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Blizzard rogue design ideas...

guys let's play bad or soso cards like burgle and huckster to get mostly random junk that have no synergy with the class, then play a pit fighter to reduce the cost of that junk, all while holding onto that junk instead of playing them! It's the dumbest new idea since the bolster warrior, lol.

To get value out of this, you need to draw your huckster or lol burgle and then perfectly curve into this while not playing the cards you got to reduce their cost that might not even be useful in the first place. It's the most inconsistent game plan there has been.

I'm just going to play Emperor T instead that reduces the cost of everything I have everytime, not pitfighter most of the time.


Warriors can do Fierce Monkey, Nefarian/Deathwing/Azure Drake, Sir Finley for Tempo decks (especially Dragon ones).

Fierce Monkey, Alex, Coldlight Seer (the board clear card) for Control decks).

Druids have a bunch of Beast options, Azure Drake and Sir Finley.

More importantly it searches for very specific cards in your deck so decks that use Malygos as win condition could potentially use this.

Seems interesting at least, wouldn't write it off completely.
Curator... dragon paladin. Kodo is an easy choice for beast. Plenty of dragons to draw. And there are a couple of murlocs that would work. Murloc knight, bluegil warrior, corrupted seer (it's a 2 mana 2/3 with consecration-ish attached), sir finley, vilefin inquisitor. I could see that being a decent card. A 4/6 taunt isn't too shabby in itself and paladin does come with card draw issues.

Can't think of another archetype that it might get enough value. Would it be bad if you had a 4/6 taunt that drew 2 cards? Probably not.

Good point on drawing malygos, although those type of decks typically run azure drake as well. Probably not worth it for the slot tbh. Those type of decks are hard pressed for open slots.
Blizzard rogue design ideas...

guys let's play bad or soso cards like burgle and huckster to get mostly random junk that have no synergy with the class, then play a pit fighter to reduce the cost of that junk! It's the dumbest new idea since the bolster warrior, lol.

I'm just going to play Emperor T instead that reduces the cost of everything I have everytime, not pitfighter most of the time.
Until Emperor Thaurassan cycles out. ;-)

Warriors can do Fierce Monkey, Nefarian/Deathwing/Azure Drake, Sir Finley for Tempo decks (especially Dragon ones).

Fierce Monkey, Alex, Coldlight Seer (the board clear card) for Control decks).

Druids have a bunch of Beast options, Azure Drake and Sir Finley.

More importantly it searches for very specific cards in your deck so decks that use Malygos as win condition could potentially use this.

Seems interesting at least, wouldn't write it off completely.
Too bad Freeze Mage doesn't have any worthwhile beasts it uses. Alex/Coldlight are tempting.


I forgot about Kodo, damn Curator looking more and more appealing by the minute. The main thing holding it back is the Murloc condition which most decks only can really use one of 2-3 of.

Too bad Freeze Mage doesn't have any worthwhile beasts it uses. Alex/Coldlight are tempting.
You don't have to use all 3 archetypes, drawing 2 specific cards is fine. It's a 4/6 taunt.


The Curator in freeze mage, draw alex, malygos or coldlight oracle and it's a taunt, it's not terrible. Specially that you need to hit alex as fast you can. don't think you want any beast in freeze mage though still it's interesting to try.
I don't think you even need to hit all three conditions for the card to be good. 7 mana 4/6 with taunt that draws 2 (specific) cards is already pretty nuts.

Also interesting for dragon decks in that it gets you an activator for your dragon cards instantly.


I forgot about Kodo, damn Curator looking more and more appealing by the minute. The main thing holding it back is the Murloc condition which most decks only can really use one of 2-3 of.

You don't have to use all 3 archetypes, drawing 2 specific cards is fine. It's a 4/6 taunt.

I think hitting 2 out of 3 is good enough for a 4/6 taunt in most decks tbh.

Edit: ^
Too bad Freeze Mage doesn't have any worthwhile beasts it uses. Alex/Coldlight are tempting.

It probably doesn't need it to justify getting a guaranteed alex and coldlight oracle or the 2 damage aoe. Drawing 2 cards is probably enough when you can guarantee important cards being drawn.

Plus AOL was a 5/5 and drew 2 cards and was staple.


The main thing holding it back is the Murloc condition which most decks only can really use one of 2-3 of.

That just makes it better. The fewer options, the better the chances of drawing said card. And 2 cards is already value considering you get to (kind of) decide what cards to draw.


You can also draw Jeweled Scarab with it. For classes like Shaman and Mage that's actually legit. With Freeze Mage you could potentially get a 3rd Ice Block LOL!

Though it sounds more like a Reno Mage card than a Freeze Mage card.


Enchanted Raven
I think everyone has already commented on the combo-potential with Mark. It's just good on it's own, really. Contests 2 drops. Druid's issue has always been turns 1-2-3, unless they innervate some shit out.

Kindly Grandmother
I think it's Infested Wolf tier - as in, too slow for Hunter, even with the Beast synergies. Hunter as a class is inherently aggressive and needs to force you to be reactive. Even with Call of the Wild giving them comeback potential, I don't think they can pull a positive win-rate by handing the early game tempo lead to their opponent.

It's a combo card, 100%. You have one of a few minions, with either powerful Deathrattle effects or auras, and getting them out as a 1/1 has a powerful impact. Ragnaros, Sylvannas, Ysera, Tyrion, Highmane, Emperor, Archmage, etc. This card is the hardest to evaluate IMO as it will require a deck to be built around it.

Ethereal Peddler
Emperor ticks are incredibly powerful and twice the effect immediately is very strong... but Rogue doesn't have enough good cards to get other class cards. They basically have Burgle and Huckster. If several more of these cards existed, a steal Rogue might be an interesting niche deck. Unfortunately, all Rogue decks seem to be built around the idea that you OTK your opponent with some spell interaction, so even deck enabling cards like this are pushed aside. Could be good in Arena. 5 mana 5-6 is just good stats and Peddler is an INSANE minion in Arena, so you might get a bonus discount every once in a while.

Ivory Knight
I like it. Paladin doesn't need the heal but the current Control Paladin meta could benefit from a card that gives you a body, a heal and instant card value in one turn. I could see this being a one of. Maybe not.

Firelands Portal
More immediate burst. Can hit face. Probably fits into Reno Mage and maybe Freeze Mage. It's too slow for Tempo. Crazy arena card IMO. The fact that it's a common is pretty silly because we're gonna get hit with like 5 of these every arena run for the next 4 months.

The Curator
You play a card like this to draw a specific card. So, basically, you want a combo deck that only runs one dragon, murloc or beast. Or a combo deck that somehow fits two or three of those together. The fact that it has taunt is a saving grace for this card. Understated, expensive cards that do nothing the turn they're played are horrible in this game and taunt is just annoying enough that it forces aggressive opponents to use SOME resource to remove it. Whether it's trading or using a spell - you aren't juts cedeing 7-8 mana to your opponent and letting them kill you.


Infested Wolf is insane tier given that it's staple 2 of in top Hunter decks.

Barnes even has potential in Tempo Mage. Like if you pull any of Sorcerer's Apprentice, Mana Wyrm, Flamewaker, that 3/2 Spell damage sorc, Azure Drake... all of those cards have great, persistent effects that synergize with the deck.

But we all know it's going to get used in Zoolock instead after Councilman where it pulls an Imp Gang or a Possessed Villager/Argent Squire from the deck.
You can also draw Jeweled Scarab with it. For classes like Shaman and Mage that's actually legit. With Freeze Mage you could potentially get a 3rd Ice Block LOL!

Though it sounds more like a Reno Mage card than a Freeze Mage card.

I think by turn 7 you don't care about a jeweled scarab and that scarab might slow you draws down significantly if it's drawn before turn 7.
Infested Wolf is insane tier given that it's staple 2 of in top Hunter decks.

Barnes even has potential in Tempo Mage. Like if you pull any of Sorcerer's Apprentice, Mana Wyrm, Flamewaker, that 3/2 Spell damage sorc, Azure Drake... all of those cards have great, persistent effects that synergize with the deck.

But we all know it's going to get used in Zoolock instead after Councilman where it pulls an Imp Gang or a Possessed Villager/Argent Squire from the deck.
It could also see use in N'Zoth decks.

I don't think Kindly Grandmother is too slow at all personally. I think it's an immediate replacement for Huge Toad.
No doubt.


Infested Wolf is insane tier given that it's staple 2 of in top Hunter decks.

Well, I'll be the first to admit a lack of familiarity with Hunter (I'd rather shoot myself in the face than play that class on a regular basis), but I thought that card was mostly tech'd out. I see it's a one of in some Midrange decks and the deck I based mine off of dropped it entirely. Tempo Storm lists it as a 2 of still.


I don't think Kindly Grandmother is too slow at all personally. I think it's an immediate replacement for Huge Toad.

I feel like it's too easy to trade favorably with the 1/1 with your 1/2 drop and and use any removal to kill that thing.

If a Hunter can't space in Hero powers or do early damage, I think their only win condition is to hope you can't deal with Call of the Wild.

Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe it's the new Haunted Creeper.


Yeah that Mage card is gonna dominate in Arena. Pretty much everything dies to a 5 damage spell in Arena and then you get to produce a 5 mana body on the board...

It's like a 7 mana Kraken with better stats on the body on average and a superior battle cry. And it's a spell so you could have some spell synergies in the deck.

I see it's a one of in some Midrange decks and the deck I based mine off of dropped it entirely. Tempo Storm lists it as a 2 of still.

Dropped it for what? Every Hunter I see online runs two of it in their deck. Maybe there's some more aggressive Hunter deck that doesn't need to run but the standard Midrange Hunter runs two of them. What else are you going to replace it with?


As an arena-player, fuck you Blizzard. There was no need to make that card a Mage common.

Every. Goddamn. Expansion.

Yup and that's with Mage rates in OG being worse than back in goddamn vanilla

Nice Rogue identity

Still pretty glad I uninstalled this shit, none of these cards do anything for me


If you can build a deck that plays minions with active effects or deathrattles only Barnes could be really cool. It's hard to say how worthwhile the card is to include, it seems really hard to make a it work consistently. I like to play with it in control warrior maybe.

In freeze mage it's interesting but too hard to say if it deserves a card space, the deck is so tight. 1/1 doomsayer or alex isn't any good, 1/1 pain or thalnos is ok, 1/1 emperor is crazy. It's kinda like tuskarr totemic I guess, lol.


There are really only a few ways that card can fuck you.

Summoning Stone and Fel Reaver can be bad. There's a chance you might get a 3/3.

Best case scenarios are Leeroy, Corrupted Healbot, either 5-6, Nexus-Champion, Belcher, Psychotron, Kvaldir Raider. Venture Co.

I'm not even looking at class cards.


If you can build a deck that plays minions with active effects or deathrattles only Barnes could be really cool. It's hard to say how worthwhile the card is to include, it seems really hard to make a it work consistently. I like to play with it in control warrior maybe.

In freeze mage it's interesting but too hard to say if it deserves a card space, the deck is so tight. 1/1 doomsayer or alex isn't any good, 1/1 pain is ok, 1/1 emperor is crazy. It's kinda like tuskarr totemic I guess, lol.
I see it most fitting in Tempo Mage. And of course Nzoth decks but that was the obvious one.

At 4 mana you will always have solid stats but you are likely to get one of these cards:

Mana Wyrm : A 1/1 that grows in attack is nothing to scoff at.
Flamewaker: Enough god damn said.
Sorceror's Apprentice: Can result in immediate tempo.
Cult Sorceror: Immediate Spell Damage
Azure Drake: Immediate Spell damage
Water Elemental: Freeze on attack
Ragnaros: Enough said.

Worst pull is probably Ethereal Conjurer or Yogg if you run that. Man imagine if you run Antonidos or Malygos in that deck.. whew.


Dropped it for what? Every Hunter I see online runs two of it in their deck. Maybe there's some more aggressive Hunter deck that doesn't need to run but the standard Midrange Hunter runs two of them. What else are you going to replace it with?

No, I admit, I think my perception of that card was off.

I don't play Hunter and I don't see it very often. The list I pulled for quest purposes is more aggressive, runs two abusives and two argent squires - and I don't think I've played that class once since the first week when N'Zoth Hunter was a thing.


glad I'm not playing arena anymore lol

Barnes maybe can be crazy good at deathrattle hunter or n'zoth renolock, gotta try it


yeah, in tempo mage it seems good. You probably want to play it when you have mana left for combos with spell power or something else. It's probably not very good on curve but that's ok.


yeah, in tempo mage it seems good. You probably want to play it when you have mana left for combos with spell power or something else. It's probably not very good on curve but that's ok.

Barnes is always good if it pulls anything relevant and in the decks you play him, he will.


Was thinking Barnes is a nice replacement for Ancestor's Call in Malygos Shaman. But then that plan falls apart if it isn't at the bottom of your deck.


What the hell of effect 7 mana 2/4 can pull off?
cast flamestrike? sylvanas with battlecry?

well unless its not collectable


I dont know if I'd run 2 firelands in tempo mage, the risk of drawing them early would be high, but im pretty sure i'd play 1 at least.


Been reading analysis about Barnes (4 mana 3/4 legendary summon a 1/1 random minion from your deck) and it seems like a must-have for any deathrattle Nzoth deck especially Paladin because you also get value from both Ragnaros. Might actually be enough to push it to tier 1.


Been reading analysis about Barnes (4 mana 3/4 legendary summon a 1/1 random minion from your deck) and it seems like a must-have for any deathrattle Nzoth deck especially Paladin because you also get value from both Ragnaros. Might actually be enough to push it to tier 1.

nah they need more efficient removal they had enough value already

deck also had plenty of unwanted scenario for Barnes I think?

Deck contain 2 Aldor, Uldaman, pyromancer, including N'zoth its 7 card


I can't say I find any of the new cards extremely exciting. The Curator and Barnes both seem interesting but they also seem like the kind of cards that might never see play after release. If Ivory Knight couldn't pick secrets then it might be decent but the possibility of getting three garbage spells alongside the poor stat line is too inconsistent. Kindly Grandmother will probably replace Huge Toad in Midrange Hunter, especially with the current state of silence effects. Ethereal Peddler would be better in Priest, doubt it will ever be seen outside of Arena. Enchanted Raven is solid, I always expected they'd print a 1 Mana 2/2 at some point but you'd probably still play Living Roots instead outside of Beast Druid. Firelands Portal is another card I'm not sure on, obviously when you roll Leeroy or Doomguard for lethal that's going to be great but when you're regularly getting a 4/4, is that going to make up for the tempo loss of spending 7 mana for less than a fireball in damage? I don't know if it's consistent enough for constructed play.
As someone who plays burgle rogue decks anyway, I'm really excited to see a card like Ethereal Peddler that synergizes with it. Hoping there might be another card or two in the expansion that works as well, maybe another neutral card like Grand Crusader. It might never be a good (or at all consistent) deck but it's one I really enjoy messing around with. I love Brann+Unearthed Raptoring an Undercity Huckster while Prepping a Burgle tbh.
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