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Hearthstone |OT7/7| _ Give Tyrande | _ Blizzard: Give Amazon Money

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Honestly, I give them the benefit of the doubt on the cards they print since balancing a game like this is difficult and because of the delay from conception to release, they are always a step or two behind the current meta.

The lack of UI improvements and other game client features such as stat tracking, replays, etc. is very disappointing. Especially when you compare the game to other Blizzard titles like Overwatch or HotS which continually pump out new content and have all this extra stuff. It makes me wonder what Team 5 does all day since designing cards is not that labor intensive.

Wonder how much the UI stuff being so behind has to do with how tied the desktop version is tied up with the mobile one.


What I find surprising is how community personalities are going ham this time, you'd think they'd be a little more moderate and polite :p

like, Frodan is just

For someone that is so connected with Blizzard, he's direct and doesn't shill at all, Frodan the best.

Firebat. damn.

Actually reading Firebat's feed, he is considering becoming a full time caster if he doesn't like the set too much. It's not a good look honestly.


The saddest part is the fake Priest card that Eloise tweeted out isn't that much worse than what we actually fucking got:


This combos with Doomsayer, Purify combos with like 2-3 cards that want to be silenced. Corrupted Scrolls is clearly garbage, but you think back to everyone laughing that Blizzard wouldn't give Priest anything this bad for real and then they go ahead and nearly do.


Unconfirmed Member
That fake Eloise card is way stronger than Purge. Purge is only useful if you make an entire subpar deck around it. The fake card would work in most priest decks as a two card board clear.

Probably would be the worst arena card ever printed though.
This expansion is such a clusterfuck. Blizzards internal culture is so insanely far off from the rest of the semiserious non soccer mom playerbase. "When were playing our weird jackoff clown fiesta decks internally, the one guy whos actually good at the game still beats us with priest. Priest is better than people think."

Get some people on the team that fundamentally understand why classes are weak or strong to balance cards. If it's some majority vote thing on balance decisions and card creation, fire the half of the team that are incompetent. There are probably a minority of competent team members who spoke out or hinted at how problematic this was that kind of hate their jobs right now. The fact that this was pushed through is indicative of major problems that need immediate addressing.

This is a complete nightmare.
They really do just need to clean house. It's like the entire game is designed for no one but Timmy players now.

What really makes me angry, though, is that they can't even figure out class identities. What the hell is Rogue? Apparently a shitty Shadow Priest. Hunters and Druids are now Beast-themed? They couldn't figure out something less redundant? One of Warlock's key playstyles is now completely invalid? Everyone gets better healing options than Priests?

This shit is not hard to figure out.

You draw a card though.
2 cards to make a 4/5, get 1 card back.
1 card to make a 4/5.

The latter is better because you don't depend on a second card to use your minion.

Well unlike you might think, balancing a TCG is one of the hardest things to pull off in game design.
Optimal balance is very difficult, no doubt. But is it really hard to see why Purify is not a good card? Or why a 1-drop that can become a 3/3 along with two 2/3 taunts on its next turn is too strong?

The abilities in Hearthstone are incredibly simple compared to other card games.

I think people are overestimating how much a potentially subpar expansion would actually hurt Blizzard's numbers.
World of Warcraft have been a shitty game for at least 10 years and it still makes millions per month. Humans have horrible taste.

I need my fix of TCG without too much of positioning shenanigan, hope Gwent can be very gud
I doubt Gwent will be good, but have you checked out Infinity Wars, Eternal, Spellweaver, and Solforge? I only like the first 2 on the list, but maybe you'll feel differently. At the very least, playing other games can help you appreciate Hearthstone sometimes.

Try Eternal bro
Eternal is looking good. They just need to fix a few things that we can't talk about. :p Elder Scrolls Legends felt like crap yesterday, but I'll slog through Act 1 so I can see the full collection before dismissing it. Hearthstone with lanes has already been done by Ubisoft.

Handlock was playing ancient watcher in 2015 guys, it was preeetty good with owl and shadowflame, it wasn't that long ago, those were simpler times.

Remember handlock, a moment of silence. Rest in priest.
Dahbomb got rank 5 with Handlock last month. His next challenge is Discardlock. :-D

The saddest part is the fake Priest card that Eloise tweeted out isn't that much worse than what we actually fucking got:


This combos with Doomsayer, Purify combos with like 2-3 cards that want to be silenced. Corrupted Scrolls is clearly garbage, but you think back to everyone laughing that Blizzard wouldn't give Priest anything this bad for real and then they go ahead and nearly do.
I would 100% run Corrupted Scroll with Doomsayer in a Control Priest deck. That card is sick. Maybe you could even try it with Corrupted Pagle. In fact, that card is more exciting than the entirety of this expansion.


I would 100% run Corrupted Scroll with Doomsayer in a Control Priest deck. That card is sick. Maybe you could even try it with Corrupted Pagle. In fact, that card is more exciting than the entirety of this expansion.
Or heck, it could even turn Lorewalker Cho into actual card. Put it in their hands, which puts you in more control over when to finish it off :p

Edit: ya know what, nvm, they'd get the scroll spell too. Back to the meme drawing board. Maybe use it with Corrupted Healbot...

But yeah, it'd be better if Priest got a bad card that was original
When the adventure is actually out and the cards are fun watch everyone pretend they knew it would be the whole time.
There's nothing more fun than a set where 75% of the cards have the word "random" in their effect! It's like an entire set based on everyone's favorite Old God!

I think Deadly Fork has potential, because I would compare it to forgotten torch. Except it doesn't thicken your deck.

Forgotten torch gives you a ~2 mana spell up front the cost of 3, and then you get a 3 mana fireball later on for the cost of 1 card draw. So you get low upfront value since you're playing an undercosted card to later get higher back end value. This also works on an archetype level since tempo needs removal and freeze mage needs burn. It's a pretty good card, although one of the worse spells you play in tempo mage imo even though it can be quite good.

Deadly fork gives you a 2 mana body up front for 3 mana. When it dies it gives you a 3 mana fiery war axe. How do you value that war axe, because in warrior it would be just a 3 mana fiery war axe. In rogue it falls roughly in line with the power of deadly poison, granted you can't split up the cost and it doesn't count as a spell for auctioneer.

I pose this question: Which is better for Rogue? To get a 2 mana fiery war axe that is shuffled into the deck (and therefore kinda meeting the backend value of mage)... or as it stands where you get the war axe but immediately? Or lets hypothesize, what if forgotten torch gave you a 4 mana fireball immediately, rather than a 3 mana fireball at the cost of 1 card draw?

This is what I conclude. Forgotten torch is faster on the front end, but way slower on the back end. Deadly fork presents a threat, and threats tend to be better than answers. So I am not necessarily convinced that forgotten torch's speed is always better. And deadly fork's fiery war axe being at 3 mana still seems pretty good since it doesn't require card draw (which is often valued at 1.5 mana anyway).

I think deadly fork is a good card. Whether or not it fits in a deck is another question. There are a ton of 3 hp minions this card is effective against. There is obvious deathrattle synergy with raptor and n'zoth. On the other hand, rogue still lacks a higher damage AOE and sustain, so it's likely to fit best in a faster more aggressive deck. I think this card is high potential.


I'd consider playing fork in a deck with weapon synergy like with pirates. I'm not sure how good that is, but with dread corsair among other things it might do okish for you.

Like I said, you can play 6 one drop pirates now, 4 of which interact with weapons and are good cards. I don't know about that pirate that discounts weapons, I think that card is just bad. If we had access to the warrior pirates though a good deck could be made, we have like half a deck now.


I think the Fork card is cool because there's no better win than the win where you Fork your enemies to death.

I've been high-rolling people all day; I beat a meta Miracle Rogue netdeck on Asia server with a really bad Hunter deck; and my Hunter hero level was FOUR!

Then my first game on US I got from zero board to this board state in one turn:

And then I top deck Living Roots so I am able to follow it up with this board state:

Fandral is goddamn amazing. First games I've been lucky this entire month and I have to stop playing to take my Wife to the goddamn movies. Even when I'm lucky, I'm never lucky.


That card's effect is better than shuffling a War Axe into your deck. You may never draw that War Axe meaning you just paid 3 mana for a 3/2. This card at least gives you a weapon when it dies so at least the value is quickly generated.


If that priest card was neutral, I'd put it in my rogue deck. You could heal a LOT with that. Shame. I think it's a good card actually, just not in priest at present.

It's kinda amusing how all these heal with spells don't go in rogue but instead go to shaman and now priest, like wtf Blizzard.


That card's effect is better than shuffling a War Axe into your deck. You may never draw that War Axe meaning you just paid 3 mana for a 3/2. This card at least gives you a weapon when it dies so at least the value is quickly generated.

But you could get extra value from Ethereal Peddler with a Fiery War Axe.


You know what irks me about this adventure?

The theme of this adventure is playing a lot of spells/secrets. They have stuff like the Shaman cards, the Arcane Giant, Medivh, the Priest card, the Mage/Hunter cards etc.

But Blizzard didn't give a lot of spells for us to work with.


Damn, if the HS community is like this at what should be the high point of the hype/salt cycle, things are going to be nasty in Oct, especially if the few good cards they have added don't work out. It feels like TGT again.
You know what irks me about this adventure?

The theme of this adventure is playing a lot of spells/secrets. They have stuff like the Shaman cards, the Arcane Giant, Medivh, the Priest card, the Mage/Hunter cards etc.

But Blizzard didn't give a lot of spells for us to work with.

minion based combat yo. no need for straight spells that are good, just put them on minion cards


TGT is actually quite alright now, many of its card make the core part of the top decks right now, they wouldn't work without it and are meta defining.

This set though is probably the worst set yet to date in Hearthstone. Both LoE and old gods were quite good too so going into this having such small ratio of interesting (not even good) cards was quite surprising, and some of the worst cards of all time are included in this 45 card set, so yeah there is quite a bit of backlash now. People were excited for TGT before it came out, not like this.


This set though is probably the worst set yet to date in Hearthstone. Both LoE and old gods were quite good too so going into this having such small ratio of interesting (not even good) cards was quite surprising, and some of the worst cards of all time are included in this 45 card set, so yeah there is quite a bit of backlash now. People were excited for TGT before it came out, not like this.

dunno about that. There was huge doubt over every Inspire card and rightfully so. Most of them were unplayable before standard.
I feel like there is an upside to this set. Did existing dragon warrior get better? I don't think so. Did existing shaman archetypes get better? Doubt it. Did existing zoolock get better? Maybe.

I think a lot of the cards are for new decks. Beast druid. Control dragon. A lot of the expansions in the past have had obviously stronger cards that just slot into pre-existing decks. I'm sure some of these cards exist.

Does the set have the opportunity to change the meta drastically? I'm still going to lean on yes. No one plays secrets now. Maybe hunter reluctantly runs freeze trap or explosive trap. That alone could have a significant shift in the meta. Granted, I think the hunter secret card that they added (the 3/4) is fairly mediocre but also possibly much better than I think. The mage one (3 damage ping is amazing) has the potential to make mages run secrets. The 3/6 that gets +1/+1 taunt for 5 seems pretty decent.

I feel like this is a solid attempt at trying to change the meta by strengthening or introducing new archetypes, rather than just shifting the power of the current decks around a bit. I hope it works out, because dragon warrior is getting a bit annoying with its turn 1 coin 3/3 charge minion.


People were way more excited for TGT. TGT at least had new mechanics that people wanted to try out. There was also a deliberate attempt to slow down the game with TGT.

None of that applies to Karazhan, this definitely feels like the least hyped players have been for an adventure/expansion yet.


Fuck me I bought TGT packs with real money, which I never did before or again. I thought their efforts showed even if a lot of it was a bit of a dud (understandable when they were clearly breaking away from breaking the power scales like Naxx and GvG).

But I think people see this adventure, see some cute cards that will be usable here and there, but don't see that really deep effort to correct course in some more glaring instances. I think that's what bothers people most, especially because new sets are the only place where issues are addressed. Blizzard doesn't like balancing outside of these windows and is very resistant to make even small adjustments, so expectations are high and returns are low.

I'm sure a good chunk of cards will see play but the power structure might remain the same.


The only sure thing that comes out of this set is beast druid which plays like current meta does and some of the existing decks probably slot in The Curator, that seems to be it.

Barnes seems wild. I don't know how you build a consistent deck with that that can compete in a tempo heavy meta. It's good but does it have a good deck.

Rest of the set is junk. Secret Mage? yeah don't think so. Dragon Paladin early game still sucks, I don't think you want to play control dragon paladin right now, you want a midrange deck and that's hard to make it work, it's not obvious. Dragon Murloc Beast paladin seems to be their meme...
Maybe Blizzard takes a look at Elder Scrolls and realises they need to update their client. Doubtful but one can hope.

TES has match history (although limited I think to like last 30?).

It has some general statistics, although not nearly enough (no win/loss is a big missing component).

Titles are a nice touch.

Collection stats (sitting at 37%).

The hand is display flat... feels easier to click cards when they aren't shifting so awkwardly after every card.

Most of the other stuff is copied outright though. Search feels a little bit better in TES. And there are some things that HS does better, so it's not really a 1 way street.

Outside of the UI, I like how you earn a random card every 3 wins, in addition to gold (I think you get 15 gold as opposed to 10).


no, it's OP. It's like playing a 28 card deck.

You can't cast it if you don't have minions and many early priest drops hate being silenced.

You're right when you say that the card would be better than average, but I suppose I have a mental block on seeing a card as OP if the class it is surrounded by is... well... priest.


I refuse to believe that Shatter was considered good by most people, but I don't frequent opinion forums other than GAF and here we are more about the first impressions for dramatic effect, while the few that do deep analysis mostly get it right imo.

But I mean, it's no surprise Blizzard wants a casual audience with an easy to understand game, that was a big part of the reason Patron Warrior was nerfed -- even if they claimed it was mostly Warsong limiting design space I think the fact that Blizzcon was coming up and they didn't want to make it seem that the best decks involved "complex" turns was more it. They prefer cards with random effects with more flashy plays that can swing turns and do good highlight reels.

Even then, I think you can still push the game competitively while still finding room for those cards. It can be done, they've done it before.

Stuff like surfacing more stats I don't think they'll ever do tho. Anything that might turn a new player away from the fun into the "complex" territory they won't ever touch.


If Prince Malchazaar puts in the cards after the mulligan phase then it might not be that bad. At least you can secure your early game with a aggressive mulligan. Not sure how that works to be honest.


If Prince Malchazaar puts in the cards after the mulligan phase then it might not be that bad. At least you can secure your early game with a aggressive mulligan. Not sure how that works to be honest.

I imagine that will be it: After the game starts and each player gets their cards in hand, then an animation will play and both(? -most likely only you) will see the cards go into the deck.
I think reddit did some kind of poll and it came out to be 66/100. I'm just looking at trump's review of his review. Possessed villager was 51. Bog creeper 51. Call of the wild was only a 67.
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