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Hearthstone |OT5| Corrupted Deeprock Salt


I've seen more mill rogues than raptors or oil recently, it's so annoying.

unless you're playing a face deck, it seemingly works too damn well right now. not much you can do with 4 card draw oracle.


raptor still a buggy pos, just had a game hang in the rogue's turn because of it.

I had this happen earlier today. Do you have to disconnect or is there something else you can do?

I was reading reports that the rogue can continue to play normally, but for you it will just look like her turn goes on indefinitely.


Yeah I played turn 3 raptor copying egg and my oppoment did nothing roping each turn till I won. I thought was just ragequit but maybe he was just bugged. Silly card.


How important is Gormock to the zoo deck? replaceable by anything?

Its very important since he is almost 100% of the time active but you can play perfectly without him, I would add the second zombie chow, or, if you want a simmilar effect of burst damage doomguard its a fine sub.


I had this happen earlier today. Do you have to disconnect or is there something else you can do?

I was reading reports that the rogue can continue to play normally, but for you it will just look like her turn goes on indefinitely.
I quit HS then came back didn't tell me about losing the match so dunno, but it seems the rogue just plays normally and you get stuck roping? if so that's absolute bs, free win just because wtf...
Unearthed Raptor copying anubarak is favorite 2 card interaction in the game atm and I think it is actually in a viable deck.

After it dies, it returns to your hand so you can copy it off anubarak again and again and again... infinite value lol. And still spawns the 4/4 of course. So you get infinite raptors and infinite 4/4 spiders.

Rank 3 off this (climbed some with a keeper paladin deck I threw together). 10-4 so far, probably should be slightly better since there was a bit of a learning curve + adjustment period at first, and then overwatch beta weekend hit so I had to get re-acquainted.


Still a version 1 list but I think I like the pieces I have, even emperor thaurissan over something like cairne or sky golem which could be copied by unearthed raptor.


Unearthed Raptor copying anubarak is favorite 2 card interaction in the game atm and I think it is actually in a viable deck.

After it dies, it returns to your hand so you can copy it off anubarak again and again and again... infinite value lol. And still spawns the 4/4 of course. So you get infinite raptors and infinite 4/4 spiders.

Rank 3 off this (climbed some with a keeper paladin deck I threw together). 10-4 so far, probably should be slightly better since there was a bit of a learning curve + adjustment period at first, and then overwatch beta weekend hit so I had to get re-acquainted.

Still a version 1 list but I think I like the pieces I have, even emperor thaurissan over something like cairne or sky golem which could be copied by unearthed raptor.

Considered swapping rag for something like baron rivenderre?
Considered swapping rag for something like baron rivenderre?

Hmm, I'm just not sure if baron is really worth it. It is fairly weak on its own and I just don't think there are many deathrattles worth getting double value off of. Seems really situational too, whereas raptor is just a good body on its own even when you don't copy anything. Same goes for ragnaros more or less. It is quite good in a couple match ups too, like tempo mage for example. Against tempo mage they might have to toss a fireball or more at it to deal with it, and it puts them on a real time clock so they can't just get antonidas eventually and burn me out.


well it might not be as greedy as some CW lists but it's still pretty greedy. You have emperor which enables no combo in there other than Anub'Arak+ raptor which isn't worth the inclusion for that one instance that you might pull off in a rare long game. You never get a big hand with that deck either. Seems needlessly slow because you want to include that one combo which makes it greedy to me.
well it might not be as greedy as some CW lists but it's still pretty greedy. You have emperor which enables no combo in there other than Anub'Arak+ raptor which isn't worth the inclusion for that one instance that you might pull off in a rare long game. You never get a big hand with that deck either. Seems needlessly slow because you want to include that one combo which makes it greedy to me.

I don't think you understand the list at all if you think I am including Et to combo anubarak and raptor.


ok I don't understand your list. When even patron doesn't play emperor now it sure makes sense to include that in there. whatever works for you. Looks terrible to me.


I think i'm bad at secret paladin but i don't see why everyone says this deck is so great, i find a lot of hard match-ups if i don't get a great draw. Avenge to tapping out a silver knight if you don't have a two drop is a step towards inevitable doom. Raptor rogue has so much removal and sticky stuff it's almost always downhill.


Well, you are doing something wrong if you don't have a turn 2 shielded minibot. It's like hardcoded into the game: turn 2 minibot, turn 3 muster, turn 4 shredder. It's the law.
ok I don't understand your list. When even patron doesn't play emperor now it sure makes sense to include that in there. whatever works for you. Looks terrible to me.

Okay I guess you've played a lot of control rogue then? Have you looked at many control rogue lists? Because almost all I have seen use emperor to help them against midrange and control decks.


Yes, I've been trying it for a while and I try to watch streamers that play rogue, like Ryzen, superjj, dog, Savjz, thijs, hotform etc. I've seen some play emperor with Malygos, it's a combo/burst deck. In the deathrattle one? nope. People tend to run Brann which makes some sense but Emperor not really. Your deck doesn't even have card draw, it does have cycling, you don't get a notable hand to benefit from Emperor, you don't play a combo either which makes it quite a waste to me. but if it you like it, play it. It's still like a taunt I guess and has some benefits, some bad players always rush to kill it no matter the circumstances.


I bought the new Adventure today

Its fun and quirky but WAY to easy

I beat every boss on the first try with my ladder Shaman deck

I remember BRM and Naxx being much more difficult to beat
Yes, I've been trying it for a while and I try to watch streamers that play rogue, like Ryzen, superjj, dog, Savjz, thijs, hotform etc. I've seen some play emperor with Malygos, it's a combo/burst deck. In the deathrattle one? nope. People tend to run Brann which makes some sense but Emperor not really. Your deck doesn't even have card draw, it does have cycling, you don't get a notable hand to benefit from Emperor, you don't play a combo either which makes it quite a waste to me. but if it you like it, play it. It's still like a taunt I guess, some bad players always rush to kill it no matter the circumstances.

Funny you mention ryzen and dog, because they both ran emperor in their lists. And I have the person who made their lists on my friend's list... soo... its not like I am running emperor for no reason nor is it unprecedented.

You seem to think that emperor is only good for enabling combo finishers, which actually is untrue. And based on experience running the deck, I often get 5+ card hits off it in a single turn, which means it pays for itself just in a single turn. That lets me leverage a lot of cards in ways that would otherwise not be possible, such as getting cheaper fan of knives to combo out with azure drake, or playing ragnaros or anubarak a turn earlier if the situation presents itself. It is overall good vs control and midrange. It is weaker vs aggro but most 6 drops will be.

I don't see why I would run brann in this list or frankly any rogue list other than mill.


maybe they ran it in pre-raptor lists, I don't remember. But these past week with raptor I don't think so. The deck is more of a tempo/mid range deck than a control one anyway, you want minions on curve here.

Brann works with healbot and raptor, some were running abusive too with eggs. I think it's bad.
maybe they ran it in pre-raptor lists, I don't remember. But these past week with raptor I don't think so. The deck is more of a tempo/mid range deck than a control one anyway, you want minions on curve here.

Brann works with healbot and raptor, some were running abusive too with eggs. I think it's bad.

You're really gonna say this list lacks minions to play on curve? Seems like you're really nitpicking a list you've never played because it looked different to you. And yes every control rogue list I've seen so far runs emperor.


Well, you are doing something wrong if you don't have a turn 2 shielded minibot. It's like hardcoded into the game: turn 2 minibot, turn 3 muster, turn 4 shredder. It's the law.

Man, that's so strict it's really sad to see in a TCG. It's like Starcraft or something.

"This build order needs to be exact for every game you play for the rest of time or you will lose!"


Man, that's so strict it's really sad to see in a TCG. It's like Starcraft or something.

"This build order needs to be exact for every game you play for the rest of time or you will lose!"
Nah it's fine to play off-curve a bit as long as you have some doctors ready for turns 5/6/7/8

Unless you're playing something that isn't Paladin, but then that's your own fault for opposing Ben Brode's artistic vision


I guess the kids are out of school because every game I play, I have some asshat hitting the emote buttons constantly with every card they play. I wish I could turn on an autosquelch option because there's honestly no good reason to have emotes in this game other than to be an asshole.

Also, the best joke response to this post is: "Sorry"


Man, that's so strict it's really sad to see in a TCG. It's like Starcraft or something.

"This build order needs to be exact for every game you play for the rest of time or you will lose!"

I think he's being slightly facetious. After all, it always seems like your opponent gets the perfect draws. That's just the nature of the game though. Sometimes falling behind at the start can cost you the game.


The influx of zoo made Excavating Evil a decent card in Fatigue Priest. Only problem is that it's a dead card against warrior.
2 fatigue warriors in a row just when i started to play mill rogue. One of them was only 1 card ahead in fatigue even with my gang up and he had tank up, because of this my coldlights only helped him fatigue me faster, jeez.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
I bought the new Adventure today

Its fun and quirky but WAY to easy

I beat every boss on the first try with my ladder Shaman deck

I remember BRM and Naxx being much more difficult to beat

Decks are much more powerful these days. Try it with basic/Classic cards.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
The influx of zoo made Excavating Evil a decent card in Fatigue Priest. Only problem is that it's a dead card against warrior.

I saw Reynad trying to use this and actually put in Sideshow Spelleater for Warrior funnily enough. Though he actually wants Elise to release for the deck IIRC. Kinda curious to see how that all pans out.


Pretty bad disconnects from my end this morning. Wondering if it's my connection or the client is just unstable. Anybody on NA getting anything similar?


I think i'm bad at secret paladin but i don't see why everyone says this deck is so great, i find a lot of hard match-ups if i don't get a great draw. Avenge to tapping out a silver knight if you don't have a two drop is a step towards inevitable doom. Raptor rogue has so much removal and sticky stuff it's almost always downhill.

Maybe the deck is just not for you. It is still crazy strong, it's literally the only deck I have with a positive win rate against every single class.
I avoid constructed like the plague and only play it for one day every month to get to rank 5 and be done with it and my stats loook like this (EU):



Pretty bad disconnects from my end this morning. Wondering if it's my connection or the client is just unstable. Anybody on NA getting anything similar?
Was Raptor involved? That card is causing some disconnect issues.

Raptor Rogue is the best deck in the game right now because you can straight up a win game from the Rogue crashing the game. That's even stronger than MC!


Been having some success with my beast Hunter deck. Granted I'm at rank 10, but still it feels fairly solid. It's basically a flavor of midrange Hunter, but instead of controlling board via sticky minions, you do it through a never-ending supply of beasts. Here is the list:


Tomb Spider is really good. Not as sticky as Shredder, but synergizes with Hunter much better acting as an activator for KC, Houndmaster, Ram Wrangler, etc. Not completely sold on Jeweled Scarab though. It's great when you can pull another KC or Animal Companion. But I've sometimes ended up with some mediocre 3-drops instead; for example, Metaltooth Leaper pops up way more often than I'd like.

Ram Wrangler can also range from OK to downright broken. Summoning a Highmane is game winning, but summoning a Dragonhawk FeelsBadMan. Usually it's somewhere in the middle.

Brann is great in this deck. Discovering two cards is really nice, summoning two beasts with Ram Wrangler is amazing and the Houndmaster buff is ridiculously strong.

The rest of the list is fairly standard midrange stuff. Is it better than standard midrange Hunter? Eh, it's close but probably not. The variance with cards like Ram Wrangler and the Discover spiders means it's just not as consistent. Although when you get value off of them, it can feel really powerful. Still, it's new and different and good enough right now, so I'm gonna keep playing it.
Maybe the deck is just not for you. It is still crazy strong, it's literally the only deck I have with a positive win rate against every single class.
I avoid constructed like the plague and only play it for one day every month to get to rank 5 and be done with it and my stats loook like this (EU):

Face Hunters are my toughest opponent with that deck. Dragon Priest are a close second if they get a decent draw.
started running two keeper of uldamans in mid range Paladin, took out 1 aldor and 1 quartermaster. seems pretty good but I think Im too heavy on 4 costs now.

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