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Hearthstone |OT7/7| _ Give Tyrande | _ Blizzard: Give Amazon Money

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I have two overlapping Shaman quests so I'm trying out "Bog Champ" Shaman (aka Ancestral Control, aka Concede Shaman) and man this is a fun deck.

I had a C'thun Druid decide not to attack into my Earth Elemental the turn I played it, trying to preserve his board, so I was able to double Ancestral and then Faceless it. No Druid can get through 6 Earth Elementals.

Next game was against a Nzoth Rogue who thought they had countered my strategy by vanishing board of Earth Elementals after I got the combo, but I was able to just keep playing big taunts every turn until they conceded. Helps when you save Hex for Sylvanas.
I have two overlapping Shaman quests so I'm trying out "Bog Champ" Shaman (aka Ancestral Control, aka Concede Shaman) and man this is a fun deck.

I had a C'thun Druid decide not to attack into my Earth Elemental the turn I played it, trying to preserve his board, so I was able to double Ancestral and then Faceless it. No Druid can get through 6 Earth Elementals.

Next game was against a Nzoth Rogue who thought they had countered my strategy by vanishing board of Earth Elementals after I got the combo, but I was able to just keep playing big taunts every turn until they conceded. Helps when you save Hex for Sylvanas.

Double Ancestral? So it summons two when you kill it? WutFace.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man

"Wow that's funny glad I can roll again"



I feel like I'm not playing the deck right. I mean I'm winning about 70% of my matches, but I just don't feel like I'm doing it right. What's the basic strategy with the deck? Are you supposed to just go face?

Or maybe my deck needs some work. How's your deck look. Our does anyone have any links to some good builds
It's a "tempo" deck which means you play overstatted minions on curve and trade aggressively. For most match ups you want to hard mulligan for a War Axe or at least Alex Champion + a dragon. You have fast minions that kill something on board the turn you play them like Alex, Corruptors and Korkrons. Once you have established board, start going face to activate Crushers. Then finish it late game with your bombs like Rag, Grommash, Malkorok or big dragon.

Make sure you have enough dragons though. Double Faerie, double Crushers, double Twilight, double Azure Drake are minimum... you probably want one big single dragon like Nefarian or even Deathwing.

I like to run Finley in the deck... both Mage and Warlock hero powers are great.


I've been playing for a year and have never gotten a golden legendary, has blizzard abandoned me?

i've been playing for 4 days and opened a golden Harrison Jones so maybe man, maybe

related: apparently this is a pretty good card but i have half a mind to just disenchant it and make a decent netdeck to play with. how bad of an idea is this?



Anything better than that (cheaper/targeted) and it's going to remove Doomsayer from the game.
A turn 5 "answer" to a minion played on turn 1 is bad. Most of the time it can't even kill some one drops like Mana Wyrm/Trogg/Flame Imp when they are the only minions on board. And when there are more minions on board you might kill a totem and then they will just run over you.

I need something turn 2 to counter a 1 or 2 drop. That's not too much to ask. Doomsayer if countered is back breaking. Not talking about an effect attached to a minion, it can just be a spell.


Not talking about an effect attached to a minion, it can just be a spell.
You're talking about 9 different spells then and they already exist in some form.

I don't want a meta where I have to run several answers to aggro because it's necessary. I'd rather they fix those 1-mana drops or perhaps even give the other classes similar their own power minion (not really).


You're talking about 9 different spells then and they already exist in some form.
Not for Warlock, that was my original point. Every other class except Paladin has an answer to an early drop, Warlock is really lacking and that's why Control Lock decks are kinda struggling right now.

You have Soul Fire but how is trading two cards for a ONE DROP a good answer? Especially in a control list where you might burn a key card in your big hand like a clutch heal or a board clear.


Warlock getting a card would be fine (probably a spell so it doesn't accelerate zoolock further). I was trying to comment on the "small game hunter".
Thinking about putting Ooze in my Hunter deck. I've already removed Knife Juggler since it's just too weak to play on curve and waiting until Turn 5 to combo with Unleash is too late if the opponent has board.

I'm just tired of seeing FWA remove all my 2-drops and even Infested Wolf.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
Yeah I only started playing 2 months ago after standard started.

Was able to complete the quest just playing casual (and running into paladins thank God)


No Druid can get through 6 Earth Elementals.

Yogg says hi.

I once thought I had an unbeatable board with a bunch of deathrattles including sylvannas against druid so I overcommitted. He plays yogg anyway... immediately kills sylvannas then starts casting for me and does evolve (removes deathrattles without triggering) and then enter the Colosseum. My invincible board gone...luckily I still won because he also drew me cards but it was close.


am I being too lucky or the 50/60G quests are becoming much more common? I've been rolling or re rolling a lot into them (I'm totally fine for that)

I can't for another hour, sorry. :( I'm sure someone will add you, greedy buggers. :)

well, I can in one hour, so I can perfectly wait :D
My rag luck... so bad today. I mean, usually pretty bad. But today is astronomical. I miss 2 1/3rd shots in a row. Then I miss a 1/2 shot. Then god forbid yogg helps out. Doesn't of course. In fact, it vanishes bringing him another turn to use c'thun.


Forgot my tablet, and my phone version wasn't updated--tried unsuccessfully to download the update but after my hour lunch it's only 45% done. Stupid slow park wi-fi.

don't worry! I'll keep an eye on the app/PC game to see if I can catch you sometime :p
Here is an example of my luck today. Opponent has 5 minions. I shot 2 random damage missiles. Both hit face. 1/6 x 1/6. 1/12 chance of happening. I somehow ended up winning because eventually the RNG somewhat evened out.


Did they seriously push out a 1.2 gig patch just for these?
We fixed an issue that prevented some players from starting a game
Morgl’s hero power is now correctly animated
Your quests should now display correctly
[Mobile] Performance has been improved for mobile devices and tablets
[Mobile] Those pesky vines that could show up during the mulligan phase have been pruned from Standard icons
[iOS] iPhone SE should now display the correct UI
[Apple] Addressed a crash on iPhone 6 Plus and Mac devices


Super Sleuth
I was thinking of crafting Grommash and ragnaros for a dragon warrior deck, possible patron deck, and to possibly use rag in a tempo mage deck.

Is it a bad idea to craft those right before the new adventure gets announced? They seem super safe for any meta changes.
I just want priest to have something that can deal w/ divine shield and 4 atk minions. That's probably too much to ask though
Especially against C'Thun Druid, which isn't popular, but IMO is underrated.

C'Thun's Chosen

Oh okay, I can handle that with a few resources.

Klaxxi Amber-Weaver.

10 health...do I have to Entomb this?

Druid of the Claw.

I'm out of resources. :-(

Twin Emperor Vek'lor.

I concede.

I was thinking of crafting Grommash and ragnaros for a dragon warrior deck, possible patron deck, and to possibly use rag in a tempo mage deck.

Is it a bad idea to craft those right before the new adventure gets announced? They seem super safe for any meta changes.
Grommash and Ragnaros are safe crafts, but if the new adventure wrecks Warrior somehow, you might regret crafting for a deck that isn't strong anymore. Personally, I would wait.


everytime they patch hearthstone you have to download the entire game. It wasn't like this before, like iirc TGT patch was like 130MB, since after they upgraded to newer unity it got worse.

Their other games use casc data archives and it only downloads the delta, it's only hearthstone that's awful.

I'm wondering if one day the migrate the game to an in house engine. the multi platform benefits of unity aren't exactly there, it runs awful on everything and there are constant complaints about patch sizes on phones.


Lifecoach is so funny. I was watching his stream (muted, because I'm at work). His opponent plays Deathwing. He topdecks Deadly Shot. He takes to whole turn to decide what to do.
I'm playing the list on tempostorm, I see some play deathwing which makes a lot of sense in this deck with low size hand you often have.

And how to play it, it's a tempo deck not face. You need to be playing something every turn pretty much and whenever you can go face. It's really easy to curve out with it, sometimes you don't get a dragon and it gets rough. You only want to save the ghouls for the proper moment.

One thing to consider is that always play your turn with what you can top deck next turn in mind, there are lot of chargers and damage in the deck, you have to see what's your out and play accordingly, face or trade, you could set up lethal a lot of time. Against hunter I'd play extra aggressively, you're not beating highmanes and call of the wild, you have to close the game before then. It's generally worth it to go face to activate the crushers on curve even if you have good trades. Your opponent generally trades for you since you're the aggressor more often, so don't trade your 3/3 into their 3/3 for example.

It's a "tempo" deck which means you play overstatted minions on curve and trade aggressively. For most match ups you want to hard mulligan for a War Axe or at least Alex Champion + a dragon. You have fast minions that kill something on board the turn you play them like Alex, Corruptors and Korkrons. Once you have established board, start going face to activate Crushers. Then finish it late game with your bombs like Rag, Grommash, Malkorok or big dragon.

Make sure you have enough dragons though. Double Faerie, double Crushers, double Twilight, double Azure Drake are minimum... you probably want one big single dragon like Nefarian or even Deathwing.

I like to run Finley in the deck... both Mage and Warlock hero powers are great.
Thanks. This ended up helping me make better choices. I actually thought about adding Finley since I wasn't using the hero power much at all, so now I think I'll definitely do it.


Super Sleuth
I just played a priest that played no minions in ten turns besides an auchenai and two acolytes. Would that have been an otk deck or just a dead deck?


That moment when you just don't give a fuck anymore and start conceding every match cause I got quests to complete and fuck trying to win with any other deck than my mediocre Zoolock deck anywhere else than rank 20. I got to 13, guess that is my life's highscore now.
That moment when you just don't give a fuck anymore and start conceding every match cause I got quests to complete and fuck trying to win with any other deck than my mediocre Zoolock deck anywhere else than rank 20. I got to 13, guess that is my life's highscore now.
If you're gonna do quests, just do casual man. Save yourself.
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