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Unconfirmed Member
Someone explain to me how I'm supposed to win against that pos worgen deck as a priest.

Such a fucking joke.

Taunts are a good start.

If you are playing a control deck (and as a Priest I don't know what else you'd be doing), then you might want to try to start pushing out some damage and minions earlier than you normally would against a C'thun Warrior or Dragon Warrior.

Prevent the warrior's draws as best you can, although this is really the gameplan against any warrior deck. That could mean intentionally not hitting face early on to keep the battle rage draws lower. But at minimun you want to be using SW:p on as many acolytes as possible.

Beyond that your deck is at a disadvantage because combo decks like this are generally better against control decks. In theory your best move might be to play an aggro deck and win before the Warrior has a chance to get the combo off. Sadly, that means you probably cannot play as Priest.


Someone explain to me how I'm supposed to win against that pos worgen deck as a priest.

Such a fucking joke.

I just lost to a worgen deck that got no draw off... he magically had all the combo cards in hand on turn 9.

EDIT: I pained both of his acolytes before he could get any value.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
I logged in today and got a nice surprise. Free cards!

I cracked the unicorn priest code. I just beat a handlock with my priest deck.

It's "Honest Card Text"

I get it. But it is in fact weaker because you can play that in any warrior deck without dragon synergy. It's like people saying priest should get a 2/4 for 2 with text, that's stronger than that 2/4 taunt that requires dragon synergy by a large margin.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
I wasn't even thinking of Alexstrasza's Champion. I was just thinking on the off chance I don't get FWA in my opening hand I'd be cool with getting this
I wasn't even thinking of Alexstrasza's Champion. I was just thinking on the off chance I don't get FWA in my opening hand I'd be cool with getting this

Yeah, it's on the power level of fiery war axe. For some reason blizzard loves giving a ton of high power cards to a few classes like warrior. I mean, look at wolfrider... it's a 3/1 for 3. Stormwind knight is a 2/5 for 4. A 2cc 3/3 charge minion has about the same power as 4 drop with charge... that's insane.

I play midrange warrior and I don't envy what dragon warrior use, fuck alex champion

Huh? A 2cc 3/3 charge would be auto-include, especially in midrange warrior.


Yeah, it's on the power level of fiery war axe. For some reason blizzard loves giving a ton of high power cards to a few classes like warrior. I mean, look at wolfrider... it's a 3/1 for 3. Stormwind knight is a 2/5 for 4. A 2cc 3/3 charge minion has about the same power as 4 drop with charge... that's insane.

Dragon synergy gives them a shit excuse to make the card super powerful, it only has 1 attack less than the 4 mana 4/3 charge in Warrior.
Dragon synergy gives them a shit excuse to make the card super powerful, it only has 1 attack less than the 4 mana 4/3 charge in Warrior.

I wouldn't call it a shit excuse. It was added back when they were trying to make dragon powerful enough to be viable and it's only really backfired on them recently, if they even view it that way. I don't think they do since dragon warrior win rates are apparently not much higher than other deck's.

3/3 charge for 2 is insane in this meta. It could be weaker in other ones though. Historically it has been weaker in older metas.


3/3 Charger for 2 mana was always godlike on paper but it didn't do anything in metas where you had stuff like Haunted Creepers, Nerubian Eggs, Minibots and Mad Scientists.

The 2 drops had gotten so out of hand that Alex Champion was seen as not good enough.

The rise of the Shaman called it back into action to punish the Troggs.


Scumbag Priest wrecking through RNG BS. Mind Games out Highmane on turn 4, forbidden shaping bolf ram shield to prevent lethal on turn 6, top decking Reno turn 7. Not even Call of the Wild could save this hunter from the light.

Next game I mind control a rogue's 23/20 taunt c'thun and kill him with it the next turn. Bet he is kicking himself for buffing the c'thun with taunt.

Finally I outlast a c'thun warrior by getting the blood warriors from Nefarian and use it to copy Reno and Darkmender. He hit fatigue with 1 card in his hand while I had 6 in my hand, 3 big minions from golden monkey on the board and 7 cards left in my deck.

EDIT: next game I completely wreck a dragon warrior. He was top decking at turn 7 while I had board control and full hp. This luck can't last. :p

EDIT: linked the wrong deck
EDIT3: yep, next game a malygos rogue completely wrecked me.

EDIT4: next up was astral communion druid at 10 hp was able to aviana - innervate - sylvanas - ironbark - y'shaarj that pulls out ragnaros. I only have sylvanas and disciple of c'thun on the board, so I hit sylvanas into the ironbark -steals rag-, play mind games -summons Baron Geddon-, hit disciple into ironbark, cast excavated evil. That cleared his board except y'shaarj, sylvanas stole geddon, rag hit his face for exact lethal. ESPORTS!


Almost nothing good comes out until wing 3 and 4, it's awful. Wing 1 is literally just trash.

Week 1
Prologue: Enchanted Raven, Firelands Portal
The Parlor: Cloaked Huntress, Ivory Knight, Priest of the Feast, Deadly Fork, Maelstrom Portal, Silverware Golem, Protect the King!, Arcane Anomaly, Moroes, Pantry Spider, Arcanosmith

Week 2
The Opera: Kindly Grandmother, Silvermoon Portal, Onyx Bishop, Swashburglar, Wicked Witchdoctor, Kara Kazham!, Pompous Thespian, Barnes, Moat Lurker, Arcane Giant

I bolded all the good stuff for you.


Super Sleuth
Arcane giant and cloaked huntress seem like they would be good in Yogg n load, but maybe not two of each? One offs and eliminate Elekk? But elekk is so good at making Yogg more consistent and more minions really hurts that.


Just looked at my adventures and I never even bothered with the last wing of Blackrock.

Nothing I really want in the final wing of Karazhan but I have Amazon credit so I'll finish it all anyway.
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