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I'll put my exiting cards at 3 the curator, medivh and moat lurker. I think moat could be useful in deathrattle decks. Everything else feels so forced or boring.

They have been pushing beast druid since before I started playing. Now it looks like there effort will show when it plays of curve through turn 6 to a 2 card 2 turn 15/15 combo.

I really wish we had more open ended cards in this game right now.

The constant push for zoo based decks is starting to get to me.

Actually its the constant push for what Blizzard wants to see played that is getting to me.
nah.. if you get into card game, no way you not excited about Curator.. its why peep like firebat so excited at first day reveal.

Spesific card draw is so good in card game, and its only the first time HS had it of course peep excited
Yeah, I'm super excited for a card that draws 3 cards.

There are some exciting/interesting cards.

Medivh is cool, it's like a more playable Summoning Stone.
So an idea that's already in the game.

Curator is interesting because it enables some possibilities in particular combo decks.
Hardly a combo deck in the purest sense.

Malchazaar is interesting too because it's a brand new mechanic.
This is such a reach. A new mechanic that makes your deck worse in most cases. Awesome.

The 3 mana 4/3 that makes you immune is very cool.
That one is fair.

Arcane Giant is a welcome addition to the Giants library.
That doesn't make it exciting, though. Arcane Giant is a solid addition, I agree.

Moat Lurker (?) is an interesting mechanic too, I think first time we have a Deathrattle attached to a Battlecry.
He's among the most interesting cards, no doubt. I wish he were cheaper, though. It's definitely a card where you generally want to kill your own minions, not your opponent's.

Like yeah some of these may not be competitive but there are some interesting ideas in there. Though I would agree that it's not nearly enough. There are very few cards that make me go "wow I want to make a whole deck built around just this card!"
There are interesting ideas, but I think it's obvious that most of them won't see play.


ADWCTA on Blizzard "You wouldn't trust these people with your kids"

God damn SAVAGE!

And it's true, previously with joke expansions like TGT I just said "at least there's still arena" but between OG meta being the stalest one since vanilla and Purify + Mage Portal combining into the biggest possible fuck you to arena players there's not even that anymore.
- the minus-2 cost effect is a battlecry, not an aura. That wouldn't mean if has a bullseye on its back, right? It'd be like killing Dr. Boom - the bots are already out. Can't silence that effect.

Yep, you're right. Guess I'm too used to cards like Mana Wraith and Pint-Sized to read carefully. I think it's more powerful this way, but also less interesting. As a passive effect the opponent can choose whether to prioritise it or not, but like this you're guaranteed to get the reduction of anything in your hard no matter what they do.

I think passive effects are some of the coolest interactions in the game and wish they'd focus more on them. Getting burned by a Flametongue you left up to push face means you can learn from your mistake - getting burned by Bomb Lobber is just frustrating.


Card like Malchazaar is interesting because it opens up what they can put into the game in the future.

For example Priest card:

2 mana 2/3 At the start of the game, put 2 Holy Bombs in your deck.

Holy Bombs are 4 mana Lightbombs. So you get a vanilla 2 mana minion and two extra over powered board clears.

People would run that card because even if it increases your deck size, it's worth it to have 2 over powered board clears in your deck if you are playing control. You wouldn't run it in an aggro/tempo Priest deck though but that's the point.


Wow Kripp going off, he holding off for a bit tho, he can even more nastier

Yeah blizz can fuck off, their forcing approach is really awful and lame, they decide which deck that they want to be in meta with giving super OP card n really limiting and shaping meta to what they want.


Yep, you're right. Guess I'm too used to cards like Mana Wraith and Pint-Sized to read carefully. I think it's more powerful this way, but also less interesting. As a passive effect the opponent can choose whether to prioritise it or not, but like this you're guaranteed to get the reduction of anything in your hard no matter what they do (but not on your top decks).

I think passive effects are some of the coolest interactions in the game and wish they'd focus more on them. Getting burned by a Flametongue you left up to push face means you can learn from your mistake - getting burned by Bomb Lobber is just frustrating.
That would have been too strong with Master of Disguise


I don't see zoolock changing much or at all. the 1/3 Imp won't be used in decks running only 1 or maybe 2 copies of Soulfire as discard cards.
maybe it'll be used in double Doomguard zoolock but even then I'm not too sure. I don't think people run Argent Squire in the deck anymore, at least I don't, and all the other 1 drops are already top tier.
also you usually play Doomguard when you have an empty hand or 1 card left at best.

"In the case of Priest, we were pretty happy with the amount of options the class was getting from neutral (Barnes, Curator*, Medivh, Dragon Cards) to do some testing with a new archetype that Purify could be a part of."

Lol, they're so clueless. turn 2 Purify your Northshire Cleric into concede 'cause you already lost, ya, really nice new ''free wins for the opponent'' archetype.


I think everyone's overlooking the immediate benefit of Malchazaar: 35-legendary deck.
You actually don't want Malchazaar in the 30 Legendary deck because you need the early game Legendaries very badly in the deck.

Moroes on the other hand is A1 in an all Legendary deck. As are Barnes and Curator.


guys, sorry to interrupt your very important critiques on the latest expansion, could you critique (no so harshly) my latest deck? I don't have some cards so I think about some replacements for it

let me know about some you might see fit


EDIT: oh! above Argent squire is 1 Abusive Sergeant and 1 Forbidden Ritual


Super Sleuth
Playing a Yogg n load, went into fatigue against a cthun warrior and won. It wasn't even that great of a Yogg. Playing against another control deck (I guess yogg n load is sort of a control deck) stinks when you have no armor gain. All you can do to keep their armor from going sky high.

Edit: I'd want Argent horserider over bluegill.

And get rid of the loot hoarders for wolves.

And get rid of the bilefins for another abusive and forbidden ritual. Those cards are two of the most op in the deck.


You actually don't want Malchazaar in the 30 Legendary deck because you need the early game Legendaries very badly in the deck.

Moroes on the other hand is A1 in an all Legendary deck. As are Barnes and Curator.

Yes, but he's the only way to create a 35 legendary deck. I'll be crushing the poors with their measly 30 legendaries.


Edit: I'd want Argent horserider over bluegill.

And get rid of the loot hoarders for wolves.

And get rid of the bilefins for another abusive and forbidden ritual. Those cards are two of the most op in the deck.

ok, I don't have any TGT cards because I'm avoiding those packs like plague.. since they rotate out next year, so I'm at most getting some pack for WoTG. So I don't have yet a horseraider.

replaced the loot hoarders for 2 dire wolf alphas

unfortunately I got only 1 forbidden ritual and 1 abusive sergeant.. I could craft the sergeant, but I feel I'll open it any day, I want to hold back at least for some days until crafting those. I want them, but I'll hold back a little longer.
guys, sorry to interrupt your very important critiques on the latest expansion, could you critique (no so harshly) my latest deck? I don't have some cards so I think about some replacements for it

let me know about some you might see fit

EDIT: oh! above Argent squire is 1 Abusive Sergeant and 1 Forbidden Ritual

not bad. I'd switch out the loot hoarders/bluegills for better 2 drops. Dont need the hoarders as you are already going to be tapping. Not a fan of bluegills as it's only a 2/1 but I guess it works w/ PO.
ok, I don't have any TGT cards because I'm avoiding those packs like plague.. since they rotate out next year, so I'm at most getting some pack for WoTG. So I don't have yet a horseraider.

replaced the loot hoarders for 2 dire wolf alphas

unfortunately I got only 1 forbidden ritual and 1 abusive sergeant.. I could craft the sergeant, but I feel I'll open it any day, I want to hold back at least for some days until crafting those. I want them, but I'll hold back a little longer.

We still might be 8 months away from the next rotation. It's probably worth the 200 or so dust it costs to make 2 cards.


If they made Power Word: Shield in this exansion it would cost 2 and buff an opponents minion.
After LoE, I look back at the classic set and think to myself "man Blizzard is never going to make spell/weapon cards that good ever again".

Like there's no way Warrior is ever going to get a removal as good as Execute or Shield Slam ever again. No way that Mage gets direct damage cards as efficient as Frostbolt and Fireball again. No way any class gets Power Word Shield or Equality at 2 mana or Doomhammer.

Hell going by how Blizzard has been designing cards would not be surprised if they nerfed those over powered classic cards.


In theory I'm okay with classic cards being relatively powerful, since those are the cards that will always be in the game.

That said.... they made Purify. How the hell.


After LoE, I look back at the classic set and think to myself "man Blizzard is never going to make spell/weapon cards that good ever again".

Like there's no way Warrior is ever going to get a removal as good as Execute or Shield Slam ever again. No way that Mage gets direct damage cards as efficient as Frostbolt and Fireball again. No way any class gets Power Word Shield or Equality at 2 mana or Doomhammer.

Hell going by how Blizzard has been designing cards would not be surprised if they nerfed those over powered classic cards.
Or as good as GVG for that matter.
They probably would nerf classic cards, but that would annoy the casuals too much.


ADWCTA on Blizzard "You wouldn't trust these people with your kids"

God damn SAVAGE!

I was watching him and merps be completely baffled at what blizzard was doing with arena. Does blizzard even consider arena at all? It doesn't seem like arena is even an afterthought.

Oh and I learned that the current card set release has a bonus chance in arena...goes to show how much I play arena.


I am not much of an Arena player and I would obviously defer to ADWCTA/Merps but I feel that Arena meta is going to be even more messed up. With late game bombs like Bob Creeper and Kraken having lowered occurrence bonus and this new set having even fewer late game threats, strong common neutrals and fewer spells... Arena is going to be even more minion tempo oriented which is going to translate to more skewered turn 1 vs turn 2 win percentages. Mage is going to dominate everyone again alongside Rogue.
The Classic set is still the best. Nothing but missteps from there.

Clear class identities.
Creative and interesting cards.
A variety of archetypes available.

Now we have weird mixed and swapped class identities - when was the last time Rogue even got a tempo card?
An entire adventure without any interesting cards (IMO, of course).
Everything is midrange.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
The Classic set is still the best.

Classic has a lot of problems. They didn't understand how taunt or lifegain was valued. Lots of unplayable cards. Cards were typically underpowered when their mana cost was odd (3,5,7 etc).

No set has been perfect.


If taunt minion actually the undercosted OP minion its gonna help the game so much

shit its a very different game if Flamewreath is a taunt minion
Classic has a lot of problems. They didn't understand how taunt or lifegain was valued. Lots of unplayable cards. Cards were typically underpowered when their mana cost was odd (3,5,7 etc).

No set has been perfect.
The peaks are higher in Classic than in any other set, IMO. It's okay to have boring cards so long as you have a lot of good and interesting cards.


Wah, these cards are crap, none are worth playing.

Wah, these cards are OP they are running arena.
There are no OP cards for Arena (Firelands is closest but it's not game breaking). The same classes that have always been dominant in Arena will still dominate. The same playstyle that has dominated in Arena will still be dominant.


I don't mind the Blizzard reply concerning Purify. I don't think it'll ever be a serious card, though you never know with three more sets and one new adventure left in its lifetime.

I have absolutely no doubt that Barnes, Mediehv and Curator WILL help Priest, be as will Book Wyrm. Bishop is not even that bad, though there are several other class cards that beat it (heh). I mean, be Blizzard and Entomb both cost and six mana. I think all sympathy towards Priests will vanish the first time Randuin gets a Sylvanas off of an Entomb via Med's staff. lol

Problem is that it doesn't help Priest early on. Maybe Thespian will help.

I feel like Priest is one expansion away from being viable. I think things will click either in the next expansion or the one after that. It's a long time to wait, but I think most Priest players are underdogs anyway, and we have never had the pleasure of being tier one (outside of Wild) so we'll probably take it.

Things like Druid's new six drop are a lot more troubling.
Wah, these cards are crap, none are worth playing.

Wah, these cards are OP they are running arena.

It's almost like the two game types evaluate cards differently. Please, proceed with the narrative you continue to push though

There are no OP cards for Arena (Firelands is closest but it's not game breaking). The same classes that have always been dominant in Arena will still dominate. The same playstyle that has dominated in Arena will still be dominant.



6 mana 5/5 Taunt Costs 1 less for every time a character was healed this game.

3 mana 3/2 Battlecry: Resurrect a random friendly minion.

2 mana 3/4 Battlecry: Silence all friendly minions.

4 mana 7/7 Battlecry: Silence all friendly minions.

1 mana 1/3 Gain +1/+1 whenever a character is healed.

1 mana Give +1/+1 to a friendly minion for every time a character was healed this game

3 mana 3/3 Battlecry: Heal all minions by +4.

This is how Blizzard is going to make Priest insane.

That last one they should definitely print though.


It's almost like the two game types evaluate cards differently. Please, proceed with the narrative you continue to push though

What narrative? People just want to bitch. All of a sudden everyone's an expert game designer and aggrieved priest main.

Maybe... Just maybe... We should play games with the new cards before we decide the game is now shit.


Blizz dev are a bunch of Timmys, making a Timmy game with Timmy cards and Timmy combos for all the Timmy players. That's why they were able to make such a popular game. Balance is completely a secondary objective in this game.


I'm with Levi. This sort of Sturm und Drang seems to happen every time an expansion is about to release. People fret over the state of the game and the upcoming meta. And then the set releases and everyone gets over themselves and enjoys the new cards and decks that undoubtedly spring up.
You know none of those are happening, lol. Maybe a 3/3 for 3 that silences all of your minions and draws a card.

If the Hearthstone team were competent, they would break each class down by its 3 specializations in World of Warcraft, and each specialization would be a separate playstyle for that class. For example, Hunters have Marksmanship, Beast Mastery, and Survivalism.

would be spells like their current arrow shots. However, Marksmanship needs a WIN CONDITION within that archetype of playing. For example, Poison Arrow deals 1 damage to its target every turn. Pop it on your opponent, and now your goal is to maintain the board for ~30 turns while also using your Hero Power when convenient.

Just look at some of the World of Warcraft Marksmanship abilities - so many of them easily translate to Hearthstone and would be VERY interesting:

Black Arrow:
Fires a Black Arrow at the target, dealing 184,444 Shadow damage over 8 sec and summoning a Dark Minion to taunt it for the duration.

When you kill an enemy, the remaining cooldown on Black Arrow will reset.

Binding Shot:
Fires a magical projectile, tethering the enemy and any other enemies within 5 yards for 10 sec, stunning them for 5 sec if they move more than 5 yards from the arrow.

Wyvern Sting:
A stinging shot that puts the target to sleep, incapacitating them for 30 sec. Damage will cancel the effect. Usable while moving.

Hunters would love all 3 of these abilities in card form.

Beast Mastery is obvious. However, instead of summoning a bunch of beasts, which doesn't fit Hunter at all (or Druid, really), it could focus on beefing up ONE pet. Ideally, you would choose a Hero Power based on which branch you specialize in. While Marksmanship Hunters would get Steady Shot, Beast Mastery would get "Declare Pet", which turns a summoned beast into your "pet" so you can synergize with it. The declaration would probably need to give the pet some bonuses.

Potential card ideas:
Dire Frenzy:
Causes your pet to enter a frenzy, performing a flurry of 5 attacks on the target, and gaining 30% increased attack speed for 8 sec, stacking up to 3 times.

Commands your pet to intimidate the target, stunning it for 5 sec.

When your Dire Beasts charge in, they will stomp the ground, dealing 96,525 Physical damage to all nearby enemies.

The win condition is keeping your pet alive long enough to beat your opponent.

Survivalism focuses on utility and wearing your opponent down. It would play kind of like a Value Mage:

Spitting Cobra:
Summons a Spitting Cobra for 30 sec that attacks your target for 4,083 Nature damage every 2 sec. While the Cobra is active you gain an extra 3 Focus every 1 sec.
This is basically a mini-Ragnaros built into Hunter in WoW.

Snake Hunter:
Instantly grants you 3 charges of Mongoose Bite.

Steel Trap:
Hurls a Steel Trap to the target location that immobilizes the first enemy that approaches for 30 sec and deals 306,105 bleed damage over 30 sec. Other damage may break the immobilization effect. Limit 1. Trap will exist for 1 min.

Traps should probably be remade to actual minions you put on the board that can't attack, but that spring when attacked or when an opponent has to travel through them to hit face. You could choose their board location instead of the usual auto-spread. The associated Hero Power would probably be to just throw out a Freezing Trap or something. You could put cards of any specialization into your deck, but they would be designed to synergize with your specialization.

Obviously, this is all a ton of work, but it blows my mind how much better and diverse this game could be if Blizzard would take their head out of their asses.


the day when priest gotta play neutrals over their own class cards b/c theyre shit

That's the design problem with the class. They are probably the best suited at taking advantage of neutrals because of their hero power. I feel like we're not going to see first-for-slot premium stat cards like the naxx 3/4 anymore. We'll just keep getting buff spells and niche cards.

I still love my Volazj deck that I played for the first half of OG. I don't care if the class is considered lower tier. I still enjoy playing it and the challenge it brings to the game.


The peaks are higher in Classic than in any other set, IMO. It's okay to have boring cards so long as you have a lot of good and interesting cards.

Of course Classic has the higher peak: it has 100+ than the other expansions. More than 5x the amount of cards of Adventures.
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