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My 24 hour stats are 12-20. :( I used to be okay at this game. I really did.

I kept track. Every hunter I played against BMed me. Every. Single. One. Even the terrible Lock n Load ones who only exist to give free wins to people playing real decks. BM BM BM.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Purify is seriously so bad. They already have a 0 mana silence anything, they added 2 to the cost for draw a card...but then limited the silence to only their own minions.



Wonder if there's no pre order because they knew there would be backlash...though it seems more rational to just print better cards.
"Priest got his own 4 mana 7/7 (Eerie Statue) with 2 mana overload (Purify)."

#dead - that blizzard troll. Seems like a legit troll card
So let's just talk about Cloaked Huntress.

3 mana 3/4, great stats.

You could also potentially play a couple of traps at the same time. It also has a good chance of sticking on the board, since it'll be protected by said traps. Worse, you will not necessarily be able to remove it with spells, because it can summon a panther which puts more damage on the board.

Game winning? No. But it sure as hell will help hunters control the board leading up to turn 8 when call of the wild gets activated. I think this card is a big deal.

As for Priest? I think the funniest thing is that Blizzard added lots of dragon synergy cards, but made them neutral and gave one more to Paladin. If that isn't a big fuck you I don't know what is.

Oh and rogues get swashburgler for arena as a common...


A cynic would say team is buffing other classes since they all have hero portraits, so people would be more inclined to buy those addons when this expansion releases.

Priest has no portrait.


mini review:

Good/almost certainly playable

Menagerie Warden
Cloaked Huntress
Medivh's Vaelt
Nightbane Templar
Moat Lurker
Arcane Giant
Enchanted Raven
Kindly Grandmother
Firelands Portal
The Curator
Malchezaar's Imp
Book Wyrm
Medivh, The Guardian
Silverware Golem
Babbling Book
Netherspite Historian
Fool's Bane
Moonglade Portal
Violet Illusionist
Maelstrom Portal

Potentially Playable

Cat Trick
Silvermoon Portal
Priest of the Feast
Menagerie Magician
Onyx Bishop
Spirit Claws
Ironforge Portal
Avian Watcher
Ivory Knight
Ethereal Peddler
Fool's Bane

Probably Bad

Deadly Fork
Wicked Witchdoctor
Runic Egg
Pantry Spider
Arcane Anomaly
Kara Kazham
Protect the King
Prince Malchezaar
Pompous Thespian


Cloaked Huntress will see play, and will be annoying as hell because it will either be a decent play that turn or be a semi priority target for the next one.

Beyond that I'm not making any predictions, but I can already tell I'll hate it.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Spider Tank with an upside is unplayable, you heard it from the pros guize

"Nobody's going to make a YouTube video if we get that right!"

Dey salty doe


Rip in Pepperoni, Priest. Looks like I'll continue to head to Wild and Tavern Brawls since Blizzard apparently has no clue of what Priest actually needs. I'll give you a hint, it's not another 3 attack 4 drop, it's not heals, it's not value-focused late game cards and it's not whatever the fuck Purify is.


"Priest got his own 4 mana 7/7 (Eerie Statue) with 2 mana overload (Purify)."

#dead - that blizzard troll. Seems like a legit troll card

They can always make a 0 mana 1/3 that grows +2/+2 after each silence effect. Maybe then it would see play.
People would still just run 2x regular silence instead only, :lol.


Loving kripp go off on purify. He's right though, 2 mana for draw, wtf.

Also can't believe kripp can't pronounce menagerie
It's too bad you can't do some kind of combo Priest that relies 100% on Sylvanas.

Play Sylvanas.
Play Moat Lurker to kill her.
Use Resurrect to bring her back.
Use Onyx Knight to bring her back again.
Moat Lurker dies at some point, bringing her back again.

The rest of the deck would be minionless except for N'Zoth.

whats the kripp link? Im literally crying myself to sleep tonight over these priest reveals
Strong cards that fit in legit decks
Menagarie Warden - Makes beast druid legit I feel, along with enchanted raven.
Enchanted Raven - Makes beast druid legit I feel, along with the warden
Cloaked Huntress - Absolutely nuts for adding even more pressure for hunters and can put a stealthed minion down before or after call of the wild (ready for the next one)
Medivhs Valet - A bit niche, but certainly useable in slower mage decks.
Nightban Templar - Given the other dragon cards added, this makes dragon Paladin worth trying again
Maelstrom portal - Shamans need a board clear and this has no overload.
Arcanosmith - Bit of a borderline card, but I think if you are going for control this card makes a lot of sense. Even in control warrior, it'll essentially put a stop to things on turn 4 and buy you time to a brawl.
Kindly Grandmother - Fuck this card, although that said it might not fit into decks just yet, becaues Hunter already has a few more "fuck this cards". It'll cycle in at some stage.
Barnes - I thought about leaving this out, but since N'Zoth is still pretty strong you might as well throw this guy in and see what happens. There is also the slim chance a combo deck will come from him, although it seems unlikely.
Book Wyrm - Although dragon paladin will be worth trying... I don't think this card will make a strong Paladin list due to space. Maybe a 1 of.
Prince Malchezaar - Needs the right kind of deck, but will certainly get some play.
Silverware Golemn - Even if discard doesn't work, and it doesn't, having this card in for a doom guard or soul fire just makes sense.
Netherspite Historian - A very strong card with annoying stats to boot. Even though I think dragon paladin will be the stronger choice, it'll get more play in dragon priest since priests have no other choice. The 1/3 stats work for early card draw, so it is a must include.
Moonglade Portal - Heal is always strong and 6 mana minions are generally nuts.
Avian Watcher - Seems ok and should fit into freeze mage.

Ok cards that don't really fit into decks or decks are not legit

Cat Trick - Wouldn't make it into a standard Hunter list, but you could do worse for the surprise factor alone given it functions as a counterspell to some degree (say against a heal).
Menagarie Magician - Just too clunky. Migth work in a joke deck.
Onyx Bishop - Too slow for contstructed.
Swashburglar - Actually pretty good, but pirate rogue isn't going to work and they already have full lists.
Deadly Fork - As above, not a card rogue lists need. Might be used in the future.
Arcane Giant - You'll see it in fun decks, but I don't think anything too serious. Needs way more spells than you would seriously have in your deck. That said, Barnes Priest with spells + these guys might be ok.
Firelands Portal - Too slow for constructed.
Ivory Knight - Too slow for constructed.
Etheral Peddler - Good card, but there isn't enough there to build a deck around.
The Curator - There are some fun ideas around this card, but none of them are as good as just running optimal cards.
Imp - I don't think discard will work and zoo has way stronger options.
Kara Kazham - It is ok, that is it.
Protect the king - Seems good, but anything it summons will be killed by the warrior who plays it. Even in a bolster deck, you'll essentially be wild pyro into muster for battle.
Pompos Thespian - It is only ok
Medivh - Far too slow except for some fun Druid or Priest decks. A good card though.
Babbling book - A bit of a whatever card.
Fools bane - I see this more of an arena card. But wouldn't be surprised if it works out ok.
Violet Illusionist - What kills this is the stats, it should be the other way around.

Blackrock Mountain Cards
Silvermoon portal - Paladin has way better 4 drops
Priest of the feast - Priest has better heal card synergy
Wicked Witchdoctor - Not a 4 mana 7/7
Spirit Claws - Not bad, but Shaman already has better weapons
Ironforge portal - Way too slow and 4 drops tend to suck
Pantry Spider - Just whatever
Arcane Anomaly - Just whatever
Moat Lurker - Amazing purify synergy. Which says it all.
Moroes - Warrior is in the game
Zoobot - This card is just getting silly

Purify cards
Runic Egg - Almost as bad as purify
Purify - Purify


Priest maybe kinda need heal, they somehow outclassed by pally at that aspect

man is the class badd
Priest shouldn't need Burst Heal like Paladin, they have ridiculous sustain ability while also potentially healing 12-14 with Flash Heals and Hero Power. The problem is Priest can't fight at all in the early game and can't do anything against a non-Zoo board in the late game. Even if they had the heal of Forbidden Healing, they don't have a way to stop that damage from continuing like Paladin. If Priest even had Enter the Coliseum I'd guarantee it would be run in every Control Priest.


ah ah Priest

ah ah

ah ah

I couldn't care less since I don't like nor play the class, but it's kind of funny to see how incompetent and clueless the people in the HS Blizzard team can be.
this Purify, the Mage common portal card making arena even worse, etc.


Priests not only aren't in the same league as the other classes, at this point they are playing a whole different game. It's clear team 5 have zero, zero idea what priests need, and with purify, they clearly have zero idea how to even design a priest card.
Wow. Purify is basically a massive Fuck You to priest. There's no situation I can think of where you would ever silence your own minions even if you can draw a card. Absolute garbage card.
Priest shouldn't need Burst Heal like Paladin, they have ridiculous sustain ability while also potentially healing 12-14 with Flash Heals and Hero Power. The problem is Priest can't fight at all in the early game and can't do anything against a non-Zoo board in the late game. Even if they had the heal of Forbidden Healing, they don't have a way to stop that damage from continuing like Paladin. If Priest even had Enter the Coliseum I'd guarantee it would be run in every Control Priest.

the issue is that outside of nova and evil, all their removal is situational or combo. they had lightbomb which was like brawl/EoC but now they don't which as ppl know just makes priest the class where you win if you have the right card at the time or you lose if you dont. Couple that with no early game minions to contest other classes you pretty much just pray you draw well or the other guy draws poorly to stabilize in the late game.
What if you got a 7/7 though

The priest you are playing would just use shadow word death.

Wow. Purify is basically a massive Fuck You to priest. There's no situation I can think of where you would ever silence your own minions even if you can draw a card. Absolute garbage card.

They seem to be betting on Barnes Priest being a thing. Which it might be since there isn't priest anything else.


Wow. Purify is basically a massive Fuck You to priest. There's no situation I can think of where you would ever silence your own minions even if you can draw a card. Absolute garbage card.

Well copied 1/1's from Barnes/herald or eerie statue/watcher. But even in those situations why wouldn't I just run silence. It's 0 mana and gives me flexibility. Why would I want a 2 mana card that I could do with silence+pws , a combo that costs 1 mana.
Well copied 1/1's from Barnes/herald or eerie statue/watcher. But even in those situations why wouldn't I just run silence. It's 0 mana and gives me flexibility. Why would I want a 2 mana card that I could do with silence+pws , a combo that costs 1 mana.

a 3 card two turn or 5 mana combo that may not even be good. Seems terrible most of the time even if just running the 0 mana silence


I am going to be surprised if this Adventure has more than half the amount of playable cards of LoE. LoE has like 20+ playable cards in it, I am struggling to nail down 10 with this expansion.

But that's just looking at current meta, of course if thief Rogue becomes a thing then that adds two cards to the list at least.


a 3 card two turn or 5 mana combo that may not even be good. Seems terrible most of the time even if just running the 0 mana silence

I'm not saying it will be a thing or that it's good, it's not. Like the reason for Barnes 1/1's are for their deathrattle or their end of turn effect. Silencing that or silencing any minion for the stats with purify is just stupid.

Literally one of the worst cards this game has ever seen.


I am going to be surprised if this Adventure has more than half the amount of playable cards of LoE. LoE has like 20+ playable cards in it, I am struggling to nail down 10 with this expansion.

Count Prince Malchezaar as 6 because he adds 5 legendaries. /s
Know you're going to already win by fighting a priest.
Except on tonight's stream, the Priest beat the Thief Rogue. :p

Priest isn't good at playing tempo, but Thief Rogue is just a ton of tempo loss. Play an understatted 1-drop, then ditto for your 2-drop, then spend an entire turn to draw 2 random cards. If your opponent is a Shaman, you're probably dead within the next turn or two. Dahbomb said you can Prep the Burgle, but then you're spending 2 cards to...get 2 cards? Why not just put 2 good cards in your deck instead of Burgle+Prep combo? lol
Except on tonight's stream, the Priest beat the Thief Rogue. :p

Priest isn't good at playing tempo, but Thief Rogue is just a ton of tempo loss. Play an understatted 1-drop, then ditto for your 2-drop, then spend an entire turn to draw 2 random cards. If your opponent is a Shaman, you're probably dead within the next turn or two. Dahbomb said you can Prep the Burgle, but then you're spending 2 cards to...get 2 cards? Why not just put 2 good cards in your deck instead of Burgle+Prep combo? lol

Oh come on... don't use him running a random crap rogue deck used to showcase new cards as how good the deck will be.
I'm not saying it will be a thing or that it's good, it's not. Like the reason for Barnes 1/1's are for their deathrattle or their end of turn effect. Silencing that or silencing any minion for the stats with purify is just stupid.

Literally one of the worst cards this game has ever seen.

yea. I guess I can see barnes in priest now, as you can pull out auchenai, shade, sylv, or cairne if you run it, but idk if it's gonna make priest great again. Auchenai, nsp, and pyro are probably situational copies where you hope you get it. Sylv, cairne and shade are fine all the time. This is literally zeta's list with just barnes and bishop in for the 2 resurrects



Spider Tank with an upside is unplayable, you heard it from the pros guize

"Nobody's going to make a YouTube video if we get that right!"

Dey salty doe

To be fair they're saying "for this meta" and basically assuming no changes which if true I would have to agree. You'd have to two cards in your hand and also want to play both. Hunter has so many good 3 drops it's hard for this to make the cut (not to mention the best hunter deck barely run secrets if at all).


Purify is such a disastrously bad card, it alone will make arena priest unplayable until the next set.
Not that you want to play priest in arena right now, but now you never will either.
The other priest cards are alright, but definitely not what the class needs right now.
Blizzard also needs to stop giving priest 4 drops and give them 2 mana drops instead.

Menagerie Wardenis pretty good, but often enough it's just going to be a 5/5 for 6.

I suppose hunters will play Cloaked Huntress, since hunter don't have many great 3 drops,but it's going to bring secrets back on it's own.
The new trap is cute, but secrets still aren't in a good spot right now.

Medivh's Valet is going to be crazy in wild, but he is not enough to bring back secrets to standard.

Silvermoon Portal is kind of like celric, but +2/+2 instead of +1/+1 and I don't think that's good enough for 4 mana.
Nightbane Templar is just like Razorfen Hunter with 2 tokens,which should be good enough, but because of ghouls, it's terrible against warriors.

Fork could be great, but might be a bit too slow.
Swashburglar ,together with EP, could finally enable a thief rogue deck.

The shaman cards aren't very good. The weapon could be great, but there are only 2 spell damage cards worth playing right now and I don't think that's enough.

Ironforge Portal is basically a 5 mana shieldmaiden, so it will probably get played.

Arcane Giant is pretty good in yogg decks, but might be too slow.
Moat Lurker looks like of awful, but since we have nothing to compare it to, it could secretly be really good.
Avian Watcher is awesome in wild, but secret are still bad in standard.
Wihout any new murlocs, I don't think murloc/beast/ dragon deck is going to be a thing and as such Menagerie Magician isn't going to be that good.

Arcanosmith could be really good, since summoning a 0/5 is kind of like healing 5 plus overkill to your hero and he could also be really annoying in zoo decks.
Violet Illusionist: Finally the nerf to Curse of Raafam we were looking for! Ok now seriously, I don't know how to judge this one.
Arcane Anomaly is alright I guess. Yogg decks will probably play him, but that's about it.
Pantry Spider is bad, the test tag isn't going to save it either.
Runic Egg also sucks.

Overall the set is not very impressive. Reminds me of BRM in terms of quality.
Well copied 1/1's from Barnes/herald or eerie statue/watcher. But even in those situations why wouldn't I just run silence. It's 0 mana and gives me flexibility. Why would I want a 2 mana card that I could do with silence+pws , a combo that costs 1 mana.

True, but even then that seems incredibly situational. Guess I'm just really disappointed in this adventure especially since priest was one of the classes I loved to play, but recent expansions haven't really been to kind and this adventure is a real slap in the face to the class :/


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Blizzard can go fuck themselves with the valet. How is that a bad card to be common. Geeze

In arena? You're not likely to draft many secrets. It'll be a river croc most of the time. Of the three mage cards it's definitely the worst in arena.

The real crime here is Purify being common while Onyx Bishop is a rare. That's actually indefensible.
You won't ever run it because your first two turns were already so terrible, lol.

Sometimes, it's all you have to play!

Also back to my original point, why judge based on these showcase matches? You probably don't even run burgle. Perhaps a 1 of.

Hahahahaha Priest.

At least Purge gives them exactly a 4 mana 7/7 overload 2 by comboing Eerie statue with purge.

It's obviously a bad card. Dunno why jumped down my throat for saying it's maybe better than the candidate for worst spell ever people initially labelled it.


Unconfirmed Member
Hahahahaha Priest.

At least Purge gives them exactly a 4 mana 7/7 overload 2 by comboing Eerie statue with next turn purge.

It's obviously a bad card. Dunno why jumped down my throat for saying it's maybe better than the candidate for worst spell ever people initially labelled it.

Oops, I was going to respond to your post, and decided to make a more general post but forgot to remove the quote. Sorry.

I was going to say that play would be basically a 3/4 and 8/8 for 6 at best, which shaman can already do but with 3/4 and 7/7 overload 3. We've learned that's not an entirely game ending tempo turn and priest isn't a tempo class that can capitalize on a turn like that. Even in the best case scenarios it's not all that great.
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