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Hearthstone |OT7/7| _ Give Tyrande | _ Blizzard: Give Amazon Money

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Yeah, but almost everyone gets shit on by Zoo so... ; )

So what?

Since when has anyone in this game played for the enjoyment of their opponent? You think playing against Fiery War Axe is fun? Or Call of the Wild? Or having some aggro Shaman or Pirate Warrior push your poop in on turn five fun? Or playing against Secret Paladin before Standard was fun? None of that stuff was fun and Control Priest (the only real archtype that Priest has had since the start of Hearthstone) has never been as dominant as any of the decks I just listed.

You don't want me to Cabal Shadow Priest your Bloodhoof, Brann, or whatever else? Don't play something with less than three power on or after turn six. It's not like CSP really does much against aggro these days anyways.

No one plays Mind Control.

Almost no one plays Shadow Madness.

No one plays Mind Vision or Mind Games.

Thoughtsteal doesn't "steal" anything.

That leaves Entomb, a six mana, single-target removal spell. lol

With the state of Priest as it is now, Entombing something is rarely little more than a Pyrric Victory. Yeah, I removed your dood and put it in my deck, but now I'm dead.

Edit: If Blizz wants to revamp the whole class to make it more fun for everyone, than I'm down with that provided they do a better job than what they've been doing up until now. I don't need Priest to be stealing shit; there are more creatives ways to make Priest fun. Why don't we do more with healing / shadow damage. More cards like Northshire Cleric, Holy Champion, Shadowform, and Light of the Naaru? All of that stuff is fun.

But in today's Priest, no one uses Holy Champion. No one uses Shadowform. Some priests don't even use Northshire Cleric anymore. So which Classic cards do you propose they do away with? Shadow Words Pain / Death? Holy Nova? Power Word: Shield? Auchenai Shadow Priest? None of those cards steal anything?

Thoughtsteal? I'd rather have Arcane Intellect. (Actually, no I wouldn't. TS is more fun, but AI is the better card.) Then what? CSP? A 4/6 for six mana that potentially does nothing but race to its death when played without a target to take?
Woah. I was just sympathizing. I don't really care... :-/

Priest was a lot of fun to play as before standard, it was my fave control class. Now Warrior is the only one left standing.
Priest is super good in Wild.

C'Thun Priest run Shadowform.
Shadowform is always bad. :(

Legendary in brawl. You guys are so lucky.

No legendary so far for me this week :(
You expect one per week? :p
I got one each week for the last 3 weeks :(

Grats. :)


I actually like this Tavern Brawl, it makes Renounce Warlock much more consistent than it usually is (in terms of staying in the game after casting it early)


I actually like this Tavern Brawl, it makes Renounce Warlock much more consistent than it usually is (in terms of staying in the game after casting it early)

yeah this Brawl is quite interesting. just knowing 100% what card you will get can be super crazy.



Started a Warlock, renounced into Priest, then got like half a dozen Rogue cards.
Rogue wants to Sprint? Yeah okay, I'm gonna sprint too!

Really wish the game went down to the wire and I didn't inch my way into such a massive life lead because I also copied his Reno card from his deck hahaha


I get triggered so hard when I'm playing a Shaman and they misplace their Tuskarr.

Maybe it's the zoo player in me, but come on guys, Tuskarr has a 1 in 7 chance of summoning a Flametongue, why not put it to the left of your minions? Half the time they are putting it down to the far right and getting no value from a potential FT. It's so bad.

Don't even get me starting on the guy who played the 5/5 and then coined Hero power.

The salt when I lose to a shaman player who is making Dennis plays but gets carried by OP cards and high rolling RNG...


Have to give credit to Zetalot for being so persistent with the Priest class. Currently running a Djinni/Inner Fire deck with Power Word: Tentacles and Shieldbearer.


Have to give credit to Zetalot for being so persistent with the Priest class. Currently running a Djinni/Inner Fire deck with Power Word: Tentacles and Shieldbearer.

He kinda has to when it's the primary gimmick of his stream and it would die out if he just played everything randomly. He still hasn't won a tourney or done anything else to stand out.

Overall I notice that Hearthstone is dying out as a streaming game, at least in the West. If you go to Twitch and filter out for only English streams you'll notice that the viewer counts have dropped tremendously compared to last year especially since the bigger streamers appear to have moved on to other games like Overwatch.


Man, secret paladin in this brawl... got my 3 secret tree eaten and I'm like whatever, killed it and he conceded next turn after I dropped Tirion.


vS Data Reaper Report #8
Shaman, Hunter and Warlock’s numbers are all gradually reducing. Hunter in particular is a class that seems to be relatively ‘disliked’ at higher levels of play compared to the rest of the field.

He kinda has to when it's the primary gimmick of his stream and it would die out if he just played everything randomly. He still hasn't won a tourney or done anything else to stand out.
My point had more to do with the positive approach which I find refreshing after constantly reading about people taking breaks and whatnot.


Dragon Warrior being the top warrior build is so depressing.

Warrior becoming known for an aggressive midrange deck--it's just wrong.

We want tank up-pass! We want resident sleeper! We want fatigue!


Dragon Warrior being the top warrior build is so depressing.

Warrior becoming known for an aggressive midrange deck--it's just wrong.

We want tank up-pass! We want resident sleeper! We want fatigue!

we want to see the opponent starve to death!!

I'm not warrior expert, tho, but I actually love the many options they are having right now, makes me want lots of warrior cards
That's because you don't main Priest. ; )

I don't mean to unload on you, just frustrated with my favorite class.
I actually desperately wanted to main Priest when the expansion dropped. I really wanted to be a Shadowpriest, and I even blew 800 dust on Shadowforms. Then the class took me all the way from rank 7 to rank 16 with losses, and that was that.

ever notice how a lot of anduins minions are women?

wtf is that all about?
Read the Dune series and you'll understand.


Smashed two Renounce Warlocks with Pirate Warrior in brawl, easy money. Pile it on from turn 1, they waste a turn on Renounce, and there's no way for them to catch back up.


Found a good way to grind gold.

Step one: earn golden warrior
Step two: queue into casual
Step 3: enjoy the 20% of your games where your opponent instantly concedes.

I bet this would work even better combined with a legend cardback.

(playing on spotty wifi so I'm not willing to risk any stars)
Mage plays Yogg, instantly kills itself with Shadow Strike then casts Blessing of Kings on my totem. Now that's a Yogg I can get behind.
The other day I had a Yogg played against me that casted Embrace the Shadows then proceed to Flash Heal and Holy Light me, giving my opponent lethal.

Praise Yogg indeed!


What the fuck is happening on Kiblers stream. He's playing vs a aggro warrior with two Coldlights and pandas and a fucking doomsayer and Deathwing.
Oh and Manawraiths. MANAWRAITHS


The other day I had a Yogg played against me that casted Embrace the Shadows then proceed to Flash Heal and Holy Light me, giving my opponent lethal.

Praise Yogg indeed!

In one of the earlier Tavern Brawls, I had a Yogg play Embrace the Shadow and Tree of Life. Double KO.


Frostcaller is even worse than 3 stat points in some cases. At 4 mana, paladins are playing keeper of uldaman which is +1 attack but usually giving +2/+2 to some recruit. Hunters are playing the infected wolf which is a 5/5, shamans are playing "thats incredible", druids are playing a turbo yeti, the list goes on and on. Part of what makes flamewaker so good is that he is fairly priced at 2/4 for 3 mana. 2/4 at 4 is simply not destined to last.

I don't want to claim I'm running a meta breaking deck since it is basically just Yogg tempo mage with Demented Frostcaller, but I think this is an underrated and underused card in the current meta. Tempo mage has a virtually endless supply of spells and takes advantage of both flamewaker and frostcaller.

Demented Frostcaller benefit is not the value or stats, but the ability to lock down a board. The amazing benefit is against Warrior, who are a major part of the meta. You lock down their face, clear minions with spells and eventually burn them down.

Here is a link to the deck and stats: http://hss.io/d/9492995
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