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I can already see Blizzard nerfing silence next "Yeah, we thought that a 0 cost silence was too OP, and priest already have purify, so we think an increase to 3 cost is balanced"


Corporate Apologist
My gut says Pantry Spider is actually a really good card. 3 mana, summon 2 beasts, with a total of 6 HP. Turn 3 Pantry Spider basically gurteens a target for a turn 4 Houndmaster.
Also back to my original point, why judge based on these showcase matches? You probably don't even run burgle. Perhaps a 1 of.
We're talking, contextually, about a Thief Rogue class. Hence we're talking about Burgle, the new 1-drop, and Ethereal Peddler, and the viability of that kind of deck.

My gut says Pantry Spider is actually a really good card. 3 mana, summon 2 beats, with a total of 6 HP. Turn 3 Pantry Spider basically gurteens a target for a turn 4 Houndmaster.
It loses to a vanilla 3-drop. I'll be surprised if it sees play. Hunter's 3-drop is already really crowded by Eaglehorn Bow, Animal Companion, Kill Command, Unleash the Hounds, and frequently now, Deadly shot. I'm not sure it has room for a weak card that might get a buff off of Houndmaster. I would rather use the 2/5 that OG added.


Purify actually isn't terrible in Arena. You're just going to spend 2 mana to cycle a card most of the time, which is fine. It's like Flare. And there will be those times your opponent will Frost Elemental one of your minions and you will be able to unfreeze it.
We're talking, contextually, about a Thief Rogue class. Hence we're talking about Burgle, the new 1-drop, and Ethereal Peddler, and the viability of that kind of deck.

And you pointed towards the showcase match vs priest. And I said why ever reference that sort of match that is meaningless, including the card choices.


My gut says Pantry Spider is actually a really good card. 3 mana, summon 2 beasts, with a total of 6 HP. Turn 3 Pantry Spider basically gurteens a target for a turn 4 Houndmaster.
I think you'd run Carrion Grub if you're looking for a Houndmaster target. Pantry Spider is such a low impact play initially that the other player will be able to eat one or potentially both spiders without losing a minion.
With Moat Lurker if you destroy a 5/10 lore it comes back as 5/5 right?

I'm going to assume that is the case. All other instances of bringing a minion back brings it back as its normal self.

So you could Barnes, crush the 1/1 with Moat Lurker, then get it back at full stats.

I could be wrong, but I can't think of a single instance where a minion comes back with buffs or spell effects. This could be the first instance though!

Edit: One thing comes to mind, Mirror Entity with a Faceless Manipulator. If you play a Faceless Manipulator on a buffed minion while Mirror Entity is up, the copy will gain all the same buffs and effects as well.


I don't understand why people are excited about the Paladin 3 drop. For dragon synergy you get...an extra 1/1 over Razorfen Hunter. Why not just play the 3 mana 3/5 that they already have? The card would be good in a buff deck because it's difficult to clean up, but dragon decks don't run buffs, because they need dragons.

If the card itself were a dragon I'd be all over it, but this just looks like a poor man's blackwing technician to me.


Corporate Apologist
Just noticed Violet Illusionist. That card should have a lot of potential in Warrior and Warlock decks. Maybe even Rogue.


Unconfirmed Member
Purify actually isn't terrible in Arena. You're just going to spend 2 mana to cycle a card most of the time, which is fine. It's like Flare. And there will be those times your opponent will Frost Elemental one of your minions and you will be able to unfreeze it.

Still below average, but it is better than a lot of cards that are basically completely dead draws.


Corporate Apologist
Too bad there isn't a way to perma-stealth it.

At least they can make a card like this Neutral. If they had the old Master of Disguise, this likely would be a Warrior only card.

I wonder where Runic Egg fits in. Maybe a Warlock Deck with Void Terror? I guess you would only run it if you were also running Loot Hoarder.

I got one idea, maybe Freeze Mage could want Runic Egg for faster Card Draw. I don't know if their decks have the space for it though.

Maybe next Expansion will have Super Hobb Goblin, that buffs 0 attack minions.


Violet Illusionist seems like an interesting card, I thought Animated Armor would be pretty insane in Warrior and this provides a similar potential for fearless tempo trading. Control Warrior's main challenge is trying to gain the board before running out of health so this could be a great tool if it doesn't end up being too slow.


Man people overlook the fact Yogg got buffed, so many spell minion summon (god.. why) introduced, its pretty likely its add your board if you cast Yogg now I think.

I think its will lead Yogg to get nerfed at new year, Stranglehorn Tiger also likely to get nerfed because awful stuff that blizz enable with that beast druid card.

god.. I hate it, and I'll keep playing because other card game that better is too complicated for what I like.

man why HS balance must've so fucked up


Corporate Apologist
Stranglehorn Tiger also likely to get nerfed because awful stuff that blizz enable with that beast druid card.

god.. I hate it, and I'll keep playing because other card game that better is too complicated for what I like.

man why HS balance must've so fucked up

Oh god, that is didn't even think about that with Menagerie Warden. That's absolutely disgusting.




seems pretty good with each other.
like I said



fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Man people overlook the fact Yogg got buffed, so many spell minion summon (god.. why) introduced, its pretty likely its add your board if you cast Yogg now I think.

I think its will lead Yogg to get nerfed at new year, Stranglehorn Tiger also likely to get nerfed because awful stuff that blizz enable with that beast druid card.

god.. I hate it, and I'll keep playing because other card game that better is too complicated for what I like.

man why HS balance must've so fucked up

6 mana 10/10.
Turn 5 Stranglethorn Tiger.
Turn 6 Innervate, Brann, Menagerie Warden.

The return of Combo Druid!

If the summoned minion retains buffs, maybe even Shade of Naxxramas in Wild.


What's bad about this adventure is that it doesn't really affect the meta much if at all. It seems like the first adventure that fails at that, that was what adventures were good at in the past, changing the meta a whole lot.

There is no reason dragon warrior or shaman or whatever else people play right now is going get better or worse much. If anything druid is joining the hyper aggressive tempo decks party. The curator helps some of these decks even.

The worst classes aren't getting any better either, mage/rogue/priest are just as bad as before. That deal 3 damage mage card is good but mage is not good. Same for rogue and priest just got the worst cards while not even having a deck.

Blizzard just lacks design foresight, it's obvious by now. This set was made long ago and I'm sure they didn't think we'd be playing in this kind of meta.

The game guaranteed to be awful for the rest of the year, maybe a set comes out in December, rip by then. Barnes is cool, it could help to make some new decks but I'm not convinced it has any chance against the high tempo decks.


I don't think this interaction is going to make a good deck, but...

I want to play Rafaam. Get his spell. Play it on the same turn as Chogall and Violet Illusionist.

Probably the first deck I'll try after the wing with Illusionist.


Wait, Menagerie Warden summons the copy? I was reading it as though it gave you a copy in your hand, probably because I didn't think they'd print something so busted lmao.
Wait, Menagerie Warden summons the copy? I was reading it as though it gave you a copy in your hand, probably because I didn't think they'd print something so busted lmao.

Yeah, it's basically a more controlled Ram Wrangler.

It can be kind of insane considering some of the Beasts Druids have access too. I'm going to assume that is also copies buffs as well, so there'll be some synergy with Mark of Y'Shaarj too.
What's bad about this adventure is that it doesn't really affect the meta much if at all. It seems like the first adventure that fails at that, that was what adventures were good at in the past, changing the meta a whole lot.

There is no reason dragon warrior or shaman or whatever else people play right now is going get better or worse much. If anything druid is joining the hyper aggressive tempo decks party. The curator helps some of these decks even.

The worst classes aren't getting any better either, mage/rogue/priest are just as bad as before. That deal 3 damage mage card is good but mage is not good. Same for rogue and priest just got the worst cards while not even having a deck.

Blizzard just lacks design foresight, it's obvious by now. This set was made long ago and I'm sure they didn't think we'd be playing in this kind of meta.

The game guaranteed to be awful for the rest of the year, maybe a set comes out in December, rip by then. Barnes is cool, it could help to make some new decks but I'm not convinced it has any chance against the high tempo decks.

yea I feel the same way. Temp dragon, midrange/aggro shaman, and the other top decks dont seem to really change or get any counters with this adventure.

also how many wings are there? Dont know remember if they said


I really sad 2 of the non curvy deck, token druid and slow pally not get shit to balance thing out

Barnes and Curator prolly can boost them, but not really affect too much either.

N'zoth pally prolly still an tier 3 deck

and Token druid not gonna shake dragon warrior as top meta deck, Hunter prolly better even.

I really wish N'zoth pally can leap, but I think its still not happening


Yeah, it's basically a more controlled Ram Wrangler.

It can be kind of insane considering some of the Beasts Druids have access too. I'm going to assume that is also copies buffs as well, so there'll be some synergy with Mark of Y'Shaarj too.
It's better than Ram Wrangler in almost every way, consistency, stat allocation in relation to mana, even potential burst.


Weird that with cards like Thoughtsteal + Mindvision, could none of the devs think of a battlecry minion with that mechanic for Priest?
My opinion based purely on constructed:

Very Good:
Menagerie Warden: The card that puts beast Druid over the top.
Medivh's Valet: Dealing 3 damage is huge. Any mage deck that runs Ice Block runs two of this card.
Barnes: Will be a staple in a N'Zoth deck, but N'Zoth decks are kinda not good enough right now. This will help, but how much?
Kindly Grandmother: Both parts being beasts puts this over the top.
The Curator: I think this sees play across multiple decks

Likely Playable:
Malchezaar's Imp: Will be tried in zoo, don't think discardlock is good enough
Book Wyrm: I put it here, but I can easily see it slipping to not good enough. The stats are not good for 6 mana, and you need to be holding a dragon in order to get the SWP effect. It's slow, a one of if played.
Enchanted Raven: Beast Druid card. Not "insane" but good
Firelands Portal: I think it sees play in tempo mage
Arcane Giant: Will likely be thrown into Yogg decks
Nightbane Templar: If Dragon Pally is played this card goes in it, but don't think this card is good enough to make dragon Pally playable. I think this card is being overrated. Card could easily go into the not good enough tier.

Not Good Enough:
Moat Lurker: Probably the hardest card to evaluate IMO. The card is SLOW. Everybody brings-up the Sylvanas dream, but people said the same thing about Sylvanas and Reincarnate and that was much easier to pull off
Onyx Bishop: Not a bad card, just does nothing for what Priest needs. So for the time being, it won't be played (like all Priest cards, lol)
Wicked Witchdoctor: Worse Violet Teacher.
Netherspite Historian: Worse Museum Curator. Sure you get 1 more health, but you have to meet the criteria of having a dragon to get the discover. Not good enough IMO.
Silverware Golem: You need to draw perfectly and or have lucky RNG or it's a vanilla 3/3. Too cute, don't think it works
Moonglade Portal: Not good enough in token and doesn't fit beast Druid. There are better options in ramp
Avian Watcher: If it sees play it will be in Reno Mage, but I just don't think it currently fits.
Priest of the Feast: 3/6 is good stat distribution, but the healing for casting a spell is underwhelming
Violet Illusionist: Of course people mention the Fool's Bane dream, but that's exactly what it is.
Arcane Anomaly: A bad Mana Wyrm. One health is bad against too many classes
Babbling Book: It will be tried in a tempo deck, but I think it will be replaced quickly
Swashburgler: Doesn't fit current deck types and any kind of deck built around stealing cards and Ethereal Peddler doesn't seem good enough.
Ethereal Peddler: Blizzard is obviously trying to build a new deck type here, but the pieces are not all here yet (and I have doubts they ever will be)
Fool's Bane: Good against zoo, but you are then taking a ton of damage. Brawl is better.
Arcanosmith: It's a lot of stats, but what deck does this go in?
Ironforge Portal: There are a ton of viable Warrior decks out there, yet this doesn't fit in any of those. There are a lot of bad 4 mana minions.
Medivh: Too slow
Spirit Claws: Spell Damage is too much of a RNG requirement
Zoobot: Trying to force the Dragon/Beat/Murloc thing
Menagerie Magician: Same as Zoobot
Maelstrom Portal: Too weak, doesn't fit current Shaman decks
Cloaked Huntress: I think people are overrating this. Freezing trap is the only trap seeing play, and Hunter has better options on turn 3
Cat Trick: Not a bad card, just doesn't seem like it fits anywhere.
Silvermoon Portal: Pally is stacked at 4 mana, this isn't good enough

Protect the King!: Worse unleash the Hounds. Charge>>>Taunt. Nobody is playing Bolster to try and make this better.
Moroes: Worse Imp Master. Needs to live like 3-4 turns to get value.
Ivory Knight: Too slow, bad stats, Pally's don't need more healing, Pally just has much better options.
Pantry Spider: 1 attack sucks, just dull
Kara Kazham!: A Cho'Gall card, but Cho'Gall isn't good enough. You would rather play Forbidden Ritual.
Pompous Thespian: This kind of crap should be saved for a large expansion. Adventures shouldn't get vanilla garbage like this.
Prince Malchezaar: Introducing random elements into your deck is not good.
Deadly Fork: Others like it, but I think it's crap. Overcosted minion to get an overcosted weapon

Purity Tier:
Purity: This card is an embarrassment
Runic Egg: Why does this exist?
I'm excited to try dragon paladin. I might be disappointed by the discover card, but I'll definitely be trying it out. I'm optimistic about the 2/3 that summons 2 1/1 tokens. What I absolutely do like is the bookwyrm and maybe even curator.


damn, reddit is going ham on this set, lol. Even TGT reveal wasn't received this poorly, TGT had cool cards and new mechanics though just too slow. This is an adventure set with 45 cards that still has vanilla filler cards, that's what you expect in a full set, it's just embarrassing honestly.

Deadly Fork: Others like it, but I think it's crap. Overcosted minion to get an overcosted weapon

If you think about it, squid face is just a better version of this card and that never saw play. If it was 2 mana, it could be good but 3 mana 3/2, 3 mana weapon lolz.

zero rogue spells btw. just as expected
What's bad about this adventure is that it doesn't really affect the meta much if at all. It seems like the first adventure that fails at that, that was what adventures were good at in the past, changing the meta a whole lot.

There is no reason dragon warrior or shaman or whatever else people play right now is going get better or worse much. If anything druid is joining the hyper aggressive tempo decks party. The curator helps some of these decks even.

The worst classes aren't getting any better either, mage/rogue/priest are just as bad as before. That deal 3 damage mage card is good but mage is not good. Same for rogue and priest just got the worst cards while not even having a deck.

Blizzard just lacks design foresight, it's obvious by now. This set was made long ago and I'm sure they didn't think we'd be playing in this kind of meta.

The game guaranteed to be awful for the rest of the year, maybe a set comes out in December, rip by then. Barnes is cool, it could help to make some new decks but I'm not convinced it has any chance against the high tempo decks.

How I see this adventure is adding two or three fun decks (barnes + medivh) and trying to make beast druid viable, dragon paladin stronger and and discard warlock a thing.

The beast druid should work to some extent. So that is at least something.

I see it as pretty good overall, but only because it is off the back of the old gods, which mixed things up nicely.


Awful set, prolly only can be saved by Barnes and Curator creating/bolster an cool deck

On top there's 2 card that can create potential degenerate strategy, Warden and Silverware golem.

Shame I sucked so much at duelyst
I mean the Priest cards are bad, but what makes it worse was it almost feels like Blizzard was trolling their fan base. People have been shitting on Priest for a while now, hoping the next set or cards would bring some help. So what did they do? Not show any Priest cards until the final reveal, and then wait until the final show match. The hype was built to see what Blizzard had for Priest, and they gave us shit.


Firebat slam the set and Managerie Warden so hard at Zalae Stream, tell him how the fun and interactive theme sound so stupid with you can copy Stranglehorn tiger naturally on curve, you can't interact with that, you lose..

never heard firebat that angry before, blizz really fucked up.


Firebat slam the set and Managerie Warden so hard at Zalae Stream, tell him how the fun and interactive theme sound so stupid with you can copy Stranglehorn tiger naturally on curve, you can't interact with that, you lose..

never heard firebat that angry before, blizz really fucked up.

think about it, you thought 4 mana 7/7 is bad? Now you have 6 mana 10/10 on two bodies in druid that can cheat mana to boot.

Blizzard please.
Firebat slam the set and Managerie Warden so hard at Zalae Stream, tell him how the fun and interactive theme sound so stupid with you can copy Stranglehorn tiger naturally on curve, you can't interact with that, you lose..

never heard firebat that angry before, blizz really fucked up.

got a time/link?
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