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Hearthstone |OT7/7| _ Give Tyrande | _ Blizzard: Give Amazon Money

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You know what though, I don't think they're that incompetent. Sure, they make mistakes and they get blinded by their own work just like any other developer.

I've been playing for a while, not as long as some of you, but Priest has never been that popular of a class. But, the state of the Priest class has become topical and the current meme. Some people are reacting to it just to react. I guarantee that most of the Hearthstone population does not want to see a Tier 1 Priest deck--especially if it's Control.

I think Priest did get stronger because some of the Neutrals are better suited for Priest than other classes. Book Wyrm is also a decent card. The other two class cards are decent cards (though not enough to make Priest strong.)

It didn't take much for the WHAT ABOUT PRIESTS! movement to really take off and yeah, maybe the Priest cards were receiving way more attention than they initially were expecting.

I'm not bothered by Purify, especially since I don't play that much Arena. I've never ranked up past rank 8. Part of that is because I don't play very much. The other part is I like non-mainstream, janky control decks.

Paladin is in a shit spot right now too, though Secret Paladin seems to be on the verge of taking off again. Rogue isn't much better and neither is Mage. No one is really complaining about them.

I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. If the game stops being fun, I'll just play more Shadowverse, or Overwatch, or some other game out there.

Mage and Rogue are the two top classes in arena, Priest is getting attention because of it being overall shit


You can slap random ass tempo midrange Mage/Rogue and can win despite maybe not tier anything, can't say the same for Priest


Oh, and Purity being in arena for Priest wasn't nearly as problematic for arena balance as Firelands Portal being there for Mage is.

I feel like paladin actually got some nice cards this adventure w/ knight and templar. The issue is that priest could be viable if they had something to play for board control instead of hero powering turns 1-3 but instead they got another 4 drop which isnt bad and a mediocre 5 drop. Just feels wrong when blizzard implies that priest has to rely on neutral minions instead of class minions every year


I feel like Dragon Paladin will accomplish the same things as Dragon Prest only better because Paladin has the potential to chain together Dragon Consorts with that new Discover card. Paladin has a near 50% chance to Discover a Consort thanks to the occurrence bonus and that's more impactful than either Welp or Coldarra Drake.

Dragon Paladin is another deck that pretty much builds by itself. You have to run Doomsayers in that deck though once you get into turn 3s then you start ramping up quick.
the ability to use weapons also makes it better than priest imo. get to keep your board state while not sacrificing as much as you would w/ a priest removal


Drag Warrior finally run Leeroy


That response is reasonable, "we messed up". Remember what he put out after warsong nerf backlash? yeah, that was BAD. They've improved.


Oh, and Purity being in arena for Priest wasn't nearly as problematic for arena balance as Firelands Portal being there for Mage is.

How do you figure?

Firelands Portal being OP actually makes Priest kinda better in arena, since Priest is one of the few Arena classes that does okay against Mage. It's probably it's only redeeming quality in Arena these days.

Purify being a common unfortunately means you have more chance of picking a bad card, because your third option will be Purify once or twice on average during the draft.


Unconfirmed Member
watching kripp as he watches brode's video on purify. He seems genuinely remorseful at the fact priests are getting this piece of trash, but in reality hearing his explanations why they pushed it make it sound like they are hugely incompetent.

They didn't think that people wanted to play priest and thats a reason why they gave priests a "fun" card. Get the fuck out of here with that. There is nothing fun about purify and what the community wants is to have all classes be playable, not for one to be the giant joke of the community. Obviously there will always be one at the bottom but priests are so far down with almost nothing viable that why would anyone that plays the game want that for a class?

Like how hard is it for them to get that priest need early game, just open up the damn collections and see how many 1/2/3 drops a priest has

I think a purge deck sounds fun. That card seems built for me. I know I would have made a purge deck even if it didn't become a meme.

I wouldn't say I like playing "bad" card, but I do like trying to make unconventional stuff work as well as possible. That's a more fun challenge to me than copying a steamer's deck and play style and playing it a thousand times until you get legend.

There are some cards that basically require playing at rank 20 to make work, and I don't like those types of cards, but purge isn't that level of bad.


That response is reasonable, "we messed up". Remember what he put out after warsong nerf backlash? yeah, that was BAD. They've improved.

I don't know.

Some of his rationalizations make me think they don't understand their own game.

"We wanted to dial back on the power level of silence"
You've done that. It was only really problematic attached to undercosted minions. Nobody plays the 0 mana silence because it's not even good enough for free. Only Reno decks run silence at all right now AFAIK.

"We didn't want them to use a one mana version to cycle for a combo"
So instead you've created a card that will see no play whatsoever.

"We wanted to enable a fun archetype that might not be great".
Okay, but Silence Priest might not even run Purify. It might be so bad that it can't even make the cut in the list it was specifically designed for. Like, Silence and Spellbreaker are better. In Wild, you will choose Wailing Soul over it every time. And what are you silencing anyway? The 4 mana 7/7 (lol). Ancient Watcher + Purify is a 2 card, 4 mana 4/5. It's literally a shittier Chillwind Yeti.

I don't know. I'm not a fan of the Priest class anyway, so I'm not stomping mad about it, but everyone told them exactly what Priests problem was. They needed good early game minions. They ignored it and released this garbage instead.

This response isn't good enough IMO. I wouldn't let him off the hook.


After Spike, Timmy and Johnny, we now have Benny who does not want to win with big or creative cards but with bad cards.

Hearthstone |OT8| Find your inner Benny
I don't know.

Some of his rationalizations make me think they don't understand their own game.

"We wanted to dial back on the power level of silence"
You've done that. It was only really problematic attached to undercosted minions. Nobody plays the 0 mana silence because it's not even good enough for free. Only Reno decks run silence at all right now AFAIK.

"We didn't want them to use a one mana version to cycle for a combo"
So instead you've created a card that will see no play whatsoever.

"We wanted to enable a fun archetype that might not be great".
Okay, but Silence Priest might not even run Purify. It might be so bad that it can't even make the cut in the list it was specifically designed for. Like, Silence and Spellbreaker are better. In Wild, you will choose Wailing Soul over it every time. And what are you silencing anyway? The 4 mana 7/7 (lol). Ancient Watcher + Purify is a 2 card, 4 mana 4/5. It's literally a shittier Chillwind Yeti.

I don't know. I'm not a fan of the Priest class anyway, so I'm not stomping mad about it, but everyone told them exactly what Priests problem was. They needed good early game minions. They ignored it and released this garbage instead.

This response isn't good enough IMO. I wouldn't let him off the hook.
Good post. In addition, I think it's silly to talk about Silence as though it needs to be equal across all classes. Every class has pros and cons, and the game could really use a debuffer class (why don't we have this? - it's what Warlocks are actually known for in WoW). While it's not something Priest is known for in WoW, giving Priest a 1-mana silence that cycles could be perfectly fine if they started to work that in as part of the class identity.

After Spike, Timmy and Johnny, we now have Benny who does not wants to win with big or creative cards but with bad cards.

Hearthstone |OT8| Find your inner Benny
I ADORE the idea of calling "Low Tier Gods" Bennies in reference to Ben Brode from now on. I'm going to do that.


I still more mad about Managerie Warden being a card.. its a Tunnel Trogg for beast druid, next expansion they will print beast druid's flamewreath


if they started to work that in as part of the class identity.
They indirectly did that when they nerfed Owl and Keeper. Priest already have Mass Dispel and Silence at their disposal. But just like Murlocs in Shaman and Beast in Druid it hasn't really defined the class yet due to lack of complimenting/synergy cards.


Unconfirmed Member
I feel like Dragon Paladin will accomplish the same things as Dragon Prest only better because Paladin has the potential to chain together Dragon Consorts with that new Discover card. Paladin has a near 50% chance to Discover a Consort thanks to the occurrence bonus and that's more impactful than either Welp or Coldarra Drake.

Dragon Paladin is another deck that pretty much builds by itself. You have to run Doomsayers in that deck though once you get into turn 3s then you start ramping up quick.

I found the most success just resigning the two drop to the hero power, and catching up turn 3 onward. Doomsayer is just so worthless past turn two, and dead draws are killer to the archetype, since it's so hard to keep both tempo and draw resources up to where it needs to be to win. Especially since you're already playing one card behind as the designated dragon activator typically shouldn't be played.

But maybe the new cards will allow it to slow down enough to change all that.
They indirectly did that when they nerfed Owl and Keeper. Priest already have Mass Dispel and Silence at their disposal. But just like Murlocs in Shaman and Beast in Druid it hasn't really defined the class yet due to lack of complimenting/synergy cards.
I find it interesting that in Duelyst, Vetruvian has a 0-mana silence and it's a 2-3x card staple in every Vetruvian deck, but I've never seen a Priest run Silence in Hearthstone. It's obvious why that's the case, but it's still interesting.


"We didn't want them to use a one mana version to cycle for a combo"
So instead you've created a card that will see no play whatsoever.
And a combo priest would totally have space in their deck for a good Purify target, sure.

I find it interesting that in Duelyst, Vetruvian has a 0-mana silence and it's a 2-3x card staple in every Vetruvian deck, but I've never seen a Priest run Silence in Hearthstone. It's obvious why that's the case, but it's still interesting.
Well yeah, replace mechanic allows for cards that'd otherwise completely throw out your card advantage.

Also another funny thing, Duelyst technically has a -1 mana card cycle. Mana Vortex; 0 mana, lower the cost of next spell by 1, draw a card at end of turn.
And a combo priest would totally have space in their deck for a good Purify target, sure.

Well yeah, replace mechanic allows for cards that'd otherwise completely throw out your card advantage.

Also another funny thing, Duelyst technically has a -1 mana card cycle. Mana Vortex; 0 mana, lower the cost of next spell by 1, draw a card at end of turn.
Duelyst is WAY more generous with card draw in general, though. I would love it if Spelljammer made its way into Hearthstone.

submitted my perfectly balanced priest cards to PCgamer. 60packs guaranteed, hire me etc.



Mana Burn would peak at 8 damage, and be unplayable until turn 3?

Interesting cards, no doubt.
Unless you know you need a taunt.

Proceeds to post a 3-mana 3/6 taunt lul
Turn 1 Trogg could be a 3/3 by now backed by two 3/4s. ;-)

Or imagine:
Turn 1: Trogg.
Turn 2: Totem Golem (Trogg now 2/3)
Turn 3, after your opponent plays the 3/6 taunt: Lightning Bolt and hit with Totem Golem.

So you have a 3/3 and a 3/1, and the Priest has nothing. That card might not even be good enough to survive Shaman!


Turn 1 Trogg could be a 3/3 by now backed by two 3/4s. ;-)

Or imagine:
Turn 1: Trogg.
Turn 2: Totem Golem (Trogg now 2/3)
Turn 3, after your opponent plays the 3/6 taunt: Lightning Bolt and hit with Totem Golem.

So you have a 3/3 and a 3/1, and the Priest has nothing. That card might not even be good enough to survive Shaman!

Nice example of 3 cards beating 1.


It's only a 3 mana 3/6 taunt if you pass your turn 2, that's huge in this meta and why priest/rogue are dumpster tier, they don't have any on par turn 2 play.

I'm turning turn 2 to future investment, new priest mechanic to use mana float in some way, It's essentially 5 mana 3/6 taunt, fen creeper! see, it's balanced. Like we have thing from below in this game, this is fine. I know these are kinda broken, that was the joke :b

edit: I have to remove the 'battlecry' from the card, it should show in your hand what stats this has btw, not to be a battlecry.


It's a fun card design, not just super balanced.

It's also an ancient of war when drawn late game, do preeetty good :)


Now that priest got banished to wild for another 4 months at least, let's take a look at the other bottom tier classes: Rogue and Paladin.
I'm actually have some hope for paladins, since the dragon cards fill a few holes in their mana curve.
Barnes will probably allso help N'zoth paladin, but it remisn to be seen if that is enough support.
On a side not, Blizzard really needs to stop making 6 mana 4/4, it's such an awful statline forthat mana cost.

For rogues however the next expansion looks not good at all.
Unless thief rogues becomes a thing, which is highly questionable, they might join priest at the lowest tier.
They might play Fork simply because they have no better options, but it's not going to change much either way.
I know some people are really looking forward to Violet Illusionist, but 3 mana 4/3 usually die the next turn, so this card isn't much better than earthen ring farseer in most cases.


Eh like I said earlier its maybe not great but mediocre deck like N'zoth Rogue is fun and good enough to grind ladder. Just like Mage can crawl with Tempo Mage. If you had library of Rogue card seeing play Rogue games quest not gonna made you take deep breath unlike Priest quest.

Rogue and Mage library is nice enough to carry ddck despite constructed meta not kind to them.


It's true. Feels great winning with Renounce Darkness or The Ancient One.

Yeah bit those actually have a fun vibe to them. Like in this case Purify isn't in the same league as Renounce and The ancient One.

Like in films you have those 'so bad it's good'-films, where you have completely over the top bullshit happening. Purify is just bad.


Yeah bit those actually have a fun vibe to them. Like in this case Purify isn't in the same league as Renounce and The ancient One.

Like in films you have those 'so bad it's good'-films, where you have completely over the top bullshit happening. Purify is just bad.

Purify is actually way better than The Ancient One.


Man Beast Druid is going to be everywhere if it's remotely decent, it's basically just a bunch of commons and Fandral.


New designer insight video from Ben Brode, and they are removing Purify
from Arena drafts.

At least if it was one mana someone might actually play it, Ben. It'd still be dramatically worse than Power Word: Shield in a normal Priest deck. Would've had nice synergy with Chow if he was still around at least, but Priest don't want 90% of their stuff silenced.
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