an Arthas card.



Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
An undead tribe would make more sense if Death Knights became a class.


remember me
Man, I'm really finally getting over my addiction. Haven't anydone dailys since last thursday even with all the blizzcon hype.


Turns out the NuPatron deck is actually pretty fun to play, though I'm still missing Gromm for closing out the tougher match ups so that might be the next legendary I craft.


First ever 12 win arena run, as a Hunter. Even made a new Japanese friend that the game pitted me against twice as it was on the Asian servers with a F2P I am toying with.

3 Animal Companions might've helped.


Undead with Death Knight makes the most sense. There is SO much potential too. For example, Nerubians would be considered undead. Also, any kind and every kind of Ghoul. Obviously overpowered buffs that would only affect Undead can be included. The new Discover mechanic, why not have that too. And I'm not sure if you would count 'Forsaken' cards in that group, but if you did, Sylvanas and Mad Scientist would also fit right in.

And Elemental also makes some friggin sense. But... the class(es) it makes the most sense with is Druid and Shaman. And both those classes seem to be getting tribe overload. Tribe identity crisis. Plus the tribe tax.... I wonder if there'd be any way to make them a 'soft' tribe, e.g. it's gotta have Elemental in the name somewhere. Then, attach it to a spell. 'Unleash the Elements' or some such title.

EDIT: A quick list for the Elementals

-Ice Rager
-Magma Rager
-Mana Wraith
-Fen Creeper
-Arcane Golem
-Frost Elemental
-Rumbling Elemental
-Baron Geddon
-Ragnaros the Firelord
-Molten Giant
-Sea Giant
-Mountain Giant
-Frost Giant
-Mana Worm
-Water Elemental
-Dust Devil
-Unbound Elemental
-Fireguard Destroyer
-Fire Elemental
-Earth Elemental
-Neptulon the Tidehunter
-Al'Akir the Windlord
-Flame of Azzinoth
-Shadow of Nothing

Highly Likely
-Acidic Swamp Ooze
-Echoing Ooze
-Keeper of the Grove
-Ancient of Lore
-Ancient of War
-Volcanic Lumberer
-Laughing Sister
-Anubisath Sentinel
-War Golem
-Eerie Statue
-Djinni of Zephyrs
-Obsidian Destoyer


Play some aggro druid for my daily and lo and behold after throwing away 2 shredders and a druid of the claw I get.

piloted shredder
savage combatant
force of nature
Druid of the claw
fel reaver
Dr. boom

basically the entire top end of the deck in my opening hand and draws. completely unwinnable. Too stunned to even be upset.


Play some aggro druid for my daily and lo and behold after throwing away 2 shredders and a druid of the claw I get.

piloted shredder
savage combatant
force of nature
Druid of the claw
fel reaver
Dr. boom

basically the entire top end of the deck in my opening hand and draws. completely unwinnable. Too stunned to even be upset.

Mulligan/draw RNG is the least offensive form of RNG possible and is inherent in actually every card game, ever. I'm not sure what you want here.


Mulligan/draw RNG is the least offensive form of RNG possible and is inherent in literally every card game ever. I'm not sure what you want here.

I want my rng to not be shit? I'm not looking for anything to be changed about the game.
why do i have to want something?


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I would rather cut off my dick and eat it.
The elements will destroy you

Not sure if I would agree with some of those, Azzinoth flames are demons and Dryads (Laughing Sisters) are humanoids. That's going by the WoW categorization, which they seem to follow...most of the time, see North Sea Kraken etc. and stuff like Oozes aren't categorized


Patron and Miracle were cancerous decks. It takes true skill to unleash the doctors six, seven and eight and makes for interesting, interactive gameplay.

Wait, who is doctor 8? Seems like everyone is getting their practitioner's license these days.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Pre-nerf Leeroy was a win-on-Turn 7 deck.

Decks are winning games by turn 5-6 these days, who cares!


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Rag is still going through med school.


What kind of world has zombies, robots, and little green men as doctors. That's silly.

Now, crazy dudes with beards, THAT'S who I want as a doctor.

Not sure if I would agree with some of those, Azzinoth flames are demons and Dryads (Laughing Sisters) are humanoids. That's going by the WoW categorization, which they seem to follow...most of the time, see North Sea Kraken etc. and stuff like Oozes aren't categorized

For some reason, I thought the dryads and the grove keepers were classified as elementals as a game mechanic thingy. Ordinarily it wouldn't be so. Same with the oozes.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Mad Scientist probably has a Doctorate in Secretology.

Dr. 2


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
I don't even know if I agree with calling every card "Dr."

I mean Dr. Boom isn't even the most overpowered card in the game right now.

We should call things "Mysterious 2". "Mysterious 8". Like even Dr. Boom should be called "Mysterious 7".

This has the bonus of making these drops sound like action movies that feature a team with vaguely supernatural powers.


Mysterious is too long.

And besides Mysterious is in its own league of brokenness. I really hope we don't get a card in the future that is so broken that it has to be compared to MC.

Really though the Dr tag only belongs to a card that fits in many decks and is godly when played on curve. MC is only in Paladin as is Tirion. Mad Scientist is only good in Secret decks. It's really only Zombie Chow and Shredder that deserve the Dr tag.
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