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Hearthstone |OT7/7| _ Give Tyrande | _ Blizzard: Give Amazon Money

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What cost in yugioh?

What I mean is that powerful minions usually have costs that are unique to them. Most magic and trap cards are free which means combo and control are actually pretty playable (theoretically of course) because you don't have to worry about being at a specific cost to wait to use your removal (how many times have you been sitting there with that Siphon Soul in hand while their Councilman just whoops your face?).

Even then some of the more powerful spells/traps have unique conditions and costs to them too. That's more interesting than just one currency fit all type costs.


Brawl pack won in a record 15 seconds.

Priest (me) vs Warlock.
Turn 1 plays Imp Gang Boss
Turn 1 play Cabal Shadow Priest


I really hope Blizzard comes back on their standard rotation as it is now. It´s just stupid that the rotation is this static. Like either up the amount of sets and have a quicker rotation, for example have 1 big set/1 adventure per 6 months that form a block (like the current MTG rotation) or have a really big set at the start of the year 200 - 250 cards + an adventure + a smaller set of +/-130 cards at the end of the year.

As it is now 378 cards will always be in standard (Basic/Classic set). At every start of the rotation we're going to lose +/- 315 cards (next year less due to 2015 only have one major set, tgt, and 2 adventures) and gain +/- 130 cards.

They said they wanted the basic/classic set just be something for returning players to fall back on but there is so much power in there that at every rotation a lot of those cards will, again, show up in decks. Leading to each rotation instead of feeling fresh, feeling respective.

But knowing Blizzard they'll probably up the power level of the first set of the next standard year..

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man

Great brawl guys
I'm Hunter with Eaglehorn Bow. 1 durability.

I play Freezing trap.

Do I swing or pass?

-remove a cheap minion so it doesn't activate trap, lose one swing, opponent "loses" bigger minion

-get another swing, give opponent opportunity to build up board, may play around the trap by not attacking or dropping cheap minions
The lane splitting is lame. The Ubisoft game already does something like it, and it was pretty dull. Spellweaver's speed system is more interesting, as is Duelyst's board and Infinity Wars' tri-deployment system.

Also, I am not a big fan of cards that can only be destroyed by their anti. I've always felt like MtG having enchantments, but certain colors like red not being able to destroy enchantments, was stupid. If Hearthstone added enchantments or artifacts, I think it would be best if Silence killed them, or if they could be killed in a plain fashion somehow.

I'm not a huge fan of lane splitting in the game so far, but duelyst grid was so uninspired and frankly boring to me.

As far as enchantments/artifacts in hearthstone, I would hope silence is not the strong answer. I kind of like how silence has been made a tech choice now and is only rarely seen as opposed to before.


Super Sleuth
I'm Hunter with Eaglehorn Bow. 1 durability.

I play Freezing trap.

Do I swing or pass?

-remove a cheap minion so it doesn't activate trap, lose one swing, opponent "loses" bigger minion

-get another swing, give opponent opportunity to build up board, may play around the trap by not attacking or dropping cheap minions

Having a freezing trap up means I attack crappy minions (if they only have one) every time.


Having a freezing trap up means I attack crappy minions (if they only have one) every time.

I was playing a Hunter, wasn't sure what the secret was... until he quickshotted a 1/1, leaving my 6/8 untouched and not swinging in with axe. Made it pretty obvious what he was playing. I couldn't get a token to stick so I was forced to proc it with a fatty, which felt bad.


Super Sleuth
I was playing a Hunter, wasn't sure what the secret was... until he quickshotted a 1/1, leaving my 6/8 untouched and not swinging in with axe. Made it pretty obvious what he was playing. I couldn't get a token to stick so I was forced to proc it with a fatty, which felt bad.

That's the thing. With hunter traps nobody is ever going to test it with a heavy weight if they can at all help it. And then not attacking with a big minion for a couple of turns trying to get a small one out to trigger the trap is a massive tempo swing.

But man, so many idiots will test for a trap by attacking face instead of a minion when I have explosive trap up and clear their board. It's remarkable.
There is often no point in triggering a freezing trap with a high cost minion unless it's basically last resort, like you're going to replay him as your best move that turn or perhaps you're counting on a stronger minion to carry you through. Getting impatient is a big problem with freezing trap. There is nothing to gain if you trigger the trap earlier and you're potentially helping your opponent by letting them play a second freezing trap.

That's the thing. With hunter traps nobody is ever going to test it with a heavy weight if they can at all help it. And then not attacking with a big minion for a couple of turns trying to get a small one out to trigger the trap is a massive tempo swing.

But man, so many idiots will test for a trap by attacking face instead of a minion when I have explosive trap up and clear their board. It's remarkable.

It's probable that they are playing around snake trap when they attack face instead of your minion.


I'm not a huge fan of lane splitting in the game so far, but duelyst grid was so uninspired and frankly boring to me.

As far as enchantments/artifacts in hearthstone, I would hope silence is not the strong answer. I kind of like how silence has been made a tech choice now and is only rarely seen as opposed to before.

duelyst grid is very simple but it adds a lot to the experience.
duelyst grid is very simple but it adds a lot to the experience.

I think I just wanted more out of it. Although the grid isn't the reason why I didn't play it for long.

There is one thing interesting about lanes in ESL, the lanes have special affects. I think in multiplayer one lane has minions start with stealth (still can be targetted by spells, just can't be attacked by minions for a turn). In story there was also a lane that made a random minion switch lanes. I could see them having a card that influences this mechanic.
I was playing a Hunter, wasn't sure what the secret was... until he quickshotted a 1/1, leaving my 6/8 untouched and not swinging in with axe. Made it pretty obvious what he was playing. I couldn't get a token to stick so I was forced to proc it with a fatty, which felt bad.

I lost a game to someone who wouldn't attack with his Ysera and just sat him there farming Dream cards since I couldn't remove it.


Super Sleuth
Do I dust illidan stormrage?

In my opinion, when you are just starting out, you should be more aggressive about dusting borderline or crappy cards than when you have an actual collection.

When you don't have azure Drakes, you shouldn't hold on to Illidan Stormrage.


Got my Golden Warlock portrait! Finally after all this time...

Went to rank 5 playing classic Handlock (with some Dragon Warrior and Shaman in the mix for quest purposes only) and it was one of the most excruciating experiences ever.

One of the worst matches is against Yogg Druid where they spam the board and gain insane value off of everything and then when you finally stabilize against them they throw down Yogg and kill your big stuff.

There's absolutely no reason to be playing Handlock in the meta, even its better match ups like Cthun Warrior and Zoolock are not nearly as good as they used to be. You win against Priest always but they are rare on ladder.

Instead you fight against:

Dragon Warrior : Insane early game pressure with Alex Champion, hard to remove Berserker and then easy Execute kills on your beefy minions for max tempo advantage.

Hunter : Probably worst match up, damn near unwinnable thanks to Call of Wild. It was always bad now it's worse.

Tempo Mage : Another devastatingly bad match up, the taunts and big bodies don't do anything against the burn from hand.

Midrange Shaman : I actually prefer fighting against Aggro Shaman because if you remove Faceless, Ooze Doomhammer and clear their board plus get the heals going.. you can win. Midrange Shaman they just keep pestering you with over statted minions and then finish game with Bloodlust from a few on board tokens.

Control Locks have no good way to remove early game minions and just get clobbered by early drops nowadays. Around turn 4-5 it's very common to be at half HP and that's the time where you can actually play out some cards.

The FEEL of tier 3. Now I am back in rank 7-8 experimenting with different lists and styles to no avail.
So far this is what I can gather what is unique about elder scrolls legends:

1. Lanes - minions can only attack other minions in the same lane. Spells can hit either or both. Some minions summon minions in the opposite or both lanes. 1 lane has no special effect while the other gives minions 1 turn of stealth from minion attacks (can be hit by spells or their version of battlecry).

-Just a thought on the stealth mechanic, it does seem to give the "at the start of your turn" cards a lot bigger chance to actually work. Same for lethal (keyword for destroy minion damaged by this) minions.

2. Going second gets you a coin you can use 3 times, but it's not a card. You can't use the elixir (what they call the coin) more than once per turn.

3. Both players start with 5 runes. Runes are destroyed whenever your hero is dropped past damage threshholds, every 5 health. But you can gain health above 30 so you might need to take more than 5 health for your first rune to be destroyed. Some cards are buffed when runes break. But for the player, when your own rune breaks, you draw a card. If it is a prophecy card, you get the choice to play that card for free immediately (regardless of whether it's your turn or not).

-A thought on prophecy cards, they mostly seem like cheap spells or cheap minions from what I have seen. You can fill your deck with prophecy cards in the hope you get these cards out for free when you take damage, but they're poorly stat'd when you have to play them from hand so there is a trade off.

4. Deck size is 50-70 cards. There are 5 colors and you can mix 2. So deck building seems a lot more complex than hearthstone from the outset, as there are bigger deck sizes plus more combinations. There aren't land colors but there are color synergies, such as a minion getting buffed if it's X color, or the next card is X color on your deck.

5. Enchantments. I don't have much to say about this since I've only seen maybe 1 or 2 so far. The one you play in the story increases your minions health by 1. These are permanent (there are minions who can remove enchantments). It was a pretty expensive spell (4 mana).

6. As mentioned earlier, health is not capped at 40. This goes for mana too (I think). Although frankly I haven't been paying attention to whether mana caps at 10 but can then can be pushed past by cards or whether there is just no cap at all. I'll try to look for that. I saw my mana at 11 once after I played a ramp card similar to wild growth.

These are the basic things I can think of off the top of my head. I wouldn't say these are necessarily improvements over hearthstone, but different. And significantly different.

I'm also still playing through the story mode, so don't blame me if I got some stuff wrong. I have played some versus the AI in practice mode though ;


Eternal is a way better game than the Elder scroll card game anyway, and it run on a decent UI (unlike spellweaver).

It's literally magic lite though. Which can be a pro or a cons for people.
wait... is it really that bad???

I thought it was an awesome card :/

The problem with illidan is that he is pretty expensive for a 5 health minion. Emperor thaurisan has a bigger impact and is played to let people pull of otherwise unachieveable combos. And sylvanas is another 5 health 6 cost minion but she is stronger than illidan by a large margin.

Violet teacher is 3/5 for 4 and has a very similar text to illidan, but at 2 mana less.

Is illidan a terrible card? Maybe not. But it's also never seen play in a competitive deck over 3~ years.

I'll admit that 2 of the times I dusted him was before big game hunter was nerfed. The last one because I simply wanted to craft a different legendary... I think it was chillmaw.

Close enough I guess.

heh Yeah, but I'm just poking fun. Was on vacation for a while, so I have to catch back up with my dumb posts.

I actually like all the Dragon Aspects being actual dragons, feels way cooler to me. Thinking about it though, it would be cool to have some sort of Planeswalker transformation stuff, but there's no way it'd fit into the game.

wait... is it really that bad???

I thought it was an awesome card :/

He is a cool card, had a lot of fun with him in Ashodin's Divine Shield Paladin deck with a Steward of Darkshire combo. But that's a very strict combo in a deck that isn't that good.

Compare that to Azure Drake that can be slotted into just about every deck.


I fucking hate FOTM. 6 Shamans in a row. I don't find the decks too broken compared to shit we've had in the past, but it's just so. fucking. boring.


Unconfirmed Member
I actually like all the Dragon Aspects being actual dragons, feels way cooler to me. Thinking about it though, it would be cool to have some sort of Planeswalker transformation stuff, but there's no way it'd fit into the game.

Planeswalkers are sort of already in the game if you consider stuff like Jaraxxus, Majordomo Executus->Ragnaros, etc. It shouldn't be impossible to create semi-balanced versions of the Dragon Aspects that are neutral and do a Jaraxxus like thing with their own hero powers etc.

Now, WILL Blizzard do this? Almost certainly not, but it would be cool.
Planeswalkers are sort of already in the game if you consider stuff like Jaraxxus, Majordomo Executus->Ragnaros, etc. It shouldn't be impossible to create semi-balanced versions of the Dragon Aspects that are neutral and do a Jaraxxus like thing with their own hero powers etc.

Now, WILL Blizzard do this? Almost certainly not, but it would be cool.

Are Planeswalkers both heroes and minions? I've just only seen them as cards that after a certain threshold or something, turn into something crazy.

But yeah, it'd be rolled into it being too complicated, or even if implemented, nothing stays on the board long enough. You can see this via V-07-TR-0N or Blood of the Ancient One. Cool cards but they were never used.
Are Planeswalkers both heroes and minions? I've just only seen them as cards that after a certain threshold or something, turn into something crazy.

But yeah, it'd be rolled into it being too complicated, or even if implemented, nothing stays on the board long enough. You can see this via V-07-TR-0N or Blood of the Ancient One. Cool cards but they were never used.

iirc they're like another player. The opponent can choose to attack the planewalker instead of the player. The player can block dmg to them w/ their own minions if I believe and any damage they take is taken off their charges. The planewalker comes into play w/ a certain amt of charges and they can increase or decrease them through the actions on the planewalkers card. If the charges reach 0, the planewalker dies. Also I believe since it counts a legendary/named creature if the opponent plays one as well they destroy each other ? i dont remember

I think they need to have an action that allows them to attack otherwise the planeswalker can't attack themselves. Gideon Jura I believe has an ability like this


Unconfirmed Member
But yeah, it'd be rolled into it being too complicated, or even if implemented, nothing stays on the board long enough. You can see this via V-07-TR-0N or Blood of the Ancient One. Cool cards but they were never used.

But it is possible for them to create these sort of "out of hand" interactions that people do use, look at C'thun. You are right that they probably won't though. Cool cards that exist just to show up in highlight reels are fun, but there have been too many of them in recent expansions for my liking.
So, before we get to the event tomorrow, what classes do you guys predict will make out the best/worst from the new adventure?

I have a feeling Paladin will get some love and Shaman will get a whole lotta nothin.
iirc they're like another player. The opponent can choose to attack the planewalker instead of the player. The player can block dmg to them w/ their own minions if I believe and any damage they take is taken off their charges. The planewalker comes into play w/ a certain amt of charges and they can increase or decrease them through the actions on the planewalkers card. If the charges reach 0, the planewalker dies. Also I believe since it counts a legendary/named creature if the opponent plays one as well they destroy each other ? i dont remember

I think they need to have an action that allows them to attack otherwise the planeswalker
can't attack themselves. Gideon Jura I believe has an ability like this

Ah, alright. Thanks for the info. All I've ever seen is a few people play Magic Duels.

But it is possible for them to create these sort of "out of hand" interactions that people do use, look at C'thun. You are right that they probably won't though. Cool cards that exist just to show up in highlight reels are fun, but there have been too many of them in recent expansions for my liking.

You are right, C'Thun does show that there is room to do awesome stuff outside of the board and your hand. Even look at Doomcaller, shuffling a card from your Graveyard into your hand. Though to be fair, Elise Starseeker was the first card to shuffle a new card into your deck.

I just know that it's very unlikely that there will be effects that aren't already based on current card types of Minions, Spells, and Weapons. As a random example, rune slots on your board that can only be effected by rune cards. Keeping things simple and accessible pretty much stop that, especially now with Standard too unless if they start a precedent of adding cards to the classic set.


Reno jackson is sort of a blight. Kinda what I do not like bout the game lol. Since I run zoo / aggro / mid range its annoying fighting long matches with these Reno dudes

I play renolock instead zoo lately

yeah fuck that dude, even with reno our hp pool still like 20 even if you draw reno

so plenty of games I had reno in hand and not even get to use it or I fucked anyway if use it without stabilizing

thanks gawd for druid rise so there still game to be had


Perfect Brawl to clear out some quests.

So, before we get to the event tomorrow, what classes do you guys predict will make out the best/worst from the new adventure?

I have a feeling Paladin will get some love and Shaman will get a whole lotta nothin.

Priest will get the love. Warriors will get nothing!


Unconfirmed Member
So, before we get to the event tomorrow, what classes do you guys predict will make out the best/worst from the new adventure?

I have a feeling Paladin will get some love and Shaman will get a whole lotta nothin.

Paladin will get something playable hopefully some early spells.
Shaman will get some lol-no gimmick cards.
Priest deserves a really powerful card (or two).
Mage gets some more frost spells maybe (would make Freeze more playable and Shatter more useful).
Rogue hopefully gets more cool cards like Unearthed Raptor to make Shadowcasters fun.
Warlock gets NOTHING, no cards at all, fuck this class.
Warrior gets nearly nothing. Class honestly needs nerfs not new cards.
Druid could use some good spells, hopefully cheap ones to go with Fandral/Yogg.
Hunter, I have no idea. The class has been one dimnensional forever, and I have no idea how to change it.


Is TES Legends coming on steam? can you play it without dealing with bethesda launcher?

So, before we get to the event tomorrow, what classes do you guys predict will make out the best/worst from the new adventure?

I have a feeling Paladin will get some love and Shaman will get a whole lotta nothin.

yeah Paladin will get some stuff, possibly hunter even.

Worst is probably rogue or priest still, they might get ok cards but their power level isn't going to change.


Warlock gets NOTHING, no cards at all, fuck this class.

fuck you too breh, we need spell that actually playable or heal

btw paladin n druid can came out as winner, they can really rise with just 2-3 new card

druid can even more solid, pally can be gamechanger
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