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Hearthstone |OT6| C'THUN for President! Why pick the lesser evil?


Well, that was the quickest rank 5 "grind" to date... holy fucking shit. The win streak gets insane when it just keeps rolling and rolling.

Started 09:43 PM, now it's 10:35 PM.

I don't have Tirion Fordring, I guess that's why I never have success with decks like that :(


Oh, you can only get the 50 packs for $49.99 once. That makes it easier to not go full retard and I still get to roll in a huge pile of shitty new cards.
Arena still is wild though with all the cards? There's no "standard" arena?

And if Arena guarantees Old God cards, might have to reserve some of my gold for that, rather than blow it all on packs at the start.


Oh, you can only get the 50 packs for $49.99 once. That makes it easier to not go full retard and I still get to roll in a huge pile of shitty new cards.

Or $41...if you get them through amazon and buy with coins.

Anyone know when the new cards are out? I thought it was today. I checked and my stuff is still wrapped.

Edit* in an hour. Woo hoo!


BGH is still in every control deck I see. Blizzard fails at balance again.

Well it is still a powerful card, the effect is the same but now at 5 mana they have 2 less mana to work with which is a significant difference, not enough to not play it (control decks will run at least 1). However, against decks in which BGH is not useful, a 5 mana 4/2 is just bad, whereas a 3 mana 4/2 was more acceptable for tempo play.

BGH for 6 mana probably would have been the nail in the coffin, as it is now, it is still playable. I don't know why people want dead cards, it is good that cards remain playable.

Hour and 20 minutes until I never have to see another Mad Scientist, Piloted Shredder or Dr. Boom on ladder again.


And no Belcher.


Forbidden Ancient

Cannot gain more stats than mana crystals spent, so Brann Bronzebeard will not provide the amount of stats.

Forbidden Ancient needed to be like a 1/2 base to be worth playing.


Well it is still a powerful card, the effect is the same but now at 5 mana they have 2 less mana to work with which is a significant difference, not enough to not play it (control decks will run at least 1). However, against decks in which BGH is not useful, a 5 mana 4/2 is just bad, whereas a 3 mana 4/2 was more acceptable for tempo play.

BGH for 6 mana probably would have been the nail in the coffin, as it is now, it is still playable. I don't know why people want dead cards, it is good that cards remain playable.

No, I personally want BGH to be mostly dead because it has been ruining interesting high cost minions decks for what feels like ages now.
what on earth. Nealry won this game as a druid till this guy threw down this nuts murloc card. Every murloc was back and steam rolled me. Was not expecting that.
Guy got mad lucky on as it was a 1-1 draw for about 3 turns


what on earth. Nealry won this game as a druid till this guy threw down this nuts murloc card. Every murloc was back and steam rolled me. Was not expecting that.
Guy got mad lucky on as it was a 1-1 draw for about 3 turns

Fortunately that combo dies with standard. I guess you didn't know about anyfin paladins?
Control decks really don't have much of anything.

Healing? Super inefficient and hard to come by especially now with Healbot (which is leaving). Healbot on paper is a terrible card but people have to play it for the 8 heal on a 5 mana card. Now people have to rely on weaksauce heals of Earthenring Farseer and Refreshment Vendor if your class doesn't have a massive heal card.

AOEs? Limited to a select few classes, the rest get shafted on particularly Druids and Rogues. No real punishment for swarming against them. Shaman just got Elemental Destruction when before you could easily swarm them with 3 or more HP minions.

Taunts? Aside from Belcher (which is leaving), taunts for most classes are supremely weak and inefficient. The best taunts are Tirion (big silence target and 8 mana cost) and the Druid taunts. Rest generally aren't good enough. You know it's bad when it's 2016 and people are still using god damn Senjins. Deathlord is a good taunt in Priest but it's leaving standard.

Early game defensive minions? Zombie Chow, Explosive Sheep, Unstable Ghoul and Annoyotron to hold off early game... all leaving Standard.

Late game win condition? Only Warlock actually has one in the form of Jaraxxus... maybe Anubarak in Rogue. So many control games just come down to fatigue, there's no "if I make it to this turn I pretty much win because I play my win condition". This is probably being rectified with Cthun decks though Cthun decks aren't really control decks they are more like Midrange decks. Right now control decks run Elise as a win condition which I don't like because it makes late game control battles a match of RNG of who got the better deal on Legendaries.

Control for the non control classes is pretty god damn bad. Hunter, Druid, Rogue, Shaman control game play is abysmal. Priest and Paladin don't really have a late game finisher, if Paladin gets their Tirion taken care of then they have to play a long game too. Warrior only has a Grommash finisher but nowadays with Justicar even that doesn't close out games anymore. Mages have Antonidas I guess but that's better played in the combo Freeze Mage deck.

Control game play has basically become fatigue game play these days because of how weak they are at actually finishing games. Only Handlock/Renlock has late game finishing power as a control deck.
Totally agreed, and the bolded is my biggest issue. While playing Control Shaman, I'm continually worrying about how to win the game because people still remove Ragnaros and Ysera. So I ask myself "Do I need more game-winning legendaries?", but that doesn't feel like the right answer. I was irritated that my game against the Grim Patron player went to fatigue.

Oh yeah, and Ysera getting Entombed is exactly why that card is one of the dumbest in the game. The Priest had double Yseras on the board. -_-

I'm also not sure if I want Charged Hammer in my deck at all. Totems have been putting in a lot of work in various matchups. No one can afford to pressure my face and clear them, so it's very common for me to have all 4 totems up every turn. But then I wonder...do I want any weapons in my Control Shaman deck? o_O

It's too bad Searing Totem doesn't Ragnaros-style ping the screen for 1 every turn. That would be amazing, and it would fit the lore a lot better. Healing Totem should heal Face every turn, too. Then I think all of the Shaman totems would be really strong, and you wouldn't be terribly upset about getting any one in particular.

Let's take a magical journey through time and space to an alternate dimension where Warsong Commander was never nerfed
Say you have a Warsong and a 8/8 sea/mountain/molten giant on the board turn 9, and they both stick around by turn 10
If you have a Faceless Shambler, you could attack with your 8/8, play Faceless Shamber on the 8/8, the Faceless Shambler would get charge, allowing you to attack with an 8/8 again, and then you could Faceless Shambler AGAIN and get a total of 24 damage in 1 turn
This was already a thing, but people used Brewmaster to bounce giants back to your hand so you could re-play them and attack again.

So combo druid would be dead and perhaps the next top deck would then forever remain among the top decks. The meta would still not change much. Top decks would just continually get more efficient, as we've seen with zoolock. The game would continue to head in a tempo only direction with every super efficient minion that is added to the game. The times we've seen shake ups have been when they add a new power creep card to the game, like dr. boom, and mysterious challenger, and people really hate that. Patron warrior is a clear example that they had to nerf the hell out of warsong commander to stop. Dreadlock? I guess you mean demon lock? Enabled by an absurd 4 drop, again pushing the power curve for 4 drops.

Pretty much every pro agrees that the game was becoming stale as hell. And it has. Removing combo druid doesn't change that much. What would you do about zoolock? Which was becoming insane. Or secret paladin, which would only improve over time. Yes, there have been some new archetypes. It hasn't been exactly the same, nor is that what I said. But for the most part, expansions have only improved existing good decks.
You keep a game from going stale by adding new things to do and consider. Duelyst just added the equivalent of Hero Powers to the game, and people are exploding with new deck ideas because so many new sources of synergy exist.

And no, I mean Dreadlock. Look it up.

I hope there are new recipes too.

Them thangs are perfect for knuckleheads like me
New recipes are already up!


Healing Totem should heal Face every turn, too. Then I think all of the Shaman totems would be really strong, and you wouldn't be terribly upset about getting any one in particular.

It used to heal face in beta, but was deemed too OP even back then. (I think it was fine tbh, but Blizzard were still figuring things out).
You keep a game from going stale by adding new things to do and consider. Duelyst just added the equivalent of Hero Powers to the game, and people are exploding with new deck ideas because so many new sources of synergy exist.

And no, I mean Dreadlock. Look it up.

Oh, you were referring to dreadsteed, a fun deck that had almost no impact on the meta to date.

If you wanna play fun decks, play wild. If you want to play competitively against a changing meta, you don't play wild.
It used to heal face in beta, but was deemed too OP even back then. (I think it was fine tbh, but Blizzard were still figuring things out).
Really? Good to know.

Oh, you were referring to dreadsteed, a fun deck that had almost no impact on the meta to date.

If you wanna play fun decks, play wild. If you want to play competitively against a changing meta, you don't play wild.
More options are fun to experiment with - are you familiar with fun?

With Old God cards? (I don't want to log on until after patch, since I have two open quest slots.)
More options are fun to experiment with - are you familiar with fun?

Of course, which is why wild exists. I barely ever play top decks. I've hit legend more times with my own creations than I have with net decks. But this has nothing to do with why standard is great for people who want to play competitively with a changing meta. Which also includes me.
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