Mobius and pet octopus
How about using purify to make barnes summon huge minions. I feel like this card is better than people think.
How about using purify to make barnes summon huge minions. I feel like this card is better than people think.
How about using purify to make barnes summon huge minions. I feel like this card is better than people think.
It IS an embarrassment.Kripp's reaction to Purify is gold
calling the card embarrassment lmao
No just no... Priest ALREADY has a 0 mana Silence that can ALSO be used to silence your opponent's minion.How about using purify to make barnes summon huge minions. I feel like this card is better than people think.
How about using purify to make barnes summon huge minions. I feel like this card is better than people think.
Wow....Let's take a moment of silence to examine this Priest card:
How about using purify to make barnes summon huge minions. I feel like this card is better than people think.
So does anybody know what the hell you can do with Runic Egg?
Because I'm having trouble figuring that one out.
I just watched that Frodan reaction, :lol
Kripp is just starting to review the cards I see. Gonna see what's up, well other than he can't fucking pronounce "menagerie".
Edit: Cloaked Huntress... OK, I'm done. Fuck this game, I'm out. Fucking hate secrets man, but free secrets are a blight on this game.
I mean, Silence sees absolutely no play. I'm not sure why paying 2 mana more to draw a card and only be able to target your own minions is somehow any better.
I'll probably try it out in midrange Shaman personally.
You have to be working on the Blizzard's team to be the PR spokesperson for this card.Well, it thins your deck for 2 mana. That is something better than silence. I'm not saying it's good enough to be playable, but that is something it does better than silence.
I think it might be good enough for a niche pick. But imagine if you could silence anything, it'd be auto-include. I think they were smart to avoid making a silence an auto-include. Even earthshock isn't auto-include in shaman any longer.
Are you drinking? Silence is a 0 mana card and has much more utility yet sees zero play
To do what? Sit on the board and do nothing until you draw flametongue totem?
So Violet Illusionist should nullify fatigue damage, right? hmm. mill rogue bois.
It's not like Shaman has any shortage of activators. Flametongue, Rockbiter, potentially Tuskarr.
In a class that has historically struggled with card draw I think it will at least be worth experimentation.
Huntress held back by Hunter not being a good control class and can't draw well to abuse this power.
The hell were they thinking with this garbage?
So does anybody know what the hell you can do with Runic Egg?
You're only drawing one card, though. Why would you pick this over Loot Hoarder?
Anyone notice how there's a disproportionate amount of commons in this adventure?
Yeah they don't want you to get too much dust from DEing some of these clearly awful cards.
Who knows how it will turn out, but this is the least excited I've been for an adventure
"Not every card we make is for the competitive players. Some cards we print for players who want a challenge deck build around like Blood of the Ancient One."We need an official explanation on Purify from Blizzard.
We need an official explanation on Purify from Blizzard.
He made fun of the Priest card for like 15 minutes then queued up Arena after expressing his disappointment with the set.whats the kripp link? Im literally crying myself to sleep tonight over these priest reveals