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Hearthstone |OT7/7| _ Give Tyrande | _ Blizzard: Give Amazon Money

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Turn 1 coin watcher. Turn 2 purify. Turn 3 opponent concedes.

I'm thinking Dev team hates playing against priest just as much as the rest of us so they gave priest a card to go screw itself.


I need my fix of TCG without too much of positioning shenanigan, hope Gwent can be very gud
The game in the witcher was decent and different than other stuff currently in development or available so it should be a nice alternative.

Eternal will be out of closed beta soon and that is the digital version of magic that magic duels should have been.

Fable fortune will also be in closed beta in a few weeks (hs esque game with nice graphics and improvements).

Last but not least u can play elder scrolls legends right now.

Choose your game! ;)


I need my fix of TCG without too much of positioning shenanigan, hope Gwent can be very gud

Im playing star realms now, the game is free to download but you need to unlock the full game for 5 dollars.

Is a deck building game though, so you don't collect cards, still is a really fun game, and the best of it is that buying the game on steam unlocks it on smartphones


The game in the witcher was decent and different than other stuff currently in development or available so it should be a nice alternative.
And they've really tweaked the game from the Witcher 3 one to stand-alone.

Shit like new kinds of spies (example: lowers strength of all enemy troops in the row it's played), or stuff like Wild Hunt cards in Monster decks powering up during blizzard rather than weakining.


What Token Druid usually mulligan for aside Wild Growth >_>

I'm at loss seeing load of spell to keep or not
Living Roots, Wrath, Innervate if you already have something you want to Innervate out. I might keep Violet Teacher if I have the coin too.


Blizz will be really happy with the decisions by the the dumb HS designers and their even more dumb chief ben laughing brode when they realise at the end of the year that the player numbers are dropping A LOT.
The meta was already really crap (with people stop playing) and it will only get worse with karazhan.
Dunno how a design team can be so incompetent while the game is still making tons of money

It's the circle of life. the old will retire and newer players will replace them. happens with every game

The only decision "you" need to make for yourself is when it is time to move on. HS has a huge, healthy community and it will continue


I went to sleep and woke up and I'm still angry about purify.

This is seriously an instance that blizzard has to explain themselves. Even if their reasoning was "fuck priest and priest players, we hate the class and you" at least that'll explain purify. Otherwise it's just baffling how anyone could create that card and then everyone that approves cards signed off on that.

Good thing I decided to not pay money for this adventure and am just going to grind out the gold. I'm almost there


Unconfirmed Member
In the stream they actually mention to "combo" of ancient watcher and purify.
A 2 card combo for 4 mana to get a fucking yeti for 4 mana, how impressive.

It can be a 2 mana 4/5 overload 2, which is better than yeti, but yeah still not exactly a great combo.


I went to sleep and woke up and I'm still angry about purify.

This is seriously an instance that blizzard has to explain themselves. Even if their reasoning was "fuck priest and priest players, we hate the class and you" at least that'll explain purify. Otherwise it's just baffling how anyone could create that card and then everyone that approves cards signed off on that.

Good thing I decided to not pay money for this adventure and am just going to grind out the gold. I'm almost there
Alternatively, stop playing the game. Save gold for arena.

I think I will skip on this expansion and return during the holidays.

Problems don't go away, and you can protect your time and wallet.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm sure every permutation of ancient watcher/eerie statue + silence has been tried. The fact that even with a 0 mana silence that archetype has never taken off, it's not going to take off with a 2 mana card.

Also these made me laugh http://imgur.com/a/j7ogv

A deck based around that is undeniably better this expansion with additional silences to draw and additional targets to silence, and I imagine card draw was the biggest problem Ancient Watcher plus silence faced.

Not saying that this will be good at all, just saying these examples people throw out are a little bit overboard.


My Top 5:

  • Menagerie Warden. Completely Degenerate, this and Enchanted Raven are probably single handedly going to thrust Beast Druid into the spotlight.
  • Medivh's Valet. A 2 mana Fire Elemental will be an auto-include in any Mage deck that runs Ice Block, could even see play in Tempo Mage if they start running secrets. Huge buff to Wild Mage, broken in a deck that runs Mad Scientist.
  • Netherspite Historian. An excellent card for slower Dragon decks. If you run Dragons and you aren't a face deck, this is an autoinclude. Discover is a proven mechanic and the Dragon Tribe is really powerful so there's not much chance of whiffing.

    [*]The Legendaries
    : Curator and Barnes. Not much to add. I think these cards have a very high upside when people figure out the decks they belong in.

Biggest Winners:

Druid and Mage; Dragon Decks.


What's ultimately disappointing is this expansion doesn't really bring a new game mechanic to the meta.

Naxx: Many Death Rattles.
GvG: Mech synergy.
BRM: Emperor. Imp Gang Boss. Flamewaker. Dragon Priest.
TGT: Inspire. Joust.
LOE: Discover.
WoG: C'Thun + friends.
Kar: Purify.


I have enough dust to craft Yogg and a few epics so should I go with a Yogg and load deck or a Yogg Mage?

Well... in the current meta, I'd go Mage for sure. However, Yogg'n'Load Hunter probably got a buff with Kara so maybe wait and see.


What's ultimately disappointing is this expansion doesn't really bring a new game mechanic to the meta.

Naxx: Many Death Rattles.
GvG: Mech synergy.
BRM: Emperor. Imp Gang Boss. Flamewaker. Dragon Priest.
TGT: Joust.
LOE: Discover.
WoG: C'Thun + friends.
Kar: Purify.

you could argue the menagerie thing is Kharazan's, rewarding a deck with a mixture of minion types and synergies.


What's ultimately disappointing is this expansion doesn't really bring a new game mechanic to the meta.

Naxx: Many Death Rattles.
GvG: Mech synergy.
BRM: Emperor. Imp Gang Boss. Flamewaker. Dragon Priest.
TGT: Joust.
LOE: Discover.
WoG: C'Thun + friends.
Kar: Purify.

That's unfair. This expansion brought multi-tribe synergy (Zoobot, Curator, Other Zoobot) and the Portal spells.

If you're going to give BRM credit for Emperor than you have to give Kara credit for Barnes because, like ET, it's an extremely powerful effect when used in the right deck.


you could argue the menagerie thing is Kharazan's, rewarding a deck with a mixture of minion types and synergies.

I suppose it's mostly a passive feature (deck building). It's not like Inspire or Discover.

That's unfair. This expansion brought multi-tribe synergy (Zoobot, Curator, Other Zoobot) and the Portal spells.

If you're going to give BRM credit for Emperor than you have to give Kara credit for Barnes because, like ET, it's an extremely powerful effect when used in the right deck.

Emperor is insane as it affects cards immediately.

Barnes is RNG dependent. Note I could have said shredder and Dr. Boom for GvG.

As for Portal Spells, where is Priest's? What's the theme?

I did buy BRM recently as I only had the first wing and said it was the most disappointing adventure expansion. I guess this is the standard Blizzard wants for its expansions.

You didn't see the hidden card text: "FU-Priest: Reduce your chance to fight a priest deck to almost 0%"

Think this will lead to a bunch of Priest players BM'ing every game.

Cat Party

I just can't get over how pointless Purify is. I know we're beating it to death, but when Silence already exists as a 0 mana card, why would you ever play Purify? Even when Blizz makes other bad cards I can see what they are thinking. Here, it's like they forgot Priest already had the most efficient silence in the game.

Oh well, I think some of those other cards are pretty sweet. That new giant is ludicrous.

But I do agree that it's kind of a bummer that this adventure doesn't have any cards to build a deck around. I guess we were spoiled with all the cool shit from LoE.


I'm not sure if it's entertaining or just sad seeing every new generation of Hearthstone players realizing that the Hearthstone team only care about making as much money with the minimum amount of work. Those of us who have been around from the start have realized this ever since GvG.


I think this new expansion has introduced 5 or 6 staple cards, a small handful of good-to-okay cards, and some completely worthless crap.

Seems about right. Even LOE (the best loved expansion) has some really bad cards.

Unless you're a Priest main (or had some ridiculous expectation that we were going to get some solid control cards), there's really no reason to be flipping tables over the reveals.

Maybe I'm just cynical, but the reveals were honestly about what I was expecting.

I think the single player content is going to be really fun, the meta is going to get a bit faster, and Priest is going to stay in the dumpster in Standard.

At least Priest has a top tier Wild deck--Rogue is pretty mediocre in both formats and you don't see Rogue mains starting ridiculous petitions or shitposting Reddit all day.


Unconfirmed Member
Medivh is pretty good for Yogg decks yall.
So are these portal cards for the most part.

That's all I have to say about Karazhan.

Purify is so clearly a shit tier card that I can't believe it was printed. Fucking sad.


I was willing to give the dev team the benefit of the doubt for a while, and I didn't want to be one of those guys who just goes around bitching about Hearthstone all the time, but: do they even fucking play the game?

They must. This isn't a FFXI situation where the developers are completely clueless, but I feel like any 'play testing' that goes into new cards and sets must only happen in the dev team's own little bubble. I can't imagine anyone testing some of these cards out against the top decks being played on ladder right now and still think they're worth a damn. I'm sure they put in work against one of their teammate's shitty random deck, though.

The developers also seem to have a real problem with everything either being just a little too weak to see play or completely fucking bonkers. Like that Priest minion that revives dead minions could be playable if you discovered a dead minion to bring back instead of it being totally random. You'd still run into situations where you get to pick from three 1/1 tokens or whatever, but at least you'd be able to put in some input to not get trash.

Then if the devs want to see a specific type of deck being played, they just print broken bullshit to make it happen. No one's playing secrets? Make Mad Scientist. No one's playing Paladin secrets, even with the broken-ass scientist? Make Mysterious Challenger. No one's playing Shaman? Throw fucking everything at them. No one likes our crappy Beast Druid ideas? Fuck it, break everything. People have been joking about this, but everyone should look out for Priest to become stupid broken across the next couple of sets after all the backlash.
I'm not sure if it's entertaining or just sad seeing every new generation of Hearthstone players realizing that the Hearthstone team only care about making as much money with the minimum amount of work. Those of us who have been around from the start have realized this ever since GvG.

I've never become that cynical :p

I also didn't expect priest to be turned around in a single adventure expansion. Same with rogue, unfortunately rogue still lacks board clears or sustain. The immune card is interesting, but its probably not much if any better than earthen ring farseer.


I could see a silence priest deck working by using the 1 drop that gains health with every spell cast. Turn 2, 1 drop - coin - ancient watcher - silence. 6 mana in stats on turn 2.


Unless you're a Priest main

Rogue is pretty mediocre in both formats and you don't see Rogue mains

Priest and Rogue are my two mains.

I don't hate the adventure, but Blizzard's got some 'splainin to do.

Will keep playing Priest, and will try ALL the new cards. Really interested in making Spell Shaman.

Gonna get Gold before next X-Pac so I can claim OG Priest rights.



Unconfirmed Member
I could see a silence priest deck working by using the 1 drop that gains health with every spell cast. Turn 2, 1 drop - coin - ancient watcher - silence. 6 mana in stats on turn 2.

And that one game out of every 5 where you get that combo it would be awesome. The other 4/5 games you will lose horribly.


Time for another 'Fuck you, Blizzard" for making Yogg. Mage has no cards or board and is about to die. Top decks Yogg, wipes my board draws 8 cards, heals 10, plays 3 secrets. I have to concede because of such skillful play.
I remember ancient watcher decks had a moment in the spotlight back in classic. There are a number of ways to activate them, silence and taunt being the primary ones. Now you could feasibly have double the silences in priest and you can double the minions (eerie statue). Maybe you even include ragnaros and icehowl (for second turn hits). Argent watchman is another card with can't attack text although I doubt it's worth it for that one.

Wailing soul is another card that silenced your own minions and was nothing more than a 3/5. People actually tried to make that work, stacking the board with ancient watchers or other cards and silencing them all. Purify is a silence your own minion that is nothing more than a cantrip. At 2 mana it seems a little expensive since cantrips are usually costed around 1.5~ mana I think, perhaps even less in priest, which means the silence portion is expensive as well as too difficult to utilize. It could have been easily priced at 1 mana imo, or even 0.

For what it's worth, I am glad it's only friendly minions it can target. I'd imagine that if it were a silence any target and draw a card, that'd be the strongest silence in the game. I am kinda glad silence is largely out the door. But this card, probably should have been in a larger expansion where filler cards like these kinda get a pass for existing.


Super Sleuth
Does purify even get played at 0 mana? I guess thinning out your deck is good so it would, but is it even automatic at that point?


Does anyone remember when class cards were supposed to be over-statted when compared to neutral cards since they were restricted to one class?

Whoever makes Priest cards sure as shit doesn't.


Handlock was playing ancient watcher in 2015 guys, it was preeetty good with owl and shadowflame, it wasn't that long ago, those were simpler times.

Remember handlock, a moment of silence. Rest in priest.
I wonder how bad elise rogue would be, with yogg cause yogg is their best board clear lul

Handlock was playing ancient watcher in 2015 guys, it was preeetty good with owl and shadowflame, it wasn't that long ago, those were simpler times.

Remember handlock, a moment of silence. Rest in priest.

Double owl handlock, with 4 taunt activators and double shadowflame lol


Does purify even get played at 0 mana? I guess thinning out your deck is good so it would, but is it even automatic at that point?

Cycle for zero, maybe. I might try it and toss it on my minions that have a battlecry. At 2 mana it's overcosted, specially in priest.


Cycle for zero, maybe. I might try it and toss it on my minions that have a battlecry. At 2 mana it's overcosted, specially in priest.

Compare Purify to Commanding Shout. Not only is Commanding Shout a straight-up good effect if you're looking to trade, (versus only a handful of things in your deck not minding silence) but you can play it on an empty board just for the cycle. Purify can't even do that.


Compare Purify to Commanding Shout. Not only is Commanding Shout a straight-up good effect if you're looking to trade, (versus only a handful of things in your deck not minding silence) but you can play it on an empty board just for the cycle. Purify can't even do that.

Yeah it's bad, I was trying to live in a hypothetical world where it cost zero and the chances of someone playing it


I'm not sure if it's entertaining or just sad seeing every new generation of Hearthstone players realizing that the Hearthstone team only care about making as much money with the minimum amount of work. Those of us who have been around from the start have realized this ever since GvG.

Honestly, I give them the benefit of the doubt on the cards they print since balancing a game like this is difficult and because of the delay from conception to release, they are always a step or two behind the current meta.

The lack of UI improvements and other game client features such as stat tracking, replays, etc. is very disappointing. Especially when you compare the game to other Blizzard titles like Overwatch or HotS which continually pump out new content and have all this extra stuff. It makes me wonder what Team 5 does all day since designing cards is not that labor intensive.
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