I don't want to claim I'm running a meta breaking deck since it is basically just Yogg tempo mage with Demented Frostcaller, but I think this is an underrated and underused card in the current meta. Tempo mage has a virtually endless supply of spells and takes advantage of both flamewaker and frostcaller.
Demented Frostcaller benefit is not the value or stats, but the ability to lock down a board. The amazing benefit is against Warrior, who are a major part of the meta. You lock down their face, clear minions with spells and eventually burn them down.
Here is a link to the deck and stats: http://hss.io/d/9492995
Do spellslingers really work out for you?
I would think water elementals would fit with the theme of the deck a little better but I've never actually tried to use the spellslingers. I have certainly benefited from them when others play them though!