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Murlocs were tier 1 at one point in the original set. Later blood imp was nerfed and it sorta fell off the radar. Blood imp used to be a 1/1 stealth that gave all friendly minions +1 hp as an aura.

Could do worse than drawing one card. ;)

But yeah, since guaranteed to silence your own guy.
I wish Blizzard would be willing to look at cards like that again. Blood Imp is my favorite card concept.

Would've nice if silence stop yogg casting, unfortunately not.
It's not a good way to fix Yogg.

I should have thought about that somemore that someone that has been playing far longer than me was actually here to witness all the crap going down

Thanks I'm going to think more on your list this will help me more in Arena. Been blindly using HearthArena which is great but this is good info.

I will make your effort count lol I will try hard
I've been playing since ~February. Most of this thread has been around longer than I have.

Honestly I think some people look at LOE with rose colored glasses and I get where you were originally coming from.

Here's why...top decks before WoToG/standard were basically
combo druid (no loe cards)
aggro shaman (tunnel trogg)
secret pally (1 loe card)
zoo (2 loe card)
Control warr (1 loe card)

With most of these decks being tier1 before LoE

Karsticles is right that there was a lot of viable tier2 stuff (and maybe edging t1), but if LOE was so game changing we wouldn't have been dying for standard and believe me we all were. So you might look back and say that WoToG had more affect on your decks...but that was actually because of standard (naxx and gvg left the meta) moreso than wotog cards.
I think people were craving Standard mostly because of Dr. Boom, Piloted Shredder, and Mysterious Challenger being goddamn everywhere.


LoE brought Discover to the game.

That's game changing.

Really not trying to argue...we all love LoE. Depends how you define game changing. In terms of changing the meta mysterious challenger from TGT had 10x the effect of any discover. In terms of excitement I would flip those lol.


Unconfirmed Member
I think people were craving Standard mostly because of Dr. Boom, Piloted Shredder, and Mysterious Challenger being goddamn everywhere.

Dr Boom, Piloted Shredder, Shielded Minibot, Sludge Belcher.

Those cards are the reason Standard was implemented. MC was super annoying and probably way too good, but the stuff from GvG and Naxx being in literally EVERY DECK for over a year and half is why they did what they did. It makes sense. Other card games rotate their cards as well not only to keep the Meta interesting, but to keep the money coming in. When you made a deck (and when you currently make a Wild deck), you think first about the most overpowered cards. Nearly all of them are Deathrattles and nearly all of them are from Naxx and GvG.

For as much as I am pretty unhappy with the Standard meta atm, I really think the move to a format like Standard was inevitable. They had to do something to keep the game fresh after their realized that it was basically impossible to improve on the power of the GvG cards without constant, insane power creep in every set.

I don't really think Blizzard was right to do what they did by keeping Classic around. They could have rotated out some card from classic and put in cards from Naxx/GvG that were leaving into the Classic set. Wild could still have access to everything, but keeping some of the balanced (or fun!) tools that existed in those sets would have been beneficial IMO. Imagine if priest still had Dark Cultist in standard! I'm sure there are other ways than this too, but I still that this makes the most sense.

Overall, the game is in a bad spot in the meta, I'm hopeful that ONiK will bring at least a couple new decks. An aggro/midrange Beast druid would be better than 0 druids on ladder atm. Some discard variation of Warlock could be a fun twist on Zoo. I sadly don't see this exp elevating the Dragon Priest to competitve level. But it might be slightly better. Oh well. I'm not paying for it. So its only gold.


that not really true there's 0 druid in ladder, Yogg/token druid is bottom tier 1 .. I rather they supprt that more than forcefully create beast druid that play like typical tempo deck.
I think there are perhaps 2 cards I want back from old sets. Healbot and maaaaybe zombie chow. Now frankly, I think zombie chow rotating out is good, but they didn't add a new control neutral 1 drop so we've seen the fallout from that and I kinda miss it.

Healbot... because it really gives you a chance to turn a game around against a deck that doesn't start with initiative hitting the board. Gives you a chance to stabilize after you finally get some control against the plethora of decks that run a lot of charge cards (looking at you dragon warrior) and instant damage.

I can't think of another card that I really want back other than healbot. Definitely not Loatheb though.

On second thought, zombie chow is probably weak in this meta.


Watching Lifecoach play zoo is like watching a trainwreck in slow motion.

that not really true there's 0 druid in ladder, Yogg/token druid is bottom tier 1 .. I rather they supprt that more than forcefully create beast druid that play like typical tempo deck.

Lol token druid is one of the best decks in the ladder right now.
Thijs set review (he has 13 playable cards)



maybe that 4 drop 3/2 get 0/5 taunt isn't so bad. It could be cool in buff decks.

play it with blessing of might, get a tazdingo and a 3/2 for 5.
play it with cold blood, get a 3/2 and taunted yeti for 5.
and inner fire priest!!

It's probably not good enough as we don't have many good buffs and paladin has other problems.


maybe that 4 drop 3/2 get 0/5 taunt isn't so bad. It could be cool in buff decks.

play it with blessing of might, get a tazdingo and a 3/2 for 5.
play it with cold blood, get a 3/2 and taunted yeti for 5.
and inner fire priest!!

It's probably not good enough as we don't have many good buffs and paladin has other problems.
Ehh... it's just better to use those double buffers like Direwolf Alpha, Flametongue or Defender of Argus. It's not that much better to just buff the 0/5 except when it comes to Inner Fire (LUL Priest combos).
People still try to make "crusher" shaman work? Still seems terrible.

I had such a bad start. He even managed to get 2 emperor ticks off. Then he played a flamewreath, earth elemental, and that 4 mana copy/taunt card... He got me down to 3 health before I could stabilize and then I simply won off n'zoth. And I did all that while playing around hex somehow.


Thief rogue? My body is ready.

of course seems terrible versus class that had certain 2 mana card, everyone knows that deck not win against Rogue

I'm well aware that its not a great match up for the deck. But I also think it's always been a shitty deck.

In this particular match, sap was practically irrelevant. After shaman got 3x 7/7s on board at the same time you'd expect shaman to win. Even after shaman did it's huge plays, it still lost against a deck that cannot handle those type of huge plays.


Crusher Shaman can easily clear that board. Maybe he just played badly and didn't use his board clears wisely.

Deck isn't that bad honestly. If it gets set up then it does very well against non Shaman meta decks. I say Shaman because Hex really messes up the Crusher deck badly.

And Crusher Shaman was bad before because it didn't have the board clears, card draw, heals or the Overload canceling mechanics. Now it does so it was worth re-exploring. Plus the Faceless Flamewreath, Faceless Shambler and Thing of the Deep put extra bodies into the deck. Since a lot of decks aren't running silences, if you get off an Ancestral Spirit on a big body taunt... the meta decks have a tough time dealing with it.
Crusher Shaman can easily clear that board. Maybe he just played badly and didn't use his board clears wisely.

Deck isn't that bad honestly. If it gets set up then it does very well against non Shaman meta decks. I say Shaman because Hex really messes up the Crusher deck badly.

And Crusher Shaman was bad before because it didn't have the board clears, card draw, heals or the Overload canceling mechanics. Now it does so it was worth re-exploring. Plus the Faceless Flamewreath, Faceless Shambler and Thing of the Deep put extra bodies into the deck. Since a lot of decks aren't running silences, if you get off an Ancestral Spirit on a big body taunt... the meta decks have a tough time dealing with it.

Well, he already used 2 elemental destructions and a lightning storm, or maybe 2, and 2 lava shocks. Hell, the turn he played the 7/7s I had a big board already. He elemental destruction'd for 1 mana, lava shocked for 0, and then played 3 huge dudes (I forget the exact order of play). I can't imagine a better dream scenario for the deck against rogue. The screen shot is 2-3 turns after I used n'zoth as well.


Well, he already used 2 elemental destructions and a lightning storm, or maybe 2, and 2 lava shocks. Hell, the turn he played the 7/7s I had a big board already. He elemental destruction'd for 1 mana, lava shocked for 0, and then played 3 huge dudes (I forget the exact order of play). I can't imagine a better dream scenario for the deck against rogue. The screen shot is 2-3 turns after I used n'zoth as well.
Seems like he wanted to close out the game before the Nzoth play. Game seemed like it was pretty close, he was just one Lightning Bolt away from winning it.

I don't know how that match up is though (Nzoth Rogue vs Control/Crusher Shaman, not common online). Rogue decks tend to do well against Control decks anyway.


If Blizzard had a gun with two bullets in a room with Hitler, Bin Laden, and the Priest class, they'd shoot Priest twice. And draw a card.


The whole problem is Blizzard being to chicken-shit to just rotate out the classic/basic set. Instead of nerfing the classic set each year just rotate out that stuff and invest your time in making a new basic set of cards that are rotated out each new standard year to freshen things up.

At this point I would rather see them reprint cards with new artwork or just slightly rebalanced (while keeping the old one exactly the same for wild) than seeing shit like this:

If you look at Zoo they run 20(!) cards from the basic/classic set in their deck. When standard was announced Mike Donais said a returning player would be able to built an average Face Hunter, not have access to 2/3 of a tier 1 deck. Same goes for Dragon Warrior with the average list running 15-18 cards from the classic/standard set.


That artwork is pretty good.

I want to hear the sound byte for Thespian, too.

"Alas, poor Yorick!"

If Blizzard had a gun with two bullets in a room with Hitler, Bin Laden, and the Priest class, they'd shoot Priest twice. And draw a card.

Ain't no thang, mayne.



The whole problem is Blizzard being to chicken-shit to just rotate out the classic/basic set. Instead of nerfing the classic set each year just rotate out that stuff and invest your time in making a new basic set of cards that were rotated out each new standard year to freshen things up.

At this point I would rather see them reprint cards with new artwork or just slightly rebalanced (while keeping the old one exactly the same for wild) than seeing shit like this:

If you look at Zoo they run 20(!) cards from the basic/classic set in their deck. When standard was announced Mike Donais said a returning player would be able to built an average Face Hunter, not have access to 2/3 of a tier 1 deck. Same goes for Dragon Warrior with the average list running 15-18 cards from the classic/standard set.

kibler told them to do it but they didn't listen. He was right as always.


The standarrd cards are supposed to be the core set of Hearthstone, but they are really half assing it.
They need to do a lot more than just nerfing a handful of cards. How about buffing or adding

Also, blizzard nerfs are often so exterme, they might as well just ban the cards outright.


You ever feel bad when you curve obscenely perfectly in arena?

Had a Paladin mirror match where for SIX TURNS IN A ROW, I had perfect asnwer to my opponent's minions and developed board at the same time. Other guy conceded at 16 health. I'd be so pissed


I like the idea adding card to classic but I rather not risk shit leaving choice to them.

They might add Tunnel Trogg to classic or something similar.

So if they open public poll for adding card to classic pool or not I'll vote no for that reason


If they had rotated Classic out with Standard then Priest would be in an even worse position.

I liked Reynad's suggestion from the ideas meeting, (or at least I've heard this attributed to him on reddit) he wanted a "Core" set that includes cards from multiple sets, so that not everything in a given set gets rotated out at the end of the year. This would've allowed certain solid cards like Dark Bomb to stick around while still getting rid of all the degenerate trash like Shredder. Priest might actually be viable if they literally just had Lightbomb carry over into Standard.

But then I guess that'd be too complicated for the type of player that gets confused over a button that gives them extra deck slots. Blizzard might have to make some whole new Core pack in the shop! Sounds like a lot of work. Let's just fuck over all the classes that have mediocre Classic cards instead.


Blizzard is already acting spiteful. Logged in this morning to a wonderful "Win 2 with pally or priest"....nope...reroll...."Win 5 with priest". a;lsdkfj
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