My opinion based purely on constructed:
Very Good:
Menagerie Warden: The card that puts beast Druid over the top.
Medivh's Valet: Dealing 3 damage is huge. Any mage deck that runs Ice Block runs two of this card.
Barnes: Will be a staple in a N'Zoth deck, but N'Zoth decks are kinda not good enough right now. This will help, but how much?
Kindly Grandmother: Both parts being beasts puts this over the top.
The Curator: I think this sees play across multiple decks
Likely Playable:
Malchezaar's Imp: Will be tried in zoo, don't think discardlock is good enough
Book Wyrm: I put it here, but I can easily see it slipping to not good enough. The stats are not good for 6 mana, and you need to be holding a dragon in order to get the SWP effect. It's slow, a one of if played.
Enchanted Raven: Beast Druid card. Not "insane" but good
Firelands Portal: I think it sees play in tempo mage
Arcane Giant: Will likely be thrown into Yogg decks
Nightbane Templar: If Dragon Pally is played this card goes in it, but don't think this card is good enough to make dragon Pally playable. I think this card is being overrated. Card could easily go into the not good enough tier.
Not Good Enough:
Moat Lurker: Probably the hardest card to evaluate IMO. The card is SLOW. Everybody brings-up the Sylvanas dream, but people said the same thing about Sylvanas and Reincarnate and that was much easier to pull off
Onyx Bishop: Not a bad card, just does nothing for what Priest needs. So for the time being, it won't be played (like all Priest cards, lol)
Wicked Witchdoctor: Worse Violet Teacher.
Netherspite Historian: Worse Museum Curator. Sure you get 1 more health, but you have to meet the criteria of having a dragon to get the discover. Not good enough IMO.
Silverware Golem: You need to draw perfectly and or have lucky RNG or it's a vanilla 3/3. Too cute, don't think it works
Moonglade Portal: Not good enough in token and doesn't fit beast Druid. There are better options in ramp
Avian Watcher: If it sees play it will be in Reno Mage, but I just don't think it currently fits.
Priest of the Feast: 3/6 is good stat distribution, but the healing for casting a spell is underwhelming
Violet Illusionist: Of course people mention the Fool's Bane dream, but that's exactly what it is.
Arcane Anomaly: A bad Mana Wyrm. One health is bad against too many classes
Babbling Book: It will be tried in a tempo deck, but I think it will be replaced quickly
Swashburgler: Doesn't fit current deck types and any kind of deck built around stealing cards and Ethereal Peddler doesn't seem good enough.
Ethereal Peddler: Blizzard is obviously trying to build a new deck type here, but the pieces are not all here yet (and I have doubts they ever will be)
Fool's Bane: Good against zoo, but you are then taking a ton of damage. Brawl is better.
Arcanosmith: It's a lot of stats, but what deck does this go in?
Ironforge Portal: There are a ton of viable Warrior decks out there, yet this doesn't fit in any of those. There are a lot of bad 4 mana minions.
Medivh: Too slow
Spirit Claws: Spell Damage is too much of a RNG requirement
Zoobot: Trying to force the Dragon/Beat/Murloc thing
Menagerie Magician: Same as Zoobot
Maelstrom Portal: Too weak, doesn't fit current Shaman decks
Cloaked Huntress: I think people are overrating this. Freezing trap is the only trap seeing play, and Hunter has better options on turn 3
Cat Trick: Not a bad card, just doesn't seem like it fits anywhere.
Silvermoon Portal: Pally is stacked at 4 mana, this isn't good enough
Protect the King!: Worse unleash the Hounds. Charge>>>Taunt. Nobody is playing Bolster to try and make this better.
Moroes: Worse Imp Master. Needs to live like 3-4 turns to get value.
Ivory Knight: Too slow, bad stats, Pally's don't need more healing, Pally just has much better options.
Pantry Spider: 1 attack sucks, just dull
Kara Kazham!: A Cho'Gall card, but Cho'Gall isn't good enough. You would rather play Forbidden Ritual.
Pompous Thespian: This kind of crap should be saved for a large expansion. Adventures shouldn't get vanilla garbage like this.
Prince Malchezaar: Introducing random elements into your deck is not good.
Deadly Fork: Others like it, but I think it's crap. Overcosted minion to get an overcosted weapon
Purity Tier:
Purity: This card is an embarrassment
Runic Egg: Why does this exist?