In standard:
Horrible - Cursed Blade
Bad - Lights Justice, Perditions Blade, Argent Lance
Good - Fiery War Axe, Eaglehorn Bow, Sword of Justice (Would actually buff Malkorock immediately), Stormforged Axe, Poisoned Blade, Charged Hammer, Kings Defender, Tentacles for Arms, Rallying Blade
Very Good - Truesilver Champion, Assassins Blade, Hammer of Twilight, Arcanite Reaper
Insane - Gladiators Longbow, Doomhammer, Gorehowl
That's 1, 3, 9, 4, 3 in each category, respectively. And as potentially game losing as Cursed Blade is, I think Gladiator's Longbow, Doomhammer, and Gorehowl are potentially just as game-winning.