(Restricted to just Constructed and the upcoming meta only)
Good/Great cards (range from very playable to potentially meta defining)
Firelands Portal: This card is obviously good, the only question is whether it is constructed good enough. In terms of value you are getting roughly a half to 1 mana discount with it though it depends on how good the 5 drop is. I would not be surprised to see a one of in even a slower Tempo Mage list. Auto include in a Reno Mage deck.
The Curator: This card is potentially insane. Being able to draw specific cards from your deck is a very rare and powerful effect in Hearthstone and this card draws 3 specific cards from your deck. Any deck that can utilize even two of the cards in the deck can use it. Hell even Dragon Warrior can use this card because they just have to put in Fiercy Monkey to use it (they already use Finley and a bunch of dragons). There are obvious combo implications with this card as it doubles your chances of getting either Alex or Malygos (or any other card that fits the criteria and is useful for a combo). I would be surprised if this doesn't see play.
Book Wyrm: This card is very solid. It's a good tool in control Dragon decks, specifically it's very good in Dragon Paladin because Paladin has many stat changing cards like Aldor and Keeper. It's a dragon itself with reasonable stats for its ability so it can activate your other dragons unlike Blackwing Corruptor. Blackwing Corruptor is still better and I would still run Drakonid Crusher in aggressive Dragon decks but for slower Dragon decks you can run both Corruptor and this card. Also playable in Dragon Priest over Cabal Shadow Priest.
Menagerie Warden: This card is the final piece of the puzzle in Beast Druid. I do think that with Enchanted Raven that Beast Druid is finally there. This card synergizes very well with Stranglethorn Tiger which means that you have a god curve with Beast Druids now (turn 1 Raven, turn 2 Mark or Druid of Saber, turn 3 Raptor/Jungle Panther/Druid of the Flame, turn 4 Savage, turn 5 Tiger/Druid of Claw, turn 6 Warden). This card is strong enough to make Beast Druid very real.
Barnes: This card is very good in a very bad way. If this card draws the nuts you could potentially win the game on the spot. Very poor design IMO. Very strong in Nzoth decks, also usable in some combos decks to pull out an early Malygos or Emperor Thaurissan for example. There are some silence shenanigans you can pull with this card too with Priest's 0 mana spell but that's getting into fringe territory. I would be very surprised if this doesn't see play.
Nightbane Templar: Dragon Paladin is looking more and more legit in this adventure. This is a very strong turn 3 play for Dragon Paladin assuming the condition is met. It's good against aggression because of the split bodies though you can get punished by a set War Axe into Ravaging Ghoul. Just a solid all around card and much needed to get Dragon Paladin going.
Kindly Grandmother: Hunters have been aching for a good 2 drop to play and they finally have one. This is an auto replace over Huge Toad in Hunter decks especially the newer Hybrid lists that are running Abusive Sergeants and Direwolf Alphas. This card is somewhere between Huge Toad and Haunted Creeper in terms of power level. All around a very good card for Hunter that fills a very important hole in their arsenal. I also hate card designs like these.
Netherspite Historian: This is like a neutral Museum Curator for Dragon decks. It has a condition though but it comes with one more HP. Not only that but it's very difficult to get 3 bad Dragon options off a Discover when you look at all the possible Dragons. I think the worst case is getting 3 really expensive dragons against a tempo deck and even that's not that bad. This is a solid inclusion in Dragon Paladin (because they lack a solid 2 drop synergy option) and also in Dragon Priest as a back up 2 drop. If only Priest had a 3 mana buff spell to play on this card...
Enchanted Raven: The 1 drop that Beast Druid needed. It's not the most exciting card but it fills a very important role in the Beast Druid arsenal which is getting on board early and abusing Mark of Yshaarj. If Beast Druid becomes a thing (which it might because of that new 6 drop), then this card is obviously staple. Not much else to say about this card.
Malchezaar's Imp: The stats are premium and it's a demon on top of it. It comes with a text too that is relevant even in Zoo. If this card sees play in Zoo then it might be enough for Zoo decks to start running double Soulfire and Doomguards (if they aren't doing it already) and possible one additional discard card. The two main questions are: Will this card result in the use of Demonfire? You can replace Argent Squire in your deck with this card and have 6 1 mana demons that can be buffed with Demonfire for a big swing early in the game. The other question is related to Discard Lock and whether that's real because of course this is staple in that kind of deck. In any case... the stats on this card are good enough to be playable in Zoo and that's good enough for me to put it in the playable category.
Potentially playable aka Fringe case cards
Arcane Giant: Just like Frost Giant it's a bit difficult to evaluate this card. You kinda need to have played 6-7 spells by the mid game for this to be playable/good. Druids, Mage and Rogues are capable of doing this the most consistently in a reasonable amount of times. I feel this is far more playable than Frost Giant though. Damn shame we don't have Echo of Medivh in Standard although it might replace Frost Giants in Giants Mage deck in Wild.
Medivh: Similar to Arcane Giant, decks with lots of spells can utilize this card. Though unlike Arcane Giant, the spell deck has to be cost heavy where as with Arcane Giant you need more cheap spells. Mage has the better expensive spells with stuff like Cabalists Tome, Pyroblast and that new Firelands Portal. I think I would just rather use Rhonin for Mage though. I do believe it's better than Summoning Portal though so who knows. Hell maybe Hunter puts this card in just for the hell of it so they can use double Call of Wilds with it. This card will never be THAT good because if it becomes even remotely playable people will start putting in weapon removal and then that's it for this card. If I had to bet I would say this card is not that playable but crazier things have happened.
Moonglade Portal: Damn shame this card wasn't a Warlock card. I think this card is better than it looks. Historically, heal cards have been very poor in terms of stat in HS... the best one is still Earthenring Farseer. If you expect to get a 5 cost minion out of this card's effect (which actually summons a random 6 drop)... then this is a superior Guardian of Kings and Guardian of Kings have seen play in the past. It's in Druid though and Druid already has quite a lot healing. Maybe a Ramp Druid card (because it can also heal your own minions) or something else. Or maybe nothing at all, very tough to call but in terms of how cards have been balanced/stated before, I feel this is right on the money. But of course cards that are just right in terms of cost/stats don't usually see constructed play.
Fool's Bane: A decent 4th weapon card option for slower Warrior decks (After 2 War Axes and a Gorehowl). There isn't much to say about this card, you can think of it like a 6/2 weapon as well that even though you take more damage, you can use both charges in one turn. Is a 6/2 weapon that you can only use on minions good enough at 5 mana? It has flexibility of multiple hits in one turn and distributing the attack at cost of your HP and makes it less susceptible to Harrison Jones. A great option in Reno Warrior too if you want to play that (which is a deck that Blizzard has on their recipe list lol!).
Cloaked Huntress: On paper this card sounds nuts. "Oh man I can empty my hand filled with Secrets AND play a premium stats 3 mana card? THATS CRAZY!! DR 3 BOYZ!" Except if you have a hand full of secrets as a Hunter you are playing a crap deck. You play like one Secret in your Midrange Hunter deck at best. This is a better Wild card though because Hunter runs secrets just to activate Mad Scientist and this allows more consistency in the deck with Eaglehorn. Hunter already has some strong turn 3 plays between Eaglehorn and Animal Companion. This card doesn't have the Beast tag, if it did then it might've seen a lot of play (would've been staple then). As it is, I feel that despite it's amazing stats it won't see much play because it's in Hunter. Maybe there is some weird heavy Secrets Hunter Lock n Load deck that can utilize this card.
Silverware Golem: This card is dependent on how good a Discard Lock deck is so this is another card that comes with an asterisk. My initial gut feeling is that a full on Discard Lock deck will not be good but a Zoo deck with some discard mechanics might work and this does not fit into a Zoo deck at all. This will just sit in your hand most of the time waiting to be discarded. If you get the nuts and discard it off of a Soul Fire early game... man the tempo is going to be insane! But again, can't build your deck around hopes and dreams. I was hesitant to move this into the tier below because if Discard Lock becomes this degenerate aggro deck then of course this card will see play and I didn't want to discount that possibility.
Maelstrom Portal: Straight up power creep over a class card, first time I have seen this in Hearthstone (AFAIK). Though it's difficult to fit it into any particular Shaman deck. Blizzard wants you to put this in a spell power deck but really I think it can work fine in a control deck as a one of. Shaman can regularly get spell power on the board and 2 damage board clear for 2 mana and summon a 1 drop? That's not bad at all. It doesn't have overload which is also quite nice. Maybe in Midrange Shaman?
Medivh's Valet: IMO this is better than Cloaked Huntress because the effect is very strong. 3 damage on a 2 mana body is just insane but the condition is harder to meet. The Mage secret that is least likely to be popped early is Ice Block and Ice Block has been run in Tempo Mage decks before. This fits very well in Reno Mage too as it's like having access to a second Frostbolt and Reno Mage also runs Ice Block. I am still skeptical because if you don't have a secret this card doesn't do anything and it's possible that your other secrets get popped before you get to use this card. That's why I have it in this tier and not the one above.
Swash Buckler: In a similar boat as Ethereal Peddler although this has additional benefit of being a Pirate. That's more relevant in Wild than in Standard because of Ship's Cannon. It's like Web Spinner for Rogues which might be enough to make it playable to be honest as it's cheap and well stated. Of course if Steal Rogue is a thing then this is staple though it's usable as just a regular 1 drop in Nzoth Rogue deck or Deathrattle Rogue decks. Losing tempo on turn 1 isn't as bad as losing it on turn 2. Plus it being 1 mana means it can be used to enable Rogue combos.
Babbling Book: It's like a Web Spinner (or a Swash Buckler) for Mages. For a Tempo Mage deck, getting random Mage spells is pretty good most are very usable. While Mana Wyrm is undeniably the better card, this is another 1 drop option for the deck to increase early game consistency. Of course every Casino Mage user will throw this in and roll the dice.
Arcane Anomaly: It's an alright 1 drop but it's not broken enough for consistent constructed play. Even if you managed to pump it up into a 2/4 or a 2/5, that's not that threatening. Maybe I am being too harsh on this card comparing it to Mana Wyrm and Tunnel Trogg because those cards are broken. It's a 1 drop that can grow and that's relevant IMO so I am going to bump it up to fringe case scenario. Never underestimate 1 drops in this game. This is actually kinda usable in Rogues too.
Mediocre to bad cards (probably unplayable)
Ivory Knight: Paladin already has a bunch of heals and there are quite a lot of crappy Paladin spells that you can Discover. It's stated appropriately and does 3 things at once so it's no joke of a card but it feels like a redundant tool in Paladin's arsenal. Maybe sees fringe playability in Reno Paladin which is the best place to put this in but in standard Control Paladin there are just better more consistent cards to use. Might have seen more play if Forbidden Healing didn't exist.
Moat Lurker: This is a cool card not gonna lie. If you are running silences, you can use this card and then silence Moat Lurker. Rogues can even bounce it back to their hand with Shadow Step on the same turn. Then there are other combos you can do with it like you can use Ancestral Spirit on your Earth Elemental, then kill it with this card when it's low on HP so that you can get multiple Earth Elemental. However, there area a lot of what ifs with this card and there are some mechanics with this card that I am not too certain of (like its interaction with Nzoth and other resurrection effects). I like this card but I don't think it will see much play. I am putting a footnote on this card pending mechanics clarification.
Ironforge Portal: I have been wrong on cards that gain armor/HP before just FYI. However, I still don't think this card will see much play because it kinda has anti synergy. Warrior decks that care for getting a minion on board don't want a 5 mana random 4 drop (which is similar to playing a 3 drop in your deck). Warrior decks that play it slow need bigger armor gains and more utility which is why Bash and Shield Block are used. This doesn't fit either niche (Tempo or Control) so I see it falling short. This is far inferior to the Druid card by the way.
Kara Kazham: Boring flood Zoo card that no one gives a crap about because Warlock has Forbidden Ritual. Zoo wants much better tempo and board presence for 5 mana than this..
Avian Watcher: They should've just printed a 5 mana 3/7 taunt and just power creeped over Fen Creeper. Conditional buff that isn't even that impressive compared to the other secret synergy cards out there. It's like one stat over Druid of the Claw if it meets its condition, is that good enough to be played in a Secrets heavy deck? I don't think so mostly because secret heavy decks are not that good.
Ethereal Peddler: Obviously this card is dependent on how good the Steal Rogue deck is and I am just going to make a guess and say it won't be good. The concept of Steal Rogue is that you give up tempo early game for some value then regain all that tempo on turn 5 with this card. Rogue can somewhat keep up in tempo in early game because they have their hero power and 0 mana spells so in theory it could work but it's very likely that you can get bad spells from the random effects which puts a halt on your tempo plays. I put an asterisk on this card: Staple in Steal Rogue deck but it depends on if Steal Rogue is playable or not. If Steal Rogue isn't real then this card sees no play.
Menagerie Magician: Actual "zoo" decks will not be a thing until at least the next expansion. Hell it won't even be a thing in Wild so this card will not see play.
Onyx Bishop: Resurrect with a body. The stats are well balanced but balanced isn't what Priest needed at the moment. In a tempo Priest deck I would play this over Resurrect (or maybe I would play both) because I can resurrect Blademaster with this while also developing a solid 3/4 body. I think people will try to bring back the Blademaster/Holy Champion deck and maybe it works but I am doubtful. Or maybe Priest tries some meme Resurrect deck and tries to resurrect some stuf that Barne pulls out. This is one of the better cards in this tier though it just happens to be in a class that is almost assuredly going to be bad in the upcoming meta.
Prince Malchezaar: This card is not good but it's interesting and deserves to be in the game. It's one of those noob trap cards. New players over estimate Legendaries and underestimate deck consistency. It's a good learning experience. It's a worse Elise Starseeker in most cases and this card is only playable in the heaviest of fatigue decks and this card makes fatigue decks worse against aggro/tempo. Will not see play but I was wrong on Elise.
Silvermoon Portal: Paladin has way too many excellent 4 slot cards for this to see play. The effect is not strong enough either, it's like half a mana too expensive. Paladin is already too much of a win more class, they didn't need more cards like these.
Arcanosmith: It's like a Senjin but worse in some situations and better in others. It's a good set up before Defender of Argus though. I feel like there are some combos with this card that I am not seeing at this moment. Like obviously this is better in Zoo because you can place a Direwolf in the middle but is Zoo ever going to run this? I am just going to go ahead and say this card is not good.
Priest of the Feast: If the meta was mostly face decks then this card would be good but the meta is defined by tempo decks that will kill you despite your heals. This just delays the inevitable.. as if Priest needed ANOTHER heal card, they already have some of the best heals in the game. There are some shenanigans you do with this card and Holy Champion where you can pump up Holy Champion by playing a bunch of spells but ... nah this card sucks in constructed.
Wicked Witchdoctor: This is like a Violet Teacher only it's 3/4 stats. And it's also Shaman only and summons random Totems. Now granted random totems are better than vanilla 1/1s but this is a class card only and not only is it a class card... but it's a god damn 4 mana class card in Shaman. Shaman has 4 very strong 4 mana class cards and they only use one of them... To use this card you have to use a bunch of Totem synergies AND a bunch of spells.. basically this card is asking for you to put Totemic Might in your deck. Nah man... nah.
Protect the King: A significantly worse Unleash the Hounds. This should've been 2 mana to be honest. I guess Blizzard is too afraid of the Bolster combos. If Bolster decks haven't been a thing already (with stuff like Bog Creeper added to the game) then this card won't push it into playability alone. Someone is going to pull the dream where they play this card and 2 Bolsters... then still lose the game because the enemy still has priority when it comes to trading.
Deadly Fork: At first I thought this put a War Axe into your hand and I was like "woah you can combo this with Ethereal Peddler" but nah... you get a 3 mana 3/2 instead. That makes this card a lot worse. Honestly it would've been a lot better if this put a Deadly Poison in your hand because the 1 mana spell would've been a lot more flexible (even though that too is technically a 3 mana 3/2 weapon). As it is, you lose out on tempo twice when you play all of the parts in this card.
Moroes: In many cases this is just a worse Imp Master. Warrior punishes this card hard. I don't want to completely write off this card because of Steward Darkshire but man this card is really underwhelming for a Legendary. It feels like they tried it as a 2 drop or with different stats and was found to be broken so they kept it at these stats. As it is, it's too slow to get value off of.
Pantry Spider: Underwhelming front and backend body makes this card very mediocre. Not even Hunter can make good use out of this to be honest, they just have better turn 3 plays.
Violet Illusionist: Very interesting card with some nice applications particularly in something like Mill Rogue but Mill Rogue is actually a very tightly built deck and you need the right combination of stall cards, combo cards and draw cards. You can use some combos with Chogall too and get off a free spell. Maybe also usable in weapon classes that play a slower game? I like that this card exists but I don't feel it has an appropriate deck yet, at least not one that I can see right now.
Zoobot: "Zoo" deck isn't real and it won't be after this adventure either, so this card won't be real either. Though in Dragon decks, this is in many cases going to be a pre-nerf Shattered Sun Cleric. Is a conditional Shattered Sun good enough though? I don't think so. Maybe you can try it in the Dragon Warrior deck that also uses Curator and get this off on a Fierce Monkey and a Dragon but man you are hurting your deck consistency a lot at this point.
Cat Trick: It's like Counter Spell for Hunter. I feel like Bear Trap is the superior trap and that barely sees play. Not much to say about this card, Hunters generally don't like to run secrets. In a Wild it could see play just because Secret Paladin sees play and getting a 4/2 panther off of a random Secret + Mad Scientistis quite nice.
Pompous Thespian: Power creep. Boring. Next.
Runic Egg: Strange card all around, I struggle to see who can even use this card appropriately. My initial thought was Zoo but Zoo/buff oriented decks would much rather use Dragon Egg. There are better cycle cards to use than this to be honest.
Spirit Claws: Shaman already has a bunch of decent to excellent weapons that they can use and they also have early game removal. This card fits in a very awkward spot where it's sort of an early game removal but not really because you can't really guarantee having the spell damage on board. This is yet another archetype that Blizzard is trying to force on Shamans but this is a long way from happening. Just use some other weapon in your Shaman deck over this.
Jay Schneider Viscant Tier (aka Purity tier)
Purify : This card makes Demonfuse look like Dr Boom. First person who uses this card against me on Ladder I will concede instantly out of courtesy. I don't normally disenchant commons because it's not really worth it to do so but I am disenchanting this with the swiftness. To think a vast majority of Blizzard's designers approved of this card is both baffling and worrisome. And that's talking about the card in vacuum, when talking about it with its relationship to the current worst class in the game... it makes it even more pitiful.