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nah they need more efficient removal they had enough value already

deck also had plenty of unwanted scenario for Barnes I think?

Deck contain 2 Aldor, Uldaman, pyromancer, including N'zoth its 7 card

Worst case is that you just get a 1/1 from it, it doesn't play the card from your deck so you don't actually lose the removal. That worst case is exactly the same as any other deck that would play Barnes except it's much less likely if you're playing a lot of deathrattle minions. There's also Doomsayer but I think more often than not getting a 1/1 Doomsayer out is a good thing, but I guess that means you should play Barnes as the first play.


The problem with Barnes for Paladin is that it's a lot worse against classes with one damage removal. There are still a few favourable results like Tirion and Cairne but a lot of the deathrattles and other effects aren't actually that impactful in the early game when the 1/1 can be easily popped by your opponent while they gain the board early.


The problem with Barnes for Paladin is that it's a lot worse against classes with one damage removal. There are still a few favourable results like Tirion and Cairne but a lot of the deathrattles and other effects aren't actually that impactful in the early game when the 1/1 can be easily popped by your opponent while they gain the board early.
...even the worst case deathrattle minion as something like a Harvest Golem or Loot Hoarder is good value when you're getting a 3/4 body along with it, for only 4 mana. When it has the potential to bring out Cairne, Sylvanas, Tirion, Ragnaroses it becomes as good as Tuskarr Totemic in Standard.


The problem with Barnes for Paladin is that it's a lot worse against classes with one damage removal. There are still a few favourable results like Tirion and Cairne but a lot of the deathrattles and other effects aren't actually that impactful in the early game when the 1/1 can be easily popped by your opponent while they gain the board early.

A 3/4 and a 1/1. That's not even a weak board on turn 4.

Not to mention if any of these scenarios happen:

You get Cairne token
You get Sylvanas effect
You get Rag effect
You get Tirion weapon (which is pretty much GG at turn 4)
You get Infested Tauren token
You get Acolyte of Pain draw

Not to mention that the decks will be adjusted after the adventure hits.


Sigh, another card with heal for Paladin. Don't like the 4/4 stats, but a free spell is nice.
Edit: oh and it's also an expensive costing one again. Hard to fight for that 6 drop spot when you have Sylvanas and Cairne.
so they finally made a 1 mana 2/2. I was already done with this game after that shitshow called whisper of the old gods, and now I know I have no interest in coming back.
I'm pretty sad because I liked the trailer and the style of the new adventure but the cards are garbage like always.


none of these leg is as good as finley, brann, elise, or reno that for sure

you can't expect every adventure to be LOE.

i think that will go down as the best expac/adventure they will probably ever release.

everything about it

except keeper of uldaman fuck that card


Sigh, another card with heal for Paladin. Don't like the 4/4 stats, but a free spell is nice.
Edit: oh and it's also an expensive costing one again. Hard to fight for that 6 drop spot when you have Sylvanas and Cairne.
You could make the argument that it's >6 mana since the discover mechanic might just give you something to play the same turn. You play it on turn 8, pick Holy Light and heal for 12 mana.


so they finally made a 1 mana 2/2. I was already done with this game after that shitshow called whisper of the old gods, and now I know I have no interest in coming back.
I'm pretty sad because I liked the trailer and the style of the new adventure but the cards are garbage like always.

It's a one mana minion with four points worth of stats. The extra value it gets from being a Beast means that it's confined to a single class.

Yeah, Druid gets meaner with this card, but Mana Wyrm, Tunnel Trogg, NSC, and Inquisitor are also one-drops that have four points of stats and do something else.


It's a one mana minion with four points worth of stats. The extra value it gets from being a Beast means that it's confined to a single class.

Yeah, Druid gets meaner with this card, but Mana Wyrm, Tunnel Trogg, NSC, and Inquisitor are also one-drops that have four points of stats and do something else.

a 1-mana 2/2 is not very good in HS. Unless a super aggressive beast-druid emerges from this adventure, I can't see this getting any play. 2-health is just too bad without any added value.


You could make the argument that it's >6 mana since the discover mechanic might just give you something to play the same turn. You play it on turn 8, pick Holy Light and heal for 12 mana.
Would rather just play Lay of Hands then and draw 3 cards from your own deck while getting healed, but that card is also slow as fck. A 4/4 body on 6 just sounds bad with not much of an impact on board.

Also, at 8 mana you could have played a big body with great effects like Tirion or either Rag. :/


Would rather just play Lay of Hands then and draw 3 cards from your own deck while getting healed, but that card is also slow as fck. A 4/4 body on 6 just sounds bad with not much of an impact on board.

Also, at 8 mana you could have played a big body with great effects like Tirion or either Rag. :/

8 mana was just an example. The card is somewhat flexible. The discover spell could be another Anyfin or even Lay on Hands (which I'd cut). And in my theoretical deck I'm also running Curator for that extra card draw. Either way, I'm not seeing it as a strict 6 mana drop.


Would rather just play Lay of Hands then and draw 3 cards from your own deck while getting healed, but that card is also slow as fck. A 4/4 body on 6 just sounds bad with not much of an impact on board.

Also, at 8 mana you could have played a big body with great effects like Tirion or either Rag. :/

4/4 for 6 is pretty weak, but it IS discover. Granted, there are bunch of secrets you could potentially pull, but you could also get Humility, Blessing of Kings, Solemn Vigil, Lay on Hands, Avenging Wrath, Consecration, or whatever.

It's interesting though that your opponent will have an idea of what you grabbed based on the amount of life you heal.

Who knows, it may be too slow, but it sounds like a decent Control Paladin card. Secret Paladin, Cairne, Sylvanas, and Emp are the only really big contenders for that slot.


I did a quick calculation on probability of the most heal you can get from the paladin card, assuming you pick the most expensive spell of course.

heal - chance (%)
10 10.3
8 9.6
6 17.1
5 14.47
4 15.6
3 7.9
2 8.6
1 4.5

it's not bad but it's not a great healer for 6 mana if you're playing it for that prupose. Of course there is going to be one more spell in the set that changes the math but not too much.
and right after that


This was at a point before aggro Shaman existed and where the only overload cards being run were Totem Golem and Lightning Storm. Also take into account this was when Naxx and GvG cards were still seeing play making the average power level of cards significantly higher.


I did a quick calculation on probability of the most heal you can get from the paladin card, assuming you pick the most expensive spell of course.

heal - chance (%)
10 10.3
8 9.6
6 17.1
5 14.47
4 15.6
3 7.9
2 8.6
1 4.5

it's not bad but it's not a great healer for 6 mana if you're playing it for that prupose. Of course there is going to be one more spell in the set that changes the math but not too much.

A decent heal. Not that it's saying much, but he's a better version of Tuskarr Jouster.


The primary purpose of playing the paladin card Ivory Knight is actually for Discovering a spell, the heal is just an extra situational side benefit. It should basically be compared to Ethereal Conjurer.
The primary purpose of playing the paladin card Ivory Knight is actually for Discovering a spell, the heal is just an extra situational side benefit. It should basically be compared to Ethereal Conjurer.

It also fucks over Priests.

Also in before brann + barnes into shadowstop into 4x malygos into sinister strike


is this beginner shaman chtun deck any good ? ive won quite a few games with it but feel like i could swap some cards for better ones... anybody got some suggestions ? i got 1700 dust so i could craft another legendary. dont have rag or sylvannas or other old staple legendarys only dr boom

Go fuck OTK warrior what a fucking joke of a deck how is this shit in the game. Tone fucking warrior down already or actually bring other classes up to its standard.


What could Blizzard do right now to fix Priest? Could any two cards be printed in this adventure that would actually help turn things around for this class?


What could Blizzard do right now to fix Priest? Could any two cards be printed in this adventure that would actually help turn things around for this class?

Pally is a weak class that can turn around with few card (sadly I think one of it already bust)

Priest beyonď few card to be good


None of these cards interest me. They're just more of the same. Tokens? More paladin heal? Comparing these cards to LoE adventure they are really lackluster.
Here's what i think about cards shown so far:

Ivory Knight - Do we really need another Paladin heal tech? Discovering a spell is not bad but Paladin spells are not that good to justify the horrible 4-4 stats.

Kindly Grandmother- Good card if not great. More Deathrattle is good for hunters and this can easily work in a N'zoth- Midrange hunter deck. Yet it's still a very barebones design.

Barnes- I'm kinda on fence about this one. Can work wonders in a all deathrattle minion hunter deck and has potentioal to create mind blowing RNG moments. Will definetely see some play but i don't think it's a very good card. Too situational. Not much better than Herald V.

The Curator- Stats are bad and taunt doesn't help the stats at all. Card draw is always nice but Murloc and beasts for control? Nope.

Etheral Peddler- Steal based tech is not working really well in Rogue so it's not hard to predict this won't too.

Enchanted Raven- It's just a 1 mana 2-2 with a beast tag. Can fit some Beast druid decks but still boring as hell.

Firelands Portal- Yogg-Saron is now even stronger! A decent spell for Tempo mage but the amount of bad 5 mana cards should not bu underestimated, just sayin'.


Unconfirmed Member
Barnes is the only one with potential to create a new deck archetype. The rest are all either good but boring or outright bad. Is this really the best they have to put up front?

Could easily see this turning into TGT, where the meta doesn't really change at all before and after release.


Curator has great potential for deck building. It's easy enough to find dragons and beasts to play in most classes, and that already makes it a better unnerfed Ancient of Lore.


Barnes is the only one with potential to create a new deck archetype. The rest are all either good but boring or outright bad. Is this really the best they have to put up front?

Could easily see this turning into TGT, where the meta doesn't really change at all before and after release.

Did they reveal all the cards somewhere?
Thoughts on Barnes:
So I'm looking at my malygos rogue deck and thinking of what would be good cards for Barnes to copy.

Malygos - It's important to remember this only copies the card, meaning I can leverage that 5 spell power to clear the board with a fan of knives or backstab and not worry about pushing for damage.

auctioneer - Rogue can take advantage of an unexpected auctioneer due to prep and backstab. Pretty sweet.

emperor thaurisan - A free tick, just as good as getting malygos.

tomb pillager - free coin

thalnos - spell power and card draw

azure drake - spell power

xaril - random xaril spell on death

Barnes is the only one with potential to create a new deck archetype. The rest are all either good but boring or outright bad. Is this really the best they have to put up front?

Could easily see this turning into TGT, where the meta doesn't really change at all before and after release.

TGT changed nothing?


Barnes is the only one with potential to create a new deck archetype. The rest are all either good but boring or outright bad. Is this really the best they have to put up front?

Could easily see this turning into TGT, where the meta doesn't really change at all before and after release.

At best Barnes can strengthening already exist archetype, creating new one? nah

not sure from where you came from for this


Barnes is the only one with potential to create a new deck archetype. The rest are all either good but boring or outright bad. Is this really the best they have to put up front?

Could easily see this turning into TGT, where the meta doesn't really change at all before and after release.

Highly unlikely. Adventures tend to change the meta quite a bit. For one, Blizzard seems to make adventure cards slightly more powerful on average than an expansion. Also, the fact that everyone gets all of the cards, including all of the legendaries, means that new decks tend to pop up early and often. Remember all the Reno decks on ladder immediately after LoE?


We haven't seen enough cards yet to be able to tell if this Adventure is an LOE or a TGT... but so far I'm liking what I see.

Interesting, build-around legendaries.

New portal mechanic across 5 cards. Could be cool.

Not happy to see Hunter get an OP early game card (they don't need help grrrr) and I don't like the idea that the long pushed Beast Druid archetype might end up an aggro deck. A 2/2 for 1 that can be immediately buffed? Gross.

The single player missions look fun as hell, too.

On another note, I decided to switch to Token Druid for my morning games, using a list without that POS Yogg card, and gd that deck is broken as hell when you draw well. I bullied a combo warrior and an aggro Shaman, felt good.
Barnes can probably be pretty disgusting with deathrattle decks. And the RNG won't feel great either when you're on the receiving end of a cairne or sylvanas pull. Hell, what if they get deathwing dragonlord, could be GG. I wanna see the highlight reel of someone getting deathwing dragonlord, then using removal to kill it to guarantee 6 dragons dropping on turn 4.


Could The Curator finally make Control Hunter a thing? Pulling Finley, Alex and, say, a Highmane from your deck is preeeeeetty good. Probably not, but I'll still give it a try.


a tirion copy...

that can be a game changer...

I still think the card is too RNG based, so the scope is limited and may be in can ruin the game depending on what it copies


I just want early minions with great stats for Paladin... Just some standalone early playable ones. A lot of Paladin spells suck and are 1 mana and they already got 2 great healing cards last expansion with forbidden healing and light Rag.

The Hunter card is pretty good though. Both the cards got a beast tag. It's like an improved Haunted Creeper!


Unconfirmed Member
Could The Curator finally make Control Hunter a thing? Pulling Finley, Alex and, say, a Highmane from your deck is preeeeeetty good. Probably not, but I'll still give it a try.

That's true. The fact that it's a highly targeted draw maybe a big plus. It also helps that it's not a 100% dead card after you've drawn your targeted cards, like sense demons basically is.


Curator is a big card. Potential to cycle 3 cards, many decks can run beasts and dragons without a negative effect, Murloc might be a problem, but there are 1 or 2 decent ones.

Could The Curator finally make Control Hunter a thing? Pulling Finley, Alex and, say, a Highmane from your deck is preeeeeetty good. Probably not, but I'll still give it a try.

Only problem is that it's a legendary, so it will be less likely that you even draw the Curator, but yes, it's some needed card cycle for Hunter.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
The worst card shown is probably Ethereal Peddler and even that passes the vanilla test.

One thing people aren't realizing about Ivory Knight is that it also gives more consistency for Paladin to get a board clear. Equality, Consecration, and Enter the Coliseum are all solid options here.
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