You know what though, I don't think they're that incompetent. Sure, they make mistakes and they get blinded by their own work just like any other developer.
I've been playing for a while, not as long as some of you, but Priest has never been that popular of a class. But, the state of the Priest class has become topical and the current meme. Some people are reacting to it just to react. I guarantee that most of the Hearthstone population does not want to see a Tier 1 Priest deck--especially if it's Control.
I think Priest did get stronger because some of the Neutrals are better suited for Priest than other classes. Book Wyrm is also a decent card. The other two class cards are decent cards (though not enough to make Priest strong.)
It didn't take much for the WHAT ABOUT PRIESTS! movement to really take off and yeah, maybe the Priest cards were receiving way more attention than they initially were expecting.
I'm not bothered by Purify, especially since I don't play that much Arena. I've never ranked up past rank 8. Part of that is because I don't play very much. The other part is I like non-mainstream, janky control decks.
Paladin is in a shit spot right now too, though Secret Paladin seems to be on the verge of taking off again. Rogue isn't much better and neither is Mage. No one is really complaining about them.
I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. If the game stops being fun, I'll just play more Shadowverse, or Overwatch, or some other game out there.
Mage and Rogue are the two top classes in arena, Priest is getting attention because of it being overall shit