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Super Sleuth
I don't want to claim I'm running a meta breaking deck since it is basically just Yogg tempo mage with Demented Frostcaller, but I think this is an underrated and underused card in the current meta. Tempo mage has a virtually endless supply of spells and takes advantage of both flamewaker and frostcaller.

Demented Frostcaller benefit is not the value or stats, but the ability to lock down a board. The amazing benefit is against Warrior, who are a major part of the meta. You lock down their face, clear minions with spells and eventually burn them down.

Here is a link to the deck and stats: http://hss.io/d/9492995

Do spellslingers really work out for you?

I would think water elementals would fit with the theme of the deck a little better but I've never actually tried to use the spellslingers. I have certainly benefited from them when others play them though!


Do spellslingers really work out for you?

I would think water elementals would fit with the theme of the deck a little better but I've never actually tried to use the spellslingers. I have certainly benefited from them when others play them though!

One of the main goals is to get a big Yogg, so Spellsingers are perfect. Sometimes it gives an opponent something good, but usually any card I give them is a tempo loss for them and spells benefit me more.

I've also been running a Yogg Tempo mage with Spellslingers and Servant of Yogg-Saron if that give you an indication of my RNG threshold at the moment.
God, this game sometimes.

I play Yogg, he saves my ass by giving me 8 armor and puts like 20 damage into the enemy Mage leaving them at 3 health. Mage responds with their own Yogg. Third spell is Hellfire, game over, I win.

I've actually kind of had fun today. It's been a while.
God, this game sometimes.

I play Yogg, he saves my ass by giving me 8 armor and puts like 20 damage into the enemy Mage leaving them at 3 health. Mage responds with their own Yogg. Third spell is Hellfire, game over, I win.

I've actually kind of had fun today. It's been a while.

I played yogg, putting my opponent into lethal range of my burn spells, also gave me a charging yogg before using vanish.

He plays yogg and it puts him out of range.

I played yogg again and surely it does nothing to help me win.



Unconfirmed Member
Praising Yogg is about the most fun thing left to do in Hearthstone. Nothing else gets that rush anymore. Basically, Yogg is a crack dealer and we are all addicted.

PRAISE YOGG. (please don't hurt me, yogg)
Praising Yogg is about the most fun thing left to do in Hearthstone. Nothing else gets that rush anymore. Basically, Yogg is a crack dealer and we are all addicted.

PRAISE YOGG. (please don't hurt me, yogg)

Try blowing someone to bits with malygos rogue. That's equally if not more fun. Or miracle rogue if you don't have malygos.


Wow, this is the first time my opponent Reno'd 2 times in one match. Happened against my Renounce Warlock turned into (Shadow) Priest

Took mage down to barely below 0 first time with a tiny tap of a 3 attack minion, then the mage's answer was Ice Block trigger, Reno and Youthful Brewmaster. Damn annoying, but it wasn't end of the world yet, after that I still kept some decent board.

Then the second time I got mage to single digit health, in lethal range, and again came Reno. At that point with my board to bare minimum, nothing in hand and deck is empty, had to concede there.

Kinda wanna get a Yogg for my ladder Renounce Warlock, he is quite removal spell heavy


Praising Yogg is about the most fun thing left to do in Hearthstone. Nothing else gets that rush anymore. Basically, Yogg is a crack dealer and we are all addicted.

PRAISE YOGG. (please don't hurt me, yogg)

Yeah my experiment this week was to make a Yogg deck for each class.

Murloc Anyfin Yogg Paladin and Yogg Priest were a lot of fun. Druid and Mage are still the clear winners. Yogg Rogue is acceptable.
Haha fuck secret paladins this brawl.


Oh, finally got jaraxxus off the brawl pack.


Mage plays Yogg, instantly kills itself with Shadow Strike then casts Blessing of Kings on my totem. Now that's a Yogg I can get behind.

The other day I had a Yogg played against me that casted Embrace the Shadows then proceed to Flash Heal and Holy Light me, giving my opponent lethal.

Praise Yogg indeed!

God, this game sometimes.

I play Yogg, he saves my ass by giving me 8 armor and puts like 20 damage into the enemy Mage leaving them at 3 health. Mage responds with their own Yogg. Third spell is Hellfire, game over, I win.

I've actually kind of had fun today. It's been a while.

Yall Yogg stories are the best. Has a card ever provided such mirth and tears at the sametime for you guys? I can only wonder.... Before my time
Yall Yogg stories are the best. Has a card ever provided such mirth and tears at the sametime for you guys? I can only wonder.... Before my time
Piloted Shredder could give birth go Cho and Doomsayer.

Also, Evolve has provided some hilarious moments for me. A guy evolved his board against me and got a Doomsayer.

"Well played."
Man, Fandral can be so damn broken. Just went like;

Fandral + Innervate + Power of the Wild
Nourish + Wrath
Druid of the Claw + Innervate + Druid of the Claw
Mire Keeper + Power of the Wild

Then the Priest was FINALLY able to remove my Fandral after I buffed it to 5 attack lol. Too late by that point though.


Whenever I'm low ranked enough that I face Astral fucking Druid I get so angry I want to snap my computer in half. How am I so shit that I get matched up with people playing the most shit deck that's ever existed. I feel like Ben Brode is spitting in my eye whenever this happens. I know I'm not a legend player but goddamn it I should be ranked up higher than these clowns by now. I won every game I played yesterday but I didn't get a streak because of 3 disconnects. Today I was on a 3 game loss streak and then disconnected when I was finally winning. Bought into the hype was playing C'thun Warrior on Standard, great idea when everyone is playing Midrange Hunter. Just a fantastic, FUN time.

Anyway, I punished this Astral Druid bad. He got to play his Deathwing, and my Yogg I played in response even doubled its attack for him. But I played Mirror Image and his next three draws were: Astral Communion / Innervate / Innervate. A 24/12 dragon was stopped by two 0/2 taunts. I hope this Druid idjit feels as bad as his deck is.


Man, Fandral can be so damn broken. Just went like;

Fandral + Innervate + Power of the Wild
Nourish + Wrath
Druid of the Claw + Innervate + Druid of the Claw
Mire Keeper + Power of the Wild

Then the Priest was FINALLY able to remove my Fandral after I buffed it to 5 attack lol. Too late by that point though.

Playing the best deck in the game vs the worst class in the game. Bully.
This is the first time I've seen this minion.


How did I get it? Yogg. Yogg played effigy. Then convert on the warrior's gromm. I played gromm and smashed face. He killed it and it summoned this guy.

Then later I somehow ended up with nozdormu and a new yogg in my hand:


Noz off idol and a new yogg from that warrior spell that copies injured minions.

So many good stories off yoggsauron. I won both those games too. Sitting at 68% (52-27) with this deck.
Finger twitched when dragging Kill Command for lethal and hit my own creep. That sucks.

EDIT: And now I just got a disconnect and "unable to reconnect". Internet is fine and restarting the game wouldn't let me reconnect either. Thanks Blizzard.
8-1 with tempo mage, these yogg druid/warrior decks are getting hammered too. I only lost once to druid yogg who had one of the best yogg's I've ever seen. He was literally down to either zero or a single card, then he suddenly had a full hand.


Rest in god damn peace Yugioh... Konami strikes again.

One less online card game one can play now that isn't a straight up Magic/Hearthstone clone.
Man, usually I don't mind bad RNG, but it's been terrible for me today. Feels like I've lost every random one damage juggles, other such things, and I even put in a Murloc Knight for fun and it's spawned 1/1s just about every time too.

Ah well, until next time I suppose.
Lol just rekt this scrubby aggro player. I ran into him as aggro shaman and he won off top decking burn. And he had the luckiest RNG the whole game. Then I queued into again he was aggro hunter where he again had lucky ass RNG but my superb yogg set up sent him packing big time.

Rest in god damn peace Yugioh... Konami strikes again.

One less online card game one can play now that isn't a straight up Magic/Hearthstone clone.

I didn't even know there was a yugioh online.

I'm not ashamed to admit I've had some BS wins today off yogg. There are a few rules for me playing yogg though. 1. heals never hit me. 2. like a 50% chance to get vanish. 3. 75% chance yogg dies. The spell that doubles minion's hp almost always only adds 1 health and the one that equalized attack to health always makes yogg a 1/2 or a 2/2.

Anyway, I just had a game where I got misdirect. The hunter uses a 1/1 hound (that somehow survived 11 yogg spells) and of all targets misdirect could hit (he had like 5 other targets), it hits his face bringing him down to 7 hp. Then I top deck'd a fireball. I think I might have had a spellpower minion in hand, in fact I am certain of it on second thought, but it was pretty funny.


Konami didn't do anything. 3rd party took down the service.
SSSSSUUUURRRRRREEEEE it wasn't from Konami.

I am sure that 3rd party animation company (that is most likely involved in making the YGO anime) is totally not related to Konami at all.
Lol just rekt this scrubby aggro player. I ran into him as aggro shaman and he won off top decking burn. And he had the luckiest RNG the whole game. Then I queued into again he was aggro hunter where he again had lucky ass RNG but my superb yogg set up sent him packing big time.

I didn't even know there was a yugioh online.

I'm not ashamed to admit I've had some BS wins today off yogg. There are a few rules for me playing yogg though. 1. heals never hit me. 2. like a 50% chance to get vanish. 3. 75% chance yogg dies. The spell that doubles minion's hp almost always only adds 1 health and the one that equalized attack to health always makes yogg a 1/2 or a 2/2.

Anyway, I just had a game where I got misdirect. The hunter uses a 1/1 hound (that somehow survived 11 yogg spells) and of all targets misdirect could hit (he had like 5 other targets), it hits his face bringing him down to 7 hp. Then I top deck'd a fireball. I think I might have had a spellpower minion in hand, in fact I am certain of it on second thought, but it was pretty funny.
So you were about to lose twice in a row, but Yogg saved you, and your opponent is the scrub?


Data reaper's stats has Token Druid (with Yogg) up with Dragon Warrior as the two best decks in the game in the current meta.

that must be because of high level players just playing a good deck that requires a GREAT pilot, like miracle rogue or patron..

at my ranks any token druid i see is a fumbling idiot

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
As a Warrior facing a Hunter I don't even know what to do against Highmane. And Call of the Wild is obviously overwhelming for all classes


Facing a Warrior with a War Axe totally kills my early game as Midrange Hunter. Can't play anything without getting it whacked.

You should happy if warrior hit your minion with axe, sure as heck I dreaded that feeling hp dropped below 20 before highmane and call of win hit the floor
is a game-winning yogg not tons of lucky rng?

Depends on how much the win is from yogg tbh. I don't get that many clutch wins from yogg, usually I am already in a really good position or the game has literally just turned out of favor for me.

I would break it down into 3 categories.

1. Usually when yogg wins me the game I was ahead most of the game, this is where I feel a lot of different legendary cards would be great.

2. Then there are the games where I am about even with my opponent, and yogg pushes me into a win. This is where yogg is really good and is the reason I feel you run him.

3. Lastly, the games where you are behind all game and can't really force the game into an even state... I don't really expect to win from yogg and almost never do anyway.
As a Warrior facing a Hunter I don't even know what to do against Highmane. And Call of the Wild is obviously overwhelming for all classes
Death's Bite used to be the answer to Highmane. Now, I guess it depends on what kind of Warrior you are playing. It's a good minion to use Execute on, because Hunters usually don't play anything bigger than the Highmane.
I would never ever play Yogg when I am ahead in a game.

I think the decision is very nuanced and situation specific. If the rest of my hand isn't going to significantly impact the board and I have no immediate threats, I feel like Yogg is a very reasonable line of play. In fact, I think I very often see yogg as a viable choice whenever I have the spare mana. Only late into the game where I am topdecking + low on hp is yogg a very bad play. Of course, I often don't play yogg at 10 mana because I have better plays, but sometimes he simply is the best play and when I am ahead or about even I have had great success with him.

I'm actually at exactly 100 games played with yogg in tempo mage. 70 wins, 30 losses. Yogg is definitely a difficult card to judge when to use. It's a lot more nuanced than the categories I listed I think, but that is typically when I play him as I don't play him when I am far ahead.


Deaths' Bite is a crappy answer to Highmane. Take 6 damage to face to remove one part of the Highmane.

Most classes don't have good enough answers to Highmane, usually you just play Sylvanas into it or you can use a Silence on it. Hex, Poly, Entomb... that's generally about it.


Death's Bite used to be the answer to Highmane. Now, I guess it depends on what kind of Warrior you are playing. It's a good minion to use Execute on, because Hunters usually don't play anything bigger than the Highmane.

its still leave two 2/2 minion that very threatening, because they enabling kill command that can reach lethal at that point of game or very deadly cheap removal that swing the board again while call of win clock nearing.. you really want in winning position at turn 5-7 against hunter but highmane really made it hard

card is BS in a way why its frigging better than Cairne which is legendary
Deaths' Bite is a crappy answer to Highmane. Take 6 damage to face to remove one part of the Highmane.

Most classes don't have good enough answers to Highmane, usually you just play Sylvanas into it or you can use a Silence on it. Hex, Poly, Entomb... that's generally about it.
I usually try to hit the Highmane with the whirlwind, I mean. Then I'm not losing any minions or taking any damage to take it out with Execute. Then I use board to clear the 2/2s.

its still leave two 2/2 minion that very threatening, because they enabling kill command that can reach lethal at that point of game or very deadly cheap removal that swing the board again while call of win clock nearing.. you really want in winning position at turn 5-7 against hunter but highmane really made it hard

card is BS in a way why its frigging better than Cairne which is legendary
Highmane is like...the only good Hunter card outside of CotW...

If you're preparing for it, you can make the Hunter take a noteworthy tempo loss, too.


I usually try to hit the Highmane with the whirlwind, I mean. Then I'm not losing any minions or taking any damage to take it out with Execute. Then I use board to clear the 2/2s.
So first you use up two durability of the Death's Bite to clip Highmane, then spend a card on it to clear the 6/5 body (execute) and THEN play a board clear to clear (another card, Geddon/Brawl) to clear the 2/2s...

Terrible answer right there.
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